Changelog for freeradius-server-perl-3.0.21-lp152.1.3.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Mar 24 2020 Adam Majer - update to 3.0.21 (jsc#SLE-11896) Feature Improvements
* New stored procedure for allocating IPs with PostgreSQL Rates of 1500 IPs per second are now possible See raddb/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/procedure.sql
* Add SQL IP pool support for Microsoft SQL Server See raddb/mods-config/sql/ippool/mssql/
* Added RCNTEC dictionary. Closes #3168.
* Added Pica8 dictionary. Closes #3179.
* Add TLS-Client-Cert-Valid-Since attribute holding not Before date Patch from Boris Lytochkin. Fixes #3157.
* Generate attributes containing unknown OIDs See raddb/sites-available/tls
* Update the WiMAX dictionary.
* Added ability to rlm_python(Python2) show a stacktrace from errors. #2979.
* Add WiFi Alliance Policy OIDs. See raddb/certs/xpextensions
* radmin now shows coa stats, too.
* Sample schema extensions for summarizing data in SQL See mods-config/sql/main/
* Update dictionary.aerohive, dictionary.fortinet, dictionary.arista and dictionary.erx.
* Added VAS Experts dictionary.
* Many updates to RPM and jenkins builds from Matthew Newton.
* Added %C (time now in seconds) and %c (microsecond component of now) back-ported from the \"master\" branch.
* Add reload capability to systemd unit file in Debian and RedHat.
* Increase timestamp precision in postauth to maximum supported by each database and simplify (and make more consistent between drivers) the timestamps in SQL queries by using expansions.
* Option to set dictionary path in raduat script. Bug Fixes
* Various fixes found by PVS-Studio.
* Set permissions of certificates in bootstrap shell script Fixes #3132.
* Increase the \'nasportid\' SQL field for \'varchar(32)\'. #3141.
* Skip processing proxy reply if there are no home servers available.
* Update SQLite IPPool queries. Fixes #3177
* rlm_sql_unixodbc fixes. Fixes #2822.
* Fixes when building with LibreSSL.
* Fix the rlm_python3 build. Note that this module is experimental. #3183.
* The rlm_python should append the \'python_path\' paths in \'sys.path\'. It fixes the expected behavior to use the existing Python modules Fixes #3180.
* Fix rlm_python to print the script errors properly.
* Bound total query time for PostgreSQL. Fixes #3253.
* Many fixes to Oracle sqlippool. It now does 500 IPs per second without any tuning. Fixes #3270.
* Reference sqlippool by it\'s correct name. Fixes #3272.
* Revert 3.0.20 patch which caused crashes on duplicate clients.
* Update WiMAX-MSK attribute. Fixes #3280.
* Fix crash when trying to access non-existant regex capture group.
* Use timestamps (request or server) rather than SQL NOW() in accounting queries so that these are stable when replayed from a file buffer.- freeradius-python3_patches.patch: upstreamed
* Tue Mar 17 2020 Adam Majer - update to 3.0.20 (bsc#1146848) Feature Improvements
* Added Force10 dictionary.
* Update dictionary.hp with new attributes. #2690.
* Update dictionary.aruba with new attributes. #2696.
* Fix side-channel leak in EAP-PWD (bsc#1144524, CVE-2019-13456)
* Relax OpenSSL version checks, now that their API is both public, and stable.
* Note that tls_min_version/tls_max_version also support \"1.3\" Since there is no standard yet for EAP with TLS 1.3, it will not work.
* Added tripplite dictionary from #2760.
* Switch to the async interface for rlm_sql_postgresql so that we can enforce query_timeout.
* Added new LDAP option \'allow_dangling_group_ref\'.
* Updated documentation and functionality for EAP session caching See \"cache\" section of mods-available/eap.
* Tighten systemd unit file security. Fixes #2637.
* Disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 support in the default configuration We STRONGLY recommend doing this for all installations.
* Add expansions for
* Radsec connections \"%{proxy_listen:TLS-...}\" for TLS-Client-Cert-
* and TLS-Cert-
* attributes. Fixes #2839.
* Add %{listen:tls} which returns \"yes\" or \"no\" for TLS or non-TLS connections.
* Update dictionary.lancom with new attributes. #2847.
* Added rlm_sql_mongo. See raddb/mods-available/sql. Note that this module is experimental.
* Added more documentation in sites-available/robust-proxy-accounting.
* sqlippool now re-allocates unexpired leases, to prevent IP pool exhaustion when clients perform multiple reauthentication attempts
* Add support to radmin keep the history in ~/.radmin_history.
* Add support for ENV and LD_PRELOAD in radiusd.conf. See the new ENV sub-section of radiusd.conf.
* Update dictionary.aptilo. #3002.
* Update dictionary.airespace. #3039.
* Add sites-available/coa-relay, which makes CoA easier #3045.
* Add example stored procedure for IP Pools in MySQL See mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql/procedure.sql
* Update dictionary.dhcp dictionary with the recent hardware types.
* Add experimental rlm_python3. This should largely work the same as rlm_python, which was Python2 only.
* Add Dockerfiles for Debian10 and CentOS8.
* Add RPM spec file compatibility for RHEL/CentOS 8.
* Notes on certificate constraints. See raddb/certs/server.cnf.
* Add NAIRealm example to raddb/certs/server.cnf, for RFC 7585. Bug Fixes
* Allow listen.ipaddr to reference an IPv6-only host. Fixes #2627
* ERX-Acct-Request-Reason is \"integer\". Closes #2635.
* Fix a slow memory leak in the file management code.
* Try to fix file permissions if they get modified while the server is running
* Fix slow memory leak with clients.
* Fix request and connection timeouts in rlm_rest.
* Fix systemd issues.
* Fixes from clang analyzer.
* Fix missing include for the dictionaries: alcatel.esam, altiga,alvarion.wimax.v2_2,aptis,asn, audiocodes,avaya,bristol, columbia_university,freedhcp,garderos, infoblox,motorola.illegal, starent.vsa1, telkom, wimax.wichorus.
* Fix internal sanity check when running with \"-Xx\".
* Allow \"inner-tunnel\" virtual servers to work better with \"accept\" and \"reject\" policies.
* Fix dictionary.huawei data types for Huawei-DNS-Server-IPv6-address and Huawei-Framed-IPv6-Address.
* Framed-Interface-ID in postgresql/queries.conf is string, not inet Fixes #2817.
* Fix rlm_cache to complain on unknown attributes in the \"update\" section of its configuration.
* Add configure checks for -latomic. This helps on armel, mips and mipsel. Fixes #2828.
* Add support to Oracle 19 and 18. Via #2857.
* Add support for decoding tags in rlm_rest. Fixes #2848.
* Use correct passwords when updating CRLs in raddb/certs/.
* Properly separate \"originate-coa\" packets when accounting packets are read from the detail file reader.
* Use the correct virtual server for pre/post-proxy.
