Changelog for
sox-14.4.1-41.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Sep 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 14.4.1
o Fix pipe file-type detection regression
o MAUD write fixes
o Fix crash when seeking within a FLAC file
o Fix Ogg Vorbis files with certain numbers of channels being
o Fix reading 64-bit float WAVs
o Fix potential buffer overrun when writing FLAC files directly via
o Check whether pulseaudio is available before choosing it as
o Restore 8 seconds default for spectrogram, if the input length is
not known
o Set output length for splice to unknown instead of 0
o Increase maximum width for spectrograms
o Fix memory leaks in LADSPA effect
o Fix hang in several effects (rate, tempo, and those based on
dft_filter) when processing long files
o Prevent (m)compand from tampering with their arguments
o Fix input length calculation for combine methods other than
o Fix to to work with Autoconf 2.69
- Rebase sox-14.4.0-ocloexec.patch
Thu Feb 7 13:00:00 2013
- sox-14.4.0-ocloexec.patch: edited, config.h must be included
_everywhere_ and GNU_SOURCE defined so O_CLOEXEC is available
for all targets.
Sat Nov 17 13:00:00 2012
- Disable OSS support, alsa and pulse are enough for us now.
Sat Apr 14 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 14.4.0
o Add floating point encodings in AIFF-C files.
o Pad WAV data chunks to an even number of bytes.
o Made Pulse Audio driver the default driver.
o Lots of improvements to man pages.
o New upsample, hilbert, and downsample effects.
o Fix fading bugs.
o Enable --plot on biquad and fir effects.
o Now effects chain can be unlimitted length.
o Fix newfile/restart effects when merging or mixing files.
o Fix crash in compand and mcompand effect.
o Improved audio length calculations when using effects.
o New trim effect with enhanced capabilities.
o Improved large file support.
o MP2 write support.
- Split librarires to follow SLPP
- Optionally enable twolame support
- Use pkgconfig() style BuildRequires
- Update ocloexec patch to apply to the new version
- Remove audioio.h/sunaudio support
- Remove unneeded ncurses BuildRequire
- Remove patches not needed anymore (sox-14.3.2-new_ffmpeg.patch,
sox-14.3.1-undefined.patch and sox-14.3.1-aliasing.patch)
Sun Nov 27 13:00:00 2011
- fix build on < 12.1 by not applying the O_CLOEXEC patch there as it is not in
the glibc
- fix build on >= 12.1 by adding ncurses-devel to the BuildRequires
Fri Nov 18 13:00:00 2011
- libsox: Use O_CLOEXEC where needed, this is specially important
in library code and even more here as threading is used.
Mon Jun 27 14:00:00 2011
- remove _service file, way too fragile (see sr#74395)
Wed Jun 22 14:00:00 2011
- make it support new ffmpeg versions
- remove buildstamp without modifying the output
- use opencore-amr for AMR support
Tue Mar 1 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 14.3.2
o Seek support for MP3 files.
o Fix WavPack header bugs.
o Fix length error in 24-bit RIFF files.
o Add default channel mapping to 24-bit RIFF files.
o Fix ffmpeg crashes on some CPU\'s.
o Read wider range of WAV files with chunks embedded.
o Fix incorrect MP3 length determination with some VBR files with initial silence.
o Enable LADSPA support by default on all platforms if libltdl exists.
o Allow now legend on spectrogram.
o Fix -w option on stat effect.
o Support specifying absolute end position instead of offset from beginning of trim operation.
Tue Sep 21 14:00:00 2010
- Add libmagic support
- Added sox-14.3.1-undefined.patch and sox-14.3.1-aliasing.patch
- Run spec-cleaner and general cleanup
- Fix MP3 support linking directly against needed libraries
- Fix License tag
Tue Apr 13 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 14.3.1, remove sox-14.2.0-vorbis.patch due to
vorbis1.h no longer existing. Fix sox-no_buildstamp.patch.
- LibSoX interface changes:
o Added new variants of sox_open to allow read/write from/to memory
buffers (in POSIX 2008 environment); see example5.c. (robs)
- File formats:
o New Grandstream ring-tone (gsrt) format. (robs)
o CVSD encode/decode speed-ups. (Kimberly Rockwell, P. Chaintreuil)
o Fix failed writing 24-bit PAF files (and possibly other libsndfile
based formats). (cbagwell)
o Allow libsndfile to be dlopen()\'ed at runtime if --enable-dl-sndfile
is used. (Doug Cook)
o Allow amr-nb/amr-wb to be dlopen()\'ed at runtime if
- -enable-dl-amrwb or --enable-dl-amrnb is used. (Doug Cook)
o amrnb and amrwb formats can optionally use opencore-amr libraries.
