Changelog for obs-studio-23.2.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2019
- Update to version 23.2.1:

* libobs: Update version to 23.2.1

* obs-frontend-api: Add func to add custom docks

* libobs: Disable blending when converting sources

* UI: Fix editor inheriting source list stylesheet

* UI: Fix bug with custom source list item color

* UI: Fix tray icon showing up on startup even if off

* libobs: Fix null pointer dereference

Thu Jun 13 14:00:00 2019 Jimmy Berry
- Update %post script for new desktop file name.
- Include appdata in files list.
- Include obs-ffmpeg-mux in files list.

Thu Jun 13 14:00:00 2019
- Update to version 23.2.0:

* libobs: Update version to 23.2.0

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Make two-auth message a bit friendlier

* UI: Use better link for Twitch two-factor warning

* win-capture: Add discord to game capture blacklist

* UI: Fix transition A/B labels on macOS/Linux

* UI: Add two-factor authentication warning for Twitch

* UI: Add ability to use rich text in warning dialogs

* UI: Fix output icon size. Add padding to settings list items

* UI/updater: Update some text for clarity

* UI/updater: Add marquee progress bar for existing file check

* UI/updater: Add manifest file for DPI awareness

* UI: Revert Dark theme Scenes font change

* CI: Fix travis test on OSX

* CI: Build CEF with OS X 10.11 target

* UI: Ensure frontend event is removed on object deletion

* win-wasapi: Speaker enum fixes

* UI: Fix \"Toggle Preview\" hotkeys duplicating

* GitHub: Add funding buttons

* libobs-d3d11: Bad indices in log output

* libobs: Pair encoders only when output actually starts

* UI: Fix issue where rec time left would show negative time

* libobs: Remove unreachable YUV decode paths

* obs-filters: Remove unused key_rgb shader variable

* obs-filters: Remove unused variable for color key

* libobs: Remove saturate from RGB -> YUV conversion

* UI: Remove unused helper function renderVB

* obs-browser: Close browser panels early

* UI: Remove 5 file limit for drag & drop

* libobs: Fix lockup when an encode call fails

* UI: Dark theme consistency for Scenes vs Sources

* UI: Remove unused hotkey qss items

* UI: Fix theme issues with hotkey icons

* UI: Add hover color to hotkey icons

* UI: Add Transition Previews

* libobs: Add transition and showing counter functions

* README.rst: Add contributing/donating link

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix VAAPI CBR

* libobs: UI: Remove Qt usage from graphics thread

* obs-outputs: Fix undefined MSG_NOSIGNAL

* libobs: Restore casts to fix Clang warnings

* obs-qsv: Update libmfx, fix QSV with new DCH drivers

* UI: Block SIGPIPE in all threads

* obs-outputs: Return error instead emitting SIGPIPE

* obs-frontend-api: Add func to trigger a Studio Mode transition

* obs-frontend-api: Add methods to get/set transition duration

* libobs: Fix various alpha issues

* UI: Change fader type to log

* UI: Make volume faders more precise

* UI: Change volume to dB in adv audio properties

* UI: Use escaped html for about dialog

* UI: Add Patreon contributors to About dialog

* win-dshow: fix issue decoding some H.264 stream

* UI: Fix system tray not working

* UI: Hide Alpha channel field from the color picker

* UI: fix crash due to NULL dereference

* rtmp-services: Update

* libobs: Fix crashes from wrong types

* CI: Use swig 3.0.12 on OSX

* UI: Fix theme showing incorrect theme when on Dark

* CI: Use swig 3.04 on OSX

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix jim-nvenc initial DTS for fractional FPS

* UI: Add ability to set properties spinbox suffix

* libobs: Add ability to set spinbox property suffix

* UI: Use icons for hotkey buttons

* UI: Truncate text in hotkeys interface

* UI: Remove icons from settings button box

* UI: Improve look of Dark theme

* UI: Remove settings horizontal lines

* UI: Remove mac browser workarounds, improve stability

* UI: Only execute \"What\'s New\" code on win32

* UI: Check for valid systen tray pointer

* UI: Increment bitrates by 50

* libobs: Use RTLD_FIRST when loading libraries on macOS

* UI: Fix theme issues with vis/lock checkboxes

* obs-ffmpeg: Move ffmpeg-mux to executable dir

* libobs/util: Add function to get executable path

* obs-filters: Use int sliders for opacity

* obs-filters: Fix opacity on image mask/blend filter

* libobs: Support limited color range for RGB/Y800 sources

* decklink, win-dshow: Use obs_source_output_video2

* libobs: Add better default source color range handling

* Revert \"libobs: libobs-d3d11: obs-filters: No excess alpha\"

* UI: Fix theme bug when updating from older versions

* UI: Add ability to copy/paste scene filters

* UI: Fix unable to escape when renaming scene

* UI: Fix group checkbox icons not working in Dark theme

* UI: Simplify locked/visibility checkboxes

* UI: Change icons to svg

* UI: Fix preview/program label alignment

* libobs: Fix GS_UNSIGNED_LONG definition

* obs-outputs: Fix leak with certs for rtmp

* UI: Rename UI files for consistency

* UI: Fix whitespace issues with \"ignore wheel\" widgets

* UI: Do not remove focus on mouse leave events

* win-wasapi: Unapply/reapply audio monitoring on reconnect

* win-wasapi: Fix audio capture after unplugging device

* win-wasapi: Call CoInitializeEx in reconnect thread

* decklink-output-ui: Fix memory leak

* rtmp-services: Update Mixer keyframe interval

* UI: Do not allow mouse wheel for volume slider

* libobs: UI: Fix rotated line scale

* obs-ffmpeg: Add logging of last error for passing to UI

* libobs: Allow Win32 pipes to pass STDERR for logging of errors

* UI: Update error message severity levels and show additional info

* UI: Add warning / critical QMessageBox wrappers

* Use proper capitalization for string

* UI: Add support for property groups

* libobs: Add property groups

* Decklink: inital preview out work

* UI: Use theme colors setting for Projectors too

* UI: Correct custom property implementation

* vlc-video: Enable subtitle track selection

* UI: Add default color for the preview background

* UI: Fix Linux build without PulseAudio

* UI: Estimate recording time left until disk is full

* libobs: Fix shader for GLSL

* UI: Add Linux AppStream metadata

* UI: Add hotkey to toggle preview

* win-capture/graphics-hook: Check if mutex abandoned

* UI: Remove SourceListWidget

* UI: Ignore wheelEvent for properties

* rtmp-services: Add OnlyFans streaming service

* CONTRIBUTING.rst: Improve commit guidelines

* UI: Fix remux dialog ignoring filename changes

* UI: Separate delegate class into header file

* UI: Show a message in the empty source list

* deps/media-playback: YUV444P support

* libobs: Simplify YUV conversion

* UI: Add null check for rename of default theme

* UI: Don\'t hide cursor over multiview

* UI: Add ability to center items vertically/horizontally

* UI: Rename Default theme to System

* libobs: Add additional effect debugging information

* Remove double spaces from localization

* UI: Fix size of output icon

* vlc-video: Enable audio track selection

* UI: Add text autoselect for source rename

* UI: Add text autoselect on scene rename

* libobs: UI: Use graphics debug markers

* libobs/graphics: Support debug markers

* libobs: Fix move assignment operator for ComPtr

* libobs: libobs-d3d11: obs-filters: No excess alpha

* UI: Don\'t update stats dock if hidden

* UI: Fix bandwidth test flag being saved to stream key

* cmake: Generate obs.rc out-of-tree

* libobs: Add function to remove properties

* linux-capture: Add randr support

* obs-frontend-api: Access system tray icon from API

* UI: Fix incorrect padding usage in Rachni theme

* UI: Show correct version in about dialog

* UI: Log group items on startup

* UI, libobs, text-freetype2: Add missing pragma once in header files

* libobs: Add support for F25-F35 hotkeys on Linux

* UI: Hide border for Output Settings container

* UI: Hide border for General Settings container

* UI: Refactor Audio Settings tab structure

* plugins: Clear all compiler warnings

* libobs: Clear all compiler warnings

* UI: Fix Q_PROPERTY compiling warnings

* libobs-opengl: Clear some conversion and uncaught switch cases warnings

* image-source: Set default size of color source to canvas size

* CI: Build caption output support on OSX by default

* deps/obs-scripting: Expose obs_output_output_caption_text1 to scripts

* Improve locales

* obs-filters: Add luma key filter

* libobs: Add minimum display duration to caption data

* UI: Show output\'s last error in failure dialog

* libobs: Initialize service before starting output

* UI: Fix unencoded stream failure

* obs-ffmpeg: Bind network buffer size in the UI

Sat Apr 6 14:00:00 2019 Jimmy Berry
- Add libqt5-qtsvg-devel as a build dependency.

Sat Apr 6 14:00:00 2019
- Update to version 23.1.0:

* obs-ffmpeg: Remove \"A\" variants from NVENC blacklist

* libobs: Fix and simplify Area scale filter

* Update translations from Crowdin

* libobs: Update version to 23.1.0

* UI: Do not show [x] (close) for primary dock widgets

* UI: Fix file browser showing up when dir selected

* UI: Fix issue where space/esc hotkeys would be blank

* UI: Fix crash when using ctrl-c in Linux terminal

* UI: Allow smaller Restream docks

* libobs, image-source: Fix ABI break in image_file_t structure

* UI: Fix act. feed version hide check to <= 23.0.2

* libobs: Change internal version to 23.0.3 (temporarily)

* obs-ffmpeg: Show encoder name when logging jim-nvenc

* UI: Hide act. feed by default if prev ver below 23.1

* UI: Remove help icon from source select dialog

* UI: Don\'t open settings or close in event subloop

* libobs: Update version to 23.1.0

* CI: Add Restream secrets for AppVeyor

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix blacklisted adapter check

* UI: Add Restream integration

* win-dshow: Update libdshowcapture for crash fix

* libobs: Remove dead code in sharpness effect

* obs-filters: Remove unused function in shader

* libobs: Fix Area scale filter for GLSL

* CI: Don\'t build service integration in PRs&Forks

* CI: Build service integration on Azure Pipelines

* obs-browser: Make DispatchJSEvent asynchronous

* libobs: Fix ABI break

* UI: Remove and ignore obs.rc

* libobs-opengl: Fix bad log string

* libobs: Fix output type specifiers

* libobs: Fix invalid max_anisotropy value

* UI: Use icons from theme on Linux

* Revert \"UI: Add obs.rc to .gitignore\"

* libobs: Fix obs_property_float_set_limits

* image-source: Re-add fix of repeating images

* UI: Remove Area downscale filter option

* UI: Add obs.rc to .gitignore

* Revert \"obs-ffmpeg: Add option to use b-frames as reference\"

* libobs: Fix effect parsing log specifiers

* rtmp-services: Add

* obs-ffmpeg: Use correct calling convention on CreateDXGIFactory1

* image-source: Add memory usage limit to slideshow

* libobs/graphics: Add memory usage member to image file

* libobs: Add function to get libobs object data

* image-source: Revert slideshow dynamic loading

* libobs: Fix frame not being cleared

* CI: Build for Linux on Azure Pipelines

* CI: Build on Ubuntu Xenial for Travis CI

* Adjust locales for better consistency

* libobs-d3d11: Log errors from HasBadNV12Output just in case

* libobs-d3d11: Improve NV12 validity check for AMD

* CI: Always send travis webhook and remove IRC sections

* obs-ffmpeg: Change clear on media end wording for media source

* cmake: Fix Qt DLL filenames for debug builds

* UI: Add confirmation dialog for bandwidth test mode

* UI: Add PAL 25 & 50 FPS as common FPS values

* UI: Fix yes/no not using localization in no source dialog

* UI: Change HDD to Disk in locale

* UI: Add checkbox for Twitch bandwidth test mode

* CI: Build 32/64 bit Windows parallel on Azure

* CI: Build for windows on Azure Pipelines

* obs-text, win-capture: Do not use premultiplied alpha

* Add \"Area\" scale filter

* UI: Fix \"What\'s New\" showing again each patch version

* UI: If from 23.0.1 or 23.0.0, hide activity feed

* UI: Add Twitch Activity Feed

* libobs: Remove unnecessary count check

* libobs: Fix code styling

* libobs: Fix first frame when output restarted

* UI: Redo settings icons

* CI: Fix building on trusty

* UI: Add (Do not show again) checkbox to dock closing warning

* Revert \"Merge pull request #1418 from cabirdme/qsv_feature_add\"

* Revert \"obs-qsv: Enable b-pyramid & change packet priority\"

* UI: Warn when closing dock widgets for first time

* UI: Add way to exec std::function via invokeMethod

* obs-ffmpeg: Check avformat context before use

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix crash on failed audio codec init (for real)

* UI: Always set first scene collection/profiles

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix crash on failed audio codec init

* libobs-d3d11: Check for bad NV12 output on all devices

* libobs-d3d11: Perform actual test for NV12 driver bug

* libobs-d3d11: Remove NV12 blacklist

* libobs: Always query shared texture handle for encoding

* UI: Add preview/program labels in studio mode

* decklink: Fix locale (missing word)

* decklink: Allow selecting input connections.

