Changelog for xboard-debuginfo-4.9.1-4.1.i586.rpm :
Sun Aug 7 14:00:00 2016
- xboard 4.9.1:

* Fix crash when logging out from ICS

* Defer book faking input move until ping balance

* Fix setting up btm positions with \'edit\'

* Fix bare King adjudication

* Fix check testing in games without King

* Fix disambiguating Pawn moves in Xiangqi

* Fix King leaving Palace in Xiangqi

* Fix compile error Xaw build

Sun May 22 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 4.9.0
(see )
New features in this release:

* Running EPD test suites

* Getting instant help (XB)

* Editing castling rights in a position

* Use mouse wheel to set up position (XB)

* Allow engine to pop up its settings dialog

* Specifying ultra-fast games (XB)

* Installing board themes from packages (XB)

* Using a single-button mouse

* A special directory for start positions

* Allow terminal-less ICS play (XB)

* Sound warnings in analysis mode

* Changing fonts through the GUI (XB)

* Automatic adapting of fonts to board size (XB)

* Instant preview of the board theme (XB)

* Editing theme list or ICS text menu (XB)
New variant support:

* New piece types

* Allowing more than 26 piece types

* More flexible piece promotion

* Restricting promotion choice

* New configurable move types

* Inscribing pieces with text

* Setting rules from the command line

* Allow inaccessible squares

* Load Shogi games in .kif format
Fixed bugs:

* Fix crash on using Game List Tags dialog when Game List
was not up.

* Fix Browse buttons in Tournament Options dialog.

* Fix file-type drop-down in Xaw file-selector dialog.

* Fix crash on pasting garbage FEN.

* Fix crash on loading empty PGN file.

* Fix hanging on non-existent texture file (XB).

* Fix spurious copying instead of moving in Edit Position

* Do not delay showing book changes while editing book.

* Fix spurious clearing of Engine Output panes when PV

* Fix remembering tourney file and (WB) ticking of auto-step
boxes in Tournament Options dialog when using Continue Later.

* Ignore Continue Later button in Tournament Options when
match in progress.

* Fix closing of Error popup from Tournament Options dialog.

* Prevent popup of Time Control dialog during game in XBoard.

* Improve horizontal sizing of menu bar by better clipping
of the menu names.

* Fix date measurement in -addMaster option.

* Wait for engine when switching to Edit Game mode when
first engine is thinking.

* Fix defaulting of second engine to first when UCI flag or
directory specified (XB).

* Cosmetic

* Print mate scores in #N format also in message field.

* Fix sorting of #N mate scores in Engine Output window
(where smaller N is better).

* Show moves as SAN in Edit Book window.

* Display exclusion header in Engine Output window only for
engines that support move exclusion.

* Gray-out Machine Match menu when match already scheduled
for termination.

* Update user logo when username is changed.

* Prevent old logos from remaining (partially) visible when
new one does not exist or has deviant format.

* Use result mentioned in game to reconstruct missing PGN
Result tag, rather than considering it \'unfinished\'.

* Fix highlight clearing in Edit Position mode.

* Fix highlighting of last move after rejection of premove.

* Improve pointing of highlight arrow and its erasure.

* Fix thick border around saved diagrams (WB).

* Ignore grabbing / selecting opponent pieces in Analyze

* GTK build

* Provide OK and Cancel buttons in top-level windows (that
want them) for GTK build.

* Fix periodic updates during analysis for GTK build.

* Fix highlighting text in Engine Output and Move History
windows GTK build.

* Repair flashing of moved piece in GTK build (flaky!).

* Allow default context menu to appear on \'off-target\'
right-clicks in GTK build.

* Define mnemonic keys for items on menu bar.

* Remember last browsed folder per file type rather than
globally in GTK build.

* OSX App

* Save settings on quitting through menu in OSX App.

* Fix behavior on case-sensitive OS X file systems.

* Fix creation of spurious XBoard instances on OS X.

* ICS and zippy mode

* Fix crashing of Xaw build in ICS-zippy mode when opponent
kibitzes and chat window is open.

* Fix spurious undo at start of ICS game in zippy mode
immediately after previous game was resigned.

* Fix width of secondary board (for ICS background observe)
in the GTK build.

* Logout from ICS after engine failure in zippy mode.

