Changelog for gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-debugsource-0.10.19-14.1.i586.rpm :
Thu May 31 14:00:00 2012
- add patch to fix build with new libcdio
- readd libcdio to build

Tue May 29 14:00:00 2012
- Removed libcdio from build

Thu Mar 1 13:00:00 2012
- Fix build with opencore-amr 0.1.3

Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 0.10.19:
+ a52dec: don\'t claim to support upstream renegotiation
+ dvddemux: tweak subtitle stream setup based on dvd language
codes event
+ dvdreadsrc:
- fix off by one in cell calculation for the last chapter
- fix sector search for packed titles; fix sector seeking
- map subtitle language tag to stream indicated in PGC data
- take into account first sector of the current title
+ lame, lamemp3enc:
- ensure parsed output (most muxers need framed mp3 as input)
- post CODEC and BITRATE tags
+ mad: remove id3tag dependency used by in practice unreachable
legacy code
+ mpeg2dec:
- don\'t treat non-fatal errors as fatal and fix spurious
failure to decode some files
- post QoS messages when dropping a frame due to QoS
+ rtpasfdepay: avoid re-sending header; fix fragmented packet
handling and packet padding
+ twolame: improve output framing and timestamping
+ x264enc:
- allow renegotiation but prefer current caps
- negotiate profile, level and output stream-format from
downstream caps where appropriate
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#391543, bgo#429476, bgo#644233, bgo#653473,
bgo#655223, bgo#658297, bgo#659252, bgo#660562, bgo#662964,
bgo#664175, bgo#665101.
- Update (and to deal with xz tarballs.
- Add explicit glib2-devel BuildRequires so it can be versioned.
- Add xz BuildRequires on openSUSE <= 12.1, to be able to
decompress the xz tarball.
- Remove libid3tag-devel: dependency is gone upstream.

Sat Oct 15 14:00:00 2011
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable

Wed May 11 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.10.18:
+ amrwbdec: avoid stalling on invalid frame
+ asfpacket: don\'t rely on data from duration extension
+ dvdsubdec:
- Implement clipping if the video size is smaller than the
subpicture size
- Output only a single buffer per subpicture and set the
correct duration
+ lamemp3enc: implement sinkpad get_caps() function to proxy rate
and channels restrictions from downstream
+ mad: build the mad plugin even if libid3tag is not available
+ mpeg2dec:
- do not fail fatally when downstream is unlinked
- don\'t deadlock when setting an index
+ mpegstream: increase allowable gap between streams
+ x264enc:
- allow changing the bitrate and quantitizers dynamically
- don\'t register flags with a value of 0
- implement getcaps function to proxy downstream caps
restrictions upstream
- make tag event writable before modifying tag list in place
- set max bitrate in quality mode
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#539708, bgo#607698, bgo#619136, bgo#621663,
bgo#639291, bgo#639715, bgo#640272, bgo#641151, bgo#642360,
bgo#644704, bgo#647709.

Sun Apr 24 14:00:00 2011
- Add 32bit compatibility libraries
- Removed test for obsolete openSUSE version

Tue Feb 1 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.10.16 see NEWS in documentation directory for
All news since 0.10.16
- Upstream fixes and improvements :

* asfdemux: Handle new type of DRM\'d asf files

* dvdreadsrc: fix handling of multi-angle streams

* dvdreadsrc: improve error messages on read errors

* mad: if gst_pad_alloc_buffer() returns a buffer with the wrong
size allocate a new one

* mad: support reverse playback

* mpeg2dec: convert the position to stream time before answering
to a position query

* mpeg2dec: fix position query by trusting upstream

* mpeg2dec: refactor cropping code to use libgstvideo functions

* mpeg2dec: use gst_pad_alloc_buffer() when cropping buffers

* mpegparse: re-fix flow return handling

* rmdemux: set GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT properly

* x264enc: add a note to the docs about encoder latency and queues

* x264enc: also accept YV12 input

* x264enc: Handle codec/encoder tags

* x264enc: Work around a rate control issue in libx264

* x264: use pkg-config to locate libx264

* x264: vbv-buf-capacity should have a minimum of 0

* xingmux: Don\'t ignore WRONG_STATE and NOT_LINKED when pushing
data downstream

* 539254 : [dvdreadsrc] DVDs with multiple angles switch angles
during read

* 571146 : mpeg2dec: possibly uses wrong strides for 4:2:2 and
4:4:4 YUV with unusual display width or height

