Changelog for sddm-branding-openSUSE-0.18.0-lp152.5.6.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Nov 09 2020 Fabian Vogt - Amend sddm-relaxed-auth.patch to use a consistent hostname for xauth (boo#1178543): * Make DaemonApp::hostName() return a consistent value * Use it for adding the cookie as well * Also set XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME for the display setup script and xsetcursor * Tue Nov 03 2020 Fabian Vogt - Add patches to fix X not having access control on startup (boo#1177201, CVE-2020-28049): * 0001-Fix-X-not-having-access-control-on-startup.patch * 0002-Don-t-disable-authentication-in-test-mode.patch * Wed Aug 21 2019 Antonio Larrosa - Add SLE branding package for PackageHub (boo#1101297)- Change the Supplements of branding packages, so they get installed when sddm and the respective branding package is installed. Also added a Supplements to sddm so it gets recommended when plasma5-workspace is installed. * Mon Feb 18 2019 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to fix reading garbage from getpwnam (boo#1125624): * 0001-Use-C-scoping-for-handling-buffer-deletion.patch * Wed Jan 09 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Do not ignore errors from useradd. * Sun Jan 06 2019 Fabian Vogt - Add the dirs created by systemd-tmpfiles as %ghost as well- Use service macros and create rcsddm link for sddm.service * Fri Jan 04 2019 Fabian Vogt - Add patch to delete socket on shutdown: * 0001-Destroy-the-QLocalServer-in-Auth-on-shutdown.patch- Move creation of runtime directories and cleanup of files on boot into sddm-tmpfiles.conf (boo#1116431) * Wed Oct 03 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Remove 0001-Don-t-leak-VT-FDs-in-jumpToVt.patch as the FD leak worked around a race condition as a side effect * Tue Oct 02 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to not leak tty FDs for wayland sessions: * 0001-Don-t-leak-VT-FDs-in-jumpToVt.patch * Thu Sep 27 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Fix wayland session start if fish is used as shell: * 0001-Revert-Adds-sourcing-of-etc-profile-to-fish.patch * Sun Sep 23 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Rewrite sddm-relaxed-auth.diff as sddm-relaxed-auth.patch: * Set XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME only where necessary * Also set it for the Greeter session (boo#1091784) * Tue Jul 31 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to not switch to \"undead\" sessions (boo#1102832): * 0001-Session-reuse-Only-consider-online-sessions.patch- Reenable ReuseSession=true again * Fri Jul 27 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Disable ReuseSession=true for now (boo#1102832, kde#391253) * Wed Jul 18 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Update to 0.18.0: * Support theme supplied avatars * Compile against Qt 5.11 * Fix platform detection for HighDPI * On close, switch VT to a running session if applicable * Better ConsoleKit support * Fix authentication when reusing existing sessions * Hide sessions with NoDisplay=true * Honor PAM\'s ambient supplemental groups * Cleanup socket destruction * Don\'t quit on SIGHUP * Updated translations- Set EnableHiDPI=true by default (boo#1089932)- Set ReuseSession=true by default (boo#979775)- Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Don-t-add-session-files-with-NoDisplay-true-to-Sessi.patch * 0001-Don-t-quit-on-SIGHUP.patch * 0001-Fix-authentication-when-reusing-an-existing-session.patch * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.10-Use-QString-instead-of-QLatin.patch * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.11-1024.patch * 0001-Fix-platform-detection-for-EnableHiDPI.patch * 0001-Skip-theme-for-greeter-call-if-none-is-set.patch * 0001-Support-for-theme-supplied-default-avatars.patch * 0001-greeter-Use-Qt-command-line-parser.patch * 0002-Remove-trailing-spaces.patch * 0003-UserModel-optimize-filtering-out-duplicate-users-995.patch * 0004-UserModel-fix-filtering-out-duplicate-users-998.patch * 0005-UserModel-optimize-setting-of-default-user-icon-999.patch * 0007-Honor-PAMs-ambient-supplemental-groups.patch- Refresh patches: * proper_pam.diff * 0001-Systemd-service-unit-Use-tty7-by-default.patch * Mon Jul 16 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to fix fallback to embedded theme: * 