* radsqlrelay fixes backported from \"master\" branch
* Fix DoS issues due to multithreaded BN_CTX access (bsc#1166847, CVE-2019-17185)- disable python2 for SLE15 and Factory- freeradius-server-enable-python3.patch: enable Python3 module- freeradius-python3_patches.patch: backport python3 fixes from upstream- freeradius-server-opensslversion.patch: updated
* Wed Mar 11 2020 Adam Majer - Enable memcached driver on SLE15
* Mon Dec 23 2019 Johannes Engel - Add missing BuildRequire on samba-core-devel required for windbind support in rlm_mschap.
* Wed Apr 10 2019 Michael Ströder - update to 3.0.19 (jira#SLE-5890) Feature improvements
* Update
* Update sqlippool to allow for stored procedures with PostgreSQL. This increases performance substantially. Patch from Nathan Ward. Fixes #2540.
* Re-added \"show client config\" command to radmin.
* Cleaned up mods-available/sql example so that it is easier to understand.
* Added pfSense dictionary. Closes #2581
* Update dictionary.h3c Closes #2592
* Update elasticsearch/logstash config for v6.7.0.
* EAP-PWD security fixes from Mathy Vanhoef. See (CVE-2019-11234, CVE-2019-11235, bsc#1132549, bsc#1132664) Bug fixes
* Update dynamic_client module and server core so that the functionality works. This has been broken since at least v2.
* Fix crash in sqlippool due to escaping changes. Patch from Nathan Ward. Fixes #2532, #2533.
* Fix systemd notify, watchdog and unit files. Fixes #2541, #2499.
* Fix erroneous length check in EAP-FAST.
* Update documentation to remove old \"ignore_null\" configuration. Fixes #2578.
* Fix default POD port. Should be 3799. Fixes #2591
* Correctly encode vendor-specific \"encrypted\" attributes. Fixes #2600
* Wed Feb 27 2019 reformat changelog mostly by wrapping lines- add missing bug numbers for security fixes
* Tue Feb 26 2019 Michael Ströder - update to 3.0.18
* cleanup_delay can now be 30 seconds. This helps with proxies that have packet loss.
* Do-Not-Respond policies can now be set in the \"post-auth\" section.
* Encode / Decode ADSL Forum DHCP options.
* Fix module ordering issues. e.g. when \"sqlippool\" needs \"sql\". See the \"instantiate\" section of radiusd.conf.
* Add Big Switch dictionary. Fixes #2252.
* Add sql_session_start policy (raddb/policy.d/accounting) This minimizes race conditions when using Simultaneous-Use (#2257).
* For rlm_perl, all variables are now tainted by default. See raddb/mods-available/perl, and the \"perl_flags\" configuration item. This change should only affect people who are using variables in insecure ways.
* Allow \"sqlcounter\" module to be listed in \"post-auth\".
* Add support for IPv6 attributes in SQL. Fixes #2280
* The server is better at handling fail-over for outbound RadSec and TCP connections. Fixes #2284.
* The server is now more aggressive about retrying failed outbound RadSec and TCP connections. Fixes #2284.
* Add TLS-Session-Version and TLS-Session-Cipher-Suite to the \"session_state\" list.
* Add expansion for Radsec connections. \"%{listen:TLS-...}\" for TLS-Client-Cert-
* and TLS-Cert-
* attributes.
* Add notes on running \"ldapsearch\" using the parameters from the LDAP module.
* \"ipaddr\" attributes can now be cast to \"integer\" type attributes in an \"update\" section.
* Move main thread queue to using atomic queues. This should help with contention in high load scenarios.
* Add \"recv_buff\" setting to listeners. For more details, see sites-available/default.
* The sqlippool module can now use attributes other than \"Pool-Name\" to assign IP pools. The \"Pool-Name\" attribute is still the default.
* The \"unpack\" expansion can now unpack substrings. See mods-available/unpack for documentation and examples.
* The preprocess module now does \"ciscvo_vsa_hack\" for Eltex-AVPair Fixes #2301. Vendors SHOULD NOT USE THAT KIND OF ATTRIBUTE.
* Allow for -LDAP-UserDN. See mods-available/ldap for more information.
* Add sanitizing of control list for moonshot. Fixes #2318.
* Update rlm_sql_mysql to be compatible with MySQL 8 Fixes
* Allow logging of only Access-Accept or Access-Reject messages See radiusd.conf, \"auth_accept\" and \"auth_reject\".
* Removed Connect-Rate comparison. It was unused and broken.
* Add dictionary.infinera.
* Use OpenSSL HMAC functions instead of local ones.
* Some SQL modules can now use \"auto_escape\" to escape unsafe strings See mods-config/sql/main/mysql/queries.conf.
* Add wispr2date conversion in mods-available/date.
* Implement dictionary-based handling in rlm_python. Fixes #2334 See mods-available/python for details.
* Add support for SKIP LOCKED in sqlippool. This can improve performance by an order of magnitude or more. See raddb/mods-config/sql/ippool/
*/queries.conf Fixes #2383
* Allow PSK and certificates at the same time Except for TLS 1.3 which does not support that.
* Update docker scripts. Fixes #2306 Patch from Matthew Newton.
* Add crypt xlat.
* MySQL connections can now skip verifying the server certificate. Fixes #2481. See mods-available/sql.
* Add better mechanism to detect MariaDB (Old MySQL).
* Add RFC 7532 \"bang path\" support for realms Fixes #2492.
* Update dictionary.ukerna documentation. Fixes #2493.
* Add support for systemd service and watchdogs Fixes #2499.
* Check for openss/rand.h, and allow building without OpenSSL engine. Patch from Eneas U de Queiroz Fixes #2517.
* The default PosgtreSQL queries now use \"ON CONFLICT\" to better deal with issues. This requires PostgreSQL 9.5 or later. Please use a recent version of PostgreSQL, or edit the default queries to remove \"ON CONFLICT\". BUG FIXES
* The session-state list is no longer cleaned in the inner-tunnel. This lets the outer Access-Reject section access session-state.
* Fix typo in lock initialization for TLS sockets Found by Sergio NNX.
* Add check for crash when home server down Fixes #2233.
* Add username key for postauth table.
* Better libpcap checks, when the header files or libraries are missing. Fixes #2245.
* Allow building with old versions of OpenSSL Fixes #2247.
* Allow non-FreeRADIUS State attributes to be used with the \"session-state\" list. i.e. State length != 16.
* Be more aggressive about cleaning up zombie children when running in debug mode.
* Use LTDL_DEEPBIND, which fixes issues with Oracle libraries exporting LDAP API functions.
* unlock files when asked to unlock them.
* return error instead of asserting in map code.
* Don\'t write 0 bytes to SSL. Fixes #2270.
* Remove \"expiry_time IS NULL\" from allocate_update query. Fixes #2262.
* Various dictionary cleanups and consistency checks Fixes #2281.