* decklink: Fix FC<->LFE channel swap for some devices

* obs-text: Add text transform property

* win-dshow: Fix \"Highest FPS\" algorithm

* libobs-d3d11: Reset handle and re-lock if texture rebuilt

* libobs-d3d11: Use discrete function to get shared handle

* libobs-d3d11: Set acquired bool when texture acquired

* obs-ffmpeg: Always output SEI

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix SEI data output

* frontend-tools: Fix memory leak when reloading scripts

* UI: Show video container warning when selecting MOV

* UI: Update tab stop order in Settings

* libobs: Tell filters that we want to load

* CI: macOS builds on Azure Pipelines

* obs-qsv11: Fix crash on destructor after init failure

* obs-qsv11: Don\'t try to free non allocated array on destruction

* cmake: Fix pkg-config handling of libvlc

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix NVENC blacklisted card check

* decklink: Update SDK to 10.11.4

* UI: Add ability to copy & paste filters from the mixer

* UI: Fix locale for \'disabled\' devices in audio settings

* rtmp-services: Added GamePlank to services

* image-source: Fix repeating of images with slideshow source

* libobs-opengl: Log shader compiler errors

* libobs/media-io: Fix mono upmix

* UI: Reset replay buffer button on \"stop\" signal

* obs-ffmpeg: Add option to use b-frames as reference

* obs-filters/expander: Various improvements

* linux-v4l2: Add setting to change color range

* UI: Automatically generate Windows file description

Fri Mar 8 13:00:00 2019
- Update to version 23.0.2:

* UI: Fix \"What\'s New\" showing again each patch version

* libobs: Fix code styling

* libobs: Fix first frame when output restarted

* CI: Fix building on trusty

* UI: Add (Do not show again) checkbox to dock closing warning

* Revert \"Merge pull request #1418 from cabirdme/qsv_feature_add\"

* Revert \"obs-qsv: Enable b-pyramid & change packet priority\"

* UI: Warn when closing dock widgets for first time

* UI: Add way to exec std::function via invokeMethod

* obs-ffmpeg: Check avformat context before use

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix crash on failed audio codec init (for real)

* UI: Always set first scene collection/profiles

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix crash on failed audio codec init

* libobs-d3d11: Check for bad NV12 output on all devices

* libobs-d3d11: Perform actual test for NV12 driver bug

* libobs-d3d11: Remove NV12 blacklist

* libobs: Always query shared texture handle for encoding

* UI: Reset replay buffer button on \"stop\" signal

* libobs-d3d11: Reset handle and re-lock if texture rebuilt

* libobs-d3d11: Use discrete function to get shared handle

* libobs-d3d11: Set acquired bool when texture acquired

* obs-ffmpeg: Always output SEI

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix SEI data output

* frontend-tools: Fix memory leak when reloading scripts

* UI: Update tab stop order in Settings

* CI: macOS builds on Azure Pipelines

* obs-qsv11: Fix crash on destructor after init failure

* obs-qsv11: Don\'t try to free non allocated array on destruction

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix NVENC blacklisted card check

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2019
- Update to version 23.0.1:

* obs-browser: Fix widgets being initially blank on high-DPI

* libobs: Update version to 23.0.1

* libobs-d3d11: Disable NV12 textures if NVENC unavailable

* UI: Don\'t show \"What\'s New\" for new users

* UI: Don\'t delete auto-remux file (just in case)

* libobs-d3d11: Blacklist certain adapters from NV12

* UI: Do not allow post-GPU rescaling on gpu encoders

* libobs: Add func to get encoder caps by encoder pointer

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix bitrate being set on NVENC CQP/lossless

* UI: Fix Mixer allowing endless login retries

* UI: Make workaround for Logitech plugin hard lock

* UI: Check CEF available when loading auth

* libobs-d3d11: Improve check for NV12 texture support

Tue Feb 26 13:00:00 2019 Jimmy Berry
- Include pkg-config (.pc) file in devel subpackage.

Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2019
- Update to version 23.0.0:

* UI: Rename a bunch of bad file names

* image-source: Change max loaded slideshow images to 21

* enc-amf: Update translations

* obs-ffmpeg: Add more blacklisted NVENC adapters

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Fix replay buffer checked state when no hotkey is set

* UI: Refine strings for About dialog

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Force Twitch moderation tools to system browser

* UI: Fix wrong filename building for Remux dialog

* obs-ffmpeg: Free NVENC textures after sending EOS

* libobs: Update version to 23.0.0

* obs-browser, obs-vst: Update translations

* UI: If auth startup failed, keep connected in settings

* UI: If Twitch account disconnected, retry login

* UI: If Mixer account disconnected, retry login

* UI: Fix scene list text edit sizing on dark theme

* UI: Actually fix non-windows compilation

* UI: Fix non-windows compilation

* UI: Do not display threaded message boxes on startup

* UI: Defer autoconfig to message queue

* obs-text: Use custom draw flag

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Set replay buffer check w/ --startreplaybuffer

* UI: Fix disabling \"resize output to source\"

* UI: Make sure user can still stream if auth fails

* UI: Do not auto-remux if using FFmpeg output

* UI: Use QFileInfo for remux

* UI: Clean up code styling of ternary operator usage

* UI: Allocate space for null terminator

* image-source: Actually defer slideshow, not image source

* obs-frontend-api: Make a few frontend API thread-safe

* UI: Fix profile duplicates using wrong cookies

* libobs: Fix missing mutex unlock from 26dbe54

* libobs: Check fwrite return value for extra safety

* libobs-d3d11: Fix rebuild of NV12 textures

* libobs-d3d11: Actually use paired NV12 member variable

* libobs-d3d11: Don\'t inline rebuild funcs

* UI: Fix inconsistent use of ellipsis

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix constant QP mode in new NVENC

* UI: Set preferHardware only when hw encoder is avail.

* UI: Hide instead of disable rescale

* obs-ffmpeg: Update advice for CFA

* vlc-video: Fix a video format not playing back correctly

* UI: Add back auth for custom RTMP servers

* obs-ffmpeg: Add more blacklisted non-NVENC adapters

* UI: Disable stream settings if streaming

* UI: Suggest hw encoding by default depending on hw

* obs-browser: Update default URL

* UI: Remove unused help icon

* frontend-tools: Remove unused help icon

* UI: Remove unused \"Beta\" texts

* obs-browser: Don\'t use UNUSED_PARAMETER in app class

* UI: Delete cookies on profile removal

* obs-ffmpeg: Enable NVENC psycho_aq by default for now

* obs-browser: Have child processes detect crashes

* UI: Wait for browser init before \"what\'s new\" dialog

* UI: Clear key in autoconfig when service disconnected

* UI: Estimate better resolution if using NVENC

* obs-outputs: Increase GetAdaptersAddresses buffer size

* decklink-output-ui: Add note about keyer output

* libobs: Fix indent

* libobs: Fix race conditions

* libobs: Fix potential race condition on shutdown

* UI: Add default preset for NVENC in simple output

* decklink-ouput-ui: Remove unused help icon

* frontend-tools: Remove unused help icons

* UI: Remove additional unused help icons

* win-capture: Don\'t try to find window every frame

* obs-ffmpeg: Mark unused parameter

* decklink-output-ui: Fix memory leak in save settings

* obs-ffmpeg: Don\'t expose new settings to old NVENC (yet)

* UI: Don\'t enable rescale if on \"Use stream encoder\"

* UI: Fix encoder preset locale text

* UI: Fix potential race condition for hover items

* UI: Add OBSBasicPreview::Get helper func

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix crash when audio not configured

* UI: Add missing text string for Remux dialog

* UI: Allow compressed responses in RemoteTextThread

* image-source: Defer update of slideshow source

* Revert \"UI: Use Twitch dashboard chat popout\"

* UI: Use Twitch dashboard chat popout

* UI: Remove help icon from auth/what\'s new titlebars

* libobs: Fix crash starting raw encoder before gpu encoder

* UI: Add minimum size of OAuth login dialog

* UI: Fix autoconfig authentication not working

* libobs: Fix texture-based encoder decklock

* UI: Increase Twitch \"Stream Stats\" height by 50

* UI: Allow animated BTTV emojis

* decklink-output-ui: Fix memory leak

* UI: Enter graphics context before destroying texture

* libobs: Make sure to destroy effect

* UI: Make \"What\'s New\" dialog modeless

* obs-ffmpeg: Add a few line breaks for new tooltips

* UI: Check that CEF loaded before loading integrations

* obs-ffmpeg: Use CQP in jim-nvenc properties text

* UI: Fix being unable to drag/drop source list items

* UI: Fix issue with Mixer

* UI: Do one time reset of dock lock state for v23

* obs-ffmpeg: Add tooltips for new NVENC settings

* UI: Start projector user-facing monitor count at 1

* UI: Adjust Acri and Rachni themes

* CI: Build service-integration on Windows

* image-source: Increase slideshow max loaded to 15

* obs-ffmpeg: Disable psycho_aq by default (for now)

* UI: Fix twitch stream stat window not centering

* UI: Add bttv emote button to Twitch chat window

* UI: Change preview handles/outline and add hover

* UI: Add scene item canvas overflow to preview

* obs-ffmpeg: Do not allow new NVENC on gpu idx > 0

* enc-amf: Update plugin to Version 2.5.1

* UI: Use new NVENC by default in simple output mode

* obs-ffmpeg: Add texture-based NVENC encoder implementation

* obs-ffmpeg: Update NVENC properties and property defaults

* obs-ffmpeg: Update display name of FFmpeg NVENC encoder

* obs-ffmpeg: Update nvEncodeAPI.h to latest version

* UI: If hardware encoder selected, disable post rescale

* UI: Use hardware encoding by default if available

* libobs: Add texture-based encoding support

* libobs: Split do_encode in to two funcs

* libobs/media-io: Add frame funcs for separate GPU thread

* obs-ffmpeg: Implement NVENC video card blacklist

* libobs/util: Fix bug with get_winver

* libobs/util: Fix bug with circlebuf_data

* libobs: Add ability to reroute encoders

* libobs/util: Add get_win_ver_int() func (windows)

* libobs: Use NV12 textures when available

* libobs: Add obs_video_active() function

* libobs/graphics: Add NV12 texture support

* libobs/graphics: Add texture sharing functions

* UI: Fix potential race condition

* UI: Add Twitch integration

* UI: Add Mixer integration

* UI: Add auth. support to settings/autoconfig

* UI: Add obfuscation func

* UI: Add Auth and OAuth classes

* UI: Add func to load browser/cookies, but show dialog

* UI: Add per-profile browser panel cookie management

* UI: Switch to new browser panel code

* UI: Improve/refactor autoconfig/settings service UI

* UI: Add function for adding extra docks to main window

* UI: Make assignDockToggle an actual function

* UI: Add function to get main window more easily

* UI: Add functions for executing funcs without blocking

* UI: Add CreateQThread helper function

* UI: Unlock UI by default

* UI: Add alternate constructor for RemoteTextThread

* UI: Add timeout parameter to RemoteTextThread

* UI: Only def. BROWSER_AVAILABLE for WIN32 (for now)

* UI: Remove \"service type\" from auto-config stream page

* obs-filters: Fix unused parameter warnings

* obs-vst: Fix resizing on windows (submodule update)

* UI: Enable high DPI scaling, for Qt >= 5.11

* UI: Use Next button for GPL license page in windows installer

* win-capture: Add a few more blacklisted capture exes

* win-capture: Do not capture \"explorer.exe\" with null titles

* libobs: Fix scanf type specifiers

* frontend-tools: Call modified prop callbacks on script load/reload

* CI: Use modified macOS QT installer

* win-capture: Start user-facing monitor count at 1

* UI: add a default black background to the PGM output of the multiview

* rtmp-services: Remove LiveEdu from services

* decklink: Remove redundant const qualifiers

* UI: Clear out previous projectors when loading saved projectors

* rtmp-services: Update Twitch and Smashcast ingests

* obs-filters: Add downward expander filter

* UI: Fix audio recording for lossless simple (#1616)

* cmake: Use multiprocessor compilation on Windows (#1605)

* rtmp-services: restore STAGE TEN (now using rtmps)

* Use Premultiplied Alpha for Text and Game Capture (#1578)

* rtmp-services: updating ingests

* Add Bangalore, India server to Restream

* rtmp-services: Add RTMP Services (#1631)

* UI: Fix a series of mem leaks (#1614)

* syphon: Remove references to game capture

* obs-ffmpeg: Show additional details in failed to write error

* win-capture: Disable cached offsets writing

* win-capture: Improve reading from get-graphics-offsets

* obs-qsv: Enable b-pyramid & change packet priority

* README.rst: Clarify that project is GPL2+

* Add GPL Cooperation Commitment to base directory

* UI: Fix accessibility/narration text on sources list

* UI: Add support for Restream \"Auto\" server in auto-config

* decklink: Initialize member variables

* UI: Fix infinitely incrementing showing ref

* UI: Set minimum negative sync offset to -950

* libobs, UI: Do not log redundant warnings

* UI: Add date/time to log file

* Authors: Update Contributors list

* UI: Fix Defaults button not triggering UI update

* rtmp-services: Update service json format version

* Decklink: only use RGBA when using keyer

* obs-qsv11: Log errors on init

* Decklink: Keyer support

* libobs: Add get_defaults2 and get_properties2 for encoders

* rtmp-services: Update Chaturbate POPs

* libobs: Allow const argument in obs_set_cmdline_args

* Add Discord badge to README

* libobs: Fix circlebuf_pop_back returning front

* libobs: Fix Windows Game Mode detection on newer Windows 10 versions

* UI: Save scene collection before export

* UI: Support fractional scaling

* UI: Revert default tab in Settings > Output: Advanced to Stream tab

* Add support for building on PPC64LE using x86 Intrinsic Compat Shim

* libobs: Fix utf-8 bom is not properly skipped

* UI: Show \"OBS Studio\" in linux desktop link

* UI: Fix display of mono source with surround output

* CONTRIBUTING.rst: Add Discord server and dev chat

* rtmp-services: Remove dead servers/services

* linux-v4l2: Make V4L device names unique

* UI: Add French to UI/dist/obs.desktop

* win-mf: Initialize member variable

* rtmp-services: Added Bongacams ingest point

* UI: Add /LARGEADDRESSAWARE for MSVC x86 executable

* libobs: Fix crash when pixel or vertex shader are missing

* libobs: Log audio source when buffering is added

* libobs: Fix starting timestamp for preloaded frames

* rtmp-services: Add Restream FTL ingests

* obs-output: Update ftl-sdk version

* rtmp-services: Allow seamless service renaming

* rtmp-services: Add

* rtmp-services: Add Linkstream

* libobs/util: Make default val INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE

* libobs: Background color of 0 should not be gray

* CI: Use proper VLC release tarball

* CI: Use VLC 3.0.4 instead of master for macOS

* obs-libfdk: Compatibility fix for new API

* obs-filters: Add limiter filter

* libobs: memset() the correct buff size

* libobs: Do not process panning if panning centered

* decklink: Add declaration file for integer types

* libobs: Fix audio offset not reset for all tracks

* CI: Update Qt path on Windows

* UI: Fix batch remux compiler warning

* Add AppVeyor CI status badge to README

* Add Travis CI status badge to README

* UI: Remove scrollbar line controls for Dark theme

* Decklink: add UI to control output

* UI: Fix bug when loading saved projectors

* UI: Emit STREAMING_STOPPING event immediately

* linux-capture: XCompCap now chooses glXFBConfigs based on window depth

* decklink: Initialize member variable

* UI: Add multi-track FFmpeg output support

* obs-ffmpeg: Enable multiple audio tracks for FFmpeg output

* libobs: Add multi-track support to non-encoded outputs

* UI: Don\'t transition if already transitioning (studio mode)

* libobs: Add obs_enum_scenes for enumerating scenes

* libobs-d3d11: Use mip levels are used in resource view

* libobs-opengl: Add int2-4 support

* enc-amf: Update to and update repository address

* UI: Fix typo with resize output text

* Revert \"Merge pull request #1498 from Xaymar/patch-obs-amd-encoder\"

* Decklink: add output support

* UI: Fix auto remux warning

* rtmp-services: Update servers

* rtmp-services: Add DLive

* obs-ffmpeg: Add linux VAAPI h.264 encoding support

* libobs: Add pkgconfig support

* enc-amf: Update to 2.5.0 and update repository address

* UI: Change resize output text

* linux-capture: Fix repeated swapping of swapRedBlue and improve robustness further

* rtmp-services: Add Vimm.TV

* libobs: Truncate thread names on Linux

* UI: Add ability to resize output based on source size

* UI: Add option to auto remux

* UI: Remove \'?\' from remux title bar

* CI: Add mbedTLS dependency for AppVeyor Linux

* CI: Build on Linux with AppVeyor

* CI: Use cmd prefix on AppVeyor as needed

* CI: Move AppVeyor install commands to a script file

* cmake: Find Qt first before going to subdirectories

* cmake: Fix UI being dependent on browser plugin files

* UI: Fix array length computation

* docs/sphinx: Add missing obs_sceneitem_get_id info

* UI: Fix scrollbar misalignment for Acri theme

* UI: Fix scrollbar handle alignment for Dark theme

* libobs: Fix heap corruption in obs_source_output_video

* image-source: Decrease slideshow source memory usage

* UI: Fix system tray context menu creation

* UI: Organize unused/duplicate includes

* libobs/audio-monitoring: Use libobs CFString utils

* coreaudio-encoder: Use libobs CFString utils

* decklink: Use libobs CFString utils

* mac-capture: Use libobs CFString utils

* mac-vth264: Use libobs CFString utils

* libobs: Add CFString utils

* UI: Undo/fix stats dock changes to main window

* decklink: Remove inactive audio channels (linux, macOs)

* UI: Add 4th aux audio input device

* frontend-tools: Increase instant replay playback retry interval

* frontend-tools: Add VLC support to instant replay script

* UI: Batch remux and drag/drop support on remux dialog

* UI: Change about dialog bottom color (light theme)

* win-capture: Add option to adjust hook rate for game capture

* linux-capture: Improve XComposite capture robustness

* libobs: Don\'t call width/height funcs if context invalid

* rtmp-services: Update Lahzenegar settings

* obs-filters: Add \"Invert Polarity\" audio filter

* obs-filters: Avoid skewing chroma key\'s box filter average

* obs-filters: Optimize chroma key\'s box filter

* cmake: Make static VC runtime libraries consistent

* Plugins: Add descriptions to modules

* libobs: Export image-file to c

* obs-browser: Fix local macOS build issues

* obs-qsv: enable High Profile for QSV h264

* UI: Add ability to style preview background color

* UI: Dark theme padding and alignment fixes

* UI: Add Filter to Hotkeys settings menu

* Fix README hyperlinks under Credits

* cmake: Fix an error when SWIG isn\'t found

* UI: Set about dialog as non-resizable

* docs/sphinx: Add annotation api functions

* libobs: Add additional gs_effect_get_ functions

* libobs: Add HLSL annotation parsing

* Update decklink SDK to version 10.11

* obs-filters: Add base canvas resolution option

* libobs/util: Fix undefined behavior and optimize util_mul64_64

* UI: Add ability to reset sliders when double clicked

* UI: Implement stereo balancing

* UI: Remove license agreement dialog

* UI: Add about dialog

* cmake: Make directory before copying file

* decklink: Add deactivate when not showing option to decklink

* cmake: Add install_obs_data_file function

* Update AUTHORS file

* UI: Prevent format-truncation compiler warning

* obs-outputs: Fix unused variable compiler warning

* obs-outputs: Make rtmp packet alloc code path clearer

* UI: Fix not all projectors using ProjectorAlwaysOnTop

* win-ivcam: Remove and prohibit useless member functions

* linux-jack: Fix snprintf format specifier

* libobs: Remove VLA in pulse monitoring backend

* cmake: Add variable-length array checks

* libobs: Update version to 22.0.3

* obs-browser: Fix macOS crash

* UI: Blacklist LockApp and Text Input from Game Capture

* UI: Add retina support and updated icons

* UI: Add rename scene/source shortcut

* libobs-opengl: Store FBOs per texture instead of per device

* UI/updater: Fix update bug for 32bit/64bit installs

* UI: Add ctrl+up/down shorcuts to move filters around

* UI: Add delete as shortcut for removing filters

* UI: Make stats dockable

* rtmp-services: Remove offline/unavailable servers/services

* rtmp-services: add STAGE TEN

* UI: Name parameters in definition same as in declaration

* image-source: Add psd and
* to file filter

* UI: Use themeID for red message in settings view

* obs-qsv: Expose additional QSV encoder settings through GUI

* libobs/UI: Allow Access To argc/argv

* win-capture: Modify log for sharedmem

* obs-filters: Use less automagic for SpeexDSP detection

* deps/obs-scripting: Use less automagic for Lua/Python detection

Fri Dec 7 13:00:00 2018 Jimmy Berry
- Remove workaround for utilizing proper libdir as it interferes
with building plugins.

Wed Nov 14 13:00:00 2018 Jimmy Berry
- Set ExclusiveArch to i586 and x86_64.

Wed Nov 14 13:00:00 2018 Jimmy Berry
- Restrict to ffmpeg3 to avoid Tumbleweed segfault.

Thu Sep 13 14:00:00 2018
- Include optional build dependencies to enable more features.

Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2018
- Update to version 22.0.2:

* Revert \"UI: Do not fire load events until program loaded\"

* Revert \"UI: Reset sources list manually on first load\"

* UI: Always show filter preview if video source

* obs-browser: Update version to 2.1.5

* UI: Reset sources list manually on first load

* UI: Remove \"Beta\" from auto-config tools menu text

* libobs: Update version to 22.0.2

* obs-browser: Update version to 2.1.4

* UI: Make sure quick transition hotkey is not zeroed

* UI: Do not fire load events until program loaded

* UI: Use AlwaysOnTop option for windowed projectors

* UI: Fix a rare multiview crash when clicked

* UI: Fix macOS bug (scrollbar blocking lock icons)

* CI: Use Qt 5.10.1 instead of 5.11.1 for macOS

* UI: Remove beta warning from auto-config wizard

* libobs: Blacklist old obs-browser version on macOS

* UI: Fix filter layout issue

* UI/updater: Add missing header

* obs-outputs: Revert f1f49bc1 to fix RTMP authentication

* UI: Select item that user adds

* CI: Rename one more missed cef-bootstrap name

* CI: Rename cef-bootstrap to obs-browser-page

* obs-browser: Update browser version to 2.1.3

* UI: Set browser hwaccel def. to false if winver <=7

* rtmp-services: Only do URL check for Facebook

* UI: Close remux output before showing dialog

* rtmp-services: update Periscope settings

* CI: Use env variable for CEF cache on Windows

* CI: Build Browser Source on Windows

* UI: Use QT font picker on OSX

Tue Aug 21 14:00:00 2018
- Update to version 22.0.1:

* obs-browser: Update translations

* libobs: Update version to 22.0.1

* obs-browser: Fix local files not being processed correctly

* libobs: Update to version 22.0.0

* UI: Fix path for File > Show Recordings

* obs-browser: Blacklist certain hwaccel adapter combos

* UI: Fix mixer context menu toggling layout on kde

* cmake: Add luajit 2.1 support to build

* obs-browser: Update version number to 2.1.0

* libobs: Revert version update to 22.0.0 (instead, do RC2)

* UI: Fix snapping of group sub-items

* CI: Use HTTPS for downloading macOS deps package

* libobs: Fix typo in function names

* UI: Remove warning when using separate QSV encoders

* Update translations from Crowdin

* Update translations from Crowdin

* updater: Prepare for transition to Fastly CDN

* libobs: Update version to 22.0.0

* UI: Hide Dock Icon on Mac OSX when minimizing to tray

* UI: Update Acri theme

* UI: Fix multiview hang

* Revert \"UI: Use qss themeID for red labels in properties view\"

* UI: Fix dark theme link color

* UI: Update Rachni theme

* obs-browser: Fix \"shutdown when invisible\" issue

* UI: Use qss themeID for red labels in properties view

* UI: Use theme for red message in audio settings

* UI: Allow centering/stretching for groups items

* UI: Fix group sub-item selection bug

* UI: Fix flip/rotate transform menu with group items

* libobs: Add function to force a sceneitem transform update

* UI: Fix bug grabbing handles of group sub-items

* rtmp-services: Add DTube

* UI: Set replay buffer button as checkable

* libobs: Fix applying group transform of flipped sources

* UI: Allow resetting transform of group sub-items

* rtmp-services: Do not check for valid URL if using \"auto\"

* libobs: Initialize hotkey pair ID variable properly

* UI: Allow the transform dialog for group sub-sources

* UI: If users renames a source, only revert on Esc

* obs-browser: Fix a number of bugs

* UI: Protect GUID generation in mutex

* UI: Make the information dialog a big wider

* UI: Add release candidate checking to info dialog

* cmake: Add release candidate versions/cmake variables

* libobs/media-io: Prevent overwriting of remux input

* libobs: Update version from latest tag

* obs-qsv11: Protect context variable in clear_data

* rtmp-services: Remove unnecessary null check

* libobs: Remove unnecessary null check

* UI: Add adv. settings checkbox for browser HW accel

* libobs: Add functions to get/set global private data

* libobs: Move function declarations to correct spot

* UI: Use NVIDIA laptop GPU hint

* CI: Update OSX Deps package

* win-capture: Avoid segfault when retrieve size

* cmake: Prevent policy CMP0072 warning

* Revert \"libobs-d3d11: Initialize variable to zero\"

* win-capture: Avoid tex size mismatch for cursor

* UI: Make OBS bitness more specific in title bar and log

* obs-qsv11: Initialize member variable

* CI: Fix building libvpx dep on osx

* rtmp-services: Ensure set URL exists within server list

* rtmp-services: Change Facebook stream URL to use RTMPS

* obs-outputs: Add support for and use mbedTLS for SSL

* libobs: When ungrouping groups, duplicate items

* libobs: Add internal function to dup. scene item data

* libobs: Add function to save hotkey pair data

* UI: Remove QNetworkReply from window-basic-main.hpp

* UI: Use URL for discord invite

* libobs-opengl: Fix segfault on access of invalid window

* libobs-opengl: Improve X error handler message

* obs-filters: Fix segfault in Compressor Filter

* UI: Add missing va_end() call

* CI: Update macOS dependencies in build script

* CI: Update Travis scripts to target OSX 10.11+

* CI: Update Travis Mac builds to Xcode 9.4 and macOS 10.13

* UI: Add ability to join discord server from help menu

* UI: Add Color Coding to Source Tree Widget

* win-mf: Add missing va_end() call

* obs-browser: Add hardware acceleration option (win32)

* UI: Add missing return statement

* UI: Uncheck record/replay buffer buttons if fail

* UI: Use QScopedPointer (not QPointer) where applicable

* UI: Hide preview for sources and filters where possible

* UI: Fix disabled items in Dark theme being too light

* libobs: Log libobs bitness in crash logs

* UI: Add confirmation dialog if there are no sources

* libobs-d3d11: Initialize variable to zero

* UI: Check pointer before the first dereference

* UI: Add intro startup page (windows)

* deps: Add json11 library for convenience

* UI: Only allow stream/record hotkeys if the UI buttons are enabled

* OSX: Add NSCamera and NSMicrophone UsageDescription for 10.14

* CI: Use Qt 5.11.1 on Travis for macOS

* CI: Use Qt 5.11.1 on AppVeyor for Windows

* frontend-tools: Add QAction explicitly for Qt 5.11 compatibility

* Fix typo in contributor guide

* UI: Fix start up crash with saved projectors

* rtmp-services: Add Piczel.TV server

* enc-amf: Version 2.4.2

* libobs: Always try to update transform in current thread

* libobs: Only update scene item texture on frame tick

* libobs: Don\'t assign variables before if/return

* UI: Do not open properties dialog for groups

* obs-outputs: Update librtmp with upstream patches

* CI: Add AppVeyor webhook for Discord bot

* CI: Add travis webhook for Discord bot

* UI: Add signal for when theme has changed

* UI: Add ability to parse OBSStyle from qss

* libobs: Copy the device uid string for mac audio monitor

* libobs: Pass address of cf_uid rather than the contents of cf_uid

* libobs: Fix setting of audio monitor device on Mac

* libobs: Rework checking Mac audio device capabilities

* UI: Fix bug with advanced output service settings

* libobs: Add function to get encoder object\'s defaults

* obs-browser: Fix error and warning

* obs-browser: Update to latest version

* libobs: Defer update of scene item texture

* UI: Allow alt-cropping on bounding box scene items

* libobs/util: Don\'t use assert for darray_push_back_array

* obs-qsv: Allow for multiple QSV encoders

* obs-output: Update ftl-sdk version

* CI: Update Sparkle default base_url

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for GamePlank

* UI: Fix signals for sub-items of groups

* UI: Add OBSBasic::SavingDisabled() function

* UI: Allow copying/pasting of groups

* libobs: Allow group duplication

* libobs: Change groups to actual public types

* libobs: Abstract resize_group to resize_scene_base

* libobs: Refactor creation of scenes

* libobs: Remove group_sceneitem from obs_scene struct

* libobs: Add obs_data_array_push_back_array

* Update INSTALL


* rtmp-services: Add KakaoTV

* libobs: Update libcaption library

* rtmp-services: Adding ingests to service list

* vlc-video: Load libvlccore.dylib on macOS

* CI: Fix CEF Path on Package Build

* libobs: Remove unnecessary const qualifier

* libobs: Remove unused variable

* libobs: Remove unused variable

* libobs: Fix equality check

* libobs: Add missing return type

* libobs: Remove unused variable

* libobs: Change int to size_t

* UI: Fix stream button checkable state

* UI: Update Acri theme for disabled buttons

* UI: Add frontend event for when OBS finishes loading

* Revert \"obs-x264: Specify x264 color space for BT.601\"

