Changelog for
perl-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.15-3.c4.noarch.rpm :
Thu Apr 15 04:00:00 2004 Paul Howarth
- Added explicit perl dependency to ensure that an RPM built on a
system with an updated version of perl (and hence having files
installed in a place that a non-updated system won\'t find them)
will not install on the non-updated system. In such cases, just
rebuilt from the source RPM.
- Changed distribution-identifying macros for greater portability.
Tue Feb 17 03:00:00 2004 Paul Howarth 0.15-2
- Unified spec file for Red Hat and Fedora Core
Sat Jan 10 03:00:00 2004 Paul Howarth 0.15-1.fc1
- Initial RPM build