Changelog for obs-studio-devel-17.0.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 17.0.1:

* deps/libff: Fix VP8/VP9/webm alpha support

* rtmp-services: Increase video bitrate limit for YouTube

* obs-outputs: fix build error on freebsd

* Update translations from Crowdin

* [CI] Use prebuilt deps so we can build on 10.9

* CI: Build more features into FFMPEG deps

* CI: Update browser plugin ref and build scripts.

* CI: Fix zip permission issue on CEF plist files

* obs-x264: ignore opencl param

* enc-amf: Update to

* CI: Ability to make packages on travis

* CI: actually call packagesbuild from the right place 😑

* cmake: Remove unnecessary find_package calls

* libobs: Fix scale filtering bug when duplicating scenes

* win-capture: Don\'t use FindWindow for game capture keepalive

* CI: Install Packages and use the full version

* Revert \"win-capture: Use FindWindowEx to traverse window list\"

* obs-filters.c: Fix color correction filter OpenGL crash

* obs-filters.c: Fix color correction filter saturation

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Fix bug with uncopied profile import/export files

* win-capture: Fix game capture size bug when rehooking

* libobs: Add func to enum active and inactive child tree

* libobs: Enumerate full tree when adding active child

* libobs: Add callback for enumerating all scene children

* obs-x264: Allow opencl through much longer alias

* libobs: Update to version 17.0.1

Mon Dec 26 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.17.0:

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* Revert \"CI: Build on OSX 10.10 on travis\"

* Remove python dep

* win-capture: Use static runtimes for hooks/helpers

* cmake: Fix OSX to copy non-system deps

* cmake: Fix permissions with OSX

* libobs-opengl: Add xcb message poll to empty out the queue

* frontend-tools: Add options to start output timers every time

* libobs-d3d11: Add optional macro to log shader disassembly

* Revert \"obs-transitions: Avoid branching in slide_transition.effect\"

* rtmp-services: remove shut down services

* libff: Allow custom demuxer options

* obs-outputs: Fix librtmp IP bind / resolve behavior

* UI: Fix frontend-api event call for adding scenes

* libobs/util: Add function to get circlebuf data offset

* libobs/util: Add function to generate formatted filenames

* libobs: Fix bug where outputs cannot initialize hotkeys

* cmake: Add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to all projects

* libobs: Fix deprecated macro

* libobs/util: Do not ignore deprecation on windows

* libobs: Use reference counting for encoder packets

* obs-ffmpeg: Add replay buffer output

* UI: Disable simple output rec. settings when active

* UI: Add replay buffer options to simple output mode

* UI: Clarify replay buf. hotkey error message

* UI: Separate replay buffer from recording

* UI: Add file prefix/suffix options for replay buffer

* UI: Fix replay buffer compile issues on older compilers

* win-capture: Only duplicate to get cur thread handle

* win-capture: Always use minimal access rights within hook

* win-capture: Do not require pipe/mutex within hook

* win-capture: Fix getting proper UWP window handles

* win-capture: Use window for keepalive check

* win-capture: Create all named objects within hook

* win-capture: Don\'t use \"Local\\\" for game capture shared mem

* win-capture: Remove redundant function

* win-capture: Use wide strings for named objects

* win-capture: Add ability to open UWP named kernel objects

* win-capture: Open UWP named objects with helper functions

* win-capture: Output hook debug messages if addresses missing

* win-capture: Log plugin-side when capture successful/lost

* win-capture: Don\'t hook suspended processes

* win-capture: Wait a few frames for hook to load

* win-capture: Fix \"attempting to hook [executable]\" message

* win-capture: Add ApplicationFrameHost to game capture blacklist

* win-capture: Don\'t hard fail if thread ID not found

* win-capture: Fix cursor not painting with UWP windows

* win-capture: Add debug messages when hooking

* win-capture: Do not fall back to other windows for UWP windows

* UI: Fix property name bug in frontend API

* libobs: Fix possible reverse order mutex hard lock

* UI: Remove deleteLater view from filter window layout

* libobs: Convert Y800 to RGBX manually

* UI: Use dedicated GPU on Hybrid AMD GPU systems

* libobs: Fix format not being set for new source frames

* libobs: Fix line size issue when copying Y800 data

* obs-ffmpeg: Don\'t allow 32kb/s with FFmpeg AAC encoder

* libobs/graphics: Fix the 2D vector dot product func

* UI: Make close button default in transform dialog

* UI: Add ability to copy-paste scene item transforms

* UI: Add import/export of scene collections & profiles

* enc-amf: Update to for AMD Driver 16.12.1

* obs-filters: Improve \"Color Correction\" filter

* image-source: Do not change blend state

* obs-text: Do not reset blend state

* libobs-d3d11: Don\'t crash if unable to rebuild shared texture

* libobs: Increase maximum audio tracks to 6

* UI: Increase maximum audio tracks to 6

* UI: Update locale for 6 tracks

* UI: Fix endif in installer

* UI: Use 64bit desktop link by default in installer

* UI: Clarify startup error messages related to video

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix nvenc_h264 deprecated message

