Changelog for
di-debuginfo-4.31-4.5.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Nov 21 13:00:00 2011
- update to 4.31:
* filesystems that would return a \'Permission Denied\' no longer generate an
error message and are no longer displayed, even with the -a option
* bugfixes include fixing the totals for pooled (zfs) filesystems when the
main pool is not mounted and a rare divide by 0 condition
Fri Oct 14 14:00:00 2011
- update to 4.30:
* support for long commandline options was added
Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2011
- update to 4.29
- rewrote spec file to comply with nowadays\' style guide and
good practices
- moved to utilities on build.o.o
Sun Jan 2 13:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <4.27>
* Rearranged directory structure.
* Added support for long double to hold zettas and yottas.
* Added support for the windows digital mars c compiler.
* Added a fix for windows removable drives.
* Rewrote snprintf macros as they didn\'t work on MacOSX.
* Fixed quotactl argument for systems w/o QCMD macro.
* Check for type of structure members and call the correct xdr function.
* Many minor fixes for compiler warnings.
* Fixed Makefiles to redirect \'cd\' output (CDPATH).
* Updated build system to mkconfig 1.11.
Mon Jul 26 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <4.26>
* Fix FreeBSD 5 panic when trying to get quotas on devfs.
* Updated build system to mkconfig-1.10.
Mon Jul 5 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <4.25>
* Added support for quotas.
* Fix for Tru64 advfs pools.
* Fixed loopback filesystem (lofs/none) exclusion; enabled for
all systems.
* Added an optional DI_LOCALE_DIR environment variable to
point to the locale directory where di\'s messages are installed.
* Changed the sort to use strcoll() rather than strcmp().
* Updated build system to mkconfig-1.6.
* Removed, & and updated
to use new build system tools.
* Added dioptions.dat to control options.
* More fixes for totals in a pooled/non-pooled mix when pooled
filesystems are not displayed.
Sat May 15 14:00:00 2010
- initial build for PackMan <4.24>