* 599515 : Fix dvb for DVB API 3.3

* 621465 : [x264enc] Video codec information copied incorrectly to

* 632549 : [mpeg2dec] answers to position queries are wrong for DVDs

* 632861 : [x264enc] really bad quality with tune=zerolatency

* 634840 : x264: use pkg-config to locate dependencies for plugin

* 635291 : x264enc: \" vbv-buf-capacity \" property should have
minimum value of 0

* 635461 : Crash in mad decoder when changing number of audio
output channels in Totem while media is running

* 636107 : x264enc: docs should indicate specifics of using with

* 637093 : rmdemux: set GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT properly

* 637932 : realmedia: do not use the pad buffer allocation
functions in demuxers

* 639226 : [asfdemux] Doesn\'t handle new PlayReady DRM files

Sun Jan 16 13:00:00 2011
- Remove buildrequire on pyxml and add instead one on python-xml,
changelog of package with date 2008-03-21 contains:
\"Don\'t depend on PyXML and use only XML modules that are shipped
with python.\"

Fri Sep 3 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.10.16:
+ liboil is no longer required, but orc is now required
+ asfdemux:
- fix playback of files or streams that are shorter than the
advertised preroll value
- fix sending eos event for chained asfs in pull mode (exotic)
- fix playback of files or streams that advertise miniscule
preroll values
+ lamemp3enc: implement latency query
+ rmdemux: fix playback of sipro audio streams
+ x264enc:
- refactor code in preparation for presets/tunings
- add \"profile\" property (and default to MAIN profile)
- improve defaults: medium speed/quality preset; auto mode for
- add \"speed-preset\", \"tune\" and \"psy-tune\" properties
- add \"option-string\" property to specify advanced parameters
- set time base if needed, fixes visual artifacts
- add \"sliced-threads\", \"sync-lookahead\", \"intra-refresh\",
\"mb-tree\", and \"rc-lookahead\" properties
- fix compilation against ancient x264 versions
(X264_BUILD <= 75)
- speed up first pass of multi-pass encoding (has no impact on
- fix flushing of delayed frames with new default settings
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#599718, bgo#600412, bgo#607798, bgo#618896,
bgo#620007, bgo#620344, bgo#622407, bgo#624786, bgo#625557,
bgo#626577, bgo#627946
- Remove liboil-devel BuildRequires and add orc-devel instead.
- Rebase gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-patched.patch.

Tue Aug 31 14:00:00 2010
- Recommend instead of require lang package since it\'s not mandatory.

Wed Aug 25 14:00:00 2010
- Cleanup latest changes.
- Change gstreamer010 Enhances to gstreamer-0_10.

Fri Aug 20 14:00:00 2010
- Remove Valgrind BuildRequires since we are not running the
- Remove unneeded BuildRequires: sgml-skel, xorg-x11-devel.
- For BUILD_ORIG, add Buildrequires: libtwolame-devel.
- For BUILD_ORIG, rename Buildrequires: a52dec-devel to
liba52-devel, amrnb-devel to libopencore-amr-devel, lame to
libmp3lame-devel, x264-devel to libx264-devel, mad-devel to
- Make build verbose to help post-build checks.
- Run spec-cleaner.
- Pass --disable-static to configure.
- Take ideas from Packman: use --with-package-name and
- -with-package-origin in configure, make it easy to disable
experimental plugins.

Thu Aug 12 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.10.15:
+ amrnbenc: give element a rank (SECONDARY) so it\'s autoplugged
+ rmdemux: descramble sipro audio before pushing out
+ x264enc:
- fix up codec_data / avcC header construction some more
- Put pixel-aspect-ratio from input into the src pad caps
+ bgo#612995: x264enc: pixel-aspect-ratio does not appear in src
pad caps
+ bgo#613815: A call in gst/realmedia/rmutils.c discards
qualifiers from pointer target type
+ bgo#615410: x264 orders NALs differently than x264enc expects
+ bgo#617078: Wrong include paths in amr elements
+ bgo#619776: [x264enc] is unable to do Baseline with recent
+ bgo#618098: [rmdemux] Add descrambling for Sipro codec
- Rebase gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-patched.patch.