* rlm_python has stronger thread locking to prevent reported issues. Performance may be affected.
* Don\'t allow Message-Authenticator to overflow past the end of a large packet.
* Fix crash in sqlippool when SQL server goes away Fixes #2300.
* Typos in man pages. Patch from Nikolai Kondrashov Fixes #2303.
* Fix crash with CoA packets/ Fixes #2304.
* Fix crash in rlm_exec with CoA. Fixes #2328.
* Print errors while parsing the log config, and don\'t quit when deprecated log settings are found.
* Fix DHCP encoder xlat so that it can be used with a list of attributes. It previously only encoded the first member of the list, and now encodes all members.
* The \"expr\" module now skips more whitespace.
* Remove internal FreeRADIUS-Response-Delay attributes from attr_filter Access-Reject.
* Don\'t send junk to redis when maximum args reached.
* Small updates to IPv6 for accounting schema Fixes #2364.
* Fix OpenDirectory integration in rlm_mschap.
* Fix slow memory leak with dynamic clients.
* Don\'t artificially truncate debug output for long strings.
* Fix memory leak in EAP-PWD.
* Fix crash in \"hints\" file with Fall-Through = yes.
* Fix crash / timer issues with many CoA packets.
* Fix attr_filter so that it does not treat vendor attributes of number 26 as Vendor-Specific.
* Fix reconnect correctly in rlm_sql_mysql.
* Fix rlm_cache to properly use Cache-TTL < 0 Fixes #2485.
* Fix rare occurance of bad xlat expansion.
* Check for rare race condition when a proxy reply arrives too late.
* Wed Jul 04 2018 install license as %license instead of documentation
* Tue Jun 26 2018 also fix ownership of /var/log/radius in systemd unit
* Tue Apr 17 2018 update to 3.0.17 Feature Improvements
* Add CURLOPT_CAINFO. Patch from Nicolas C #2167.
* \"stats home server\" now supports \"src IPADDR\", to specify home server also by source IP. Fixes #2169.
* Add Dockerfiles for a selection of common systems.
* Increase number of permitted file descriptors, for systems with many home servers.
* Add TLS-Client-Cert-X509v3-Extended-Key-Usage-OIDs Patch from Isaac Boukris. Fixes #2205.
* Update main READMEs. Patches from Matthew Newton.
* Added dictionary.mimosa. Bug Fixes
* Don\'t call post-proxy twice when proxying to a virtual server. Matthew Newton, #2161.
* Use \"raw\" string value for shared secrets and dynamic clients It now parses strings with backslashes and \"special characters\" correctly. Fixes #2168.
* Fix RuntimeDirectory for RedHat, from Alan Buxey.
* Relax checks in \'if\' parser from Isaac Bourkis.
* Minor cleanups for %{debug_attr:&request} from Isaac Boukris.
* Be more aggressive about cleaning up cached certificate attributes, due to deficiencies in OpenSSL. Reported by Nicolas Reich.
* Be more accepting when parsing IPv6 addresses. Bug noted by Klara Mall.
* Fix double free in rlm_sql. Fixes #2180.
* rlm_detail now writes empty Access-Accept packets.
* rlm_python can now create tagged attributes.
* Don\'t crash on duplicate realm + authhost / accthost
* Allow partial certificate chain to trusted CA. Fixes #2162.
* Treat SSL_read() returning zero as error. Fixes #2164.
* detail writer now checks if the file was renamed or deleted.
* Add User-Name to Access-Accept if EAP-Message exists, not Stripped-User-Name.
* RedHat Systemd updates. Fixes #2184.
* Use correct API for State variable in rlm_securid.
* Remove broken radclient option \"-i\".
* Fix \"users\" file (and hints, etc). So that it does not get confused about entry ordering with multiple $INCLUDEs.
* Fix rlm_sql to expand the un-escaped string, not the raw string.
* Link default and inner-tunnel only if they exist. Fixes #2206.
* Don\'t use both IP_PKTINFO and IP_SENDSRCADDR.
* Always install signal handler for SIGINT (needed by Docker).
* Fix intermediate CA flow for OCSP. Fixes #2160 Intermediate certs which are not self-signed will now be checked.
* sqlippool now returns \"fail\" if it fails IP allocation.
* Fix rlm_yubikey to look for correct attribute in replay attack check.
* Thu Jan 11 2018 update to 3.0.16 Feature improvements
* rlm_python now supports multiple lists. From #2031.
* Add trust router re-keying. From #2007.
* Add support for Samba / AD LDAP schema. See doc/schemas/ldap/samba/README.txt and doc/schemas/ldap/samba/
* Add \"tls_min_version\" and \"tls_max_version\" to EAP module for Debian OpenSSL issues.
* Better documentation for client certificates in PEAP and TTLS: it usually doesn\'t work. Fixes #2068.
* Distinguish login failure from AD unavailable. Fixes #2069.
* Update RH spec files. Fixes #2070.
* Run Post-Proxy-Type if all home servers are dead. Fixes #2072.
* Print offending IP addresses when EAP sessions come from two upstream home servers, and rate-limit the messages.
* Minor packaging updates.
* Better documentation for rlm_rest.
* EAP-FAST now has it\'s own \"cipher_list\", so that it is easier to configure.
* EAP-FAST now forcibly disables TLS1.2, until such time as we implement the new keying mechanism from TLS1.2.
* Add documentation for allow_expired_crl.
* Update Debian logrotation. #2093 and #2101.
* DHCP relay can now drop responses. #2095.
* rlm_sqlippool can now assign Delegated-IPv6-Prefix. It also now can assign any IPv4 or IPv6 address. Based on patches from maximumG. #2094. See raddb/mods-available/sqlippool for changes.
* radeapclient can now use EAP-SIM-Ki to dynamically create the necessary triplets.
* Explain why many LDAP connections are closed. Fixes #1969.
* Debian build / package issues fixed by Matthew Newton.
* dictionary.patton updates from Brice Schaffner. Fixes #2137.
* Added scripts to build \"inner-server.pem\", and updated mods-config/inner-eap and certs/README to match.
* Added provisions for using an external CA. See raddb/certs/
* Include dhcpclient binary in freeradius-dhcp debian packge. Bug fixes
* Bind the lifetime of program name and python path to the module FR-AD-002 (redone)
* Pass correct statement length into sqlite3_prepare[_v2] FR-AD-003 (redone)
* Allow 100-Continue responses with additional headers in rlm_rest.
* fix corner case where detail files were not being locked correctly.
* Fix (SQL-Group == \"%{...}\") checks, and same for LDAP-Group. Fixes #1947
* Clean up exfile code. Which should help to avoid issues with reading / writing 100\'s of detail files.
* Fix build for winbind. Patch from Alex Clouter.
* Fix checkrad for Mikrotik. Patch from Muchael Ducharme.
* Fix home server stats lookup. Patch from Phil Mayers.
* Add libjson-c3 as an optional dependency.
