Changelog for
imlib2-loader_jpeg-1.0.5-2.i686.rpm :
Wed Mar 6 11:00:00 2002 Peter Hanecak
- .bz2 source archiv
Mon Jan 8 11:00:00 2001 The Rasterman
- Fix Requires & BuildRequires for freetype.
Sat Sep 30 12:00:00 2000 Lyle Kempler
- Bring back building imlib2 as root via for the lazy (me)
- Some minor changes
Sat Sep 30 12:00:00 2000 Joakim Bodin
- Linux-Mandrake:ise the spec file
Tue Sep 12 12:00:00 2000 The Rasterman
- Redo spec file
Wed Aug 30 12:00:00 2000 Lyle Kempler
- Include imlib2-config
Sat May 20 12:00:00 2000 Lyle Kempler
- Fixed problems with requiring imlib2_view
- Went back to imlib2_view (not imlib2-view)
Tue Nov 2 11:00:00 1999 Lyle Kempler
- Mangled imlib 1.9.8 imlib spec file into imlib2 spec file