Mon Mar 8 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.10.14:
+ Features of this release:
- amrwbdec: give decoder a rank so decodebin/playbin will use
- asfdemux: fix flow aggregation
- asfdemux: try harder to put sane timestamps and durations on
- asfdemux: accept fragments in a continued packet where the
subsequent fragments declare a size of 0
- asfdemux: improve seek behaviour for audio-only files without
an index
- asfdemux: careful to avoid crash on bogus data; avoid
strlen() on NULL pointers
- asfdemux: add support for chained asfs (push mode)
- asfdemux: map WM/TrackNumber to GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER and
prefer over WM/Track
- asfdemux: post bitrate tags
- mp3parse: seeking fixes: fix non-flushing seek, conserve stop
time for non-accurate seek
- rtspreal: memory leak fixes; make config header construction
valgrind clean
- rmdemux: fix AC-3 in RealAudio playback; post bitrate tags
- x264enc: fix up avcC header construction and playback by
flash players
- x264enc: Make upstream GstForceKeyUnit thread-safe
- x264enc: make use of Access Unit delimiters configurable
- x264enc: adapt to slightly modified x264 API
- xingmux: fix unaligned memory access, makes things work
better on ARM/SPARC
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#606662, bgo#563276, bgo#586464, bgo#598761,
bgo#599095, bgo#599297, bgo#599299, bgo#599333, bgo#599676,
bgo#600037, bgo#601419, bgo#602280, bgo#602556, bgo#603695,
bgo#608564, bgo#610432, bgo#611473, bgo#608533, bgo#610089

Thu Mar 4 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 0.10.13:
+ Improve A52 decoder
+ Add AMR-WB decoder and AMR-NB decoder/encoder based on OpenCore
+ ASF playback improvements
+ Improve mp3 parser and seeking
+ Bugs fixed:
- bgo#519721: [asfdemux] wma tags are not copied when
converting to another format
- bgo#584890: AMR plugins based on Opencore codecs
- bgo#585956: [mp3parse] indexing improvements
- bgo#590432: It\'s only possible to build the mad plugin when
building id3tag as well
- bgo#591348: AMR plugins should check for opencore-amr .pc
- bgo#592787: a52dec: Allow liba52 to use djbfft based IMDCT
- bgo#596517: x264 element no longer compiles against changed
upstream API
- bgo#598272: a52dec leaks input buffers
- bgo#598370: Properly detect pre-releases

Mon Oct 26 13:00:00 2009
- Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).

Wed Aug 12 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.10.11:

* Real and WMS RTSP improvements

* Other cleanups and bug fixes

* Improve ASF file handling

* Large MPEG video file support

* Interlacing support for MPEG video

* New \'lamemp3dec\' mp3 encoder element

* x264enc moved from -bad

* Remove id3mux in favour of the new id3tag element in -bad

* Bugs fixed: bgo#401173, bgo#494528, bgo#574461, bgo#576305,
bgo#579058, bgo#580803, bgo#580869, bgo#581341, bgo#581756,
bgo#582056, bgo#582375, bgo#583112, bgo#573720, bgo#581464,

Thu Apr 30 14:00:00 2009
- Don\'t call autogen in older products and modify patch to work.

Mon Mar 23 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.10.11:
+ Migrate twolame element from -bad
+ mp3parse improvements
+ Support scaling in the synaesthsia visualisation
+ Improve realmedia streaming, supporting RDT and pnm://
+ Improved ASF demuxing, including streaming-mode seeking
+ Support for 4:4:4 MPEG-2 video
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#571146, bgo#574461, bgo#454228, bgo#522699,
bgo#527112, bgo#556714, bgo#560348, bgo#562065, bgo#562086,
bgo#564885, bgo#568836, bgo#569317, bgo#575068, bgo#335067,
- Drop gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-enable-incomplete.patch: we
stopped applying it since resindvd from -bad should be better.
- Drop gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-dvdnav.patch since we don\'t build
- Use makeinstall.
- Respin gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-patched.patch.