Changelog for
pagure-mirror-5.10.0-lp152.3.1.noarch.rpm :
* Sun Jun 21 2020 Neal Gompa
- Backport fixes for STARTTLS support + Patch: 0002-starttls-support-via-SMTP_STARTTLS-provide-additiona.patch + Patch: 0001-Do-not-assume-there-is-a-SMTP_STARTTLS-configuration.patch- Backport fix for docs repo access grant + Patch: 0001-Fix-repotype-spelling.patch- Backport fix for visual bug on API docs formatting + Patch: 0001-api-fix-apidoc-format-on-api_view_issues_history_det.patch- Backport fix to changing pull mirror settings + Patch: 0001-Allow-editing-the-URL-a-project-is-mirrored-from.patch- Backport fix to add descriptions to API scopes + Patch: 0001-Show-the-ACL-name-in-addition-to-the-description-whe.patch- Backport fix to make heatmap UI functional again + Patch: 0001-Bring-back-JS-library-used-for-the-heatmap.patch- Backport fix for handling headers + Patch: 0001-Ensure-the-title-name-of-the-headers-are-strings.patch- Backport fix for burndown graph title + Patch: 0001-Fix-the-title-of-the-graph-showing-the-evolution-of-.patch- Backport fix for permissions on authorized_keys file + Patch: 0001-Make-sure-authorized_keys-file-has-mode-600.patch- Add patch to use whitenoise for rendering static assets + Patch: 0101-Use-WhiteNoise-to-serve-static-assets-for-the-Pagure.patch- Refresh default configuration patch + Patch: pagure-5.0-default-example-cfg.patch
* Wed May 20 2020 Neal Gompa - Fix typo in quickstart on ssh directory mode- Backport support for STARTTLS support for SMTP servers + Patch: 0001-Add-support-for-smtp-server-requiring-starttls-to-wo.patch
* Mon May 18 2020 Neal Gompa - Backport fix from upstream to fix stats page + Patch: 0001-Make-the-stats-page-use-the-new-stats-API-endpoint.patch- Add missing step to start pagure web services for nginx setup in quickstart- Fix directory mode for ssh directory to fix conflict with gitolite
* Fri May 15 2020 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.10.0 + Allow viewing issues via the API using project-less API token + Various improvements to the srcfpo theme + Make pagure work with recent sqlalchemy versions (>= 1.3.0) + Add a new API endpoint to retrieve detailed stats about the issues + Improve the graphs displayed in the stats tab of each projects + Add a new graph tracking the number of open issues throughout the year + Improve loading tickets from git + Support pygit2 >= 1.1.0 + Add missing endpoints to the API documentation + Add support for wtforms >= 2.3 - Add dependency on email_validator in such case + Fix sorting users by their username when using python3 + Correct the API documentation for updating the watchers of a project + Ensure the name of the headers are always of the correct type (especially when using python3) + Ensure aclchecker and keyhelper can work with APP_URL having a trailing slash + Add a new git auth backend which can manage the .ssh/authorized_keys file directly + Update information about supported Git auth backends + Add support for arrow >= 0.15.6 + Fix getting the milter running with python3 + Fix mirroring project hosted remotely + Add url_path property to class User (and thus in the API) + Improve email text for new user registration + Set the USER environment variable when pushing over http + Add support for git push via http using basic auth relying on API token + If pagure is set up for local auth, allow git push via https to use it + Add an example nginx configuration file for pagure + Create two subpackages in the pagure for the apache and nginx configuration files + Add some documentation on how git push over http works in pagure + Make pagure compatible with the latest version of flake8 + Add PAGURE_PLUGINS_CONFIG setting in pagure configuration file- Refresh quick start instructions for new configuration options- Drop unneeded patch + Patch: 0501-Revert-Add-a-upper-limit-to-sqlalchemy.patch- Refresh default configuration patch + Patch: pagure-5.0-default-example-cfg.patch
* Sat Apr 04 2020 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.9.1 + Add a missing div tag that broke the user\'s settings page + Do not block when waiting for subprocess to finish + Fix git blame when the identifier provided is a blob + Fix view_commits when the identified provided is a blob + When viewing file\'s history, use the default branch if needed
* Wed Mar 25 2020 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.9.0 + Add API to manage plugins (ie: git hooks) + Fix querying mdapi from within the srcfpo theme + Various fixes for the srcfpo theme + Multiple fixes and improvements to the API endpoints to retrieve the tags used in a project + Add new API endpoints to manipulate tags in projects + Add a new API endpoint to edit/update an existing issue/ticket + Add a new page to see a file\'s history in git (linked from the file\'s view page and the blame page) + Only consider the 6 most recently active branch in the drop-down to create new PR + Fix the view_commit endpoint when the identifier provided is a git tag + Add an endpoint to renew user API token + Include a link to where the token can be renewed in the email about API token nearing expiration + Allow users to set their own expiration date on API token (up to 2 years) + Fix the /groups API endpoint and order the output by group name + Add a new API endpoint to retrieve a project\'s webhook token + Expose related_prs on issue API + Fix the regenerate-repo actions + Provide some feedback to the user when changing monitoring worked + Hide the SSH clone URL if the user is not in one of the group with ssh access + Order pull requests based on updated_on column when we want to order based on last updated time + Fix taking into account the blacklisted patterns + Rework/fix the API documentation page + Allow deploy keys to commit to the doc git repository of a project + Increase a lot the logging when someone asks for access to a git repo
