Changelog for
gmpc-11.8.16-2.10.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Oct 8 14:00:00 2016
- Removed service file because build often fails with \'bad temdir\'
and only sometimes succeeds.
Wed Nov 12 13:00:00 2014
- Fix build on armv6l (exclude raspberrypi-userland package)
Sat Nov 8 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 11.8.16:
* new Albumview
* better fullscreen support
* easycommand update
* GNOME Integrated Manual
- Change url
- Use pkgconfig in package names
- Fix build errors found by RPMlint:
* add gmpc-11.8.16_return-function.patch
- Drop ld_build_fix.diff (fixed in upstream)
- Disable unique for SLES12 (no package)
- Add %post and %postun
- Add man page for gmpc-remote-stream
- Add reference documentation for gmpc
- Spec file cleanup
Sat May 19 14:00:00 2012
- fix libSM-devel buildreq for 12.2
Sun Jun 27 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.20.0>
Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.19.1>
* Completely wrong and wrong way around new url-fetching gui
* Make the new dialog slightly more sane
* Remove some empty lines
* Regenerate with new vala
* [UrlFetchGui] Show progressbar and make buttons insensitive
* Remove the \'num items\' from the left pane view.
* [Bug:2519] Trying to fix this bug.
* [Bug:2519] Sort utf-8 aware.
* [Bug:2532] Apply patch from bug.
* Fix for bug 2496
* Fix sizing rules so it should work again on windows32.
* Move notification code of db updates into separate code block.
* Add some extra bindings to libmpd.vapi
* Export gmpc-favorite and gmpc-rating for plugins
* Add extra icons, thanks to zeltak
* Export mpdinterfaction.h or gmpc-song-links.
* Integrate the new now playing browser
* Rename mockup-nowplaying to Now Playing
* [Metadata2] Don\'t query albumartist if not supported
* [Now Playing] Make colors configurable.
* Show kHz\'s not Hz\'s
* Fix rare bug that causes gtk to use tons of cpu and memory
* Adding new rating icons. Fix make distcheck
* Try not to reload stored playlist, when it is not needed.
* Add a theme-color option to now-playing
* If no title or name show filename, sanitiezed.
* Use theme colors by default
* Make coloring more robust
* Force text view in now playing read only
* Make sure gmpc_easy_download_uri_escape also escapes &&+
* Sort album list by release date. Show release date
* Add localtime_r for windows in gtktransition.h
* Bug:2567 Add gmpc.ico to dist
* Add extra type check to sorting function
Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.19.0>
Tue Mar 10 13:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.18.0>
Sat Dec 27 13:00:00 2008
- new upstream version <0.17.0>
* Fix building with NLS disabled.
* Fix resize issue.
* Add a function that generates a filename for cover art, this should be used in metadata plugins. To give a more consistent saving.
* New Metadata database that uses a more structured layout. (less overhead)
* Custom progres bar. (So gmpc does not use 20% cpu on a theme with animated progress bar)
* Sharper lines around album art.
* [libmpd] If idle command available use it to detect changes in stored playlist.
* Update stored playlist without loosing selection.
* Allow prioritizing of metadata plugins from the gui.
* Speed up saving of config/metadata file by +- 50 times.
* Only save config/metadata/profile file on closing of gmpc.
* Add a script that allows you to open pls files from your browser (gmpc-remote-stream).
* Always safe window zoom state between sessions.
* Add possibility to use buttons instead of dropdown.
* Allow more advanced search query in playlist filter.
* Allow the more advanced search in the search browser. (query entry).
* Compile time option to get the EggTrayIcon back. (that allows scroll(ing) event on the tray)
* Add Hebrew and turkish translation.
* Fix wrong version check, causing GmpcMpdDataTreeview settings to reset on each update.
* Several smaller and larger memory leaks fixed.
* 0001764: Allow drag and drop of images on the GmpcMetaImage.
* 0001481: Add possibility to prioritize metadata plugins.
* 0001765: Check available urlhandler before handling dnd.
* 0001604: Mute/unmute multimedia key support.
* 0001767: Expand/Collaps keybinding keypad is wrong.
* 0001772: Opening of Information on a song is slow.
* 0001794: Fix gtk deprecation warnings.
* 0001814: Add reset browser option.
* 0001794: Fix high cpu usage caused by progressbar.
* 0001866: Fonts get cut off during mouse over of songs.
* 0001888: Show tooltip on hoover.
* Memory leak in GmpcClickLabel
* Fix play-queue gettting stuck in quick-search.
* Add --debug-updates option that shows redraws.
* Fix mute icon.
Fri Sep 26 14:00:00 2008
- new upstream version <0.16.1>
* Fix lockup when entering wrong password in setup assistant.
* Allow cut/copy/paste in the main playlist.
* Prevent fullscreen in mini-mode
* Fix copyright notice
* Better showing of cover art in tag-browser.
* Allow jumping to metadata browser from tag-browser
* Correctly show \"Mpd finished updating it database\" message.
* Update tag browser on database update.
* Fix compile warnings, making --enable-maintainermode work.
* Fix crasher after playlist songs are added and gmpc is quit.
* Compile option for some timing output.
* Reduce memory usage.
* Code cleanups.