* UI: Fix cramped source tree sub-widgets on macOS

* UI: Fix bug where color property shows transparency

* UI: Fix display bug with color property

* libobs: prevent crash from unbounded copy and bfree

* UI: If group\'s name exist, start it from 2

* UI: Fix mixer dock widget minSize being too big

* obs-transitions: Fix potential stinger divide by 0

* libobs: add obs_source_frame_copy

* libobs: Fix compilation issue on case-sensitive filesystems

* libobs: Add check for cf_uid pointer free

* libobs: Fix Monitoring devices showing input devices

* obs-x264: Specify x264 color space for BT.601

* UI: Fix mem leak in VolControl

* librtmp: Fix memory leak

* UI: Fix mem leak with QCompleter

* UI: Fix mem leak with multiview projector menu

* UI: Fix mem leak with tray menu

* UI: Fix mem leak with volume meter

* UI: Compact ClearVolumeControls()

* UI: Update hotkey label on quick transition rename

* libobs: Update hotkey label on scene item rename

* libobs: Enable setting hotkey name and description

* UI: Add grouping

* UI: Fix missing newline at the end of a file

* UI: Refactor DrawCircleAtPos

* UI: Use vector value for nudge callback

* UI: Move frontend API initialization to constructor

* libobs: Add scene item grouping

* libobs: Add custom size support to scenes

* libobs: Do not signal reorder while scene mutex locked

* libobs: Defer and refactor scene item transform update

* libobs: Refactor item signaling (add func to signal parent)

* libobs: Do not draw item texture if source size 0

* libobs: Fix bug where cropped items would recalc transform

* libobs: Zero scene data instead of setting members manually

* libobs/callback: Add signal reference counting

* libobs: Refactor obs_scene_add to allow adding internally

* UI: Fix a few unused lambda closure captures

* libobs: Copy metadata for tracks/streams when remuxing

* obs-filters: Use double-precision where viable

* libobs: Avoid busy cursor when starting processes

* libobs: Allow custom core data paths

* libobs: Handle \'in\', \'out\', and \'inout\' keywords in shader parsers

* obs-ffmpeg: Set average framerate in video stream

* Make alpha visible in property color

* Use selected color in color property label

* CI: Upgrade to VS2017 on Appveyor

* UI: Add new Multiview Layout for up to 24 scenes

* UI: Move more fixed values to multiview update

* UI: Adjust the multiview num sources by the layout

* UI: Calculate fixed values of the Multiview once

* UI: Move multiview setting checks from draw path

* UI: Add option to toggle multiview draw safe area

* UI: Update multiview safe areas

* UI: Add option to toggle multiview scene names

* UI: Add option to toggle multiview mouse switching

* UI: Move multiview settings to its own groupbox

* UI: Update multiview on scene list reorder

* UI: Update multiview on resolution change

* UI: Adjust multiview label size

* UI: Add proper source markers to multiview

* UI: Simplify multiview draw code

* UI: Change multiview non-studio selection color

* UI: Remove the outerbox markers in multiview

* UI: Make the multiview lines use the same color

* UI: Make the sources border color a little darker

* UI: Clean up Projector Creation

* UI: Clean up projector\'s render regions creation

* UI: Make multiview colors easier to manage

* UI: Clarify multiview layout names

* UI: Convert multiview layout string profiles to int

* UI: Use enum for multiview layout

* UI: Add Vertical Mixer option

* UI: Simplify Volume Control draw logic

* UI: Avoid copies in Volume Control

* UI: Clean up includes and code-style

* CI: Use QT 5.10.1 for AppVeyor builds

* Use for log file uploads


* UI: Remove ENABLE_WIN_UPDATE cmake variable

* UI: Always enable auto-updater for windows

* UI: Fix memory leak when drag/dropping

* text-freetype2: Remove trailing whitespace

* text-freetype2: Add chat line count property

* libobs: Use xcb-xinput when available for events

* cmake: Add xcb-xinput support

* UI: Add opt. to enable/disable in-focus hotkey blocking

* win-capture: Fix cursor draw size with certain cursors

* win-dshow: Allow synchronous create/update

* UI: Block when calling obs_frontend_set_current_scene

* UI: Add obs_frontend_add_scene_collection API call

* UI: Use WaitConnection() when adding scenes

* UI: Add WaitConnection() helper func

* UI: Use \"source_create\" to add scenes to listbox

* libobs: Make callback optional for obs_load_sources

* libobs: Don\'t signal \"source_create\" for private sources

* win-capture: Update D3D9 signature for Win10 April 2018 Update

* libobs: Expose source save/load signal

* docs/sphinx: Fix typo in script sources section

* obs-browser: Use BGRA textures instead of RGBA

* UI: Don\'t defer load on non-macOS systems

* UI: Also defer first scene collection load

* libobs: Use unaligned store rather than aligned store

* libobs: Convert sse inline funcs to macros

* libobs: Add \"static\" to inline func

* libobs, UI: Add true peak measurements

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* UI: Fix no_space file naming for replays

* UI: Explicitly initialize the crash handler

* libobs: Separate crash handler from startup

* UI: Change remux dialog to be non-modal

* libobs: Add functions to get output capability flags

* win-capture: Avoid obs functions in init_hooks

* libobs: Add functions to get raw video output

* libobs: Deactivate unnecessary GPU ops when not encoding

* libobs: Log
*nix window manager

* UI: Disable paste filters unless a source is selected

* CI: Add description to OSX deps build script

* .gitmodules: Update submodules to new obsproject org

* UI: Set OBS icon to projector and stats window

* libobs-d3d11: Do not allow Alt+Enter interception

* UI: Sort audio controls by source name

* libobs: Add function to get last main output texture

* libobs: Fix potential filter rendering race condition

* UI: Clean up delete Source/Scene shortcut

* UI: Don\'t close windows for \"Always on Top\" (win32)

* UI: Hold the clip flash for at least one second

* UI: Add Selected and Hidden Array Values

* UI: Move OpenSavedProjecters call to OBSBasic::Load()

* obs-ffmpeg: fill in more fields on audio frames

* libobs: Fix pasting filters crash when missing sources

* UI: Do not generate \"already active\" logs

* obs-browser: Update to browser source refactor

* CI: Reduce travis output verbosity

* UI: Defer startup OBSBasic::Load (macOS CEF workaround)

* UI: Change monitoring device on profile change

* UI: Add frontend API to defer saving

* rtmp-services: Update recommended parameters for

* obs-outputs/flv: Fix ECMA array size

* CI: change travis osx artifact repo name

* UI: Save windowed projectors on exit

* UI: Remove a second call to OpenSavedProjectors

* UI: Clean up OBSProjector creation

* UI: Update Projectors title on source name change

* UI: Clean up save and load projector code

* UI: Add helper functions to Projector

* UI: Add Scene to ProjectorType

* UI: Simplify Projector Init

* UI: Refactor Projector OBSRender source usage

* UI: Move ProjectorType enum to projector header

* UI: Make OpenSavedProjectors indentation clear

* UI: Fix the Multiview window not using translation

* UI: Check if source is valid earlier

* UI: Simplify the OpenProjector logic

* UI: Only load projectors if SaveProjectors is true

* frontend-tools: Include \'QAction\' to fix build against Qt 5.11

* mac-vth264: Fix video info set logic

* mac-vth264: Set the fullrange variable before calling vt_h264_video_info

Sat May 12 14:00:00 2018
- Update to version 21.1.2:

* libobs: Update version to 21.1.2

* win-capture: Update D3D9 signature for Win10 April 2018 Update

* CI: Check out OSX branch of obs-browser

* cmake: Include windows style DLL when copying Qt files

* obs-browser: Update submodule to latest version

* UI/updater: Delete visual studio runtimes after execution

* deps/obs-scripting: Prevent python unload more than once

* obs-browser: Update submodule to latest version

* deps/obs-scripting: Don\'t allow unloading more than once

* enc-amf: Version 2.3.3

* libobs: Update version to 21.1.0

* deps/obs-scripting: Add obs_source_enum_filters

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* mac-capture: Fix bug where audio device couldn\'t be changed

* UI: Add Help -> Crash Reports submenu

* UI: Add subdir param to OBSBasic::UploadLog

* UI: Specify whether crash/profiler/logs have prefix

* UI: Specify subdir/variable to save to for get_last_log

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* UI: Replace gist with hastebin for log uploads

* UI/updater: Return false on integrity check failure

* UI/updater: Don\'t update modules of opposite arch

* UI/updater: Add automatic check/install for VS2017 redist

* UI/updater: Fix a few type size mismatch warnings

* UI/updater: Fix resource compiling bug

* UI/updater: Fix bug with restrict keyword on VS2017

* UI/updater: Set license of windows update module to ISC

* UI/updater: Rewrite function

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Refresh multiview projector menu per click

* cmake: Remove extraneous checks

* UI: Refresh system tray projector menu per click

* UI: Remove unnecessary casts

* Update README.rst

* libobs-opengl: Request at least 8 bits for alpha

* linux-capture: Request at least 8 bits for alpha

* UI: Remove check for updates on Linux

* cmake, libobs, win-capture: Fix VS2017 warnings

* cmake: Add .vs directories to .gitignore

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix tick function arg number

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix locale typo

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* deps/obs-scripting: Expose obs video info to swig

* image-source: Fade to transparency if slideshow list is cleared

* rtmp-services: Add Vimeo to services list

* libobs: Fix property text typo

* libobs/util: Fix blank config file values being ignored

* obs-ffmpeg: Use FFmpeg\'s \"fast\" AAC encoder by default

* obs-ffmpeg: Remove cutoff hack for AAC encoder

* win-mf: Deprecate plugin

* win-capture/graphics-hook: Fix memory offset calculation

* UI: Remove duplicate line

* obs-output: Update ftl-sdk version and ftl logging values

* enc-amf: Version 2.3.2

* UI: Allow nested docks

* UI: Don\'t draw bounding boxes for sources without video flag

Wed Feb 21 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 21.0.3:

* libobs: Update to version 21.0.3 (mac update)

* libobs: Log YUV space/range on video reset

* obs-filters: Clear unused parameter warning

* libobs/util: Cache windows CPU frequency

* rtmp-services: Add SermonAudio to services list

* libobs-opengl: Log adapter and driver info

* obs-ffmpeg: Add speed percentage option

* deps/media-playback: Use a struct for media init data

* UI: Remove __FUNCTION__ usage

* UI: Import scene collection with correct filename

* obs-vst: Add layout to QMacCocoaViewContainer (update submodule)

* UI: Link Qt5::MacExtras

* obs-vst: Link Qt5::MacExtras (update submodule)

* libobs/media-io: Change speaker layout to match FFmpeg aac.

* CI: Include style plugins when packaging on OSX

* CI: Comment out OSX _obspython copy (not ready yet)

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix cur. script being NULL for script_tick

* deps/obs-scripting: Allow NULL script with script_log

* UI: Fix grayed out Copy option in sources context menu

* CI: Don\'t install python for OSX

* cmake: Fix LuaJIT search

* CI: Add rpath info to _obspython

* CI: Move so it can be found in a .app

* CI: Update python rpath on osx

* CI: Make sure that lua can find obslua

* CI: Fetch RVM gpg key on osx

* CI: Fix a ruby issue on travis OSX

* CI: Update OSX deps build scripts

Thu Jan 25 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 21.0.2:

* libobs: Update version to 21.0.2 (mac tag)

* CI: Point to newer brew python

* deps/obs-scripting: Make ENABLE_SCRIPTING a user variable

Tue Jan 23 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 21.0.1:

* obs-filters: Fix hard cross-lock when using ducking

* win-dshow: Fix decoding issues from encoded devices

* UI: Acri theme adjustments

* libobs: Update version to 21.0.1

* docs/sphinx: Clarify Python windows installation

* CI: Install swig and luajit for osx travis

* deps/obs-scripting: Prevent potential python startup issues

* enc-amf: Prevent detect-amf from showing fail dialogs

* UI: Reduce size of \"refresh\" icons

* Revert \"obs-outputs: Fix FMS auth with query string\"

* UI: fix Multiview labels readability

* Update translations from Crowdin

* CI: Enable scripting in Linux builds

* cmake: Search for Python 3.4

* CI: Update CEF version on travis for osx

* libobs: Update version to 21.0.0

* UI: Add simple output mode encoder fallback

* frontend-plugins: Only show script file names in script dialog

* enc-amf: Test for AMF support in separate process first

* obs-ffmpeg: Remove NVENC detection code for now

* UI: Add command line arguments to log

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix signed mismatch warning

* frontend-tools: Fix a few issues with the clock source script

* frontend-tools: Add script to update text source from URL

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix script_log in python to append newline

* frontend-tools: Add a lua script that draws an analog clock

* UI: Add audio meter decay rate option

* UI: Optimize theme PNG images (smaller files)

* frontend-tools: Add \"Clear\" button to script log window

* frontend-tools: Warn if no active replay buffer w/ instant replay

* frontend-tools: Make instant replay script also save replay

* frontend-tools: Add \"instant replay\" script

* obs-ffmpeg: Do not return last replay path if currently muxing

* libobs/callback: Add calldata_create and calldata_destroy

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix frontend API lua table creation