* Prevent bell character from being printed in ICS Console

* Variants

* Fix behavior of engine-defined castling moves w.r.t. board
holes and King rank.

* Fix e.p. capture of triply-pushed Pawns.

* Fix accepting illegal drops with legality testing off.

* Fix higlight-induced promotions (moves to squares marked
purple by the engine).

* Fix sweep-promotion problems (black Pawns in Shogi,
up-clicks in from-square, spurious promotion popups).

* Fix spurious promotion suffix on drop moves parsed after a
promotion move.

* Fix sending of spurious \'lift\' command to engine on
deselecting a piece.

* Fix parsing of SAN moves for pieces with redefined moves
when legality testing is off.

* Fix pasting FENs that start with an inaccessible square.

* The GUI book code can now handle up to 48 (unpromoted)
piece types, and boards up to 256 squares.

* Allow promotion choice in variant ASEAN (to support the
corresponding rule change).

* Fix bare-king adjudication correction for Atomic, where a
bare King beats an exploded one.

* Fix pasting of moves immediately after starting from
position file.

* Reset old piece redefinitions when loading new game.

* Fix setting of piece virginity from reading PGN.

* Fix variant switching triggered by engine load.
- Updated xboard.keyring from

Mon Nov 3 13:00:00 2014
- xboard 4.8.0:
(see )

* New features in this release

* Resuming saved unfinished games

* Setting up positions more easily

* Bitbase adjudication

* Showing tablebase hits

* A new ICS window

* Recalling board themes (XBoard)

* Playing moves by clicking them

* Fonts in the XBoard GTK build

* Using the mousewheel (XBoard)

* Displaying a blunder graph

* Slicing up a PGN database

* Auto-install of engines

* New variant support

* ASEAN Chess

* Chu Shogi

* Mighty Lion

* Highlighting squares on engine command

* Let the engine finish a user move

* Non-standard variant names

* Fischer castling in any variant

* Knowing the moves of unknown pieces

* Fixed bugs

* Fix crash on using some Browse buttons in dialogs of the GTK

* Fix buffer overflow in PGN parser, when all lines end in

* Fix crash on specifying non-existent board texture.

* Prevent crash on double-click in XB Game List Tags dialog.

* Fix the auto-display comment control in the General Options
dialog of WinBoard, which was ignored.

* Fix adjusting clocks by clicking them in Xaw build.

* Fix zooming of Evaluation Graph XB with mousewheel, which was
not working at all.

* Fix sticky-windows feature WB for Windows 8, where it did not
work at all.

* WinBoard\'s seek graph is now sized to also cover any board rim.

* Key bindings XB for non menu items are no longer ignored.

* Set castling rights correctly after loading of game file from
command line.

* Allow castling and e.p. moves to be edited into opening book
(and prevent their disappearance from it).

* The sorting of engine output was made more robust against
engines that send thinking output on fail lows.

* Fix node-count display, which was clipped to 32 bits.

* Suppress board-size oscillations in GTK build.

* Fixed detection of screen size in GTK. (This is a mixed
blessing, as now it picks the largest possible window size, and
in GTK interactive down-sizing is not possible.)

* Fix mode highlighting after refusal of Two Machines mode because
2nd engine did not support variant.

* Blow up textures that are too small.

* Ignore invalid color specs in stead of treating them as black
(important because Cairo does not understand old xpm color

* Prevent XB and WB from becoming unresponsive during lengthy
tasks such as book building.

* Fix slowdown of WB during loading of huge PGN files due to
Game-List window update.

* Limit width of menu bar for small board sizes in GTK build.

* Improve the code to kill rogue engines in XB.

* Drawing of pieces outside the board (in maximaized windows),
which left lots of debris, is now suppressed.

* Make WB window sizing handle multiple screens.

* 50-move counter is no longer reset on Chess960 castlings.

* Fix legality testing of A-side castling in FRC (which was
allowed with Rook on a- and blocker on b-file).

* Fixed piece ID of Falcon in Falcon Chess, which was written as
\'.\' and could not be selected on promotion.

* Fix cross-edge e.p. captures in Cylinder Chess (which was not
recognized as e.p.).

* Fix animation of Seirawan Chess castling + gating at Rook
square, which made Rook disappear.

* Fix adjudication of stalemates in variant Giveaway.

* Display of the variant tag in the Game List now works.