* Require LTB OpenLDAP on CentOS / Redhat, to avoid linking against NSS, which breaks the server. Fixes #2040.
* rlm_python fixes. Fixes #2041
* Typos in \"man\" pages. Fixes #2045
* Expand \"next\" in %{%{...}:-%{...}}. Fixes #2048
* Don\'t add TLS attributes twice. Fixes #2050.
* Fix memory allocation in rlm_rest. Fixes #2051.
* Update trustrouter for new API. Fixes #2059.
* Fix SQLite issues on FreeBSD. Fixes #2060
* Don\'t do debug logging of bad passwords. Fixes #2064. (bsc#1099802)
* More graceful handling of \"die\" in rlm_perl. Fixes #2073.
* Fix occasional crash when using cisco_accounting_username_bug = yes
* EAP-FAST fixes from Isaac Boukris. [#2078], #2076, and #2082, #2126.
* DHCP fixes, relay, #2092, add run-time check, #2028
* Decode multiple RADIUS packets at a time in highly loaded RadSec connections. Patch from Jan Tomasek. #2106.
* TunnelPassword is not \"single value\" in LDAP schema. Fixes #2061.
* sql log now opens the expanded filename, not the input one. This was a regression introduced in 3.0.15.
* Remove unnecessary UNIQUE constrain in Oracle schemas.
* Fix SSL thread and locking issues when modules also use SSL. Fixes #2125 and #2129.
* Re-add dhcpclient \"raw packet\" changes. Patches from Nicolas Chaigne and Matthew Newton. Fixes #2155.
* Tue Sep 19 2017 Fix permissions of radiusd.service (bnc#1053654)
* Fri Aug 25 2017 bsc#1055679 - freeradius-server does not provide winbind/AD auth Added libwbclient-devel as buildrequires
* Mon Jul 17 2017 update to 3.0.15 with security fixes for issues found via fuzzing by Guido Vranken (bsc#1049086)
* CVE-2017-10978: FR-GV-201 (v2,v3) Read / write overflow in make_secret()
* CVE-2017-10983: FR-GV-206 (v2,v3) DHCP - Read overflow when decoding option 63
* CVE-2017-10984: FR-GV-301 (v3) Write overflow in data2vp_wimax()
* CVE-2017-10985: FR-GV-302 (v3) Infinite loop and memory exhaustion with \'concat\' attributes
* CVE-2017-10986: FR-GV-303 (v3) DHCP - Infinite read in dhcp_attr2vp()
* CVE-2017-10987: FR-GV-304 (v3) DHCP - Buffer over-read in fr_dhcp_decode_suboptions()
* CVE-2017-10988: FR-GV-305 (v3) Decode \'signed\' attributes correctly
* FR-AD-002 (v3) String lifetime issues in rlm_python
* FR-AD-003 (v3) Incorrect statement length passed into sqlite3_prepare
* Mon May 29 2017 update to 3.0.14 (still FATE#322416) Feature improvements
* Enforce TLS client certificate expiration on session resumption, and Session-Timeout. See CVE-2017-9148 (bnc#1041445)
* Updated, dictionary.patton
* Added dictionary.dellemc
* Lowered the log output for failed PEAP sessions.
* ALlow utc in rlm_date.
* The internal OpenSSL session cache has been disabled. Please see mods-available/eap
* Update detail reader documentation.
* Make outgoing RadSec connections non-blocking.
* Add SQL backing to Moonshot-
*-TargetedId generation. Bug Fixes
* radtest uses Cleartext-Password for EAP, not User-Password.
* Update documentation for mods-enabled/ linking.
* Enhanced checks for moonshot salt.
* Allow session resumption for RadSec connections.
* Update \"huntgroups\" file to note that port ranges are not supported
* Fix OpenSSL permissions issues on default key files.
* Certificates are not required when PSK is used.
* Allow SubjectAltName as first extension in cert.
* Fixed talloc issue with TLS session resumption.
* \"&Attr-26 := 0x01\" now produces useful error messages.
* Handle connection error in rlm_ldap_cacheable_groupobj.
* Fix endian issues in DHCP.
* Multiple minor fixes for Coverity complaints.
* Handle unexpected regex.
* Fix minor issues in dictionaries.
* Fix typos and grammar. Patches from Alan Buxey.
* Fix erroneous VP creation in rlm_preproces.
* Fix MIB. Patch from Jeff Gehlbach.
* Trust router updates from Alejandro Perez.
* Allow build with LibreSSL.
* Use correct packet for channel bindings.
* Many fixes found by PVS-Studio. Thanks to PVS-Studio for giving us a test license. Please see the git commit history for more info.
* Fix incorrect length check in EAP-PWD. This may be exploitable.
* Stop rotating session database files (radutmp, radwtmp) since these are not logfiles.- freeradius-server-radiusd-logrotate.patch: updated
* Mon Mar 06 2017 removed obsolete freeradius-server-fix-cert-bootstrap.patch because recent /etc/raddb/certs/bootstrap simply works- update to 3.0.13 (still FATE#322416) Feature improvements
* Add dictionary.rfc7930. Note that we do not implement the RFC.
* Added \'cipher_server_preference\' to mods-available/eap Patch from #1797.
* OpenSSL 1.1.0 compatibility fixes.
* rlm_perl: radiusd::xlat to evaluate xlat string within perl script
* Allow authentication retry in winbind. Patch from Herwin Weststrate. See raddb/mods-available/mschap.
* Added \"recv-coa\" method to rlm_rest. It behaves the same as \"authorize\".
* Document Trust Router tr_port option. Patch from Stefan Paetow.
* Update elasticsearch/logstash examples so that they work with elastic stack v5. Patch from Matthew Newton.
* Print information about packets, replies, and contents in the detail file reader.
* Update abfab-tr policy. Pull request #1893 from Stefan Paetow.
* Reject packets which contain User-Password and EAP-Message.
* Add example for filtering Access-Challenge. See sites-enabled/default.
* Pull symlink fixes from v4.0.x. Fixes #1859.
* Add systemd reload. Not everything is reloaded, but some is. Fixes #1662.
* Better documentation for listen \"ipaddr\". Fixes #1921
* Add dictionary.cnergee, updated dictionary.nomadix.
* radclient no longer needs -x to print statistics with -s. Bug fixes
* Minor typos. Fixes #1763
* Fix typo in RPM build. Closes #1767.
* rlm_mschap check for password expiry only if password was correct. Fixes #1762.
* Update debian build.
* update rlm_counter \"man\" page. Fixes #1775.
* Remove erroneous assert. Fixes #1778.
* fix mschap password change test. Fixes #1792.
* Cleanup config file on data remove. Fixes #1795.
* passwd module returns \"notfound\" if not found.
* Check for old OpenSSL, and don\'t build rlm_eap_fast if it necessary. Fixes #1803
* Cleanup memory better after ldap version query. Patch from Aleksey Katargin.