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix a few more VC warnings from swigluarun.h

* obs-ffmpeg: Add proc to get last replay buffer

* deps/obs-scripting: Ensure that ffi module gets loaded

* UI: Add Acri theme

* obs-ffmpeg: Call av_register_all before nvenc check

* obs-ffmpeg: Don\'t try to detect NVENC on mac

* obs-ffmpeg: Improve NVENC detection

* linux-pulseaudio: Surround speaker map

* UI: Set max size for names in name dlg. to 256

* UI: Use snprintf and std::string when creating profiles

* libobs: Fix rendering if filter context no longer exists

* libobs: Fix double -> float conversion warning

* libobs: Optimize clearing of unused source audio mixes

* libobs: Fix audio buffer clear in custom source mixing

* Fix typo in README.rst

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix installed files/locations on linux

* UI: Put clip detection back in to volume meter

* deps/obs-scripting: Add image-file to lua

* deps/obs-scripting: Set current_lua_script earlier to prevent a crash

* UI: Set linker flags required for luajit on OSX

* deps/obs-scripting: Don\'t crash obs trying to unload a script that failed to load

* docs/sphinx: Clarify vertex buffer usage

* test/test-input: Add audio buffering sync test source

* win-capture: Make minor clarification to locale string

* UI: Fix tab bars for docked widgets in Dark theme

* libobs: Fix log message

* Revert \"obs-ffmpeg: Improve NVENC detection\"

* deps/media-playback: Free frame data before freeing frame

* deps/media-playback: Use avcodec_free_context when possible

* CMake: Fix FindSwigDeps search path

* UI: Disable Youtube bandwidth test (for now)

* UI: Fix warning

* UI: Use GDI+ text for multiview on windows

* libobs-d3d11: Allow multiple display captures of same monitor

* UI: Fix qpushbutton menu icon

* UI: Style dock widgets in dark and rachni themes

* libobs: Fix audio issue with scene items

* UI: Add the \"-60\" volume control marker

* decklink: Default to 5.1 if invalid channel value 7

* decklink: Fix bug with old channel formats

* UI: Change default theme to dark for new users

* win-capture: Change string for memory capture option

* linux-pulseaudio: Default sample format float32le

* cmake: add more LuaJIT lib names

* Revert \"CI: Add Python path for AppVeyor\"

* frontend-plugins: Add \"Description\" string

* frontend-plugins: Remove unused strings

* cmake: Fix copying lua51.dll (luajit) dep on windows

* CI: Add Python path for AppVeyor

* deps/obs-scripting: Fix swig/python lookup on windows

* libobs: Fix pulseaudio monitor playback stuttering

* libobs: Fix for int-in-bool-context-warning

* rtmp-services: Add Twitch Helsinki ingest

* obs-outputs: Fix FMS auth with query string

* UI: Add frontend API funcs for enabling/disable preview

* mac-capture: Update fix for Soundflower

* decklink: Add 2.1 & 4.1 surround layouts

* coreaudio-encoder: Surround sound improvements

* obs-libdk: Unlock bitrates for surround layouts

* UI: Add Multiview Layout Options

* UI: Add Single/Double click options to Multiview

* UI: Add help portal link to help menu

* libobs/media-io: Replace quad with 4.0

* libobs/media-io: Clean surround API

* UI: Rework volume-meters, adding more information

* obs-filters: Fix heavy distortion in Noise Suppression filter

* libobs: Fix scene filter duplication

* libobs: Fix bad source release placement

* obs-filters: Fix minor leaks with LUT filter

* UI: Fix possible source reference leakage

* docs/sphinx: Fix vec3_set

* libobs: Log which security software is in use

* deps/scripting: Add python rpaths to the obs binary on OSX

* docs/sphinx: Add scripting documentation

* doc/sphinx: Add frontend API documentation

* frontend-tools: Add scripting tool

* deps/obs-scripting: Add scripting support

* libobs: Add obs_property_set_modified_callback2

* libobs: Add obs_properties_add_button2

* libobs: Fix function to be static inline

* libobs: Exclude certain declarations from SWIG processing

* UI: Allow temporarily disabling filter/source types

* UI: Do not show deprecated filters

* UI: Add scene collection cleanup event to frontend API

* UI/obs-frontend-api: Move function declarations

* UI: Trigger scene change event on scene collection load

* UI: Add refresh/reload button icons

* UI: Call frontend callbacks in reverse order

* UI: Add preload callbacks to frontend API

* UI: Set ENABLE_UI and DISABLE_UI as root CMake variables

* libobs: Prevent access to OBS context during shutdown

* libobs: Store string copies in properties

* libobs: Add ability to disable source types

* libobs/callback: Add global callback to signal handler

* libobs/callback: Add signal_handler_remove_current func

* libobs/util: Add THREAD_LOCAL macro

* libobs: Add video tick callback functions

* cmake: Add helper module for finding Lua

* cmake: Add Lua/Luajit as part of MSVC dependencies

* libobs/util: Ignore PRINTFATTR if using SWIG preprocessor

* libobs/util: Optimize strlist_
* functions

* libobs: Add obs_source_info::get_properties2

* libobs: Add obs_source_info::get_defaults2

* linux-v4l2: Add 4k and 21:9 resolutions

* libobs: Add obs_render_main_texture

* libobs: Fix incomplete struct in scaler call

* UI: Fix minor Rachni theme bugs

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix ffmpeg output recording in x264

* libobs: Make get_reg_dword handle missing keys

* Fix typo in README

* Move documentation to links in CONTRIBUTING file

* Add documentation links

* win-capture: Fix memory capture crash on new capture

* enc-amf: Version 2.3.1

* win-capture: Rename structs to avoid SDK conflict

* rtmp-services: Add Twitch Salt Lake City ingest

* ui: Fix unsaved changes dialog showing twice

* Fix a number of GCC warnings

* Fix a number of MSVC warnings

* obs-ffmpeg: Use correct function with older FFmpeg vers.

* libobs/media-io: Add ifdef for newer FFmpeg functions

* Fix a number of MSVC warnings

* obs-vst: Fix a few warnings (update submodule)

* cmake: Correct CMake checks for LINUX

* Revert \"CI: Linux - Install FFmpeg from source\"

* git: Add Clion to .gitignore

* cmake: Do not require X11 on OSX

* CI: Fix Mac builds on Travis CI\'s Xcode 8.3 image

* UI: Duplicate when double-click switching is used

* UI: Move multiview options to view menu

* UI: Fix draw issues with multiview projector

* obs-filters: Add sidechain source option to compressor

* libobs/util: Add funcs to push zeroed data to circlebufs

* decklink: Rename 5.1 and 7.1 multi-channel formats

* rtmp-services: Remove Coderwall / Fix Livestream service name

* deps/media-playback: Fix compilation with older FFmpeg versions

* obs-ffmpeg: Improve NVENC detection

* rtmp-services: Add Mobcrush to services list

* CI: Fix macOS builds on Travis CI\'s Xcode 8.3 image

* UI: Add Multiview projector

* libobs/graphics: Add gs_effect_set_color

* CI: Fix Mac builds on Travis CI\'s Xcode 8.3 image

* UI: Fix issue where studio preview scene would stick

* UI: Fix scene override when switching off studio mode

* UI: Don\'t override transition if quick transition

* UI: Fix preview/program projectors being swapped

* UI: Implement per-scene transition overriding

* libobs: Duplicate private scene/source settings

* UI: Fix studio program projectors

* CI: fix curl download if file doesn\'t exist

* win-dshow: Improve automatic Elgato audio device selection

* UI: Add Studio Mode layout option for portrait mode displays

* UI: Fix bug with studio mode double-click switching

* libobs: Fix height return value condition

* docs/sphinx: Add sphinx documentation

* libobs: Add vertex/index buffer \"direct\" flush functions

* libobs: Add option to duplicate vertex/index buffer data

* libobs-opengl: Make update_buffer data param const

* UI: Add Studio Preview Projector

* UI: Add transition on double-click studio mode option

* linux-capture: Log window capture\'s target

* mac-capture: Log window capture\'s target

* win-capture: Log window capture\'s target

* libobs: Add surround sound audio support

* cmake: Add CMake option to disable building plugins

* UI: Fix a memory leak when renaming mixer sources

* rtmp-services: Add MyLive streaming platform

* CI: Update curl version used by appveyor

* rtmp-services: Add streaming platform

* libobs-d3d11: Fix gs_enable_color

* UI: Add ability to rename audio sources from the mixer

* win-wasapi: Fix timestamp calculation

* obs-ffmpeg: Log bad muxer settings with FFmpeg output

* obs-ffmpeg: Use muxer settings with AVIOContext

* obs-vst: Update to latest plugin version

* UI: Make streaming/recording buttons checkable

* UI: Handle update_properties signal in OBSBasicFilters window

* libobs: Copy enabled state when duplicating filters

* UI: Allow keyboard events on X11 fullscreen projector

* rtmp-services: Add Eventials streaming platform

* rtmp-services: Add us-west1 Picarto ingress

* UI: Add Frontend API function to save replay buffer

* UI: Disable source copy if no sources are selected

* linux-alsa: Display the \"Custom\" entry once only

Fri Nov 17 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 20.1.3:

* libobs: Update to version 20.1.3

* libobs: Fix FFmpeg constants

* libobs: Update to version 20.1.2

* libobs-d3d11: Allow rebuild even if output duplicator fails

* graphics-hook: blacklist OpenGL capture for \"cm_client.exe\"

* UI: Fix custom ffmpeg output file / URL entry

* linux-pulseaudio: Get correct default device

* libobs: Rename obs_video_thread to obs_graphics_thread

* libobs: Use new ffmpeg constants

* obs-ffmpeg: Use new ffmpeg constants

* deps/media-playback: Use new ffmpeg constants

* UI: Log when output timer events stop outputs

Thu Oct 26 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 20.1.1:

* libobs: Add wrapper function to query Windows registry

* libobs: Log Windows 10 Gaming Features

* CI: Update Travis script to target OSX 10.10+

* enc-amf: Version 2.2.4

* libobs: Update to version 20.1.1

* rtmp-services: Add Picarto eu-west1 ingress server

* rtmp-services: Add streaming platform

Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 20.1.0:

* libobs/util: Fix
*nix CPU core counts

* libobs: Log
*nix system info more like Windows/Mac

* libobs: Fix XCB keyboard mapping size calculation

* linux-capture: Watch for VisibilityNotify events

* libobs: Fix a potential divide by zero crash

* UI: Allow volume peak to be customized via .qss

* UI: Fix parent window geometry loading

* Build with CEF 3112 on OSX

* obs-browser: version 1.30.1

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* obs-outputs: Enable FTL logging and reduce verbosity

* obs-outputs: Fix invalid stream key error

* rtmp-services: Add new twitch ingest servers

* obs-outputs: Improve new netcode if encoder reports 0 bitrate

* rtmp-services: Fixing misspell in a country name

* vlc-source: Add media control hotkeys

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* rtmp-services: Add streaming platform

* libobs/util: Add memory usage functions

* UI: Add memory usage to Stats window on linux/mac

* libobs: Add Pulseaudio audio monitoring support

* UI: Enable audio monitoring on linux if pulse available

* linux-pulseaudio: Use actual sink device names

* libobs: Fix texture_ready feedback for CPU conversion path

* libobs: Fix I420 shader for (width/2)%4 == 2 resolutions

* libobs: Add private settings to scene items/sources

* UI: Allow right-clicking mixer sources to bring up menu

* UI: Allow hiding/unhiding sources in the mixer

* UI: Add missing option to context menu

* UI: Use Qt standard buttons in source properties

* obs-ffmpeg: Don\'t mark to destroy media unless valid

* libobs: Fix ImageMagick header path

* libobs: Stop configure if ImageMagick is preferred, but not found

* libobs: Adjust grammar of an error message

* UI: Enable Replay Buffer in Advanced Mode

* obs-transitions: Add audio monitoring to stinger

* obs-transition: Add crossfade option to stinger

* obs-transitions: Fix integer conversion warning

* UI: Lock graphics context when adding new sources

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix potential seek issues with media source

* libobs: Restore Windows Vista compatibility

* UI/updater: Use TLS 1.2 with WinHTTP

* libobs: Fix paired audio encoder discarding one segment

* libobs: Fix starting video packet offset in outputs

* libobs: Move macro to internal C file

* obs-outputs: Fix FLV muxing bug

* libobs: When interleaving packets, make video come first

* obs-outputs: Fix up the internal FLV output

* libobs: Set video timing_adjust to obs video time

* win-capture: Remove buffering from window capture

* win-wasapi: Subtract frame duration from timestamp

* test: Add sync tests

* libobs/media-io: Fix decompress_420 function

* vlc-video: Set properties to defer update mode

* graphics-hook: Blacklist specific game from GL capture

* libobs: Initialize randomization seed in video thread

* vlc-video: Fix shuffle not being quite that random

* win-dshow: Fix video playback when default format is MJPEG

* file-updater: fix crash due to network timeout

* UI: Log generic stream startup failures

* libobs: Disable pulseaudio dependency lookup on mac

* libobs-opengl: Disable v-sync on mac

* UI: Add ini option to use different graphics adapters

* libobs/util: Fix Windows 10 revision detection

* rtmp-services: Only update Twitch ingests when necessary

* libobs: Add async video/audio decoupling functions

* decklink: Use unbuffered by default, and decouple

* obs-outputs: Signal stop if stop called when not active

* UI: Log when starting / stopping via hotkey or timer

* UI: Add missing text for replay buffer hotkey log

* obs-outputs: Only set stop events if still active

* UI: Disallow pasting duplicates of sources with DO_NOT_DUPLICATE

* rtmp-services: Don\'t show \"service not found\" if name empty

* UI: Fix Pulse Audio not loading saved device

* libobs: Update version to 20.1.0

* Update translations from Crowdin

Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2017
- Revert dropping of _service for URL in spec by non-maintainer.