* Reset move entry (clearing target-square markers) on \'clear
board\' in Edit Position mode.

* The Game List is automatically updated when you alter the tag
selection for the game lines.

* Indicate current variant in New Variant dialog of the GTK build
(by printing it in boldface on the button).

* Known Problems

* GTK: in a tiling window manager the size of the board seems to be
calculated incorrectly. A temporary fix for this is to use a fixed
size by using the \"-size \" and \"-fixedSize true\" options
on the command line.

Wed Oct 8 14:00:00 2014
- xboard 4.7.3:

* Fix buffer overflow in parser on long PGN with scores

* Allow castling and e.p. capture moves to survive when editing
opening book

* Fix node-count overflow in engine output

* Better sorting of fail-low lines in engine output

* Fix Chess960 a-side castling legality check

* Fix position search in Chess960

* Fix adjudication of Giveaway stalemates

* Adapt WinBoard window positioning to work with multiple

* Cure some weirdness in XBoard when dragging pieces outside
the board

* Some dialog layout improvements to facilitate

* Fix crash on using some dialog Browse buttons in GTK version

* Connect manual menu item work in GTK version
- clean spec file
- use verbatim upstream tarball
- add source URLs
- verify source signature
- fix SLE build

Sat Nov 23 13:00:00 2013
- updated to 4.7.2
-- Version 4.7.2
(see )
bugfix release for 4.7.1

* Make PGN parser immune to unprotected time stamps

* Fix book creation

* Fix GUI book after setup position

* Allow drops / promotions/ deferrals to be edited into book

* Allow entry of negative numbers in spin control (WB)

* Fix grabbing of selected piece

* Fix initial board sizing WB

* Fix -zippyVariants option
-- Version 4.7.1
(see )
bugfix release for 4.7.0

* updated translations

* fixed texinfo 5.0 problems

* Work-around for Xt selection bug

* Add -backupSettingsFile option

* Make skipping of unknown option smarter

* Let popping up of WinBoard chatbox for channel open it

* Fix vertical sizing of GTK board

* Fix buffer overflow in feature parsing

* Accept setup command for non-standard board size

* Fix fatal error on unsupported board size

* Fix GTK box popup

* Let XBoard -autoBox option also affect move type-in

* Fix spurious popup after batch-mode Analyze Game

* Fix saving of analyzed game

* Provide compatibility with Alien Edition setup command

* Fix quoting of book name in tourney file

* Fix disappearence of pieces that were moved illegally

* Fix horrible bug in reading scores from PGN

* Print score of final position in Analyze Game

* Fix GTK SetInsertPos

* Fix scrolling of Chat Box

* Make Chat Box window obey -topLevel option

* Fix Xaw file browser

* Update zippy.README

Sun Feb 24 13:00:00 2013
- updated to 4.7.0
(see )

* Code refactoring of XBoard

* The old X11 front-end has been largely rewritten,
so that all windows are now created by a single
generic routine

* XBoard now uses the Cairo library for all drawing

* Pixmaps and bitmaps no longer supported;
XBoard now uses PNG and SVG images instead.

* An alternative (as yet experimental) front-end
using GTK has been added

* Interactive Analysis

* Excluding moves from analysis by playing them

* Excluded-moves header in Engine Output window

* Analyzing with two engines simultaneously

* Annotating an entire muti-game file

* Analysing positions by Monte-Carlo play

* Other New Functionality

* Displaying player logos (XB)

* Player logo on ICS can be based on player handle

* Chat boxes for XBoard

* Narrowing down of position searches

* Copying pieces when editing a position

* Starting WinBoard through drag & drop

* Recalling fully configured engines and ICS

* Creating an opening book from a game file

* Pausing a game

* Automatically observing partner games with dual-board

* Interface Improvements

* Recognizes file type of lone argument by extension

* Default startup settings configurable per mode

* Separate menu items for loading 1st and 2nd engine

* Engines can be selected from listboxes

* Grouping of engines in the installed-engines list

* Stay in Analyze or Game Start mode after engine loading

* \'Continue Later\' button in WB tournament dialog

* A new --help option (XB)

* A second board window for observing ICS games (XB)

* Smoother graphics and a resizable board (XB)

* A rejuvenated file browser (XB Xaw)

* Scrolling listboxes with mouse wheel (XB Xaw)

