Changelog for qmail-1.03-25.90rph.i586.rpm :
Sat Sep 20 04:00:00 2003 Vincent Danen 1.03-25.90rph - support for 9.2 - use a sub-release now to indicate what platform we\'re built for - remove support for 7.x and 8.x (sorry folks); this makes it easier to maintain
Fri Aug 15 04:00:00 2003 Vincent Danen 1.03-24rph - defaultdelivery now contains ./Maildir/ (re: Shekhar Joshi) - run qmail-tcpok when executing doqueue (re: Shekhar Joshi) - don\'t enable any RBL by default (re: Mark Watts)
Tue Mar 18 03:00:00 2003 Vincent Danen 1.03-23rph - liberal application of %{build_91} macros where required - three new macros: %{rootcmd}, %{useradd}, and %{groupadd}; only used during the building phase. This will allow you to use sudo or an equivalent program to call useradd/groupadd as root during the build and cleanup phases only (this is suitable if you want to build as non-root but have root privs on your system and can give yourself sudo access)
Mon Mar 10 03:00:00 2003 Paul Cox 1.03-22rph - Patch101: fix errno build error for 9.1 - edited Source5 (qmail-install.sh) to comment out cat1, cat5, cat7, and cat8 stuff; was not listed in files list so rpm was barfing at the end of building when checking for installed but not used files
Thu Dec 5 03:00:00 2002 Vincent Danen 1.03-21rph - remove build_xx macros; ripped some auto-detection from the samba specs so if you build on a 9.0 system, it will build for 9.0 automatically, etc. - make P100 an optional patch as well (--build msglog); no more .qmail-msglog unless you ask for it - automatic generation of tls certs wasn\'t working in %post for some reason; fixed - throw a %_post_service qmail in %post because otherwise we have to manually restart qmail after upgrade - change softlimit to 3200000 all across the board, should yield better performance - add rblsmtpd support to qmail-smtpd by default; see /var/qmail/control/blacklists and /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run; defaults to bl.spamcop.net (anti-UCE support) - add -R to all tcpserver calls (do not attempt to obtain $TCPREMOTEINFO), which will help speed up services coming from hosts without identd info available (misconfigured firewalls, etc.) - this spec is becoming entirely too unmanageable =)
Fri Aug 16 04:00:00 2002 Vincent Danen 1.03-20rph - P100 modifies extra.h to allow logging every message via ~alias/.qmail-msglog. Thanks to Adrian Stanciu for pointing out that the .qmail-msglog file does nothing without enabling QUEUE_EXTRA. - add the concurrencyincoming control file (only used in smtpd/run) to control the number of incoming SMTP connections; default is 20 - make starting and stopping qmail during upgrades quieter and hopefully less finicky with service starting zombies - make pop3d %preun and %postun stop/start qmail just like qmqpd so service doesn\'t freak out - rewrite parts of the initscript to make it more uniform with the other system initscripts - add the concurrencyqmqp file (only used in qmqpd/run) to control the number of incoming QMQP connections; default is 20 - you should now be able to build the rpm as non-root provided the qmail users already exist on the system (implies 8.1/8.2 or qmail already installed) FINALLY! - add /var/qmail/man to MANPATH on install; remove it on uninstall - remove /var/qmail/man/cat * from packages
Sat Aug 10 04:00:00 2002 Vincent Danen 1.03-19rph - build_90 macro for building for cooker/9.0+; unfortunately we can\'t use the %_pre_useradd macro yet because we need to specify a group and the macro can\'t handle it, so we do things exactly the same as we did for 7.2 - build_8x macro for building 8.1/8.2 since the default is now to build for 9.0 - new TLS patch (20020801)
Wed Jun 12 04:00:00 2002 Vincent Danen 1.03-18rph - Changes from Alexander Skwar : - Add yet another build option: nocrammd5. If also smtpauth is specified, it will build qmail without CRAM-MD5 support. Furthermore, cmd5checkpw will not be Require:\'d - NOTE: Currently you cannot build qmail with TLS and smtp-auth. You also cannot build with both TLS and LDAP. - YABO: --with dietlibc; this will build qmail against dietlibc - updated qmail package description - only unarchive the smtp-auth source if we are building --with smtpauth - smtp-auth patch v0.31 - use newer tls patch (20020526) - force the spec to undefine TLS support if either LDAP or smtp-auth are defined (since you can\'t build those combinations anyway) - make changes to /etc/cron.hourly/qmail to make it more vpopmail friendly; it will no longer overwrite the assign file but will append new entries to it that are found on the system (thanks to Sebastien ) - finally fix nested %if\'s
Tue Apr 16 04:00:00 2002 Vincent Danen 1.03-17rph - create a qmail-pop3d subpackage to provide POP3 support - move QMQP/QMTP-related binaries and manpages into qmail-qmqpd package - use $PASSPROG in /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d/run to better accomodate checkpassword or checkvpw (for use with vmailmgr) - modify /etc/cron.hourly/qmail to work a little nicer with NIS/LDAP based systems (use getent passwd instead of reading /etc/passwd directly as some users may be missing this way)... this lets us have the ability to use qmail on systems using LDAP authentication for the base system (should work with NIS also) - have initscript silently try to kill all qmail services before starting just in case (re: tlyonsAATTmandrakesoft.com) - use new rph extension