* Rename lt_
* functions to avoid linker issues with libtool. Fixes #1277
* Many miscellaneous fixes and typos.
* Allow long strings in %{%{foo} bar:-%{baz} blah\". Fixes #1866
* Fix filtering operators, along with more documentation and more tests for them.
* Fix OpenSSL fixes. Fixes #1876.
* Finish SQL select queries even when SELECT returns no rows. Fixes #1879.
* Set Module-Failure-Message for more EAP errors.
* Correct typo in dictionary.rfc5580. Fixes #1882
* Remove obselete systemd
* Client-Port-Balance load-balancing now uses client port.
* Radrelay examples fixed from Alex Clouter.
* Update systemd target. Pull request #1896.
* Trim starting whitespace in xlat strings.
* Get MySQL result lengths using normal API.
* suid down after fchown(). Fixes #1914.
* Fix cases of comparing pointer to NUL character. Fixes #1915.
* OpenSSL v1.1 fixes. Pull request #1921.
* Better Handle v4/v6 host names. Pull request #1919.
* Remove \"Auth-Type = System\" from docs and examples.
* Don\'t crash on malformed %{home_server}. Fixes #1922
* fix erroneous use of talloc destructor in rlm_eap
* Issue trigger Fixes #1923
* Document python_path gotcha\'s. Fixes #1845
* dlopen() the specific version of Python. Fixes #1592
* Mon Feb 20 2017 Don\'t require insserv if we use systemd- Remove require for unused fillup
* Mon Jan 30 2017 Merge changes from SLE to openSUSE (FATE#322416):
* freeradius-server-radclient-init-error-buffer.patch - make sure we initialize error buffer. bsc#911886: radclient error free() invalid pointer
* freeradius-server-opensslversion.patch: remove OpenSSL version check and assume we know what we are doing. (bnc#1013311)
* merge .changes file, mostly.- do not attempt to detect \"vulnerable\" OpenSSL versions. SUSE security fixes do not necessarily bump version numbers as does upstream OpenSSL (bnc#1021375)- do not generate certificates in %post. End-user needs to do this manually.- keep FreeTDS disabled on SLE12 - we never shipped it enabled- require OpenSSL 1.0+- use pkgconfig(systemd) instead of plain systemd as BuildRequires- don\'t list manual pages as %doc
* Sun Jan 01 2017 Remove --with-pic which is for static libs only.- Use SUSE RPM group names. Trim filler words from description.- Do not hide errors from groupadd/useradd.
* Fri Nov 18 2016 Add upstream keyring- 2 new modules: rlm_sql_freetds and rlm_eap_fast
* Thu Sep 29 2016 update to 3.0.12 - still fate#320481 The focus of this release is stability.
* Feature improvements + Add support for =~ and !~ in update sections. See \"man unlang\" + Add dictionary.checkpoint. + Simultaneous-Use prints out more information. + Print WARNING in debug mode when packets may be truncated. + Added expansions %{home_server:state} and %{home_server_pool:state}, which show the state of the server / pool. + Mark rlm_sql_freetds as stable. + Make rlm_perl less fragile. Patch from Herwin Weststrate. + Allow extended attributes to have \"encrypt=2\" + Update dictionary.aruba. + Add support for EAP-FAST. This is an isolated feature which does not affect anything else. + Update OpenSSL vulnerability list. Use a version of OpenSSL released after September 20, 2016. + EAP certificate verification is now done when \"verify\" is enabled and \"ocsp\" is disabled. + New dhcpclient and rlm_rad_counter man pages. + Minor abfab and moonshot additions. + Pass CFLAGS through from environment in RPM builds. Allows more custom builds. + Build with Heimdal in addtion to libkrb5.
* Bug Fixes + Use correct typedef for older versions of sqlite. + Update mssql schema to add priority + don\'t complain on /dev/urandom in ldap + fix == operator in update sections + Don\'t create DHCP strings with many trailing zeros. + Allow MS-CHAP change passwords instead of complaining on large buffer. + Allow assignment or equality operator on SQL. + Update aclocal tests for FreeBSD 10. + Remove occasional hang in rlm_linelog. + Copy VSAs to inner tunnel for TTLS and PEAP. Fixes #1544 + A few minor bugfixes caught in v3.1.x cleanup, and back-ported to v3.0.x. + do_not_respond again works in post-proxy + Allow realm \"~^.
*$\" {} and User-Name with no realm. + Fix leak when creating unknown attributes + Fix Debian / logrotate. + Make OpenSSL error functions thread-safe. + Fix crash with rlm_sql and updating SQL-User-Name. + Debian build updates. + Allow regular expression comparisons in radclient. + Fix memory leak on unknown attributes in detail file reader. + Update example paths in \"man\" pages when installing them + Build fixes for rlm_mschap. Fixes #1489. + BSD build fixes. Patch from issue #1583. + Be more careful about /lib/ when building. Fixes #1585. + Correct ifdef placement error. Fixes #1572. + Allow for more files in internal \"exfile\" API So it will be possible to open more than 64 \"detail\" files at the same time. + Remove support for statically built EAP modules. Fixes #1591. + Many fixes to rlm_python from Guillaume Pannatier. + Use correct week adjustment in SQLcounter. Fixes #1608 + Minor fixes to allow compilation without DHCP, VMPS, or TCP. + Fix checks for module / config file change on HUP. + Compile regex comparisons when sent via \"debug condition\". + Update filenames in documentation and examples. + Don\'t crash if SQL connection becomes unavailable. + Disallow originate_coa when proxy_requests = no. + Free rad_perlconf_hv in correct perl context. + Multiple fixes for Debian builds. #1510, among others. + Set OpenSSL FIPS compatibility flag when necessary. + Pulled fixes for the build system over from other branches. + Fix OCSP for RADIUS over TLS. + Fix skip_if_ocsp_ok behavior. + Better fixes for systems without closefrom() but which have /proc. + Minor build fixes back-ported from v4.0.x. + build --whout-ascend-binary. Fixes #1761. + Be more aggressive about not opening new connections in debug mode after CTRL-C. Address #1604.
