Changelog for
qmmp-debugsource-0.7.3-51.4.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Oct 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.7.3
* added window size and position saving to the projectm plugin
* disabled unsupported settings in the statusicon plugin under Windows
* fixed warnings about invalid parent thread
* fixed race condition
* fixed ReplayGain support in the flac plugin
* fixed parsing of the track/disc number with separator
* fixed tooltip in the status icon plugin under Windows
* fixed \'show tooltip\' option in the status icon plugin
* removed unused variables
Wed Aug 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.7.2
* fixed queue update bug
* fixed track length formatting
* fixed api documentation
* fixed gcc warnings
* fixed memory leaks
* fixed wildmidi config path
* fixed playlist autosave feature
* fixed possible segmentation fault
* fixed title format update bug
* removed unimplemented function
Fri May 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.7.1
* improved jack plugin (24/32-bit samples and freebsd support)
* excluded mime types of disabled plugins in the mpris interface
* fixed windows support in the gme plugin
* fixed shortcut editor dialog
* fixed api documentation
* fixed parsing of the icy packet size
* fixed possible freezes
* fixed Spanish translation (thanks to Gustavo Alvarez)
* fixed and improved qmake support (Ryota Shimamoto)
* fixed pkg-config support
* fixed several ui bugs
* fixed scrobbler regressions
Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- Only suggesting instead of recomending mplayer plugin as mplayer is not in
factory yet
Mon Apr 15 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.7.0:
* added udisks2 plugin
* added opus plugin
* added track change plugin
* added tracks copy/paste plugin
* added x-content/audio-cdda content type
* added 24/32-bit equalizer
* added unity integration
* added user interface language option
* added playlists auto-save feature
* added unified URL dialog
* added playlists downloading support to the command line parser
* added volume control support to the waveout plugin
* added wildmidi configuration file auto-search
* added sorting by file creation date
* added automatic 16-bit audio converter
* added pause handling to the scrobbler plugin
* enabled UTF-8 by default for cue files and shoutcast metadata
* enabled more formats by default in the ffmpeg plugin
* improved analyzer plugin (variable size, fullscreen mode, etc)
* improved registration
* improved configuration dialog
* removed QtXML dependence from the scrobbler plugin
* disabled udisks plugin by default
Thu Mar 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.6.8
* fixed bugs in the mpris plugin
* fixed segmentation fault when running without output plugins
* updated Japanese translation (Ryota Shimamo)
Thu Feb 21 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.6.7
* added lubuntu integration
* improved rtl locales support
* fixed latest paranoia support
* fixed libav 0.8.x support
* fixed \'enter\' hotkey in the playlist browser
* fixed 24-bit mode support in the src plugin
* fixed compiler warnings
Fri Jan 11 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.6.6
* added support for http redirect to the url dialog
* added ffmpeg 1.1 support
* fixed 24/32-bit mode support in the src plugin
* fixed seeking when using oss4 as output
* fixed streaming support in the ffmpeg plugin
* fixed build without qt3support headers (thanks to Dmitry Smolin)
* fixed playlist titlebar cursor
* fixed mpris2 support
* fixed typos
* updated Hebrew translation (Genghis Khan)
- Disable OSS/OSS4 output support
Sun Dec 9 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.5
* added latest psi/psi+ support
* added Hebrew translation (Genghis Khan)
* increased default mms/http buffer size
* fixed shortcut dialogs
* fixed segmentation fault caused by http transport
* fixed file type determination by content
* fixed division line position in the playlist
* fixed some bugs in the WaveOut plugin
* updated Japanese translation (Ryota Shimamoto)
* updated Russian translation
* updated flac mime-type (Christian Morales Vega)
- Drop qmmp-0.6.4-flac_mimetype.patch. Applied upstream.
Thu Dec 6 13:00:00 2012
- Add qmmp-0.6.4-flac_mimetype.patch to use the correct MIME type
to report support for FLAC files
Sun Nov 4 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.4
* using UTF-8 encoding for shoutcast metadata by default
* fixed visualization menu update after changing settings
* fixed skinned user interface settings
* fixed analyzer falloff speeds
* fixed skinned user interface visualization switching
* fixed playlist titlebar resize bug
* fixed color selection widget
* fixed possible crash in the transport plugins
* fixed Russian translation
* updated Japanese translation (Ryota Shimamoto)
Wed Aug 22 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.3
* fixed typo in the about dialog
* fixed FSF address
* fixed cmake scripts
* fixed filters of the directory scanner
* fixed crash in the playlist popup message
* updated Lithuanian translation (Algirdas Butkus)
- Removed qmmp-0.5.5-libcdio_mess.patch, fixed upstream
Sat Aug 4 14:00:00 2012
- Make qmmp require at least an input, output and ui plugin
Mon Jul 30 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.2
* fixed crash in the http plugin
* fixed possible crash in the cue parser
Mon Jul 23 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.1
* added icons to the file dialog buttons
* fixed icecast streams titles
* fixed build
* fixed default output under windows
* fixed api documentation
* fixed possible segmentation fault in the cue plugin
* fixed cue parsing
* fixed automatic charset detection
* fixed Ukrainian translation (Gennadi Motsyo)
* fixed Russian translation
Sat Jun 30 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.0
* added converter plugin
* added stream browser plugin
* added file type determination by content (experimental)
* added \'--quit\' command line option
* added text scroller background option
* added playlists separator option
* added multiband equalizer api
* added equalizer presets from Amarok (Thanks to Panagiotis Papadopoulos)
* added playlits access from command line
* added dithering to MPEG plugin
* added priority support to decoder api
* added user interface api
* added default destination and file name pattern to fileops plugin
* added additional directory filters
* added feature to add files from command line to specific playlist
* added pkg-config support
* added vqf support
* added feature to display shoutcast stream information
* added \'jump to track\' and \'forward/rewind\' global hotkeys
* added \'New Playlist\' button
* added sorting by disc number (Brice Videau)
* added feature to use clipboard content in the URL dialog (Panagiotis Papadopoulos)
* added scrobbler cache synchronization after successful submission (Ferdinand Vesely)
* changed playlist insertion behavior
* disabled OSS3 plugin by default
* improved cue plugin
* moved skinned ui to separate plugin
* fixed \'hide on close\' feature
* fixed moc warnings during compilation
* fixed IPC under windows
* fixed windows-specific bugs
* fixed problems with some asynchronous calls
* fixed qmmp_cue.desktop
* fixed saving playlists on logout
* updated about dialog
* updated Russian translation
* updated Ukrainian translation (Gennadi Motsyo)
* updated Japanese translation (Ryota Shimamoto)
* updated Polish translation (Grzegorz Gibas)
* updated German translation (Panagiotis Papadopoulos)
* updated Dutch translation (Ronald Uitermark)
Thu May 31 14:00:00 2012
- Disable HAL plugin build
- Disable OSS plugin build
- Use PulseAudio by default instead of ALSA
Sun May 27 14:00:00 2012
- Fix build with ffmpeg 0.11
Sat May 26 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.5.5
* added latest libcdio support
* fixed Russian translation
* fixed acc streams support
* fixed aac bitrate calculation
* fixed scrobbler failure when using Qt 4.8
* fixed some cuesheets parsing
* fixed --pause command line option behavior
* updated Japanese translation
- Add missing %desktop_database_post and %icon_theme_cache_post
- Remove obsoleted %suse_update_desktop_file calls
- Add qmmp-0.5.5-libcdio_mess.patch to fix build with git version
of libcdio
Mon Sep 6 14:00:00 2010
- New package. Version 0.4.2