* Tabbing through dialog etry fields (XB Xaw)

* Adapt width of auxilliary windows on board resize (WB)

* External piece bitmaps (WB)

* Border around the board (WB)

* Saving settings as themes (WB)

* Bug fixes

* Grayout of Analysis menu item in zippy mode

* Crash on flagging in -st mode

* Keep track of virginity in variant seirawan FENs

* Immunity to capitalized promo pieces

* Avoid board sizes with unavailabile variant pieces

* Work-around for FICS violation of SAN

* Check validity of tourney participants

* Loop-Chess promotions with legality testing on

* Fix -fSAN option in Analyze File mode

* Scrolling of Engine Output after PV walk (XB)

* Start browsing in currently-selected folder (WB)

* Allow entry of fractional timeIncrement (WB)

* Resolve conflict between -mps and -inc options

* Size of mini-Shogi promotion zone

* Adjudication of stalemate and perpetuals in Shogi

* Rep-draw detection in drop games

* Insufficient-material draws in Knightmate

* Replacing of engine in non-last game position

* Sweep selection of promo-piece in click-click move

* Don\'t save aborted games in tourney PGN

* Remember ponder, book and other settings in tourney file

* Do not erase PGN tags on engine loading

* Solved feature problems with engine loading in match mode

* Re-send option settings to -xreuse engine

* Allow use of \'shadow\' promotion pieces in any variant

* WinBoard did not always start in its installation folder

* Initialization of \'Twice\' checkbox in Tournament dialog (WB)

* Clearing of marker dots after mode or settings change

* some smaller bugfixes

Sun May 6 14:00:00 2012
- patch not needed after removing autoreconf

Sun May 6 14:00:00 2012
- test if patch is needed

Sun May 6 14:00:00 2012
- fix more build errors: update buildrequires, fix wrong filename in %install, remove autoreconf call

Sat May 5 14:00:00 2012
- fixed issues with spec file reported by RedDwarf:

* changed jobs to _smp_flags

* removed Required(post)/Required(postun) that were not needed

* removed calls to xdg-icon-resource and installed them directly in %install

Wed Apr 18 14:00:00 2012
- updated to 4.6.2
bugfix relase for 4.6.1

* Suppress clear-board message after pasting FEN

* Fix faking of castling rights after editing position with holdings

* Fix second-engine variant test

Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- added dependency on autoconf

Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- removed duplicated suse_update_desktop_file

Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- patched gettext version, so that autoreconf (autopoint) doesn\'t complain

Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- fixed spec file

Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- updated spec file
- updated to version 4.6.1
changes from 4.6.1 to 4.6.0:
bugfix release for 4.6.0

* Fix memory corruption bug on second-engine loading (through menu or in tournament),
which could destroy -firstInitString

* Fix bug loading a new engine through the menu (not loading it with the full game,
but just upto the current move)

* Prefix engine command with \"./\" when a pathname is split up during install, so the engine actually runs (XB)

* Fix fall-back to -ncp mode when engine does not start (cutting short the feature timeout)

* Fix bug in position search for FRC castlings (where a King could \'fall off\' the board)

* Add a message to inform the user how to clear the board, in sweep-select edit-position mode

* Fix a bug that could stop the clock when the board window was dragged (XB)

* Fix switching off highlighting during game (so last highlights do not remain for the rest of the game)

* Allow user to enter the name of a non-existing file when browsing for a save file (WB)

* Make sure rarely used engine-related options (such as -firstNPS) are also correctly loaded during session

* Correctly handle parsing of Crazyhouse promotions with legality-testing off

* Fix click-click detour under-promotions, which were not working for non-captures

* Don\'t strip path from engine command if directory is explicitly given in Load Engine dialog

* Consistently make auxiliary windows top level-shells or not, with new -topLevel option (XB)

* No longer fatal if second engine does not support current variant (just refuse Two Machines mode)

* Scroll XBoard game list to keep selected item in view (XB)

* Suppress spurious error popup when starting observing of bughouse games

* Fix vertical axis ticks in eval graph with drop games

* Put title on same line as menu bar only for -size 72 and larger (with -titleInWindow, XB)

* Properly open and close debug file when switching debug mode through key binding Ctrl-D (XB)
changes for 4.6.0:
(for a more detailed list with screenshots see )

* Engine vs. Engine

* Loading and installing engines through the menu

* Running tournaments with more than two partipants

* Stopping a match between two engines

* Replacing a tourney participant

* Playing openings in color-reversed pairs

* Perpetual chasing in Xiangqi

* Interface Improvements

* Auto-Queen, and still under-promote?