* Mon Dec 02 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.8.1 + Fix the link to the container namespace in srcfpo + Fix checking if the user is a committer of the repo the PR originates from + Fix showing the origin of the PR when it originates from the same project + Do not hard-code UTF-8 when showing a file
* Sat Nov 16 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.8 + Enable the ctrl-enter keys to submit forms on tickets and PRs + Fix spelling errors on documentation + Fix renewing url on invalid token error message + Various fixes to the srcfpo theme + disable smooth scrolling on initial highlight & scroll process + Accept a with_commits parameter on the branches api to resolve the HEAD commits + Various fixes to the PR view + Add support for arrow >= 0.15 + Select full text on git|ssh url input boxes when they get focus + Send notification when a branch is created + Add revision along with tag/branch creation/deletion + Add asciidoc syntax override + Fix git blame on unborn HEAD or non-master default branch repos + Fix the logic to rebase PRs + Fix setting one\'s default email address + Send oldrev as old_commit for git.receive event + Add a set-default-branch action to pagure-admin + Fix rendering badges on the PR list page + Tweak when we show the merge and the rebase buttons + Fix the logic around interacting with read-only databases in hooks + Fix .diff and .patch generation for empty commits + Fix url on the invalid token error message + Fix typo on the pull request merge error message + Allow cross-project API token to open pull-request + Allow updating PRs via the API using cross-project tokens + Fix the logic to make the merge button appear on pull-request
* Sun Aug 11 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.7.4 + Add more administrative functions to pagure_admin + Add CSP headers support and a mechanism to customize them + Do not allow rebase via the API if the PR does not allow it + Allow project-less API token to retrieve issues via the API + Improve the support for spec file highlighting- Drop patch that is part of this release + 0001-Couple-of-fixes-for-the-mirroring-in-feature.patch
* Tue Apr 09 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.5 + Add support for !owner to the API listing projects + Make sure that TemporaryClone.push also pushes tags + Various UI improvements + Allow blocking an user on a project + Replace calls to pygit2.clone_repository by calls to git clone directly + Make fork more performant by using \'git push --mirror\' + Use the user\'s default email when rebasing- Drop patch that is part of this release + 0001-pagure-ev-python-3-compatibility.patch- Backport fix for pull mirroring service + 0001-Couple-of-fixes-for-the-mirroring-in-feature.patch
* Fri Mar 29 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.4 + Allow by default the ACL \"pull_request_create\" on project-less API token + Implement Pagure Git Auth + Add a new API endpoint allowing to update an existing PR + If the user doesn\'t have a valid ssh key inform but let them log in + Fix various UI issues + Add a button to take/drop a pull-request + Add a new API endpoint to assign pull-request to someone + Allow dots and plus signs in project names + Fix seeing releases when the reference provided returned a commit + Include the PR tags in their JSON representation + Ensure that forking does not run the hook + Deprecate fedmsg for fedora-messaging- Backport fix for pagure-ev issues in Python 3 + Patch: 0001-pagure-ev-python-3-compatibility.patch- Add patch to allow SQLAlchemy 1.3.0+ with Pagure + Patch: 0501-Revert-Add-a-upper-limit-to-sqlalchemy.patch- Update the service list to enable and start in README.SUSE
* Fri Feb 22 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.3 + Add support for AMQP via fedora-messaging + Improve filtering and searching through issues and PRs + Add support for forcing highlight types based on file extensions + Fix naming rules for labels/tags + Fix support for repoSpanner Git storage backend + CVE-2019-7628: Do not leak partial API keys in key expiration emails (boo#1124762)- Drop patches that are part of this release + 0001-Allow-using-Pagure-with-python-redis-3.0.0.patch + 0002-Fix-Markdown-usage-to-work-with-Markdown-3.0.patch
* Sat Jan 12 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Replace old $RPM_
* shell vars.