* Fri Sep 02 2016 use %{with} macro for conditional inclusions instead of hardcoding version numbers- improved package descriptions- fixed builds on SLE12 and SLE11SP4
* Mon Jan 25 2016 removed installation of experimental module update to 3.0.11 (fate#320481, bsc#961479, CVE-2015-8763, bsc#935573, CVE-2015-4680)
* Changes of version 3.0.11 + Feature improvements - \"unlang\" comparisons of IP addresses to IP prefixes are now detected, and types automatically cast. - Allow shorthand form of ipv4prefix values e.g. 127/8. - Add \"auto_chain\" to raddb/mods-available/eap, tls subsection. This allows the disabling of OpenSSL auto-chaining of certificates. Which might be wrong. - Added printing of coa and disconnect stats (radmin). - radclient defaults to expecting Access-Accept responses to Status-Server. - Updated dictionary.lancom, dictionary.starent. - Portability fixes for Solaris. - More errors from ntlm_auth gets passed to MS-CHAP. - Update abfab-tr-idp virtual server. - Added \"filter_password\" in policy.d/filter. This removes embedded zero bytes in User-Password, for compatibility with broken clients. - The server now issues a WARNING message if duplicate configuration items are found. - TLS can skip the \"verify\" section if OCSP returns OK. See raddb/mods-available/eap, \"skip_if_ocsp_ok\". - Set TLS-OCSP-Cert-Valid = yes / no / skipped, which is the result from the OCSP check. - Interoperate with AD and \"LmCompatibiltyLevel = 5\", by always setting WBC_MSV1_0_ALLOW_MSVCHAPV2 for native winbind in rlm_mschap. - TTLS and PEAP now require \"virtual_server\" to be a real server. - Print WARNING when TTLS or PEAP identities are spoofed or not properly anonymized. See RFC 7542 for requirements. - Various rlm_python fixes from Herwin Weststrate. - Allow setting Response-Packet-Type in \"Post-Proxy-Type Fail\", which is useful when the home server does not respond. - elasticsearch updates from Matthew Newton + Bug Fixes - Fix issue where field nas_type would not be accessible via the %{client:} xlat, for clients loaded from SQL. - Fix compatiblity issues with OpenSSL 1.0.2. Ignore calls to msg_callback with \'pseudo\' content types. - Data type \"ipv4prefix\" is parsed correctly. - Use correct talloc context in rlm_exec. Fixes #1338. - Complain in unlang if \"else\" is used with no previous \"if\" or \"elsif\". - Send accounting status packets to the accounting port. Fixes #1364. - Print out CFLAGS when doing \"radiusd -Xxv\" - Fixed bug with coa/acct stats value #1339. Based on patch from Jorge Pereira. - Fixes for LEAP proxying. Don\'t use LEAP! - Fix issue with \"directory already exists\" seen when doing \"make install\". - Fixed bug with radmin related to the option \"stats detail \" - Complain if the detail file reader does not have permission to read the \"\" file. Fixes #1398 - Fixed SoH. Attributes were not being copied to the virtual server. - Used a wrong list to global statistics in \"stats\". - Create EAP-PWD identity correctly. Prevents segfaults. - Dynamically validate authentication types for PEAP and EAP-MSCHAPv2. - Fix includes in installed headers. - OpenSSL 1.0.1f and 1.0.1g do NOT calculate TLS 1.2 keys correctly. See raddb/mods-available/eap, \"disable_tlsv1_2\" - Allow password change to work for MS-CHAP. This requires \'r=0\', because password changes are not retries. - Fix home server fail-over for home servers using TCP and/or RadSec. - Special characters in expanded regexes are now escaped e.g. User-Name containing \'.\', and comparing /%{User-Name}/, the \'.\' will now be escaped. See src/tests/keywords/regex-escape. - Use correct authentication vector when sending Access-Reject replies for RadSec. - Set FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To in TTLS again. You should use the \"inner-tunnel\" virtual server, instead of relying on this attribute. - Fix debugging constants in rlm_perl. Patch from Herwin Weststrate. - Add samba-dev / samba4-dev to debian builds so that rlm_mschap can automatically use the new winbind API. - Automatically skip zero-length attributes when sending packets, instead of erroring out.
* Mon Oct 26 2015 fix bsc#951404
* Rebuild of freeradius-server package fails
* fix source url - +
* Mon Oct 05 2015 update to 3.0.10
* Changes of version 3.0.10 + Feature improvements - Do more optimization of unlang policies. This makes run-time a bit faster. - Re-name most of the functions in src/lib. Third-party module authors will have to do the same. - More documentation on contributing and how to write modules. - Update radiusd.service for systemd. - Open IPv6 proxy socket if the server is listening on IPV6 auth / acct / coa packets. - Create debian packages for DHCP. Fixes #1125. - Add more tests for \"update\" section parsing. - Update \"man\" pages. - Update attributes for Alcatel 7750 - Add dictionary for Boingo Wi-Fi - Add support for DHCP lease queries. See raddb/sites-available/dhcp - On HUP, check all modules for config files which have changed. And only re-load those modules. - Allow FreeRADIUS-Response-Delay(-USec) to be set for RADIUS packets. Patch from Herwin Weststrate. - Documentation fixes from Alan Buxey and Matthew Newton. - Update \"logrotate\" script. - Added more RFCs to doc/rfc for new standards implemented by FreeRADIUS. - Don\'t crash when doing \"radmin -e \"help hup\". Patch from Matthew Newton. - The dictionary parser now does more sanity checks, which prevents run-time problems with invalid attributes. - Update debian packages. Patches from Christopher Hoskin. - Many other debian packaging fixes from Matthew Netwon and Herwin Weststrate. - Add \"session-state\" to Perl. Patch from Herwin Weststrate. + Bug Fixes - Fix rlm_files so that there are no collisions when loading 10\'s of 1000\'s of users. - Fix radclient to use our internal v4/v6 parsing functions. v6 addresses with ports now work correctly. - Fix sending/receiving packet messages to wrap v6 addresses in square brackets \'[]\'. - Check for sasl/sasl.h when building rlm_ldap, and disable SASL functionality if unavailable. - Fix issue which caused a non \\0 terminated buffer to be assigned to attributes if the value being assigned contained an invalid escape sequence. - Fix deadlock when reconnecting connections in the connection pool. - Fix potential overrun in functions that used fr_utf8_char with a non nul terminated buffer. - Fix decoding issue for Tunnel-Password type attributes which were very long. Found by Denis Andzakovic. - Fix radclient issue with TCP sockets on FreeBSD. - The server now creates ${run_dir} and ${logdir} directories in daemon mode, when running as \"root\". - Handle tags when using maps. Fixes #1191. - Fix crash when CoA packets time out. - Fix parse error in rediswho - Fix regex support in SQL radcheck the \"users\" file and radsniff. - Register listen xlat earlier, so that it\'s available when the virtual servers are being parsed. - Parse Ascend-Data-Filter when given as \"0x...\" - Print Ascend-Data-Filter correctly. Add test cases for both. - Allow old-style clients again. They will be disallowed for 3.1.0 and following. - Complain instead of crash when \"else\" and \"elsif\" are in the wrong place. - Clean up memory more aggressively. This lowers the maximum memory used, most typically for TLS based EAP methods. - Prevent the server from unlinking the control socket of an already running instance. - Fallback to using the configured OCSP URL if one exists, and no URL is provided in the certificate. - Return CoA-NAK if proxying CoA fails. Based on patch from Jorge Pereira. - Lower peak memory usage by decreasing size of internal memory pools. - The control socket is now left in place if a second copy of the server is accidentally started. - Allow virtual attributes in \"switch\", \"case\", etc. Fixes [#1240] and #1265. - Many spell check / typo fixes in comments and example configuration files. - Better handle multiple DHCP listeners. - Don\'t print secrets for old-style realms. Fixes #1267. - Don\'t fall through in empty \"case\" statements. Fixes #1274. - Update EAP-TTLS so that MPPE keys are correctly calculated with TLSv1.2. - Always delete MS-MPPE-
* from the TTLS inner tunnel. This allows TTLS / EAP-MSCHAPv2 to work. Fixes #1206. - Fix off by one error that caused some MSCHAP-Error messages to be sent without the password change version (V=3) and the textual message component (M=). - Always include C= V= and M= in MSCHAPv2 errors. RFC 2759 does not say that any of these fields are optional, and not including V= caused errors with wpa_supplicant. - Do not include M= in MSCHAPv1 errors. It\'s not supported.
