Changelog for gpac-debugsource-0.8.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Jun 27 14:00:00 2019 Luigi Baldoni
- Update to version 0.8.0

* Many security fixes (static compile and fuzzing through AFL,
always ongoing).

* Many bugs fixes

* Added :ncl option in log levels to disable color logs

* More tests and coverage
File Formats:

* Better support of QTFF / ProRes files

* Support for AV1
+ import and export
+ source formats: OBUs (Section 5), IVF and AnnexB
+ AV1 in HEIF

* Support for color (nclc, nclx and ICC profiles) in HEIF and

* Support for HDR (mdcv, clli) info in HEIF and ISOBMFF

* Support for alpha in HEIF

* Support for enforcing pasp presence even for 1:1 ratios

* HEVC temporal sublayer split in MP4Box

* Allow meta storage before mdat for meta-only files (heif and

* Added option to keep AU delimiter in isobmff samples

* Support for opus import

* Support for pixi and ccst in HEIF

* DolbyVision \'dvcC\' and partial \'dvhe\' boxes for HDR

* Support for VP9 import and playback

* Sample dependency in avc and hevc importers, and track
thinner for non-refs images

* Support for audio_roll signaling

* New audio import mode to control AudioSampleEntry creation
(v0, v1 ISOBMFF, v1 QTFF)

* xHE-AAC import with detection of sync samples

* Added support for MPEG-H 3D audio boxes (no import yet)

* Handle Vobsub empty SPU packets

* Added auxv and pict support
Common Encryption:

* Fully compliant CENC supporting cenc, cens, cbc1 and cbcs

* CENC for AV1

* Improved DASH+CENC support, pssh in MPD

* ForceClear mode for CENC to skip encryption without sample

* Made senc in movie fragments always stored before truns

* Added default values handling for cbcs and possibility to
set protection system per track

* Compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.x
Streaming and Adaptive Streaming:

* Support for ATSC3.0 both US and Korean versions !

* Support for for live splices (xlink period insertions) in
DASH client

* Automatic period continuity in DASH when no codec change
between periods

* Added DASH cue-base segmentation (XML based) and -dsap
option to generate cue files from source

* Support for BBA-0 and BOLA implementations

* Write fragment defaults in trex even when not using them

* Support for simple ssix for keyframe data byterange at the
start of a segment

* Moved segment template at AdaptationSet level if only one

* Changed default bsmode in dasher if single input file

* Added init-seg-ext option

* Added -mvex-after-traks option to MP4Box when dashing for

* Added segmentation option to insert a tfdt per traf

* Added -closest mode for DASH segmentation

* Added -bound option to use audio segmenting method for video

* Renamed -dash-run-for to -run-for

* Added \'=\' in dash templates

* Improved bandwith estimation when using HTTP 1.1 chunk

* Add option to force moof base offsets

* Added -catpl to concatenate from playlist in MP4Box

* Added options to set movie timescale at import and dash time

* Added mpd rip option and top-level box compressor in MP4Box

* Made -dts skip timing check and added -dtsc for that

* Made force-cat option more agressive

* Support for MovieFragmentRandomAccess using -mfra option

* Added -dtsx to dump timing without offset

* Added -dnalc opt for nal CRC dump

* Added chunk extraction up to time until end

* ISOBMFF single track import now removes references by default

* Updated ffmpeg to 4.0.2

* Moved to openHEVC 3.0 API

* Added nvdec support (windows, linux) with reuse of decoder
context for tiled VR

* Added HEVC support to mediacodec on android

* AV1 playback through ffmpeg

* Opus playback through ffmpeg
3D, VR and 360:

* Added vrhud for multiviewpoint 360

* Added forced visibility mode of tiles in VR

* Added tile visibility debug mode

* Added forced stereo output for openhevc

* Disable face nav if mouse grabbed

* Added simple face tracking vr navigation based on udp

* Added PSVR support

* Added mouse move emulation at window border to force sphere
rotation when inactive

* Changed tile visibility algo to sample points in mesh
Players (Mobile and Desktop):