* Piece fonts and figurine fonts

* Displaying PVs as SAN

* Small scores in the Eval Graph

* How close is the 50-move draw?

* Sign of the engine scores

* Loading frequently used engines

* Collapsing groups of engines

* Interactive Analysis

* Playing moves from the PV

* Rapidly changing the number of PVs

* Setting the other side to move in analysis

* Annotating a game with an engine

* Other New Functionality

* Searching a position in a PGN file

* Editing the opening book

* Recording game sequence number in PGN

* Each tourney game its own debug file

* XBoard -> WinBoard Convergence

* Exporting the game list (XB)

* A move type-in box (XB)

* New-style Move History window (XB)

* Associating XBoard with file types

* Many Windows behave as one (XB)

Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2011
- updated to version 4.5.3
- For a summary of changes visit:

Sat Apr 30 14:00:00 2011
- updated to version 4.5.2
- For a summary of changes visit:
- changes in packaging: includes sounds and bitmaps files

Mon Feb 21 13:00:00 2011
- updated to version 4.5.1
- changed to Xaw instead of Xaw3d (due to a bug in the Xaw3d version)
- updated license information in .spec file to GPL 3.0
- .desktop file is now included, removed the patch
- For changes in the program visit:

Thu Aug 19 14:00:00 2010
- updated to version 4.4.4

Sun Apr 4 14:00:00 2010
- updated to version 4.4.3

Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 2010
- updated link to homepage in spec file

Fri Dec 11 13:00:00 2009
- Updated to version 4.4.2.

Wed Sep 10 14:00:00 2008
- Change default back from crafty to gnuchess (bnc#299579).
- Require default backend unconditionally - xboard rejects to start
giving no chance to change it.

Sun Apr 22 14:00:00 2007
- use texlive for building

Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2007
- update BuildRequires

Fri May 26 14:00:00 2006
- Don\'t strip binaries.

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Tue Dec 6 13:00:00 2005
- fix parser.l to work with new flex
- mention flex in nfb

Sun Feb 29 13:00:00 2004
- cleaned up optflags (make them actually work), update config.guess
so it builds on ppc64.

Mon Feb 9 13:00:00 2004
- Updated to version 4.2.7.
- Prefix changed to /usr.

Sat Jan 10 13:00:00 2004
- add %defattr

Sun Sep 7 14:00:00 2003
- added desktop icon

Mon Aug 11 14:00:00 2003
- added desktop file

Thu Apr 24 14:00:00 2003
- fix install_info --delete call and move from preun to postun

Mon Feb 10 13:00:00 2003
- Use %install_info (bug #23471).

Mon Feb 10 13:00:00 2003
- Change man page - crafty is default.
- Require check_backend virtual package.

Mon Feb 3 13:00:00 2003
- using crafty instead of gnuchess as chess backend

Fri Apr 26 14:00:00 2002
- update on version 4.2.6
- fixed non-updated macro SECOND_CHESS_PROGRAM in xboard.h

Sun Jan 20 13:00:00 2002
- update on 4.2.3
- URL added to spec
- included

Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2001
- RPM Group tag set to Amusements/Games, so it can be found easier

Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2001
- patched to run with new gnuchess (5.02)

Thu Apr 12 14:00:00 2001
- removed unsupported -I option from texi2html call

Thu Feb 22 13:00:00 2001
- update on 4.2.3

Thu Feb 8 13:00:00 2001
- update on 4.2.2

Fri Sep 22 14:00:00 2000
- update to 4.1.0;
- %{_infodir} used

Tue May 2 14:00:00 2000
- buildroot added

Tue Jan 25 13:00:00 2000
- update to 4.0.5 ; info to /usr/share

Mon Sep 13 14:00:00 1999
- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.

Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 1998
- updated to version 4.0.0 / added tool zic2xpm and html-documentation
- html start-page is /usr/doc/packages/xboard/html/xboard_toc.html

Thu Jul 23 14:00:00 1998
Make pxboard more secure ... use mktmep if avaliable

Thu Oct 9 14:00:00 1997
ready for autobuild