* libobs: Fix bug drawing RGB/BGR async sources

* libobs: Process all scene audio actions if no audio playing

* UI: Fix buddy controls with new audio tracks

* UI: Add default audio track bitrates

* UI: Fix video initialization failure error message

* UI: Fix settings window stacked widget index

* win-capture: Capture all D3D12 backbuffers

* win-capture: Use FindWindowEx to traverse window list

* win-capture: Fix possible null pointer dereference

* win-capture: Do not add certain windows to window lists

* win-capture: Add a few new blacklisted game capture exes

* obs-filters: Add \"Color\" option to color correction filter

* obs-filters: Fix comment messages

* obs-qsv11: Use d3d9 allocator on Win7

* win-capture: Fix possible access of array beyond size

* win-capture: Refactor DX12 backbuffer code

* win-capture: If backbuffer count is 1, disable dxgi 1.4 use

* win-capture: Release backbuffers immediately upon init

* libobs/util: Fix C++ compilation issue

* Add libcaption library

* libobs: Add ability to insert captions into frames

* frontend-tools: Move source helper functions to a header

* frontend-tools: Add caption generation tool (windows)

* Update translations from Crowdin

* frontend-tools: Add ability to select caption language

* frontend-tools: Detach caption thread if critical failure

* frontend-tools: Reset stop event before starting captions

* frontend-tools: Don\'t include colon in \"Audio Source\"

* frontend-tools: Set buddied controls for captions dialog

* libobs: Fix caption encoder packet reallocation

* libobs: Create referenced parsed AVC encoder packet

* obs-outputs: Free encoder packet data manually

* libobs: Fix bug in AVC encoder packet allocation

* UI: Fix Export QFileDialog parent

* libobs: Eliminate an unnecessary allocation with captions

* frontend-tools: Fix output-timer translation bug

* libobs: Update to version 17.0.0

Mon Nov 21 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.6:

* UI: Add --verbose and --unfiltered_log command line options

* libobs: Duplicate filters of a scene when it is is duplicated

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix assumption about plane height with i444

* libobs: Refactor check for Windows bitness/arch

* libobs: Add Windows bitness/arch to crash handler

* enc-amf: Update to version

* UI: Add preview scaling options

* rtmp-services: Change YouTube keyint from 4 to 2

* libobs: Ensure async source sizes are always reset

* UI: Fix crash when switching encoders in advanced mode

* UI: Fix scrolling while preview is locked

* libobs: Ensure AVC priority is always highest for keyframes

* obs-outputs: Use correct variable for drop priority

* enc-amf: Update to commit which prevents crash on startup

* enc-amf: Update to temporary fix branch

* win-capture: Do not load 64bit hook offsets on 32bit systems

* win-capture: Defer hook offset loading to separate thread

* text-freetype2: Defer loading of plugin until source created

* obs-qsv11: Manually mark priority bits for QSV frames

* Revert \"libobs: Ensure AVC priority is always highest for keyframes\"

* libobs: Update to 0.16.6

* Update translations from CrowdIn

* UI: tray icons are redrawn for better visibility and contrast

* UI: Update settings and fix presets for simple AMD encoder

* enc-amf: Update to

* enc-amf: Update to

* cmake: Add module to find RSSDK

* cmake: Add macro to compile .tlb files via midl

* win-ivcam: Add Intel RealSense plugin

* UI: Update installer script to latest version

* libobs-opengl: Add warning when used on windows

* Update translations from Crowdin

* enc-amf: Avoid using C++17 for VS2013 compatibility

Tue Nov 8 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.5:

* libobs-d3d11: Include GDI surface in rebuild

* libobs-d3d11: Remove possible null pointer dereference

* libobs: Update to 0.16.5

Fri Nov 4 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.4:

* libobs/util: Fix get_dll_ver not reporting DLL name

* Display license in MSI installer

* rtmp-services: Add Asian server and increase video bitrate

* UI: Enable HiDPI scaling.

* frontend-tools: Fix crash when adding invalid regex

* UI: Use Qt lib for screen info instead of x11 libs

* enc-amf: Update to

* UI: Only scale HiDPI on QT 5.6+

* enc-amf: Update to

* libobs-d3d11: Log GetDeviceRemovedReason

* Add 256x256 icon to windows ico for HiDPI displays

* UI: Add Portable Mode indicator to title bar and log

* UI: Add raw text and text file to drag&drop support

* UI: Split Properties window with a QSplitter

* CMake: Warn if empty QTDIR/DepsPath vars on Windows

* OSX Travis build

* CI: Upload artifacts on all pushes

* CI: Add irc notifications to travis config

* CI: Reduce travis irc notice to one line

* CI: Package OSX build into an actual app

* CI: Use python2 to run package script

* Build browser plugin on travis for OSX

* Update obs-browser submodule to a working version

* obs-frontend-api: Add library version

* cmake: Fix FFmpeg search path on debian

* decklink: Update Blackmagic SDK to 10.8.0

* CI: Build on OSX 10.10 on travis

* UI: Fix bug in frontend API event

* frontend-tools: Add output timers

* frontend-tools: Code cleanup of output timers

* frontend-tools: Add ability to start timer if output is already active

* UI: Fix sys. tray crashes when sys. tray not available

* UI: Fix poor handling of system tray pointers

* UI: Fix improper brace placement for function

* UI: Remove unused variable

* UI: Fix full screen projector on screens that have reserved areas

* obs-ffmpeg: Add b-frames to NVENC logging

* UI: Fix --profile option not working on non-windows

* rtmp-services: Add Picarto

* libobs/util: Add Get() function to CoTaskMemPtr

* libobs: Fix missing call to profile_end() when encoding fails

* libobs: Add date/time to crash handler

* obs-transitions: Avoid branching in slide_transition.effect

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix a couple printf compiler warnings.