0001-Skip-theme-for-greeter-call-if-none-is-set.patch- Use %license- Add patch to fix authentication when reusing an existing session (boo#1101450, CVE-2018-14345): * 0001-Fix-authentication-when-reusing-an-existing-session.patch * Sat Jul 07 2018 w01dnickAATTgmail.com- Fix 0001-Support-both-X11-XDisplay-Wayland-and-WaylandDisplay.patch * Corrected section name for Wayland * Tue Jul 03 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Remove patch as libxcb bug is fixed meanwhile (bsc#1099908): * 0001-Move-Xauthority-to-a-different-location-and-truncate.patch * Mon Jul 02 2018 luizlucaAATTgmail.com- Backport fix for pam_group from develop branch (boo#1105342): * 0007-Honor-PAMs-ambient-supplemental-groups.patch * Mon May 14 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to not include sessions with NoDisplay=true in the list (boo#1086614): * 0001-Don-t-add-session-files-with-NoDisplay-true-to-Sessi.patch * Wed May 09 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Amend patch to also canonicalize desktop session paths (boo#1092251): * 0003-Leave-duplicate-symlinks-out-of-the-SessionModel.patch- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.11: * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.11-1024.patch * Mon Apr 23 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to show a username input field with too many users: * 0006-Don-t-fill-UserModel-if-theme-does-not-require-it.patch- Backport related changes from develop branch: * 0001-Support-for-theme-supplied-default-avatars.patch * 0002-Remove-trailing-spaces.patch * 0003-UserModel-optimize-filtering-out-duplicate-users-995.patch * 0004-UserModel-fix-filtering-out-duplicate-users-998.patch * 0005-UserModel-optimize-setting-of-default-user-icon-999.patch * Mon Apr 16 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Revert previous change, had the opposite effect for some reason * Thu Apr 12 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Start the X server with -keeptty (boo#1089287) * Sat Mar 24 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Don\'t add a suffix for wayland sessions anymore, for symmetry with gdm and lightdm: * 0001-Remove-suffix-for-Wayland-session.patch * Thu Mar 22 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to fix build with Qt < 5.10: * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.10-Use-QString-instead-of-QLatin.patch * Fri Mar 09 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Reorder patches for easier maintainability, needs refresh of: * 0001-Move-Xauthority-to-a-different-location-and-truncate.patch * 0001-Read-the-DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN-value-from-sysconf.patch * sddm-relaxed-auth.diff- Replace 0001-Revert-Rename-XDisplay-and-WaylandDisplay-config-sec.patch with 0001-Support-both-X11-XDisplay-Wayland-and-WaylandDisplay.patch- Add patches to fix setting EnableHiDPI in the configuration: * 0001-greeter-Use-Qt-command-line-parser.patch * 0001-Fix-platform-detection-for-EnableHiDPI.patch * Sat Mar 03 2018 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to not quit on SIGHUP (boo#1080305): * 0001-Don-t-quit-on-SIGHUP.patch * Fri Feb 23 2018 alarrosaAATTsuse.com- Only use python-doctools when building for SLE12 since SLE15 has rst2man in python3-doctools. * Thu Dec 14 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Update to 0.17.0: + Added possibility to change border width of ComboBox widget. + Added missing utmp/wtmp/btmp handling. + Make greeter see icons set by AccountsServices. - Fix sddm.conf man page syntax error and update. - Fix ComboBox widget. - Fix connection of PropertiesChanged event for LogindSeat. - Avoid race conditions with Xsetup. * Update de translation. * Update lt translation. * Update zh_TW translation. * Adjust order of components in the default PATH. * Set default input method to qtvirtualkeyboard.- Update to 0.16.0: + Support non-latin characters in theme settings. + Support fish shell in Xsession and wayland-session. + Unlock GNOME keyring at login. + Configuration directory. - Make the default cursor themed. - Update date and time in elarun theme. - Fix theme metadata default values. - Fix session selection in elarun. - Do not truncate XAUTHORITY on login. - Make enabled property of Button functional. - Fix typos in documentation. * Re-use existing sessions. * Add ConsoleKit 2 support. * Stop assuming shadow(5) is always available. * Explicitely set XDG_SEAT when starting a user session. * Suppress errors when pam_elogind is not available. * Suppress errors when pam_systemd is not available. * Added possibility to change color of dropdown menu. * Add Hindi translation. * Completed Swedish translation. * Update French translation.