- Audio device drivers:
o Add 32-bit support to ALSA driver. (Pavel Hofman)
- Effects:
o Fix [2254919] silence doesn\'t trim digital silence correctly. (robs)
o Fix [2859842] stats effect crashes on 64-bit arch. (Ulrich Klauer)
- Other new features:
o Added libSoX example #4: concatenating audio files. (robs)
o Show soxi version & usage information when no args given. (robs)
- Other bug fixes:
o Fix build so that grouped files (e.g. play -r 6k \"
*.vox\" plays all
at 6k) works. (robs)
o Fix build to support auto file type detection with pipes on FreeBSD
and elsewhere. (Dan Nelson)
o Fix simultaneous play & rec not working. (robs)
o Fix missing documentation for -R (repeatable), and pulseaudio driver.
o Fix memory leak of format private data. (Slawomir Testowy)
- Internal improvements:
o Move bit-rot detection support files to sub-directory (could
previously cause build problems). (robs)
o Added utilities to help any format handler dlopen() external
libraries at run time instead of link time. (Doug Cook)
Sun Dec 13 13:00:00 2009
- Remove buildstamp to help build-compare
Thu Jun 25 14:00:00 2009
- made ffmpeg, mad, lame, amrwb and amrnb support build conditional
- enable PulseAudio support
Mon Jun 22 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 14.3.0
* LibSoX interface changes:
o sox_format_init() has been supeseded by sox_init().
o Removed obsolete error codes (SOX_E...); new sox_strerror()
function to convert error codes to text.
o Use of sox_effect_options() is now mandatory when initialising an
effect (see example0.c for an example of this).
o sox_flow_effects() has a new (3rd) parameter: a void pointer
`client_data\' that is passed as a new (2nd) parameter to the flow
callback function. client_data may be NULL.
* File formats:
o Slight improvement to A-law/u-law conversion accuracy: round LSB
instead of truncating. (robs)
o Fix length in wav header with multi-channel output to pipe. (robs)
o Fix [2028181] w64 float format incompatibility. (Tim Munro)
o Fix reading AIFF files with pad bytes in COMT chunks. (Joe Holt)
o Fix AIFF file length bug to stop reading trash data on files that
have extra chunks at end of file. (Joe Holt)
o Fix file length being 4 bytes short for AIFF sowt CD tracks. (Joe Holt)
o Fix [2404566] segfault when converting from MS ADPCM wav file. (robs)
o Fix slight FLAC seek inaccuracy e.g. when using `trim\' effect. (robs)
o Fix mp3 decode sometimes being up to a block short. (robs)
o Fix not outputing GSM-in-wav when input is GSM-in-wav. (robs)
* Audio device drivers:
o New native OpenBSD audio handler for play/recording. (Alexandre Ratchov)
o 24-bit support for ALSA handler. (robs)
o Warn if ALSA under/overrun. (robs)
* Effects:
o New `stats\' effect; multichannel audio statistics. (robs)
o New `sinc\' FFT filter effect; replacement for `filter\'. (robs)
o New `fir\' filter effect using external coefficients/file. (robs)
o New `biquad\' filter effect using external coefficients. (robs)
o New `overdrive\' effect. (robs)
o New `vad\' Voice Activity Detector effect. (robs)
o `synth\' enhancements: can now set common parameters for multiple
channels, new `pluck\' and `tpdf\' types, `scientific\' note
notation, [2778142] just intonation. (robs)
o New multi-channel support and revised sizing options for `spectrogram\'.
N.B. revised options are not directly backwards compatible -- see the
man page for details of the new syntax. (robs)
o Richer gain/normalise options. (robs)
o [2704442] Slight change to `riaa\' gain: now norm\'d to 0dB AATT 1k
(previously 19.9dB AATT DC). (Glenn Davis)
o Fix [2487589] `dither\' clipping detection & handling. (robs)
o Fix `repeat\' sometimes stopping repeating too soon. (robs)
o Fix `repeat\' sometimes repeating wrong audio segments. (robs)
o Fix [2332343] \'silence\' segfault with certain lengths. (cbagwell)
o Fix `silence\' empty output file with A-law input. (robs)
o Fix temporary file problems in Windows (cygwin) with normalise and
other effects. (robs)
o Fix [2779041] spectrogram PNG file is invalid on Windows. (robs)
o Fix [2787587] `trim x 0\' should produce zero length audio. (robs)
o Parallel effects channel processing on some hyper-threading/mult-core
architectures. New `--single-threaded\' option to disable this. (robs)
* Other new features:
o Added ability to create shared DLL\'s on cygwin (cbagwell)
o New `--guard\' & `--norm\' options; use temporary files to guard against
clipping for many, but not currently all, effects. (robs)
o New `--ignore-length\' option to ignore length in input file header (for
simple encodings & for mp3); instead, read to end of file. (robs)
o New `--temp DIRECTORY\' option. (robs)
o New `--play-rate-arg ARG\' option. (robs)
o New SOX_OPTS environment variable; can be used to provide default
values for above and other options. (robs)
o Grouped files, e.g. play -r 6k \"
*.vox\" plays all at 6k. (robs)
o Automatically `dither\'; new `--no-dither\' option to disable this. (robs)
o Can now use `v\' & `V\' keys to adjust volume whilst playing audio (on some
systems). (robs)
o New bitrate, time in seconds, & total options for soxi; bitrate
and file-size display for sox. (robs)
o `Magic\' (libmagic) file type detection now selected using `--magic\'
option (where supported).
o [2003121] In many cases, no longer need to specify -t when inputing
audio from a `pipe\'. (robs)
o Support more Shoutcast URL variants. (robs)
o Added libSoX example #3: playing audio. (robs)
* Other bug fixes:
o Fix [2262177] SoX build could fail with parse /etc/issue error. (robs)
o Fix \"no handler for detected file type `application/octet-stream;
charset=binary\'\" with raw files when using libmagic. (robs)
* Internal improvements:
o Rationalise use of and make repeatable across different platforms
pseudo random number generators. (robs)
o Rationalise effects\' options interface (getopt compatible). (robs)
o Added stub headers to allow test compilation of all sources on
linux. (robs)