* Fri Aug 07 2015 Fix boo#912714: freeradius can\'t use ntlm_auth
* Create winbind group
* Add radiusd to winbind group
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Remove gpg signature file
* The gpg signature checking is broken and doesn\'t work
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Fix bsc#935573: Insufficent CRL application for intermediate certificates
* CVE-2015-4680
* freeradius-server-CVE-2015-4680.patch based on
* Wed Jul 08 2015 update to 3.0.9
* Changes of version 3.0.9 + Feature improvements - Make \"pool\" configurations more consistent, and update documentation for them. - Move connection pool logic to \"most recently started\", instead of MRU. This should help with pool stability. - More VSAs for 3GPP2 - Added examples of multi-value attributes to rlm_perl. - LDAP-Group and SQL-Group attributes are now dynamically allocated. - Only the \"sql\" module registers SQL-Group. Other instances register \"instance-name-SQL-Group\", similarly to \"ldap\". - Unknown attributes are now complained about more often when used in unlang statements. e.g. if (Foo-Bar == 3) used to be a string to string comparison. It is now a parse error. - Rename RLM_COMPONENT_
* to MOD_
* in the code. This makes many things easier. - Move to C99 initializers for modules. - Load modules in raddb/mods-enabled. This allows attributes like \"LDAP-Group\" to be used in the \"files\" module, without explicit ordering or listing in \"instantiate\". - Added \'bootstrap\' section to modules. Third-party modules will need to be updated. - When adding clients from a DB, add them to a virtual server if that virtual server has a \"listen\" section. Otherwise, add the clients to the global list. - When reading dynamic clients from a file, don\'t expire them if the underlying file is unchanged. - Allow the server to originate CoA requests from the post-auth stage. - The server creates ${run_dir} and ${logdir} in daemon mode, if they do not already exist. - Add dictionary for Wi-Fi Alliance Hotspot 2.0. The server now supports all mandatory and optional attributes for this specification. - HUP now re-loads the configuration only if the files have changed. If all files are unchanged, HUP re-opens the log file, and does nothing else. - Much better debug messages for EAP-TLS, including which attributes are cached, and when they are retrieved. - Increase default max_requests to 16384. Memory is cheap now. - Added \"stats memory\" commands to radmin. Debug build only. - Aptilo controller dictionary updates. - SQL modules now use Acct-Unique-Session-Id everywhere. - The redis modules are now stable. - The LDAP module now supports SASL \"interactive bind\" method. This allows Kerberos based administrator and user binds. - DHCP code is now in libfreeradius-dhcp. - More DHCP encoding / decoding unit tests. - rlm_replicate can now be listed in the \"accounting\" section. - Better sqlite debugging output. - Remove \"required\" option from many sql_ippool directives. - Set default CA \"basic constraints\" to \"critical\". Fixes #1073 - Updates to help / man pages from Jorge Pereira. - Added more tests. + Bug Fixes - Be more careful about unused config item warnings when using -Xx. - Move more defines to be auto-generated. - Allow virtual servers in proxy fallback. - Allow %{module:} to work. - Don\'t crash in RadSec. Closes #980. - Return better errors when a unix group / user is not found. - Re-enable detail module \"locking\" parameter. - Don\'t crash when logging replies from Status-Server packets. - The couchbase module now uses \"update\" instead of \"map\", for consistent with the rest of the server. See raddb/mods-available/couchbase - Don\'t require NT-Password for MS-CHAP password changes. - Be a bit more careful about decrypting MS-CHAP-MPPE-Key attributes. Closes #1013. There is no perfect fix, tho. - Fix security issues with EAP-PWD. See - Fix dynamic clients read from SQL in non-debug mode - MS-CHAP now allows retries (i.e. password change) when passwords are expired. - Allow \"user=radiusd\" when the server is already user \"radiusd\" - suid up/down works on non-Linux systems. This means that the control socket should have the correct ownership. - Fix issue which caused the server to sometimes have problems when a home server was marked zombie. - Fix because Perl is now more picky. - Fix proxy to Packet-Dst-IP-Address, so that it uses the correct destination port. - Fix corner case with cursor functions and removal. - OpenDirectory fixes and documentation. - Fix leaks in rlm_redis. - RFC 6929 \"evs\" attributes are now encoded / decoded properly. - Fix talloc pool leaks when receiving malformed or retransmitted Accounting/CoA requests. - Printed attributes again use double quotes instead of single quotes. - Set X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL, and add \"check_all_crl\" to eap.conf. Fixes oCert CVE-2015-4680. - rlm_expr now errors out correctly on malformed attribute references instead of triggering an assert. - Make \"break\" work in \"foreach\" loops - Allow dynamic expansions to work again in the \"hints\" file. - Correct minor typos in comments and examples from Alan Buxy. - Re-urlencode the path portion of ldapi:// urls before passing it to ldap_initialise.- freeradius-server-rlm_sql_unixodbc-configure.patch removes hard-coded directory in configure script of rlm_sql_unixodbc- install new module
* Thu Apr 23 2015 minor adjustments/cleanup of spec and changes
* Wed Apr 22 2015 update to 3.0.8
* Changes of version 3.0.8 + Feature improvements - Allow syslog_severity to be set in rlm_linelog. - Allow defaults to be set for bulk clients in LDAP and couchbase. - Updates to dhcpclient. Patches from Nicolas C. - rlm_mschap now supports direct connections to winbind, which is faster than ntlm_auth. See raddb/mods-available/mschap. Patch from Matthew Newton. - Recommend /dev/urandom for TLS randomness, instead of ${certdir}/random - Allow TLSv1 to be disabled via \"disable_tlsv1\" in tls{}. - Allow Expanded EAP types where vendor is 0 (IETF) and type is normal EAP type. Supplicants sending Expanded EAP types like this are broken. - Add support for server side sort controls when searching for user objects in rlm_ldap. + Bug Fixes - Don\'t complain about \"authorize\" in \"server {}\" blocks, but only if there\'s no \"server\" block. - Fix cosmetic issue where debug from the first packet read by a detail reader thread would be emited during config parsing. - Fix ASSERT on truncated detail packets. - Don\'t use main server log functions from within panic_action, as in the case of syslog this would cause deadlocks if the fault was triggered from within a malloc. - Fix issue in \"switch\" when \"correct_escapes = false\". Fixes #911. - Fix sqlcounter configuration to use \"%%b\" instead of \"%b\", otherwise the new syntax validation will fail. - Allow forward references in configuration items. Modules aren\'t always