* Added about extension

* Added multiple audio objects in dynamic scene

* Added addon splicing of main content

* Added mosaic://v1:.:vN url support

* Added gaze simulation through mouse and gaze-sphere
visibility test

* Allow
* as argument of -srt|ttxt to dump all possible tracks

* Improved support for WebVTT import

* Improved support for WebVTT DASHing/fragmentation

* OSX install now done through PKG and modify PATH env

* Added initial PMT version and disc marker to TS muxer

* Moved dektec output to matrix API, added SDI clipping

* Added temi periodic toggle and manual toggle in MP42TS
- Bumped soversion to 8
- Refreshed gpac-0.6.1-x264-export.patch as
- Reworked gpac.ssl.patch (probably pointless, since it applies
only to OpenSSL 1.0)
- Dropped gpac-0.7.1-install_DashCast.patch (merged upstream)

Tue Oct 9 14:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.7.1

* Minor bug fixes from 0.7.0
version 0.7.0
Overview of the community activity:

* ~1550 commits since 0.6.0.

* Launched a few side projects - cf

* New test public infrastructure.

* Many security fixes (static compile and fuzzing through AFL,
always ongoing).

* Colorized log.

* Changed default audio volume to 100% instead of 75%.

* Expose more experimental options through the documentation.

* Improved GLES renderer on mobile platforms.

* Improvements on AVI dump.

* Fixed pkg-config Private.libs.

* SAT>IP playback support.
Codecs and File Formats

* Added L-HEVC File Format support (SHVC/MV-HEVC tracks and
HEVC Tile Tracks).

* Added MPEG IFF (image File Format) support.

* Range extension support for AVC and HEVC.

* SHVC and MV-HEVC importers and playback: moved to final spec
version (SHM6+).
Adaptive streaming

* Support of HLS with fragmented MP4 playback.

* APIs: gf_mpd_() functions and new segmenter API.

* Improved alternate groups.

* More support for PIFF PSEC and Smooth Streaming ( file
format & playback).

* DASH client: pluggable algorithms + improvements with
scalable contents.

* The counter source from the DASH sequences added to the
public content.

* HLS and DASH playback minor fixes.

* DASH client logs are clearer.
VR and 360

* Added support for DASH SRD in 360 for independent videos
videos (NxM partial spheres) more

* Added support for DASH SRD in 360 for HEVC tiled videos (NxM
tiles on one sphere) - checkout tuto

* Apple VideoToolBox hardware decoding support for OSX and iOS
for AVC|H264.

* Android hardware decoding hardware acceleration for AVC|H264
(HEVC on its way).

* YUV422 and YUV444 8 and 10 bit support in GLES renderer.

* Android build is based on Android Studio.

* Android: new File Manager.

* Import of TTML via NHML according to MPEG-4 part 30 improved.
- Refreshed gpac-0.6.1-enable_V4Studio.patch as
gpac-0.7.1-enable_V4Studio.patch, gpac-0.5.0-SVGGen_abuild.patch
as gpac-0.7.1-SVGGen_abuild.patch, gpac-0.5.0-system-amr.patch
as gpac-0.7.1-system-amr.patch, gpac-0.6.1-no-pc.patch,
gpac-0.6.1-x264-export.patch and gpac.wx.patch
- Added gpac-0.7.1-install_DashCast.patch

Fri May 4 14:00:00 2018
- Use ffmpeg3 versions of pkgconfig(libav

Fri Feb 17 13:00:00 2017
- fix some parts of wxWidgets-3_0 build failures

Fri Apr 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.6.1, see changelog
- Reworked patches:
- Switched to ffmpeg 3.0

Sat Sep 26 14:00:00 2015
- Use pkgconfig(mozjs185), also on 11.4

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2015
- Use pkgconfig for some BuildRequires

Sun Mar 1 13:00:00 2015
- update to 0.5.2

* fixes build problem with ffmpeg 2.5.x

Sat Feb 28 13:00:00 2015
- update 0.5.1.svn5619
- drop gpac-0.5.1-bufferoverflow.patch

