Changelog for
python2-aws-xray-sdk-psycopg2-2.2.0-lp152.3.4.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Jan 09 2019 Jan Engelhardt
- Do summaries without em dashes
* Thu Jan 03 2019 Todd R - Fix handling of python3-only packages.
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Todd R - Split backends into their own packages, with proper dependency handling.- Add missing jsonpickle dependency.
* Thu Nov 15 2018 Todd R - Update to 2.2.0
* feature: Added context managers on segment/subsegment capture. `PR97 `_.
* feature: Added AWS SNS topic ARN to the default whitelist file. `PR93 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed an issue on `psycopg2` to support all keywords. `PR91 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed an issue on `endSegment` when there is context missing. `ISSUE98 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed the package description rendered on PyPI. `PR101 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed an issue where `patch_all` could patch the same module multiple times. `ISSUE99 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed the `datetime` to `epoch` conversion on Windows OS. `ISSUE103 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed a wrong segment json key where it should be `sampling_rule_name` rather than `rule_name`.- Update to 2.1.0
* feature: Added support for `psycopg2`. `PR83 `_.
* feature: Added support for `pynamodb` >= 3.3.1. `PR88 `_.
* improvement: Improved stack trace recording when exception is thrown in decorators. `PR70 `_.
* bugfix: Argument `sampling_req` in LocalSampler `should_trace` method now becomes optional. `PR89 `_.
* bugfix: Fixed a wrong test setup and leftover poller threads in recorder unit test.- Update to 2.0.1
* bugfix: Fixed a issue where manually `begin_segment` might break when making sampling decisions. `PR82 `_.- Update to 2.0.0
*: The default sampler now launches background tasks to poll sampling rules from X-Ray backend. See the new default sampling strategy in more details here:
*: The `should_trace` function in the sampler now takes a dictionary for sampling rule matching.
*: The original sampling modules for local defined rules are moved from `models.sampling` to `models.sampling.local`.
*: The default behavior of `patch_all` changed to selectively patches libraries to avoid double patching. You can use `patch_all(double_patch=True)` to force it to patch ALL supported libraries. See more details on `ISSUE63 `_
*: The latest `botocore` that has new X-Ray service API `GetSamplingRules` and `GetSamplingTargets` are required.
*: Version 2.x doesn\'t support pynamodb and aiobotocore as it requires botocore >= 1.11.3 which isn’t currently supported by the pynamodb and aiobotocore libraries. Please continue to use version 1.x if you’re using pynamodb or aiobotocore until those haven been updated to use botocore > = 1.11.3.
* feature: Environment variable `AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS` now takes an additional notation in `tcp: udp:` to set TCP and UDP destination separately. By default it assumes a X-Ray daemon listening to both UDP and TCP traffic on ``.
* feature: Added MongoDB python client support. `PR65 `_.
* bugfix: Support binding connection in sqlalchemy as well as engine. `PR78 `_.
* bugfix: Flask middleware safe request teardown. `ISSUE75 `_.- Update to 1.1.2
* bugfix: Fixed an issue on PynamoDB patcher where the capture didn\'t handle client timeout.- Update to 1.1.1
* bugfix: Handle Aiohttp Exceptions as valid responses `PR59 `_.- Update to 1.1
* feature: Added Sqlalchemy parameterized query capture. `PR34 `_
* bugfix: Allow standalone sqlalchemy integrations without flask_sqlalchemy. `PR53 `_
* bugfix: Give up aiohttp client tracing when there is no open segment and LOG_ERROR is configured. `PR58 `_
* bugfix: Handle missing subsegment when rendering a Django template. `PR54 `_
* Typo fixes on comments and docs.
* Tue May 08 2018 Initial commit, needed by python-moto