Sun Oct 8 14:00:00 2017
- Use %suse_update_desktop_file.
- Fix wrong Group tag.
- Update %post and %postun.
- Use URL in Source tag.
- Remove %clean tag, it\'s not necessary now.

Fri Aug 11 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 20.0.1:

* UI: Add Studio Mode features in the Frontend API

* CI: Download deps if they are outdated

* plugins: Clear warnings about -Wincompatible-pointer-types

* UI: Add new theme, update theme capabilities

* .editorconfig: Add file to speed up editor configuration

* libobs: Fix an int underflow in log_frame_info

* rtmp-services: Add Chaturbate Streaming Service

* libobs-d3d11: Fix potential issue rebuilding shared texture

* UI: Fix potential crash with unsupported video cards

* vlc-video: Add network caching property

* libobs-d3d11: Better error message for missing D3DCompiler

* rtmp-services: Rename to

* vlc-video: Fix integer conversion warning

* deps/jansson: Update jansson to version 2.9

* UI: Add fullscreen projector to systray menu

* UI: Add fullscreen UI option to view menu

* libobs: Fix bug where obs_data default might not be set

* UI: Add \"Defaults\" button to filters/properties windows

* obs-text: Fix file reader occasionally not updating

* text-freetype2: Fix file reader occasionally not updating

* cmake: Add _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS def to all projects

* UI, libobs: Add ability to lock individual scene items

* UI, libobs: Add Japanese shortcut keys for Windows

* rtmp-services: Update servers for Vaughn Live/

* libobs/util: Make minor optimization to circlebuf pops

* libobs: Add <> or \\| on RT 102-key as hotkey

* libobs/plugins/UI: Suppress unused variables warnings

* UI: Make sure \"Defaults\" buttons aren\'t default buttons

* UI: Make lock/unlock icons slightly smaller

* UI: Fix lock/visibility sub-widget sizes on OSX

* obs-qsv11: change re-enter locker implementation

* decklink: Add feature to detect resolution/format

* UI: Add ability to drop html files

* UI: Allow zoom with the scroll wheel

* win-capture: Log when game capture compatibilty mode is set

* UI: Remove unused function from volume control

* libobs: Add obs_volmeter_get_cur_db function

* UI: Change meter color to red when audio is clipping

* UI: Add backwards compatible theme fallback

* rtmp-services: Add LiveEdu (accidentally removed)

* UI: Ensure theme backward compat. with older OBS vers.

* obs-filters: Optimize and fix alpha in color grade filter

* UI: update installer script to latest version

* rtmp-services: Update ingests

* UI: Add missing separator in mediaExtensions initializer

* libobs: Add API to specify codec support on encoded outputs

* libobs: Add ability for service to specify its output type

* obs-qsv11, obs-x264: Allow bframe count overriding

* rtmp-services: Add ability to specify different outputs

* rtmp-services: Allow services to override bframe count

* UI: Allow services to use different outputs

* UI: Allow outputs to use different audio codecs

* obs-outputs: Fix a few issues with CMakeLists.txt

* rmtp-services: Don\'t display warning for invalid file ver.

* rtmp-services: Fix incorrect RTMP output ID

* rtmp-services: Update Twitch ingests

* libobs: Do not save hotkeys for private sources

* libobs: Add transition callbacks for starting/stopping

* libobs: Add function to get current transition time

* libobs: Add ability for transitions to render sources directly

* obs-ffmpeg: Add proc handler function to get media duration

* obs-transitions: Add stinger transition

* rtmp-services: Add Twitter / Periscope as a service

* UI: Fix problem with exporting scene collections/profiles

* UI: Add --multi flag to suppress multi-instance warning

* libobs: Add post-load module callback

* libobs: Ensure scene items don\'t have pre-multiplied alpha

* libobs: Fix item copying during scene duplication

* rtmp-services: Update Picarto maximum audio bitrate

* UI: Fix potential crash when outputs change

* UI: Add \"Below Normal\" priority option

* UI: Add modular UI

* UI: Fix build issue with older linux Qt5 packages

* UI: Fix settings window minimum width/height

* libobs: Add API function to get version string

* deps/file-updater: Add func to get single remote file

* obs-ffmpeg: Rename obs-ffmpeg-aac.c file

* obs-ffmpeg: Make FFmpeg audio encoder abstractable

* obs-ffmpeg: Ensure sample rate is supported in audio encoder

* obs-ffmpeg: Add Opus audio encoder

* obs-outputs: Add FTL output

* rtmp-services: Add Mixer FTL service

* UI: Update Mixer (formerly Beam) in auto configuration

* UI: Remove trailing whitespace

* UI: Return false if audio encoder creation fails

* rtmp-services: Fix ingest update request user agent

* rtmp-services: Add Twitch ingest update API

* rtmp-services: Add \"Auto\" server option for Twitch

* UI: Add support for Twitch \"Auto\" server in auto-config

* UI: Fix incorrect properties set for Hardware (AMD)

* rtmp-services: Remove Twtich \"Auto\" if API down and not cached

* Revert \"UI: Add support for Twitch \"Auto\" server in auto-config\"

* Revert \"libobs: Fix an int underflow in log_frame_info\"

* libobs: Log output frame count instead of encoded count

* UI: Test first 3 closest Twitch ingests in auto-config

* UI: Fix Delete key not working on scenes/sources

* deps/media-playback: Add concat playback support

* UI: Update Hitbox to Smashcast in autoconfig wizard

* enc-amf: Update to 2.2.1

* libobs: Add ability to transition to NULL source

* image-source: Add \'loop\' and \'hide on stop\' to slideshow

* image-source: Add activate/deactivate behavior to slideshow

* image-source: Add \"manual (hotkey)\" mode to image slideshow

* UI: Move adv. audio props. to each audio config button

* obs-x264: Remove VFR mode as an advanced option

* vlc-video: Don\'t allow VLC sources to be cloned

* rtmp-services: Update Switchboard ingests

* UI: Fix stats window geometry saving on shutdown

* UI: Show error if empty recording path specified

* libobs: Export obs_output_get_last_error

* obs-ffmpeg: Improved output error handling

* UI: Report more detailed output errors if available

* UI: Show error if empty recording path specified

* obs-ffmpeg: Add proc handler for getting number of frames in video

* obs-transitions: Add frame transition point option to stinger

* obs-transitions: Fix stinger transition locale

* obs-outputs: Change loglevel of ftl status thread to debug

* enc-amf: Update to 2.2.2

* UI/updater: Restart progress bar when installing updates

* UI/updater: Improved handling of failure conditions

* libobs: Update version to 20.0.0

* rtmp-services: Initialize mutex/dynamic array

* rtmp-services: Require cmake var to enable ingest updates

* obs-transitions: Rename stinger ID to prevent conflict

* Update translations from Crowdin

* rtmp-services: Always check service updates on non-windows

* image-source: Fix potential crash with slideshow

* UI: Fix conditions for redraw the stats labels

* libobs: Update version to 20.0.1

* libobs: Add default hotkey id to duplicated item

* UI: Fix Stats not showing stream data until start

Thu Jun 22 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 19.0.3:

* rtmp-services: Update Twitch ingests

* librtmp: Fix build error with ENODATA on FreeBSD

* rtmp-services: Rename Beam to Mixer

* UI/installer: Specify \"source\" in plugins section

* UI/installer: Fix broken realsense plugin install locations

* UI/installer: Update installer VC redist download link

* win-wasapi: Fix potential null pointer deref in enumeration

* UI: Look for plugins in ~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/

* libobs/plugins/UI: Suppress -Wimplicit-fallthrough introduced by GCC 7

* win-capture: Limit OpenProcess flags to prevent A/C issues

* deps/media-playback: Output av_read_frame error string

* deps/media-playback: Start decoding regardless of keyframe

* obs-ffmpeg: Add network buffering property

* deps/media-playback: Call stop callback on failure

* deps/media-playback: Fix lockup issues

* Revert \"rtmp-services: Rename Beam to Mixer\"

* rtmp-services: Add new ingests

* UI/updater: Fix incorrect path in portable mode

* deps/media-playback: Add timeout when waiting for frames

* deps/media-playback: Fix AV_NOPTS_VALUE being used as timestamp

* deps/media-playback: Fix playback reset fail after stop

* obs-ffmpeg: Don\'t preload media frames if set to pause on end

* win-capture/graphics-hook: Fix D3D10/D3D11 detection

* UI: Ignore first 2.5 seconds of bandwidth test

* UI: Initialize Stats window values after OBSInit/reset

* win-capture: Add IDXGISwapChain1::Present1 hook support

* win-capture: Use PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION for game capture

* obs-ffmpeg: Do not precache if set to close when inactive

* UI: Use QT_TO_UTF8 with name dialog

* libobs-d3d11: Fix shader const array size miscalculation

* UI: Preserve source if audio settings device changed

* libobs: Update version to 19.0.3


* ffmpeg-mux: Set error mode to SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS

* get-graphics-offsets: Set error mode to SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS

* inject-helper: Set error mode to SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS

* enc-amf: Version 2.1.6

* obs-ffmpeg: Remove \"Buffering (MS)\" property

Wed Jun 14 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 19.0.2:

* UI: Fix drag & drop bug

* frontend-tools: Add automatic scene switcher for Linux

* UI: Add option to disable audio ducking on windows

* rtmp-services: Update ingests

* libobs/util: Add Get function to BPtr<>

* UI, obs-qsv11: Fix build in VisualStudio 2017

* UI: Fix warning in VisualStudio 2017

* obs-qsv11: Fix SEI crash caused by dangling pointer

* UI: Add ability to output to window

* UI: Always alternatively open backup scene json file

* libobs: Don\'t call unlink unnecessarily

* libobs/util: Add os_safe_replace function

* libobs/util: Use os_safe_replace in safe file writes

* libobs/util: Flush text files when writing

* libobs/util: Use MoveFileEx with MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING

* vlc-video: Add ability to shuffle playlist in VLC source

* Various: Optimize bundled PNG files

* text-freetype2: Make font lookup recursive on mac

* libobs: Use tex.Load for reverse NV12/I420 funcs

* UI: Fix settings dialog crashing on linux

* libobs: Fix tex.Load lookup (needs int3, not int2)

* libobs: Add random shader

* libobs: Fix skipped frames reporting

* libobs: Add functions to get logical/physical cores

* libobs: Pass exact data when calling obs_get_video_info

* libobs: Add function to allow custom output drawing

* libobs: Add function to allow getting output connect time

* libobs: Don\'t allow lagged frames to be counted as skipped

* obs-outputs: Add null output

* obs-outputs: Add connect time callback for rtmp output

* obs-outputs: Fix frame dropping when using ultrafast

* UI: Add function to enable/disable outputs

* UI: Don\'t subject base/output resolutions defaults

* UI: Limit default canvas res to 1920x1080 or below

* UI: Add 1920x1080/1280x720 to the settings base res list

* UI: Remove colon from a few locale items

* UI: Add auto-configuration wizard

* CI: OSX - Use wget instead of curl

* libobs: Fix os_safe_replace not working linux

* UI: Show invalid Bind to IP entries in the settings

* decklink: Fix compiler warning about ignored const

* decklink: Add option to disable the plugin

* decklink: Remove unused variables to fix warning

* win-capture: Hide cursor when in background (game capture)

* Various: Don\'t use boolean bitfields

* win-capture: Hide cursor when in background (window capture)

* rtmp-services: Rename to Smashcast

* obs-ffmpeg: Add signal/proc to restart media playback

* CI: exclude .gitignore

* CI: Use git fetch --unshallow for OSX

* libobs/util: Add function to get free disk space

* libobs-opengl: Fix potential crash w/ viewports

* libobs: Add function to get average render time

* libobs: Add functions to get total/lagged frames

* libobs: Add obs_output_reconnecting func

* obs-ffmpeg: Implement get_total_bytes in recording outputs

* UI: Add function to get current memory usage (win32)

* UI: Add themeID values for colors to style sheets

* UI: Add stats dialog

* UI: Fix a few locale items, and add a few missing ones

* UI: Make Qt use locale text for QWizard buttons

* UI: Add helper class to translate message box buttons

* UI: Make sure all message box buttons are translated

* UI: Fix locale text for \"OK\" in question dialogs

* UI: Bring stats to front if it already exists

* UI: Add option to show stats on startup to general

* UI: Save/remember stats window geometry

* Revert \"libobs: Allow source to fully control source flags (for now)\"

* libobs: Don\'t use source flags for async buffering

* UI: Don\'t use \"quit on last window closed\"

* UI: Fix bug where Pre19Defaults would always be set

* UI: Don\'t count debug log messages in repeat detection

* UI: Warn user if multiple instances of the UI are open

* enc-amf: Version 2.1.3

* image-source: Allow custom bounding source size/aspect

* UI: Update quick transitions on transition add/removal

* libobs: Add scene item IDs

* win-dshow: Update libdshowcapture to 0.5.12

* UI: Add support for showing output error messages

* libobs: Add support for output error messages

* obs-outputs: Add output error messages for RTMP

* UI: Fix misleading log message when updating settings

* UI: Change output blocking bool to integer ref counter

* UI: Prevent user from starting ouputs while in settings

* UI: Move Stats to the view menu

* UI: Make Stats a regular window rather than dialog

* UI: Check to see if outputs valid when updating stats

* deps/media-playback: Remove unnecessary logging

* UI: Fix creation of log files with non-english paths

* libobs-d3d11: Only load vertex buffer before drawing

* deps/media-playback: Include SSE flags

* deps/media-playback: Do not seek network streams

* deps/media-playback: Init avformat in thread

* obs-ffmpeg: Only preload frames for local files

* obs-ffmpeg: Always close network sources when inactive

* libobs: Update to version 19.0.0

* libobs: Make obs_source_default_render exported

* obs-filters: Add Render Delay filter

* UI: Sort filter names when adding filters

* deps/media-playback: Discard packet returns of invalid sizes

* deps/media-playback: Use new FFmpeg decode funcs when possible

* deps/media-playback: Always check for new frame first

* UI: Fix cases where wizard bitrate is not capped

* UI: Remove advanced settings from final wizard results

* UI: Actually update service for wiz. bitrate limits

* UI: Fix enumeration of scene collections on first run

* obs-ffmpeg: Disable media source HW accel. for now

* libobs: Do not allow incompatible filters on sources

* rtmp-services: Preserve settings if service renamed

* obs-filters: Increase allowable render delay to 500ms

* enc-amf: Version 2.1.4

* VST: bump vst submodule ref

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Change default autoconfig test bitrate