- Move to system configuration dirs, replace sddm.conf with 00-general.conf and 10-theme.conf- Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-Rename-XDisplay-and-WaylandDisplay-config-sec.patch * proper_pam.diff- Rename patches: * sysconfig-support.patch: 0001-Read-the-DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN-value-from-sysconf.patch * create_pid_file.patch: 0001-Write-the-daemon-s-PID-to-a-file-on-startup.patch- Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Do-not-truncate-XAUTHORITY-file-on-login.patch * Thu Nov 30 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to add back Xauthority truncation in a way that does not break ssh -X (boo#1043221, boo#1069498): * 0001-Move-Xauthority-to-a-different-location-and-truncate.patch * Tue Nov 28 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Amend patch toremove elogind from sddm-greeter.pam: * proper_pam.diff * Sat Oct 28 2017 tschmidtAATTsuse.com- Add \"Requires: xdm\" because sddm.conf references the files \'/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession\' and \'/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup\' * Thu Oct 12 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Have update-alternatives handle Xinit\'s integration of the displaymanager, replacing /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager (boo#1053863). * Fri Sep 01 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Update to 0.15.0: * Fix loading of some avatars * CONFIG: add option EnableHiDPI to allow opt out of auto scaling * Theme cursor * Support optional kwallet PAM opening * Autologin, used last used session if not explicitly set in config * Ignore session desktop files with hidden=true * Support elogind * Many new and improved translations- Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Also-set-QT_IM_MODULE-in-non-testing-mode.patch * 0001-Also-theme-the-default-cursor-for-the-root-window.patch * 0001-Fix-display-of-user-avatars.-684.patch * 0001-Make-the-default-cursor-themed.patch * 0001-Parse-desktop-file-sections.patch * 0002-Add-a-config-option-to-enable-high-DPI-scaling-701.patch * 0002-Ignore-session-desktop-files-with-the-Hidden-propert.patch * 0003-elarun-Update-date-and-time.patch * 0004-Support-Non-Latin-characters-in-theme-settings-708.patch * 0005-Cleanup-dangling-pointer-in-SocketServer-725.patch- Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-Rename-XDisplay-and-WaylandDisplay-config-sec.patch * proper_pam.diff * Mon Jul 10 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Replace patch with version merged upstream, to avoid potentially killing the X server: * 0001-Also-theme-the-default-cursor-for-the-root-window.patch * Fri Jul 07 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to keep old entries in XAUTHORITY file (boo#1043221): * 0001-Do-not-truncate-XAUTHORITY-file-on-login.patch * Fri May 19 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Also set the default last session in sysconfig-support.patch (replaces boo949903.patch)- Adjust 0003-Leave-duplicate-symlinks-out-of-the-SessionModel.patch to also handle symlinks for the last session * Thu May 18 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Replace patch with newer version: * 0001-Also-theme-the-default-cursor-for-the-root-window.patch * Mon May 15 2017 fvogtAATTsuse.com- Add upstream patches: * 0001-Parse-desktop-file-sections.patch * 0002-Ignore-session-desktop-files-with-the-Hidden-propert.patch- Add downstream patch: * 0003-Leave-duplicate-symlinks-out-of-the-SessionModel.patch- Fix typo in sysconfig-support.patch (DYSPLAY -> DISPLAY)- Use default.desktop as default autologin session file * Mon May 08 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- BuildRequire python-docutils instead of python3-docutils on SLE * Fri May 05 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add patch to fix the default X cursor appearing sometimes: * 0001-Also-theme-the-default-cursor-for-the-root-window.patch * Tue Apr 25 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- BuildRequire