* upstream fixed

Wed Nov 5 13:00:00 2014
- update 0.5.1.svn5491
- disable browser plugin support

* it depends on xulrunner, which is uncompatible during versions
so we need to use many macros to fix it, hard to maintain

* gpac is a fundamental package because it\'s used to build x264
while fundamental package shouldn\'t have so complicated depe-

* that brower plugin wasn\'t used by anyone
- add patch: gpac-0.5.1-u32-count-redeclaration.patch

* it declared \"u32 count\" twice, change the first to countLang
- drop patch:

* gpac-0.5.0-smjs_call_prop_stub.patch

* gpac-0.5.0-js_getparent.patch

* they were used to fix xulrunner, no longer needed

Mon Jul 14 14:00:00 2014
- fix compile of src/utils/xml_parser.c in sle11

Fri May 30 14:00:00 2014
- BuildRequire libopenjpeg only in 12.1 or later

Sat Mar 22 13:00:00 2014
- update 0.5.0.svn5178
- added patch: gpac-0.5.0-js_getparent.patch

* fix \"too many arguments for JS_GetParent\" error after
forcing USE_FFDEV_18
- added patch: gpac-0.5.0-bufferoverflow.patch

* fix I: Statement is overflowing a buffer error in OBS.

Fri Jul 26 14:00:00 2013
- better detect libpng version
- fix no gpac.pc in -devel package
- export functions needed by x264

Sun Jul 21 14:00:00 2013
- update 0.5.0.svn4668
- revert \"wo_application\" changes, it fails the whole build
- remove patch: gpac-0.5.0-x264-export.patch, upstreamed
- add libpng15/libpng14 patches.
- use system libamrwb/libamrnb.

Fri Feb 8 13:00:00 2013
- svn4296 - includes fixes for compilation with Firefox 18
- disable while compiling with xulrunner 17.0.2

* subpackage Osmo4

* browser-client

* MP4client in main package

Mon Nov 5 13:00:00 2012
- fix sles and < 1140 builds.

Wed Oct 31 13:00:00 2012
- fix Tumbleweed builds.
- adjust enable_V4Studio.patch.

* do not use static lib for linking.

Thu Oct 4 14:00:00 2012
- update to 0.5.0

* MPEG-DASH and HLS support (players and MP4Box)

* MPEG-U Widgets and UPnP support in the player

* Stereo and multiview display support

* Better AVC and SVC support including OpenSVC decoder integration

* More live tools: RTP, MPEG-TS, T-DMB support, scene encoders (BIFS and RME/DIMS)

* iOS and Android support

* and many other good things
- svn4192 fixes sf#3574796:

* Osmozilla: change switch_up type from int to long, since xulrunner 15 doesn\'t support int type directly.

* change bogus uuid in Osmozilla.

* fix mozjs15 depreciated JS_ConstructObject to JS_New.
- enable_V4Studio patch

* upstream masked Osmo4_wx and osmozilla. I enabled them and fix linker errors.
- smjs_call_prop_stub.patch

* fix openSUSE xulrunner version.
- SVGGen_abuild.patch

* fix applications/generators/SVG linker errors.
- 64bit-portability.patch

* fix OBS errors and warnings.
- enable build udptsseg, a HTTP streaming tool.
- spec clean.

* remove _with_amr. we\'re already in PMBS.

* correct BuildRequires package names and remove unneeded Requires.

* remove dos2unix fixes

* remove 64bit adjustments. we use upstream options.

* remove libpng-1.4.0 fix. no longer need.

* remove SONAME. upstream did that.

* remove openjpeg fix.

* remove unneeded configure options.

* remove < 1140 conditionals.

* use new ffmpeg. upstream code change.

* add IDL regeneration for newer xulrunner.

* enable osmozilla for all openSUSE versions. although few need it.
- TODO: enable hbbtvplayer builds.

Fri Dec 16 13:00:00 2011
- fix build on recent openSUSE versions, failure was introduced by missing OPENJPEG_VERSION

Mon Jan 11 13:00:00 2010
- fixed buildroot usage:
Error: no modules found in /usr/src/packages/BUILDROOT/