* AUTHORS: Update with data from Git and Crowdin

* deps/media-playback: Fix bug where inverted media would crash

* UI: Remove whitespace from end of autconfig stream key

* libobs/util: Also remove CR/LF from dstr_depad

* UI: Fix bug where auto-config settings wouldn\'t apply

* Fix German locale inconsistencies

* libobs: Always call stop callback

* UI: Unlock mutex before trying to stop output

* libobs: Fix bug where outputs would not set stopped event

* libobs: Update version to 19.0.1

* enc-amf: Version 2.1.5

* UI: Fix creation of crash log with non-english paths

* libobs-d3d11: Fix bug where vertex buffers would be reset

* UI: Fix autoconfig capping bitrate with \"custom server\"

* libobs: Update to version 19.0.2

* Revert \"obs-ffmpeg/nvenc: Remove \"default\" preset\"

* UI: Fix tooltip for \"prefer hardware encoding\"

Tue May 2 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 18.0.2:

* UI/updater: Fix temp files being created and not deleted

* UI/updater: Fix potential fail case when no files to patch

* UI/updater: Fixed a bug with deflating

* UI/updater: Ignore 64bit files on 32bit windows

* CI: Use ccache to speed up the build

* CI: OSX - Fix obs.png

* UI/updater: Fix incorrect inflate use

* CI: Linux - Install libfdk-aac-dev

* image-source: Move file modification check before animation processing

* UI: Add workaround to fix deleting final scene bug

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* rtmp-services: Update maximum bitrate for Twitch

* UI: Fix segfault when no system tray exists

* CI: Linux - Install FFmpeg from source

* obs-ffmpeg/nvenc: Remove \"default\" preset

* libobs: Add obs_source_copy_filters function

* UI: Add copying/pasting of sources/filters

* UI: Disable filter pasting when scene collection changed

* UI: Fix bug where items can\'t be deleted in last scene

* libobs: Remove unimplemented exports

* rtmp-services: Add Livestream service

* win-dshow: Fix issue with activating when not set to

* rtmp-services: Update Picarto maximum bitrates

* libobs: Delay stop detection of audio source

* libobs: Allow source to fully control source flags (for now)

* libobs: Add ability to preload async frames

* libobs: Remove multiple calls to free_type_data

* deps: Add media-playback static lib

* obs-ffmpeg: Change from libff to media-playback

* deps/libff: Remove network init

* UI: Remove libff as a dependency

* deps/libff: Don\'t build libff (deprecated)

* obs-ffmpeg: Remove unnecessary open call

* obs-ffmpeg: Always open on update unless set otherwise

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix bug on non-MSVC compilers

* UI: Fix property widgets not being disabled

* mac-avcapture: Ability to directly add iOS devices over USB

* audio-monitoring: Add ability to monitor Outputs

* decklink: Add option to select channel format

* decklink: Add workaround for audio timestamp jump issue


* win-dshow: Fix reallocation issue in ffmpeg-decode

* UI: Add window name to remux dialog

* UI: Hide OpenGL and D3D adapter on Windows

* UI: Continue to show OpenGL if already in use

* UI: Increase MAX_CRASH_REPORT_SIZE to 150 KB

* CI: Use webhooks for notifications

* CI: Fix notification frequency

* libobs-opengl: Log OpenGL version on all systems

* Fix various typos across multiple modules

* Update Linux kernel coding style URL in CONTRIBUTING

* UI: Ctrl+E to Edit Transform

* UI: Remove unused defines from old updater code

* win-capture: Log if shared texture capture is unavailable

* win-capture: Update get-graphics-offsets

* win-capture: Add missing 32 bit offsets

* win-capture: Fix and clarify window capture prioritization

* UI: Add front-end API functions to get/modify service

* UI: Display filename when dragging & dropping

* obs-outputs: Always call RTMP_Init before connecting

* UI: Make sure all dialogs have close buttons

* UI: Add command line option for starting up always on top

* frontend-tools: Rename some files

* frontend-plugins: Abstract captions

* enc-amf: Update to v2.1.0(.0)

* win-ivcam: Fix potential null pointer dereference

* libobs: Update to 18.0.2 (windows hotfix)

* UI/updater: Add opt to disable building update module

Tue Mar 7 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 18.0.1:

* CI: Fix true / false on stable builds

* CI: Add boolean arg parser to OSX

* CI: Deploy on tags and master branch

* CI: OSX - Deploy on all branches in the master repo.

* CI: OSX - Include branch in pkg

* enc-amf: Update to

* UI: Use correct string for systemTrayEnabled

* CI: OSX - Update to CEF 2987

* CI: Use correct folder for building browser

* CI: OSX - Use bash variable for CEF version

* UI: Don\'t exit on unknown command line arguments

* CI: OSX - export cef version so we can use it elsewhere

* CI: Fix cef version variable

* obs-outputs: Fix 100% CPU usage with new network code

* CI: OSX - Move CEF version to .travis

* VST: Fix save / load of plugin state. More interface options.

* UI: Fix audio monitoring dev. not being set on startup

* UI: Log audio monitoring dev. on start and when changed

* UI: Add logging of audio monitoring to sources

* VST: Fix crash when OBS is set to mono

* Revert \"win-dshow: Add LGP timestamp fix\"

* win-dshow: Actually fix LGP issue

* obs-outputs: Various fixes to new network code

* Update translations from Crowdin

* AUTHORS: Update with data from Git and Crowdin

* libobs: Apply sync offset to win32 audio monitoring

* UI: Disable network settings while outputs active

* Update translations from Crowdin

* AUTHORS: Update with data from Git and Crowdin

* CI: OSX - Brew install speexdsp

* CI: OSX - enable sparkle

* deps/blake2: Fix compiler warning

* UI: Fix game capture check when about to update

* deps: Add liblmza

* libobs: Update to 18.0.1

* updater: Add windows updater module

* UI/updater: Wait for OBS to close before updating

* obs-outputs: Improve shutdown behavior of new socket loop

* UI/updater: Use better function for getting process names

Tue Feb 28 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 18.0.0:

* UI: Add more command line options

* obs-browser: Update submodule to latest version

* Revert \"Revert \"win-capture: Use FindWindowEx to traverse window list\"\"

* CI: Add in inital appveyor config

* CI: Move browser source before building app

* CI: Build VLC plugin for OSX on travis

* rtmp-services: remove shut down services

* CI: Build Windows version and upload artifacts

* obs-browser: Update browser ref

* CI: Update permissions on CEF app plist before packaging

* cmake: Enable COPY_DEPENDENCIES by default on Windows

* rtmp-services: Update Vaughn Live ingests

* libobs: Log correct amount of memory on 32bit (windows)

* UI: Convert to wide before outputting debug text (win)

* UI: Protect debug text static string var with mutex

* libobs: Add ability to get output congestion

* obs-output: Add ability to get congestion to rtmp output

* obs-outputs: Increase default drop threshold

* UI: Add connection status square to status bar

* UI: Add separate timers to status bar

* UI: Add option to always minimize to tray

* UI: Hide/show dialogs when minimizing to tray

* UI: Do not quit program when last windows are projectors

* UI: Add option to save projectors

* UI: Add auto-start replay buf. opt. when stream starts

* UI: Fix scaling in viewport when source flipped

* UI: Fix linux display/resize bug with preview widget

* rtmp-services: Add Los Angeles server

* libobs: Add optional ultrawide -> wide scaling techniques

* obs-filters: Add option to undistort ultrawide -> wide

* obs-filters: Add \"Color Grading\" filter

* rtmp-services: Add new ingests

* CI: Add post install script to OBS installer to fix CEF permissions

* rtmp-services: Add Web.TV streaming service

* Add VST Plugin

* obs-filters: Fix compiler warnings

* UI: Remove unused variables

* UI: Clarify \"Always minimize to tray\" option

* obs-filters: Rename \"Color Grade\" filter to \"LUT Filter\"

* obs-filters: Change \"LUT Filter\" to \"Apply LUT\"

* CI: Fix VLC download

* CI: Unzip VLC quietly

* rtmp-services: Update twitch/hitbox ingest and youtube recommendations

* CI: Fix OSX post-install script

* UI: Fix locale text alignment

* UI: Make advanced settings pane a bit more compact

* libobs: Mark last video ts even when buffering off

* libobs: Mark parameter as constant if not modifying

* libobs: Use original audio structure for audio signal

* libobs: Implement audio monitoring

* win-wasapi: Mark audio outputs as unmonitorable

* UI: Add audio monitoring to settings/adv audio props.

* UI: Prevent thread stalls with fader/volume widgets

* obs-transitions: Convert premultiplied alpha to straight

* UI: Add 24 NTSC as a common FPS value

* obs-ffmpeg: Do not use HW accel by default on mac

* rtmp-services: Update twitch ingests

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix compiler warnings

* UI: Fix compiler warning

* UI: Change volume meter update interval to 30fps

* UI: Add warning if starting the output fails

* obs-ffmpeg: Be more verbose when custom params fail

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix custom audio codec parameters

* CI: Retry failed downloads

* UI: fix ffmpeg output file extension

* UI: Clean up general pane of settings dialog

* UI: Add function to get remote file

* UI: Add front-end auto-updater

* UI: Update installer to latest version

* UI: Add latest installer fixes from R1CH

* obs-ffmpeg: Add \'save\' to replay buffer proc handler

* win-capture: Fall back to GetWindow if FindWindowEx fails

* libobs: Fix audio monitoring delaying perpetually

* rtmp-services: Update max video bitrate for beam

* libobs/util: Use a mutex with config files

* win-capture: Blacklist chrome/firefox from game capture

* win-dshow: Add LGP timestamp fix

* UI: Trigger frontend api scene change after transition

* Add AUTHORS file

* mailmap: Disambiguate between a few authors

* mailmap: Disambiguate between another author

* rtmp-services: Add \"Pandora TV Korea\"

* UI: Trigger scene list change event when scene removed

* CI: Speedup msbuild by using all CPU cores

* UI: Improve accessibility text on main window

* CI: Download VLC repo instead of cloning from git

* CI: Disable test discovery on AppVeyor

* CI: Cache dependencies downloads on AppVeyor

* CI: Disable deps download in AppVeyor and use cache

* CI: Download deps if they aren\'t in build cache

* UI: Use blake2b instead of SHA1 for updater

* UI: Make installer execute 64bit on 64bit windows

* obs-text: Fix issue drawing some chinese characters

* obs-filters: Add audio compression filter

* obs-outputs: Port windows socket loop from OBS Classic

* librtmp: Clean up our extra RTMP fields on close

* UI: Add options for new socket loop

* UI: Make sure size-specific spacers are fixed

* UI: Fix some settings layouts on non-windows systems

* win-capture: Add hook exception for theHunter: COTW

* obs-ffmpeg/ffmpeg-mux: Fix failing when no video

* image-source: Add solid color source

* image-source: Add missing locale

* Fix various null pointer issues detected by Coverity

* obs-ffmpeg: Allow saving with different video codecs

* UI: Add support for other codecs

* graphics-hook: Account for sizeof(wchar_t) in len

* obs-qsv11: Fix various issues detected by Coverity

* obs-ffmpeg: Make gop size configurable

* UI: Add gop size option for custom ffmpeg output

* libff: Add override for codec compatability check

* UI: Add codec compatability checkbox to ffmpeg output

* UI: Add warning about recording to mp4 format

* CI: Fetch git tags on OSX build

* CI: Exit on errors when building the OSX package

* UI: Fix typo in general settings

* enc-amf: Update to version

* CI: Build on Linux

* libobs: Update version to 18.0.0

* libobs: Fix bug where scenes would not properly mix audio

* UI: If scene/source names exist, start from 2

* CI: Don\'t skip_join for Travis IRC notifications

* obs-frontend-api: Use virtual destructor (fix memory leak)

* libobs: Add missing mutex unlock in audio monitoring

* CI: Get some codesigning and sparkle stuff in place

* CI: Use combined cert for signing OSX

* CI: Set keychain timeout & allow productsign

* CI: Add some logging to the before deploy script on OSX

* CI: Possibly fix OSX cert import issue

* CI: OSX - Brew install jack

* CI: Notify on failure and only for fixed builds

* CI: Reformat Travis CI IRC notification

* UI: Hide auto update option for linux

* obs-filters: Change attack/release ms limit to 300 (from 100)

* obs-filters: Increase max compressor release/attack values

* Update translations from Crowdin

* AUTHORS: Update with data from Git and Crowdin

* UI: Update Simple Mode AMD Presets

* enc-amf: Update to hotfix

* CI: OSX Set builds to stable on tagged builds

* CI: Update public OSX install key

Wed Jan 18 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 17.0.2:

* libobs: Update to 17.0.2

Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 17.0.1:

* deps/libff: Fix VP8/VP9/webm alpha support

* rtmp-services: Increase video bitrate limit for YouTube

* obs-outputs: fix build error on freebsd

* Update translations from Crowdin

* [CI] Use prebuilt deps so we can build on 10.9

* CI: Build more features into FFMPEG deps

* CI: Update browser plugin ref and build scripts.