python3-docutils directly * Sat Apr 01 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Use default tty (tty7) in systemd unit as specified in sddm.conf: * 0001-Systemd-service-unit-Use-tty7-by-default.patch- Add patch from upstream to allow setting QT_IM_MODULE in sddm.conf: * 0001-Also-set-QT_IM_MODULE-in-non-testing-mode.patch * Fri Mar 31 2017 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Revert calling plymouth quit with --retain-splash. It is possible that this prevents logging in on tty1. * Fri Mar 17 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Ensure neutrality of descriptions. * Wed Mar 08 2017 wbauerAATTtmo.at- Call \"plymouth quit --retain-splash\" instead of \"plymouth_quit\" in the displaymanager script to hide the text mode login prompt during boot (the dedicated sddm.service does the same).- Also, don\'t call xdm_reload_files, that just re-generates the xdm config files according to the sysconfig values and only makes sense for xdm. * Sat Dec 17 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Fix typos in description * Fri Nov 25 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Fix %post and %postun of branding subpackages * Mon Nov 21 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add various bugfixes from develop branch: * 0001-Fix-display-of-user-avatars.-684.patch * 0002-Add-a-config-option-to-enable-high-DPI-scaling-701.patch * 0003-elarun-Update-date-and-time.patch * 0004-Support-Non-Latin-characters-in-theme-settings-708.patch * 0005-Cleanup-dangling-pointer-in-SocketServer-725.patch * Wed Oct 05 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Sync with KDE:Frameworks5:LTS, sort sddm.changes- Remove 0001-Fall-back-to-regular-login-when-autologin-fails.patch * Sat Sep 24 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add 0001-Fall-back-to-regular-login-when-autologin-fails.patch to fix crash when autologin session not found (boo#1000917) * Thu Sep 22 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Add 0001-Make-the-default-cursor-themed.patch to fix the default cursor appearance * Wed Sep 21 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Provide sddm-lang * Thu Sep 15 2016 alarrosaAATTsuse.com- Use the new theme name, breeze-openSUSE, in sddm-branding-openSUSE- Require the new sddm-theme-openSUSE package * Mon Aug 29 2016 fabianAATTritter-vogt.de- Update to 0.14.0: - http://hawaiios.org/news/2016/08/28/sddm-0.14.0 + New sddm.conf option EnableAvatars (useful for slow filesystems) + New sddm.conf option UserAuthFile on the XDisplay section to change the default Xauthority file name and path. + New sddm.conf option SessionLogFile on XDisplay and WaylandDisplay sections to change the default user session log location. + ComboBox now exposes the arrow background color as \"arrowColor\" property. + New \"style\" theme configuration for QtQuick Controls 2.0. + Require Qt 5.6 or better. + Enable HiDPI support. + Refresh sessions list. + Always fallback to an embedded theme if no suitable theme is found. - Actually change Qt platform theme. - Switch to Wayland session vt only when authentication succeeds. - Close PAM session. - Delete PAM credentials after closing the session. * More theme-neutral default user and root avatars * REMOVED the \"circles\" theme. Remember to change it if you had it set! * REMOVED the \"maui\" theme as a standalone theme as it is now embedded in the greeter. Remember to change the theme to empty if you had it set to \"maui\". * Update Estonian translation. * Add Catalan translation from Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch. * Add Dutch translation from Eric Hameleers. * Add Slovak translation from Martin Minka. * Add Swedish translation from Kristoffer Grundström. * Add Ukrainian translation from Cherevan Andriy. * Add Indian flag from Sanjeev Premi.