Changelog for
nvme-cli-1.2-16.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Apr 15 14:00:00 2019 Simon Schricker
- Update nvme_error_log_test to fix regression (bsc#1128538)
+ 0033-nvme-cli-tests-remove-nsid-parameter-in-a-testcase-o.patch
Fri Apr 12 14:00:00 2019 Simon Schricker
- Add to allow stopping the parameterized
services (bsc#1127076). Also change the service type so udevd
doesn\'t have to wait for the termination of the service process.
+ 0102-Change-service-to-type-simple.patch
Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2019
- Rediff with upstream commit IDs:
* 0001-fabrics-add-option-to-override-drivers-queue-depth.patch
* 0002-fabrics-add-option-to-override-drivers-queue-depth-a.patch
* 0003-nvme-cli-show-more-fields-for-id-ctrl.patch
* 0004-nvme-cli-id-ctrl-display-additional-fields.patch
* 0005-nvme-cli-add-ns-descs-subcommand.patch
* 0006-fabrics-add-hostid-option-to-connect-command.patch
* 0007-nvme-cli-fix-connecting-failure-due-to-invalid-uuid-format.patch
* 0008-nvme-cli-generate-spec-compliant-uuid-nqns.patch
* 0009-fabrics-also-set-queue_size-and-nr_io_queues-on-conn.patch
* 0010-nvme-cli-Get-Feature-support-for-Extended-Host-Id.patch
* 0011-fabrics-Fix-disconnect_by_device-from-disconnecting-.patch
* 0012-nvme-cli-return-0-if-disconnect-operation-with-cfg.nqn.patch
* 0013-nvme-cli-fabrics-add-ctrl-loss-tmo-param-to-connect-cmd.patch
* 0014-nvme-cli-list-ns-fix-identifying-active-or.patch
* 0015-nvme-cli-fix-nvme-ns-desc.patch
* 0016-nvme-cli-add-NetApp-plugin.patch
* 0017-nvme-cli-add-netapp-smdevices-man-page.patch
* 0018-Documentation-add-manpage-entry-for-connect-s-ctrl-l.patch
* 0019-fabrics-add-option-to-supply-keep-alive-timeout-for.patch
* 0020-fabrics-add-ctrl-loss-tmo-to-connect-all.patch
- nvme-cli: add fields into identify controller data structure (bsc#1076004)
+ 0021-nvme-cli-add-fields-into-identify-controller-data-st.patch
- Increase default format timeout (bsc#1076004)
+ 0022-Increase-default-format-timeout.patch
- nvme-cli: resync nvme.h with the kernel\'s (bsc#1076004)
+ 0023-nvme-cli-resync-nvme.h-with-the-kernel-s.patch
- nvme-cli: replace values of all namespaces with NVME_NSID_ALL (bsc#1076004)
+ 0024-nvme-cli-replace-values-of-all-namespaces-with-NVME_.patch
- nvme/vendor: Add get log LSP/LSO fields from 1.3 spec (bsc#1076004)
+ 0025-nvme-vendor-Add-get-log-LSP-LSO-fields-from-1.3-spec.patch
- nvme-cli: Implement nvme_get_log13 (bsc#1076004)
+ 0026-nvme-cli-Implement-nvme_get_log13.patch
- nvme-cli: Remove unnecessary nsid field in error-log (bsc#1076004)
+ 0027-nvme-cli-Remove-unnecessary-nsid-field-in-error-log.patch
- nvme-cli: add support of RAE (bsc#1076004)
+ 0028-nvme-cli-add-support-of-RAE.patch
- nvme-discover: Retry discovery log if the generation counter changes (bsc#1076004)
+ 0029-nvme-discover-Retry-discovery-log-if-the-generation-.patch
- nvme-ioctl: retrieve log pages in 4k chunks (bsc#1076004)
+ 0030-nvme-ioctl-retrieve-log-pages-in-4k-chunks.patch
- nvme-discover: Re-check generation counter after log page transfer (bsc#1076004)
+ 0031-nvme-discover-Re-check-generation-counter-after-log-.patch
- nvme-cli: Add \'rae\' argument to nvme_get_log() (bsc#1076004)
+ 0032-nvme-cli-Add-rae-argument-to-nvme_get_log.patch
- nvme_fc auto-connect scripts (bsc#1044189)
+ 0100-nvme_fc-auto-connect-scripts.patch
- Remove patch:
- add-missing-nvme_id_crtl-fileds.patch
Tue May 29 14:00:00 2018
- Add ctrl-loss-tmo option to connect-all command (bsc#1084379)