loaded in a sane order. - Fix more escaping issues. Closes #912. - Decode MAC addresses correctly for VMPS. - Fix memory leak with TLS connections. - Fix state machine threading issues for conflicting packets. - Fix copy_request_to_tunnel issues for tagged attributes. - Allow \"ok\" to over-ride \"updated\" inside of Auth-Type sections. - Update state machine so that post-proxy is run though child threads for performance, instead of blocking the main thread. - Allow \"netmask\" to work again in client definitions. - Relax restrictions on SQL group queries. - track outgoing proxy sockets and clean them up more aggressively. - track proxy statistics, including CoA and Disconnect. - If radmin has a connection failure when running a command, it re-connects and runs the command again. - mark home servers \"unknown\" less aggressively. - Fix potential SEGV in PostgreSQL driver on error. - Fix issue where fields like nas_type would not be accessible via the %{client:} xlat, for dynamic clients. - Set default busy_timeout (of 200ms) in the sqlite driver, so writes don\'t cause selects to fail in multithreaded mode. This is user configurable, and may be increased if required. - Convert Password-With-Header attributes to binary (from hex or base64), in the authorize method of rlm_pap. - Fix invalid assert in state.c, that could cause abort in post-auth. - Fix double free when -m flag is used, and connection pools are referenced by multiple modules. - RADIUS over TLS accounting uses the same port as authentication. - Regularized return codes from radmin commands. - Fix RHEL spec file so it works correctly for Centos7 which uses systemd, and didn\'t like the SystemV init script. - radwho and radlast now have a -D option to load dictionaries - DHCP packets are no longer checked for duplicates. - Don\'t crash in sql module group comparisons in corner case. - Calculate MPPE keys correctly when using TLS 1.2. - Fix load-balance sections. Closes #945 - TLS certificates are available again in the post-auth section. They are not available for session resumption. - radclient encodes CHAP-Password properly when using -c Closes #955. - Fix issue in rlm_cache_memcached driver that caused variable length values to be truncated. - Fix track functionality in detail reader, so it no longer fails with a \"Failed marking detail request as done: Bad file descriptor\" error. - Actually add the peer identity (as User-Name) to the inner tunnel in EAP-PWD requests, so it\'s available for lookups. - Fixes to PostgreSQL queries. Patches from Santiago Gimeno.- new set of consolidated patch files: deleted:
* freeradius-server-2.1.1-logrotate_su.patch
* freeradius-server-2.1.6-rcradiusd.patch
* freeradius-server-initscript-pidfile.patch
* freeradius-server-radius-reload-logrotate.patch
* freeradius-server-var_run.patch added:
* freeradius-server-radiusd-logrotate.patch
* freeradius-server-rcradiusd.patch
* freeradius-server-tmpfiles.patch
* Wed Jan 14 2015 Do not disable as-needed build- Remove the with_sysconfig switch and just stick with versions
* Tue Jan 13 2015 update to 3.0.6 - fixes a segmentation fault in PEAP module (bnc#912588) Feature improvements:
* radmin / raddebug conditional errors are printed to the output, instead of being discarded.
* raddebug will exit if condition set with -c was invalid.
* radmin auto-reconnects if the connection to the server has gone away.
* rlm_cache now has submodule support. See raddb/mods-available/cache
* New memcached driver for rlm_cache. See raddb/mods-available/cache
* Add support for &Attribute-Name[
*] in conditions. See \"man unlang\" for details.
* Add &Attribute-Name[n] which gets the last instance of an attribute e.g. Module-Failure-Message[n].
* Allow for redundant string expansions. See the \"instantiate\" section of radiusd.conf.
* When checking IP addresses in conditions, make the right side be parsed as an IP prefix.
* Support JIT compilation of compiled regular expressions when built with libpcre.
* Support named capture groups with \"%{regex:}\" when built with libpcre.
* Increase regular expression capture groups from 8 to 32.
* Emit error markers for badly formed regular expressions.
* Allow \'m\' flag to enable multiline mode in regular expressions.
* Support limited implicit attribute conversion in update sections.
* Support casting between IPv6 and IPv4 where the IPv6 address has the v4/v6 mapping prefix (::ffff:).
* Mon Dec 22 2014 Drop .keyring and .sig file: freeradius-server still uses MD5 signatures, which are no longer validated/accepted by GPG 2.1.
* Wed Dec 03 2014 update to 3.0.5 Some of the new features:
* Allow LDAP to specify arbitrary attributes for dynamic clients.
* Allow one level of backslashes (finally). See radiusd.conf, \"correct_escapes\" setting.
* When supported by OpenSSL, allow TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 in EAP methods.
* Allow multiple new connections to be spawned simultaneously in the connection pool, to cope with spikes in traffic.
* Use kqueue on systems which support it. This allows for better scaling when using many sockets.
* Home server \"response_window\" can now take fractions of a second. See proxy.conf.
* radmin now supports \"show module status\", as thee counterpart to \"set module status\"
* \"ipaddr\" will now use v6 if no v4 address is present. You should use \"ipv4addr\" or \"ipv6addr\" to force v4/v6 addresses.
* \"client\" sections will allow \"ipaddr = 192.192.0/24\". The old \"netmask\" is still accepted, but the new format is preferred.
* Allow custom HTTP headers to be set for rlm_rest requests using control:REST-HTTP-Header (attributes consumed after use).
* Extend format of %{rest:} expansion to allow HTTP method and POST data to be specified and urlquoting.
* Add support for aliases in rlm_ldap.
* Add support for connection pool sharing to all modules that use the connection pool (pool = ).
* \"tls\" sections now have a \"psk_query\" configuration item, for dynamic queries to discover a key from a PSK identity.
* Preliminary support for EAP channel bindings.
* Foundational work for dynamic home servers. They do not yet work, but this is now only a matter of updating the \"realm\" module in a future release.
* Support &attr[
*] syntax to copy all instances of an attribute when used with the += operator in an update section. May be qualified with a tag.
* The logintime and expiration modules can now be listed in the post-auth section. This makes some configurations simpler.
* rlm_sqlippool is now IPV6 capable. Set \"ipv6 = yes\" to get Framed-IPv6-Prefix returned. The SQL queries have NOT been updated. Please submit patches. and numerous; bugfixes- remove gpg-offline- create /run/radiusd after install- drop freeradius-server-opensslversion.patch (upstream)
* Mon Dec 01 2014 freeradius-server-opensslversion.patch: do not check the minor version of openssl, minor versions are supposed to be compatible. bnc#906682