* CI: Fix zip permission issue on CEF plist files

* obs-x264: ignore opencl param

* enc-amf: Update to

* CI: Ability to make packages on travis

* CI: actually call packagesbuild from the right place 😑

* cmake: Remove unnecessary find_package calls

* libobs: Fix scale filtering bug when duplicating scenes

* win-capture: Don\'t use FindWindow for game capture keepalive

* CI: Install Packages and use the full version

* Revert \"win-capture: Use FindWindowEx to traverse window list\"

* obs-filters.c: Fix color correction filter OpenGL crash

* obs-filters.c: Fix color correction filter saturation

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Fix bug with uncopied profile import/export files

* win-capture: Fix game capture size bug when rehooking

* libobs: Add func to enum active and inactive child tree

* libobs: Enumerate full tree when adding active child

* libobs: Add callback for enumerating all scene children

* obs-x264: Allow opencl through much longer alias

* libobs: Update to version 17.0.1

Mon Dec 26 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.17.0:

* rtmp-services: Update ingest list for

* Revert \"CI: Build on OSX 10.10 on travis\"

* Remove python dep

* win-capture: Use static runtimes for hooks/helpers

* cmake: Fix OSX to copy non-system deps

* cmake: Fix permissions with OSX

* libobs-opengl: Add xcb message poll to empty out the queue

* frontend-tools: Add options to start output timers every time

* libobs-d3d11: Add optional macro to log shader disassembly

* Revert \"obs-transitions: Avoid branching in slide_transition.effect\"

* rtmp-services: remove shut down services

* libff: Allow custom demuxer options

* obs-outputs: Fix librtmp IP bind / resolve behavior

* UI: Fix frontend-api event call for adding scenes

* libobs/util: Add function to get circlebuf data offset

* libobs/util: Add function to generate formatted filenames

* libobs: Fix bug where outputs cannot initialize hotkeys

* cmake: Add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to all projects

* libobs: Fix deprecated macro

* libobs/util: Do not ignore deprecation on windows

* libobs: Use reference counting for encoder packets

* obs-ffmpeg: Add replay buffer output

* UI: Disable simple output rec. settings when active

* UI: Add replay buffer options to simple output mode

* UI: Clarify replay buf. hotkey error message

* UI: Separate replay buffer from recording

* UI: Add file prefix/suffix options for replay buffer

* UI: Fix replay buffer compile issues on older compilers

* win-capture: Only duplicate to get cur thread handle

* win-capture: Always use minimal access rights within hook

* win-capture: Do not require pipe/mutex within hook

* win-capture: Fix getting proper UWP window handles

* win-capture: Use window for keepalive check

* win-capture: Create all named objects within hook

* win-capture: Don\'t use \"Local\\\" for game capture shared mem

* win-capture: Remove redundant function

* win-capture: Use wide strings for named objects

* win-capture: Add ability to open UWP named kernel objects

* win-capture: Open UWP named objects with helper functions

* win-capture: Output hook debug messages if addresses missing

* win-capture: Log plugin-side when capture successful/lost

* win-capture: Don\'t hook suspended processes

* win-capture: Wait a few frames for hook to load

* win-capture: Fix \"attempting to hook [executable]\" message

* win-capture: Add ApplicationFrameHost to game capture blacklist

* win-capture: Don\'t hard fail if thread ID not found

* win-capture: Fix cursor not painting with UWP windows

* win-capture: Add debug messages when hooking

* win-capture: Do not fall back to other windows for UWP windows

* UI: Fix property name bug in frontend API

* libobs: Fix possible reverse order mutex hard lock

* UI: Remove deleteLater view from filter window layout

* libobs: Convert Y800 to RGBX manually

* UI: Use dedicated GPU on Hybrid AMD GPU systems

* libobs: Fix format not being set for new source frames

* libobs: Fix line size issue when copying Y800 data

* obs-ffmpeg: Don\'t allow 32kb/s with FFmpeg AAC encoder

* libobs/graphics: Fix the 2D vector dot product func

* UI: Make close button default in transform dialog

* UI: Add ability to copy-paste scene item transforms

* UI: Add import/export of scene collections & profiles

* enc-amf: Update to for AMD Driver 16.12.1

* obs-filters: Improve \"Color Correction\" filter

* image-source: Do not change blend state

* obs-text: Do not reset blend state

* libobs-d3d11: Don\'t crash if unable to rebuild shared texture

* libobs: Increase maximum audio tracks to 6

* UI: Increase maximum audio tracks to 6

* UI: Update locale for 6 tracks

* UI: Fix endif in installer

* UI: Use 64bit desktop link by default in installer

* UI: Clarify startup error messages related to video

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix nvenc_h264 deprecated message

* libobs: Fix bug drawing RGB/BGR async sources

* libobs: Process all scene audio actions if no audio playing

* UI: Fix buddy controls with new audio tracks

* UI: Add default audio track bitrates

* UI: Fix video initialization failure error message

* UI: Fix settings window stacked widget index

* win-capture: Capture all D3D12 backbuffers

* win-capture: Use FindWindowEx to traverse window list

* win-capture: Fix possible null pointer dereference

* win-capture: Do not add certain windows to window lists

* win-capture: Add a few new blacklisted game capture exes

* obs-filters: Add \"Color\" option to color correction filter

* obs-filters: Fix comment messages

* obs-qsv11: Use d3d9 allocator on Win7

* win-capture: Fix possible access of array beyond size

* win-capture: Refactor DX12 backbuffer code

* win-capture: If backbuffer count is 1, disable dxgi 1.4 use

* win-capture: Release backbuffers immediately upon init

* libobs/util: Fix C++ compilation issue

* Add libcaption library

* libobs: Add ability to insert captions into frames

* frontend-tools: Move source helper functions to a header

* frontend-tools: Add caption generation tool (windows)

* Update translations from Crowdin

* frontend-tools: Add ability to select caption language

* frontend-tools: Detach caption thread if critical failure

* frontend-tools: Reset stop event before starting captions

* frontend-tools: Don\'t include colon in \"Audio Source\"

* frontend-tools: Set buddied controls for captions dialog

* libobs: Fix caption encoder packet reallocation

* libobs: Create referenced parsed AVC encoder packet

* obs-outputs: Free encoder packet data manually

* libobs: Fix bug in AVC encoder packet allocation

* UI: Fix Export QFileDialog parent

* libobs: Eliminate an unnecessary allocation with captions

* frontend-tools: Fix output-timer translation bug

* libobs: Update to version 17.0.0

Mon Nov 21 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.6:

* UI: Add --verbose and --unfiltered_log command line options

* libobs: Duplicate filters of a scene when it is is duplicated

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix assumption about plane height with i444

* libobs: Refactor check for Windows bitness/arch

* libobs: Add Windows bitness/arch to crash handler

* enc-amf: Update to version

* UI: Add preview scaling options

* rtmp-services: Change YouTube keyint from 4 to 2

* libobs: Ensure async source sizes are always reset

* UI: Fix crash when switching encoders in advanced mode

* UI: Fix scrolling while preview is locked

* libobs: Ensure AVC priority is always highest for keyframes

* obs-outputs: Use correct variable for drop priority

* enc-amf: Update to commit which prevents crash on startup

* enc-amf: Update to temporary fix branch

* win-capture: Do not load 64bit hook offsets on 32bit systems

* win-capture: Defer hook offset loading to separate thread

* text-freetype2: Defer loading of plugin until source created

* obs-qsv11: Manually mark priority bits for QSV frames

* Revert \"libobs: Ensure AVC priority is always highest for keyframes\"

* libobs: Update to 0.16.6

* Update translations from CrowdIn

* UI: tray icons are redrawn for better visibility and contrast

* UI: Update settings and fix presets for simple AMD encoder

* enc-amf: Update to

* enc-amf: Update to

* cmake: Add module to find RSSDK

* cmake: Add macro to compile .tlb files via midl

* win-ivcam: Add Intel RealSense plugin

* UI: Update installer script to latest version

* libobs-opengl: Add warning when used on windows

* Update translations from Crowdin

* enc-amf: Avoid using C++17 for VS2013 compatibility

Tue Nov 8 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.5:

* libobs-d3d11: Include GDI surface in rebuild

* libobs-d3d11: Remove possible null pointer dereference

* libobs: Update to 0.16.5

Fri Nov 4 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.4:

* libobs/util: Fix get_dll_ver not reporting DLL name

* Display license in MSI installer

* rtmp-services: Add Asian server and increase video bitrate

* UI: Enable HiDPI scaling.

* frontend-tools: Fix crash when adding invalid regex

* UI: Use Qt lib for screen info instead of x11 libs

* enc-amf: Update to

* UI: Only scale HiDPI on QT 5.6+

* enc-amf: Update to

* libobs-d3d11: Log GetDeviceRemovedReason

* Add 256x256 icon to windows ico for HiDPI displays

* UI: Add Portable Mode indicator to title bar and log

* UI: Add raw text and text file to drag&drop support

* UI: Split Properties window with a QSplitter

* CMake: Warn if empty QTDIR/DepsPath vars on Windows

* OSX Travis build

* CI: Upload artifacts on all pushes

* CI: Add irc notifications to travis config

* CI: Reduce travis irc notice to one line

* CI: Package OSX build into an actual app

* CI: Use python2 to run package script

* Build browser plugin on travis for OSX

* Update obs-browser submodule to a working version

* obs-frontend-api: Add library version

* cmake: Fix FFmpeg search path on debian

* decklink: Update Blackmagic SDK to 10.8.0

* CI: Build on OSX 10.10 on travis

* UI: Fix bug in frontend API event

* frontend-tools: Add output timers

* frontend-tools: Code cleanup of output timers

* frontend-tools: Add ability to start timer if output is already active

* UI: Fix sys. tray crashes when sys. tray not available

* UI: Fix poor handling of system tray pointers

* UI: Fix improper brace placement for function

* UI: Remove unused variable

* UI: Fix full screen projector on screens that have reserved areas

* obs-ffmpeg: Add b-frames to NVENC logging

* UI: Fix --profile option not working on non-windows

* rtmp-services: Add Picarto

* libobs/util: Add Get() function to CoTaskMemPtr

* libobs: Fix missing call to profile_end() when encoding fails

* libobs: Add date/time to crash handler

* obs-transitions: Avoid branching in slide_transition.effect

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix a couple printf compiler warnings.

* libobs-d3d11: Store dxgi adapter used for device

* libobs-d3d11: Store compiled shader data (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Correct error message for pixel shaders

* libobs-d3d11: Store shader samplers as pointers

* libobs-d3d11: Correct error message for staging surfaces

* libobs-d3d11: Correct error message creating blend states

* libobs-d3d11: Store index and add \"Start\" function

* libobs-d3d11: Clear device state before unloading

* libobs-d3d11: Store swap initialization data (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Store device adapter index (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Store static textures in RAM (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Store static vertex buffer data (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Save all D3D11 object descriptors (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Make shared texture error message less vague

* libobs-d3d11: Use linked list for all objects (for rebuilding)

* libobs-d3d11: Remove unused function

* libobs-d3d11: Add Release funtions to all GS objects

* libobs-d3d11: Rebuild device and assets if device removed/reset

* win-capture: Cache cursor textures to prevent reallocation

* win-capture: Use IUnknown for getting swap backbuffers

* win-capture: Add D3D12 capture support

* UI: Allow the ability to use deprecated sources

* UI: Add AMD presets and update settings

* enc-amf: Update to release

* Update translations from CrowdIn

* libobs: Update to version 0.16.3

* win-mf: Deprecate AMD Media Foundation H.264 encoder

* UI: Fix tab order of Crop fields in Transform Properties

* enc-amf: Update to Version

* Revert \"UI: Only scale HiDPI on QT 5.6+\"

* Revert \"UI: Enable HiDPI scaling.\"

* enc-amf: Fix VS2013 compiling issue

* libobs: Update to version 0.16.4
- Expand to include all versions in %files.
- After upstream fix place libobs-(opengl|frontend-api).so in devel.

Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.2:

* obs-ffmpeg: Fix possible NVENC crash

* UI: Use rect intersection test for validating position

* enc-amf: Update submodule to

* obs-text: Add gradient feature

* enc-amf: Fix warnings caused by warnings( push/pop )

* libobs: Update to 0.16.2

Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.1:

* UI: Fix window size/pos not saving on exit

* libobs/util: Fix fread_utf8 not working with files < 3 bytes

* obs-text: Change file update interval to 1 sec (from 2)

* libobs: Update to 0.16.1

Wed Sep 28 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.16.0:

* enc-amf: Update submodule to 1.3.0

* UI: Add media/image file drop support

* enc-amf: Update submodule to

* obs-browser: Add browser plugin as a submodule

* enc-amf: Update submodule to

* libobs: Update version to 0.16.0

* enc-amf: Remove unused locale files

* Update translations from Crowdin

* UI: Just use \'OK\' button for license agreement dialog

Mon Aug 8 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.4 release.

Sat Jul 16 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.2 release.

Tue Jul 12 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.1 release.

Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.15.0 release.

Mon May 16 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.14.2 release.

Tue Apr 26 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.14.1 release.

Sat Apr 16 14:00:00 2016
- Use pkgconfig instead of libffmpeg-devel

Tue Mar 22 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.4 release.

Sun Mar 20 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.3 release.

Mon Feb 29 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.2 release.

Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.1 release.
- Remove patch for gcc 4.8 compatability since it was upstreamed.

Thu Jan 28 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.13.0 release.
- Add rpmlintrc for \"bad\" things obs-studio requires.
- Add patch for gcc 4.8 compatability.

Sat Dec 12 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.4 release.

Wed Dec 9 13:00:00 2015
- Change build requirement from libffmpeg-devel to ffmpeg-devel to
follow recent linking of ffmpeg to obs version.

Sat Dec 5 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.3 release.

Sat Nov 21 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.2 release.

Tue Nov 17 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.1 release.

Fri Sep 25 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.12.0 release.
- Remove gcc >= 4.9 requirement since 0.12.0 reverted unintended change.

Mon Aug 17 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.4 release.
- Cut off git portion of version string in UI.
- Since 0.11.3 obs unofficially requires gcc 4.9 and higher which makes it
impossible to compile on obs for openSUSE 13.2.

Sun Aug 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.3 release.

Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.2 release.

Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.1 release.

Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.11.0 release.
- Add curl build dependency.

Tue May 19 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.10.1 release.

Wed May 13 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.10.0 release.

Fri Mar 27 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.9.1 release.

Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.9.0 release.

Sat Feb 21 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.3 release.

Thu Feb 12 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.2 release.

Thu Jan 15 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.7.3 release.
Details at

Wed Jan 7 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.7.2 release.
Details at and

Thu Nov 13 13:00:00 2014
- Initial 0.6.4 release.