+ 0020-fabrics-add-ctrl-loss-tmo-to-connect-all.patch
Wed May 2 14:00:00 2018
- Add keep-alive-tmo option to connect-all command (bsc#1090568)
+ 0019-fabrics-add-option-to-supply-keep-alive-timeout-for.patch
Tue Apr 10 14:00:00 2018
- Add Documentatiosn for connect\'s -l switch (bsc#1088706)
+ 0018-Documentation-add-manpage-entry-for-connect-s-ctrl-l.patch
Tue Apr 10 14:00:00 2018
- Fix building of NetApp vendor plugin (bsc#1080672)
Tue Feb 13 13:00:00 2018
- Add NetApp vendor plugin (bsc#1080672)
+ 0001-nvme-cli-add-NetApp-plugin.patch
+ 0002-nvme-cli-add-netapp-smdevices-man-page.patch
Fri Feb 9 13:00:00 2018
- Fix \"nvme ns-desc\" command (bsc#1076127)
+ 0015-nvme-cli-fix-nvme-ns-desc.patch
Fri Feb 9 13:00:00 2018
- fix identifying active or allocated namespaces list (bsc#1076113)
+ 0014-nvme-cli-list-ns-fix-identifying-active-or.patch
Tue Jan 30 13:00:00 2018
- Add ability to specify controller loss timeout when connecting (bsc#1078032)
+ 0013-nvme-cli-fabrics-add-ctrl-loss-tmo-param-to-connect-cmd.patch
Thu Jan 18 13:00:00 2018
- Return 0 if disconnect command is successful (bsc#1076417)
+ 0012-nvme-cli-return-0-if-disconnect-operation-with-cfg.nqn.patch
Tue Jan 9 13:00:00 2018
- Discard \'/dev/\' prefix when disconnecting (bsc#1058538)
+ 0011-fabrics-Fix-disconnect_by_device-from-disconnecting-.patch
Tue Nov 21 13:00:00 2017
- Decode KATO feature in nvme get-feature (bsc#1065430)
+ 0010-nvme-cli-Get-Feature-support-for-Extended-Host-Id.patch
Tue Oct 17 14:00:00 2017
- allow override queue depth and nr io queues on connect-all (bsc#1063462)
+ 0009-fabrics-also-set-queue_size-and-nr_io_queues-on-conn.patch
Thu Sep 7 14:00:00 2017
- Generate Spec compliant UUID NQNs (bsc#1057498)
+ 0008-nvme-cli-generate-spec-compliant-uuid-nqns.patch
Thu Aug 31 14:00:00 2017
- Fix hostid parsing (bsc#1049272)
+ 0007-nvme-cli-fix-connecting-failure-due-to-invalid-uuid-format.patch
Fri Jun 30 14:00:00 2017
- Add hostid option to connect command (bsc#1045293)
+ 0006-fabrics-add-hostid-option-to-connect-command.patch
Mon Jun 26 14:00:00 2017
- Create nvme files and directories in /etc/nvme (bsc#1045931 )
Mon Jun 26 14:00:00 2017
- Provide nvme ns-descs subcommand (bsc#1038235)
+ 0005-nvme-cli-add-ns-descs-subcommand.patch
Fri Jun 16 14:00:00 2017
- Also re-build documentation on each build (bsc#1037297)
Wed Jun 14 14:00:00 2017
- Add NVMe over Fabrics specific id-ctrl fields (bsc#1037293)
+ add-missing-nvme_id_crtl-fileds.patch
+ 0003-nvme-cli-show-more-fields-for-id-ctrl.patch
+ 0004-nvme-cli-id-ctrl-display-additional-fields.patch
Fri May 12 14:00:00 2017
- Add possibility to change queue depth at connect time (bsc#1037297)
+ 0001-fabrics-add-option-to-override-drivers-queue-depth.patch
+ 0002-fabrics-add-option-to-override-drivers-queue-depth-a.patch
Mon Apr 24 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version v1.2 (FATE#322735 ,bsc#1033410):
* Include endian.h for byte/host order functions
* nvme-cli: Add nvme hostnqn generation option
* nvme.spec/debian: Auto generate host nqn as part of install
* Documentation: Add entry for gen-hostnqn
* Regenerate Documentation
* Fix read/write man pages
* get-features: Don\'t try to read the data buffer for sel == 3
* Documentation: fix location of device reset
* Regen documentation
* Remove debian/ directory
* Remove pyc files generated by \'make test\'
* Moving the bash completion files to the standard
* lightnvm: default to -1 on lun begin and end
* nvme-cli: fabrics: Fix to pass \"host_traddr\" to the kernel driver.