* libobs-d3d11: Store dxgi adapter used for device

* libobs-d3d11: Store compiled shader data (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Correct error message for pixel shaders

* libobs-d3d11: Store shader samplers as pointers

* libobs-d3d11: Correct error message for staging surfaces

* libobs-d3d11: Correct error message creating blend states

* libobs-d3d11: Store index and add \"Start\" function

* libobs-d3d11: Clear device state before unloading

* libobs-d3d11: Store swap initialization data (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Store device adapter index (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Store static textures in RAM (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Store static vertex buffer data (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Save all D3D11 object descriptors (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Make shared texture error message less vague

* libobs-d3d11: Use linked list for all objects (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Remove unused function

* libobs-d3d11: Add Release funtions to all GS objects

* libobs-d3d11: Rebuild device and assets if device removed/reset

* win-capture: Cache cursor textures to prevent reallocation

* win-capture: Use IUnknown for getting swap backbuffers

* win-capture: Add D3D12 capture support

* UI: Allow the ability to use deprecated sources

* UI: Add AMD presets and update settings

* enc-amf: Update to release

* Update translations from CrowdIn

* libobs: Update to version 0.16.3

* win-mf: Deprecate AMD Media Foundation H.264 encoder

* UI: Fix tab order of Crop fields in Transform Properties

* enc-amf: Update to Version

* Revert \"UI: Only scale HiDPI on QT 5.6+\"

* Revert \"UI: Enable HiDPI scaling.\"

* enc-amf: Fix VS2013 compiling issue

* libobs: Update to version 0.16.4
- Expand to include all versions in %files.
- After upstream fix place libobs-(opengl|frontend-api).so in devel.

Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.2:

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix possible NVENC crash

* UI: Use rect intersection test for validating position

* enc-amf: Update submodule to

* obs-text: Add gradient feature

* enc-amf: Fix warnings caused by warnings( push/pop )

* libobs: Update to 0.16.2

Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.1:

* UI: Fix window size/pos not saving on exit

* libobs/util: Fix fread_utf8 not working with files < 3 bytes

* obs-text: Change file update interval to 1 sec (from 2)

* libobs: Update to 0.16.1

Wed Sep 28 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.0:

* enc-amf: Update submodule to 1.3.0

* UI: Add media/image file drop support

* enc-amf: Update submodule to

* obs-browser: Add browser plugin as a submodule

* enc-amf: Update submodule to

* libobs: Update version to 0.16.0

* enc-amf: Remove unused locale files

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Just use \'OK\' button for license agreement dialog

Mon Aug 8 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.4 release.

Sat Jul 16 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.2 release.

Tue Jul 12 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.1 release.

Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.0 release.

Mon May 16 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.14.2 release.

Tue Apr 26 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.14.1 release.

Sat Apr 16 14:00:00 2016
- Use pkgconfig instead of libffmpeg-devel

Tue Mar 22 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.4 release.

Sun Mar 20 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.3 release.

Mon Feb 29 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.2 release.

Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.1 release.
- Remove patch for gcc 4.8 compatability since it was upstreamed.

Thu Jan 28 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.0 release.
- Add rpmlintrc for \"bad\" things obs-studio requires.
- Add patch for gcc 4.8 compatability.

Sat Dec 12 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.4 release.

Wed Dec 9 13:00:00 2015
- Change build requirement from libffmpeg-devel to ffmpeg-devel to
follow recent linking of ffmpeg to obs version.

Sat Dec 5 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.3 release.

Sat Nov 21 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.2 release.

Tue Nov 17 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.1 release.

Fri Sep 25 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.0 release.
- Remove gcc >= 4.9 requirement since 0.12.0 reverted unintended change.

Mon Aug 17 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.4 release.
- Cut off git portion of version string in UI.
- Since 0.11.3 obs unofficially requires gcc 4.9 and higher which makes it
impossible to compile on obs for openSUSE 13.2.

Sun Aug 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.3 release.

Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.2 release.

Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.1 release.

Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.0 release.
- Add curl build dependency.

Tue May 19 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.10.1 release.

Wed May 13 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.10.0 release.

Fri Mar 27 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.9.1 release.

Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.9.0 release.

Sat Feb 21 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.3 release.

Thu Feb 12 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.2 release.

Thu Jan 15 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.7.3 release.
Details at

Wed Jan 7 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.7.2 release.
Details at and

Thu Nov 13 13:00:00 2014
- Initial 0.6.4 release.