Changelog for
get_iplayer-2.82-1.39.noarch.rpm :
Sun Jun 3 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to version 2.82:
- Update to 2.81 was superceeded.
- Updates from version 2.8.1:
+ Match web pvr version with main script on release.
+ Removed obsolete update warnings.
+ Web PVR: fix update URL.
+ Added --tag-cnid option.
+ Update --versions description in man page.
+ Web PVR: accommodate IE9 standards mode.
+ Adjusted bit rate threshold for HD streams.
+ Don\'t force --future with --pvr-queue.
+ Podcast plugin: increased index number range.
+ Allow PID in lieu of search terms for --pvr-add.
+ Ensure that loop always receives an array even if only one
+ Update --versions help text and error message for signed-only
+ Update handling of live channel URLs.
+ Remove BBC 7 from schedule listings only.
+ Restore BBC 7 to channel lists.
+ Update Channel Lists.
+ Note in man page/help screen that --search=.
* may still be
+ Web PVR: Allow Search = .
* with additional advanced search
+ Note \'best\' alias for recording mode in man page/help screen.
+ Web PVR: Prevent adding search = .
* to pvr list.
+ Prevent missing search term(s) from recording all available
+ Fix spelling errors.
+ Web PVR: Remove \"iphone\" from default mode lists.
+ Remove \"iphone\" from \"best\" mode alias and man page/help
+ Fix incorrect population of programme data from in-memory
+ Update man page with new options.
+ added --tagonly option to re-apply the tags to matching
downloaded programmes. Also can be used with --history to
re-tag matching programmes that are no longer available.
+ Added --no-tag option.
+ Windows installer: update config for AtomicParsley.
+ Improve CSS to work with Internet Explorer. Fix programme type
list to show Live BBC Radio and remove ITV.
+ Fixed programme schedule parsing with --refresh-future.
+ Escape double quotes in parameters for Windows tagging
+ Fixes for UTF-8 metadata.
+ Added support for parsing Brand->Clip in rdf data. Needed for
some BBC pids.
Thu Mar 1 13:00:00 2012
- Update to latest git release:
+ Update --versions help text and error message for signed-only
+ Update handling of live channel URLs.
+ Remove BBC 7 from schedule listings only.
+ Restore BBC 7 to channel lists.
+ Update Channel Lists.
+ Note in man page/help screen that --search=.
* may still be
+ Web PVR: Allow Search = .
* with additional advanced search
+ Note \'best\' alias for recording mode in man page/help screen.
+ Web PVR: Prevent adding search = .
* to pvr list.
+ Prevent missing search term(s) from recording all available
+ Fix spelling errors.
+ Web PVR: Remove \"iphone\" from default mode lists.
+ Remove \"iphone\" from \"best\" mode alias and man page/help
+ Fix incorrect population of programme data from in-memory
+ Update man page with new options.
+ added --tagonly option to re-apply the tags to matching
downloaded programmes. Also can be used with --history to
re-tag matching programmes that are no longer available.
+ Fixed programme schedule parsing with --refresh-future.
+ Fixes for UTF-8 metadata
+ Added support for parsing Brand->Clip in rdf data. Needed for
some BBC pids.
+ Various updates and fixes for Windows.
Tue Aug 30 14:00:00 2011
- Updated to version 2.80:
+ Don\'t attempt to update plugins if packagemanager is set.
+ Makefile now updates version number in web page.
+ Fixed creation of symlink to latest version.
+ Improve documentation of PVR options.
+ Removed ID3 tagging for AAC audio files.
+ Automatically update date in manpage when it changes.
+ Update authors section in manual pages.
+ Record contributors when releasing a new version.
Sun Aug 7 14:00:00 2011
- Updated to git version 3b26288 to fix various issues:
+ fixed regression as this broke the path used by get_iplayer
for update.
+ Add Radio 4 Extra.
+ Output AAC as M4A for iTunes with metadata tags.
+ Add --aactomp3 option to force transcoding AAC to MP3.
+ Use File::Spec->rel2abs to sanitise output directory.
+ Ensure safe 32-bit date if timegm() fails.
+ Ensure output file extension changes with download mode.
+ Typo fixes.
+ Fix broken flashhd downloads.
+ Use File::Spec functions for programme/thumbnail file paths.
+ New tagging implementation.
+ Option to mux video as MKV instead of MP4.
+ Revamped --showoptions and search options initialisation.
+ Ensure that for loops always receive array even if only one
+ Handle embedded param name in Akamai auth token.
+ Add MP3 VBR option for AAC transcoding.
- Update spec file Licence field from GPLv3 to GPL-3.0 to conform
with identifier.
Tue Jan 18 13:00:00 2011
- Aditional fix to fillup
Tue Jan 18 13:00:00 2011
- Fix fillup of sysconfig file
Sun Jan 16 13:00:00 2011
- Add in pvr
Sat Jan 15 13:00:00 2011
- Initial build