Changelog for
libSPIRV-Tools-suse17-2020.2-lp151.4.3.1.i586.rpm :
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Jan Engelhardt
- Update to release 2020.2
* Support extended instructions in the vscode language server.
* Make spvOpcodeString part of the public API.
* Add support for KHR_ray_{query,tracing} extensions.
* Add validation support for SPV_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod.
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2020.1
* Add spvParseVulkanEnv
* Handle TimeAMD in AmdExtensionToKhrPass
* Sun Jan 19 2020 Jan Engelhardt - Update to snapshot 2020.1~git24 (323a81fc)
* Added basic Vulkan 1.2 support and validation of 1.2.
* spirv-fuzz: added fuzzer pass to perform module donation.
* Supports OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 extended instruction set.
* Added support for SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info.
* spirv-fuzz: Transformations to add types, constants and variables, and to add a new function to a module.
* Made instrumentation format version 2 the default.
* Thu Dec 12 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2019.5
* Re-enable OpReadClockKHR validation
* spirv-fuzz: simplify transformation for replacing an id with a synonym
* spirv-fuzz: Eliminate spurious semicolons
* Update Offset to ConstOffset bitmask if operand is constant
* Validate array stride does not cause overlap
* Fix operand access of composite in upgrade memory model
* Kill the id-to-func map after wrap-opkill
* Handle OpPhi with no in operands in value numbering
* Handle unreachable block when computing register pressure
* spirv-fuzz: Improve debugging facilities
* Validate nested constructs
* spirv-fuzz: Use validator to check break/continue dominance conditions
* spirv-fuzz: function outlining fuzzer pass
* Thu Nov 07 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to snapshot 2019.5~git157
* Extend reducer to remove relaxed precision decorations
* SPIRV-Tools support for SPIR-V 1.5
* Add SPV_KHR_shader_clock validation
* Add fuzzer for spirv-dis call path
* Wed Aug 21 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new snapshot 2019.5~git11
* Add builtin validation for SPV_NV_shader_sm_builtins
* Add transformation to replace a boolean constant with a numeric comparison
* Add validation for Subgroup builtins
* Add replayer tool for spirv-fuzz
* Validate Volatile memory semantics bit
* Add validation for SPV_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation
* Add \'copy object\' transformation
* Add SPV_EXT_physical_storage_buffer to opt whitelists
* Add descriptor array scalar replacement
* Tue Jun 04 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new snapshot 2019.4~git33
* Support SPIR-V 1.4
* Add library for spirv-fuzz
* Add spirv-fuzz tool.
* Add \"split block\" transformation.
* Add validation for SPV_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock
* Sun Mar 17 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new snapshot 2019.2.git25 (2ac348b5) to be in line with current spirv-headers.
* Add --strip-atomic-counter-memory
* Add validation of storage classes for WebGPU
* Add validation for ExecutionMode in WebGPU
* Implement WebGPU specific CFG validation
* Allow NonWritable to target struct members
* Add validation for SPV_NV_cooperative_matrix
* Wed Feb 20 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 2019.2
* General:
* Support SPV_EXT_physical_storage_buffer
* Optimizer:
* Upgrade memory model improvments for modf and frexp.
* Add a new pass to move loads closer to their uses: code sinking.
* Invalidating the type manager now invalidates the constant manager.
* Expand instrumentation pass for bindless bounds checking to runtime-sized descriptor arrays.
* Add a new dead struct member elimination pass
* Validator:
* Support SPV_KHR_no_integer_wrap and related decorations.
* Validate Vulkan rules for OpTypeRuntimeArray.
* Validate NonWritable decoration.
* Many WebGPU specific validation rules were added.
* Validate variable pointer related function call rules.
* Mon Jan 07 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 2019.1
* Created a new tool called spirv-reduce.
* New optimization pass to update the memory model from GLSL450 to VulkanKHR.
* Recognize OpTypeAccelerationStructureNV as a type instruction and ray tracing storage classes.