* Thu Jan 10 2019 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.2 + Add support for the MQTT protocol + Add support for mirroring in git repositories from outside sources + Add support to merge a PR when the fork was deleted + Add the ability to generate archive from a commit or tag + Allow searching the content of the comments on an issue tracker + Allow filtering the issue list by the close status + Show related PRs on the issue list if there are any + Add build status to pull requests page + Add new API endpoints for get and set project options + Add WIP/experimental/unstable support for third-party extensions to pagure + Add support for rebasing pull-requests + Implement a button to rerun CI tests on a pull request + Support disallowing remote pull requests + Add an about page in the themes + Update the chameleon theme- Backport fix from master to allow using python-redis >= 3.0.0 + Patch: 0001-Allow-using-Pagure-with-python-redis-3.0.0.patch- Backport fix from master to fix compatibility with Markdown 3.0+ + Patch: 0002-Fix-Markdown-usage-to-work-with-Markdown-3.0.patch- Drop patches that are part of this release + 0001-Port-pagure-to-markdown-3.0-while-remaining-backward.patch + 0002-Bypass-old-hooks-rather-than-using-non-existing-syml.patch
* Thu Dec 13 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.1.4 + Fix the alembic migration creating the hook_mirror table + Close the DB session in one place for all hooks + Add more logging to the pagure_logcom service + Configure SMTP info for git_multimail + Use the PR UID previously read from environment- Backport fix from master to add compatibility with Markdown 3.0+ + Patch: 0001-Port-pagure-to-markdown-3.0-while-remaining-backward.patch- Backport fix from master to properly skip legacy hooks + Patch: 0002-Bypass-old-hooks-rather-than-using-non-existing-syml.patch
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.1.3 + Don\'t sync up ssh keys if there are already some + Do not notify twice when pushing commits to an open PR + Update git-multimail to fix it for Python 3
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.1.2 + Make the sshkey migration more flexible from < 5.1 + Fix the update date information on the pull-request page + Fix detecting if the user is a committer via a group + Fix writing user\'s ssh keys on disk + tweak colors of the activity graph + cache oidc user data
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Neal Gompa - Invert Conflicts to Requires OpenSSH >= 7.4
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.1.1 + Fix adding and removing ssh keys in the user\'s profile
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.1 + Multiple fixes to the UI to address visual quirks and glitches + Initial implementation of HTTP(S) push support + Rework how SSH keys are stored in the database + Multiple changes and fixes around the ACL checker + Adding \'list-groups\' function to pagure-admin + Add a new API endpoint to retrieve the list of files changed in a PR- Add Conflicts for OpenSSH < 7.4 due to SSH key handling rework- Re-wrap previous changelog entry for readability
* Tue Oct 02 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Trim bias from description.- Replace old $RPM_
* shell vars by macros.- Update summaries to include those are Pagure themes.
* Sun Sep 30 2018 Neal Gompa - Add missing directory to directory structure
* Sat Sep 29 2018 Neal Gompa - Drop unnecessary systemd build dependency
* Sat Sep 29 2018 Neal Gompa - Add missing rcFOO symlinks to systemd services
* Sat Sep 29 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 5.0.1 + Multiple adjustments to the scripts keyhelper and aclchecker + Only enforce Signed-Off-By on the code repo of a project + Sign-off the merge commits when the project enforces it + Switch from GIT_SORT_TIME to GIT_SORT_NONE to preserve \'git log\'-like commit ordering + Add reporter and assignee to notification emails headers + Fix various visual glitches- Restore symlinks clobbered by setuptools\' creation of archive
* Mon Sep 24 2018 Neal Gompa - Rebase to 5.0 + Pagure now runs on Python 3 + The UI has been completely redesigned + Theming has been redesigned, and new themes are included as subpackages + Many new API endpoints have been added + Rework how git hooks work to rely on a single file for efficiency + Expanded functionality included in the pagure-admin command- Pagure defaults to the chameleon theme for openSUSE- Drop all upstreamed patches- Refresh example configuration patch
* Sun Jul 22 2018 Neal Gompa - Update to 4.0.4- Refresh config fix patch for pagure-milters
* Wed Jul 11 2018 Neal Gompa - Add missing requirement on python-Pillow
* Wed Jul 11 2018 Neal Gompa - Drop python2-trollius-redis requirement since it\'s not actually used
* Sun Jun 10 2018 Neal Gompa - Backport patch to make syntax highlighting threshold configurable
* Sat Jun 09 2018 Neal Gompa - Bundle an internal pagure-celery binary to use stock celery with Python 2- Switch to a sed call instead of a patch to fix systemd units to use correct libexecdir
* Sat Jun 09 2018 Neal Gompa - Fix syntax error in gitolite3.rc file
* Fri Jun 08 2018 Neal Gompa - Switch from /srv/pagure to /srv/gitolite to use the already setup gitolite directory structure
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Neal Gompa - Fix pagure-ev to use correct libexecdir- Fix pagure-milters to call correct function to load config
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Neal Gompa - Install gitolite configuration
* Mon Jun 04 2018 Neal Gompa - Prepare more of the filesystem tree as part of the packaging- Refine README.SUSE to more closely match the required steps
* Sat Jun 02 2018 Neal Gompa - Refresh configuration patch to match SUSE sematics- Add README.SUSE file for basic setup quick start guide
* Mon May 28 2018 Neal Gompa - Initial packaging based on Mageia packaging