Wed Dec 12 03:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-16mdk - fix bad placement for concurrency limits... conf-spawn defaults to 120, it is /var/qmail/control/concurrency{local,remote} that controls the number of simultaneous deliveries; set this to 90 for remote and 20 for local (defaults are 20 and 10 respectively) - new option: --with ldap; builds qmail ldap support (thanks Todd) - modify supervise/qmail-smtpd/run so that you can easily change $SMTPD to use a replacement for qmail-smtpd (ie. reisersmtpd, which uses lmail-smtpd) - NOTE: you cannot use the LDAP patch with the TLS patch and, it looks like, the smtpd-auth patch. If you want LDAP support, you can\'t have the security features like TLS and smtp-auth (right now, anyways) - initscript sources functions (re: Yura Gusev)
Wed Dec 12 03:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-15mdk - include /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-qmtpd for QMTP daemon in qmqpd package - update initscript for QMTP support - install empty /var/qmail/control/qmqpservers config file - make the concurrency limit a little higher since this must be used on pentium+ systems (now 90 instead of 20). - include qmail-smtpd-auth 0.30 patch
Sat Dec 1 03:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-14mdk - by default we build for 8.1; no need to use \"--with 8.1\" - add RPMOPTIONS to README.RPM (to see what --with definitions are used in the build) - new option: --with qmailqueue; this will apply the qmailqueue patch from Bruce Guenter - new file, README.patches with info on the patches that can be applied during a rebuild - new option: --with tls; this will apply the qmail TLS patch from Frederik Vermeulen - new option: --with linksync; this is to sync metadata for ReiserFS from Frank Denis - (this spec is getting *really * ugly now... aaargh)
Fri Sep 28 04:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-13mdk - new package with support for 8.1 (--with-8.1) that does not add any users at build or install
Sat Sep 8 04:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-12mdk - macros to determine what we build for: --with-8.0 for 8.0+ or --with-7.2 for 7.2; we do this because 8.0+ have qmail users defined by default
Sun Apr 15 04:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-11mdk - added README.RPM which describes build environment
Mon Feb 26 03:00:00 2001 Vincent Danen 1.03-10mdk - added qmail-qmqp sub-package which provides support for qmqp - rewrote initscript to compile tcp rules for qmqp and pop3 if they exist - added conditional statements to initscript so it does not croak if pop3 support is removed
Sun Dec 31 03:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-9mdk - install now builds tcprules files; previous version didn\'t which prevented qmail from starting automatically - include /var/qmail/supervise/pop3d in directory list with proper permissions so supervise can run the logger as well
Sun Oct 29 03:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-8mdk - more macros - no longer create a qmail-source package - call qmail-pop3d from supervise, not inetd - created supervise scripts (source files), removed the auto-generation from the spec file (this is cleaner) - fix bad routine for creating users during build (clean would remove the users whether we added them during build or not) - removed /usr/man/{man1,man5,man7,man8} from the file list (we don\'t own them) - removed symlinks for manpages. a better solution would be to add another MANPATH statement to /etc/man.config to point to /var/qmail/man
Mon Aug 7 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-7mdk - echo localhost to control/locals so qmail delivers mail locally by default - include qmail-install.sh, a custom qmail installer for building this RPM (since we can\'t patch the installer) - use semaphores in _tmppath to determine if we added qmail users/groups during install, and if we did, remove them on clean - add call to bin/qmail-tcpok to generate a proper queue/lock/tcpok file - call /etc/cron.hourly/qmail in post to initialize userbase - fix bad manpage symlinks
Thu Aug 3 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-6mdk - remove /var/qmail/users{include,exclude} as they interfere with proper delivery - fix cron.hourly/qmail - fix sendmail symlinks
Mon Jul 31 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-5mdk - force attr on every single file, for owner/group and perms - more macros
Thu Jul 20 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-4mdk - added entries in /etc/skel for maildir support - manual bzip manpages since they are in non-standard location
Wed Jul 19 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-3mdk - fix more permissions so logging will work properly
Tue Jul 18 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-2mdk - fix /etc/cron.hourly/qmail - /etc/tcprules.d/ was excluded, now it\'s included properly - fix symlinks for sendmail - left out defaultdelivery by accident - fix bad homedir for user alias (was /etc/qmail/alias, should be /var/qmail/alias) - fix /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail so chkconfig recognizes it properly
Tue Jul 18 04:00:00 2000 Vincent Danen 1.03-1mdk - first mandrake spec, based on specs from Geoffrey Lee and Bruce Guenter - many enhancements, follows Life with Qmail install process