* nvme-cli: id-ctrl: Fix memory leak for JSON.
* nvme-cli: id-ns: Fix memory leak for JSON.
* nvme-cli: error-log: Fix memory leak for JSON.
* nvme-cli: resv-report: Fix memory leak.
* nvme-cli: smart-log: Fix memory leak for JSON.
* nvme-cli: fw-log: Fix memory leak for JSON.
* nvme-cli: json_add_smart_log(): Fix memory leak for JSON.
* nvme-cli: smart-log: Allow negative values for temp sensors.
* Don\'t print unimplemented sensor
* Build without uuid
* get-ns-id: Exit when no device provided.
* nvme-cli: id-ctrl: Add vendor fields in JSON id-ctrl.
* nvme-cli: nvme.c: Allow plug-ins to access to output formats and helper.
* nvme-cli: Western Digital/HGST plug-in.
* nvme-cli: Western Digital/HGST plug-in documentation.
* : Correct NVMF enum values to match NVMe-oF rev 1.0
* fabrics: Handle space-padded TRSVCID and TRADDR fields
* nvme-cli: bug-fix: use right file name for perror.
* move show_intel_smart_log to intel-nvme.c
* remove json_add_smart_log
* remove nvme_intel_smart_log
* move struct nvme_additional_smart_log to intel-nvme.c
* nvme-cli/format: use existing LBAF if none requested
* nvme-cli: Release v1.2
Thu Mar 2 13:00:00 2017
- Update to upstream release v1.1 (FATE#322735)
* This fixes multiple compiler warnings for 32-bit and other environments
from v1.0, adds more documentation to fabrics, removes the libudev
dependency entirely from this project, adds a framework for unit testing
devices, and fixes usage for user defined install paths
Thu Sep 15 14:00:00 2016
- Update to upstream release v0.9
- Remove merged remove-version-from-list.patch
* New extensions, fabrics support, a bug fixes. The \'list\' command
is liberated from its udev dependency, and no longer requires
Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2016
- Don\'t map controller registers in \'list\' command (boo#986891)
+ remove-version-from-list.patch
Tue Aug 9 14:00:00 2016
- Update to upstream release v0.8
- Remove merged patch 0001-bash-completion-Remove-shebang-line.patch
* Code re-organized to support new extensions. While these are called
\"plugins\", they currently have to be built into the executable. Support
for dynamically loadable plugins is under consideration.
* LightNVM is added as a built-in plugin.
* Intel vendor specific commands and structure decodings are supported
in a new intel plugin.
* Support for NVMe-over-Fabrics
* New output format \"json\" for a subset of commands that decode returned
* Lots of various documentation and minor code fixes.
Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2016
- Update to upstream release v0.7
+ 0001-bash-completion-Remove-shebang-line.patch
Keith writes:
Just a few minor updates and documentation fixes. There is also a new
option for passthrough commands that can be used to help detect data
over/under run.
Tagging a stable release so we can consider features that bring in other
transports and third party extensions.
Wed Apr 13 14:00:00 2016
- Exclude build on s390x (FATE#319560)
Fri Mar 18 13:00:00 2016
- Update to upstream release v0.5
The v0.4 breakage should all be resolved now. Tagging release
v0.5, and back to stability.
Wed Mar 2 13:00:00 2016
- Update to upstream release v0.4
Mon Feb 15 13:00:00 2016
- Fix display of version number (boo#966740)
Thu Feb 11 13:00:00 2016
- Initial packaging for openSUSE