* Add --target-env flag to spirv-opt.
* Add --webgpu-mode flag to run optimizations for webgpu.
* Outupt disassembled line number instead of byte offset in validation errors.
* Sat Nov 10 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 2018.6
* Added support for the Nvidia Turing and ray tracing extensions.
* Fri Aug 24 2018 Update to new upstream release 2018.4
* Added missing SPV extension strings.
* Taught DecorationManager about OpDecorateStringGOOGLE.
* Added recent Google extensions to optimizer whitelists.
* Added a loop peeling utility.
* Added Vulkan validation rules for BuiltIn variables and Vulkan specific atomic result type restriction.
* New spirv-1.3 rules for control barrier.
* Added OpPhi validation rules.
* Use standard SPIR-V version scheme for version requirement.
* ZIV and SIV loop dependence analysis.
* Added a loop peeling pass, register liveness analysis, a loop fusion pass, and the --strip-reflect pass.
* Support for SPV_KHR_8bit_storage.
* Wed Mar 28 2018 add spirv-tools-devel for baselibs, for wine usage.
* Thu Mar 08 2018 Update to new upstream release 2018.2
* SubgroupBallotKHR can enable SubgroupSize & SubgroupLocalInvocationId
* Support SPIR-V 1.3 and Vulkan 1.1
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Update to new upstream release 2018.0
* Added OpenCL ExtInst validation rules
* Add adjacency validation pass
* Add memory semantics checks to validate atomics
* Allow relaxing validation of pointers in logical addressing mode
* Thu Jan 04 2018 Make sure to build just with python3- Remove needles buildroot variable and default defattrs- Use autopatch to apply patches
* Fri Nov 17 2017 Update to new snapshot 2017.0.g103
* Update MARK-V to version 1.01
* Add new checks to validate arithmetics pass
* Recognize SPV_AMD_shader_fragment_mask
* Add validate logicals pass to the validator
* Detach MARK-V from the validator
* Tue Jul 18 2017 Update to new snapshot 2016.7~g145
* Validation of type decls for SPV_KHR_16bit_storage
* Allow using FPRoundingMode when see VK_KHR_16bit_storage
* Validator parses and registers OpExtension
* Validator checks if operands require extension
* Validator dissallows unsupported Vulkan capability
* Update capability tests for SPV_KHR_16bit_storage rev 7
* Support SPV_AMD_gcn_shader
* Add FlattenDecoration transform
* Validator support for Variable Pointer extension.
* Support SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class
* Add SPIR-V 1.2 support, for OpenCL 2.2
* Added extension SPV_VALIDATOR_ignore_type_decl_unique
* Add support for SPV AMD extensions
* MARK-V decoder supports extended instructions
* DeadBranchElim: Improve algorithm to only remove blocks with no predecessors
* Opt: Add new size-reduction passes to usage message.
* Add multi-sequence move-to-front implementation.
* Add MemPass, move all shared functions to it.
* Add CommonUniformElim pass.
* Mem2Reg: Allow Image and Sampler types as base target types.
* Mon Feb 20 2017 Update to new snapshot 2016.7~g28
* The Signedness in OpTypeInt must always be 0.- Add baselibs.conf [needed by libvulkan1, needed by libgtk4-0]
* Thu Feb 02 2017 Update to new snapshot 2016.7~g24
* Add classes for representing SPIR-V language constructs in memory.
* Add an option to spvBinaryToText() to ignore header output.
* Add IrBuilder for constructing SPIR-V in-memory representation.
* Add Pass, PassManager, and StripDebugInfoPass.
* Add the spirv-opt command line tool.
* Fixes segfault for loops without back-edges
* Allow missing memory model instructions in modules.
* Add
* Add spirv-dis/spirv-as support for emacs when loading .spv binaries- Add gcc48.diff
* Mon Jun 13 2016 Initial package (version 1.1) for Add ver.diff