- Refresh patches: - sddm-relaxed-auth.diff - sddm-service-handle-plymouth.patch - sysconfig-support.patch- Remove upstream patches: - 0001-Add-a-config-option-to-enable-avatars.patch - 0002-Use-.face.icon-instead-of-default.face.icon-and-rena.patch - root.face.icon.png - default.face.icon.png- Remove upstreamed patches: - add-count-property-to-UserModel.patch - add-threshold-to-disable-avatars.patch - specify-default-config-entries.patch- Revert upstream config section name change (gh#sddm/sddm#680): - 0001-Revert-Rename-XDisplay-and-WaylandDisplay-config-sec.patch- Use \"Current=\" instead of \"Current=maui\" * Wed Jun 08 2016 fbuiAATTsuse.com- Fix build requirements on systemd (bsc#983167) Use pkgconfig() so we don\'t need to rely on package names. For the record, systemd.pc is now part of systemd main package. * Fri Nov 20 2015 alarrosaAATTsuse.com- Renamed config option and property from UsersThresholdToDisableAvatars to DisableAvatarsThreshold as proposed by upstream before accepting the patches. * Wed Nov 11 2015 alarrosaAATTsuse.com- Add patch add-count-property-to-UserModel.patch: Adds a property so sddm themes can access the number of users in the system- Add patch specify-default-config-entries.patch: Stores which config values have been read from the config file or are just default values.- Add patch add-threshold-to-disable-avatars.patch: Adds a config option and property named UsersThresholdToDisableAvatars, if the number of users in the system is greater than the threshold, use a default avatar for all users and disable avatar loading.- These patches together with patches in plasma5-workspace fix bnc#953778 * Fri Nov 06 2015 alarrosaAATTsuse.com- Update to 0.13.0: * Greeter inherits path environment variables from parent so that themes installed in non-standard paths will work. * Add ENABLE_PAM option to toggle PAM support at build time. * Allow overriding textColor in ComboBox. * Don\'t cast QByteArray to (char *). * Disable greeters from loading KDE\'s debug hander (fix CVE-2015-0856). * Fix multi-screen support for some setups. * Added Serbian translation. * Added Traditional Chinese translation. * Improved German translation. * Remove failsafe session entry. * Close the pipe fd passed to X server. * A few micro-optimizations.- Removed patches already in this version: 0001-always-create-window-for-each-screen.patch 0002-screen-model-for-each-window.patch 0001-Don-t-cast-QByteArray-to-char.patch 0002-Disable-greeters-from-loading-KDE-s-debug-hander.patch- Updated patches to apply cleanly: boo949903.patch sddm-relaxed-auth.diff sysconfig-support.patch- Added patches from upstream to add a config option that can be used to disable the loading of user avatars (EnableAvatars): 0001-Add-a-config-option-to-enable-avatars.patch 0002-Use-.face.icon-instead-of-default.face.icon-and-rena.patch * Sat Oct 24 2015 tchvatalAATTsuse.com- Add upstream patches to fix multihead in some cases (also fixes boo#950293): * 0001-always-create-window-for-each-screen.patch * 0002-screen-model-for-each-window.patch * Sun Oct 18 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- openSUSE branding now needs to require plasma5-workspace-branding * Thu Oct 15 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Added patches from upstream: 0001-Don-t-cast-QByteArray-to-char.patch (https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/489) and 0002-Disable-greeters-from-loading-KDE-s-debug-hander.patch (boo#950491, CVE-2015-0856) * Sun Oct 11 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Added boo949903.patch: Let sddm also default to plasma5 for last used session (boo#949903) * Thu Sep 24 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Added shadow BuildRequires, it\'s needed to check UID_MIN & UID_MAX from /etc/login.defs * Sat Sep 12 2015 wbauerAATTtmo.at- Change the theme to \"maui\" in the shipped sddm.conf, sddm-branding-openSUSE sets it to \"breeze\" on installation.- Remove the superfluous requirement for \"breeze\". This is not needed even with the \"breeze\" theme, as it is actually part of plasma5-workspace which is required by sddm-branding-openSUSE anyway.- sddm-branding-openSUSE should PreReq sddm, otherwise the config might not exist.- Make the regexps for sed stricter to really only modify the theme setting when installing/uninstalling sddm-branding-openSUSE. Otherwise it would e.g. also replace CursorTheme=breeze_cursors with CursorTheme=maui_cursors... Also only modify the config on new installation, not during updates. * Sun Sep 06 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Update to 0.12.0: * SDDM now depends on Qt >= 5.3 * Display setup script is now killed if it hasn\'t finished within 30 seconds. * The Maldives non-free background has been replaced by a CC-BY-SA alternative * Wayland sessions support * New sddm.conf option XephyrPath (defaults to /usr/bin/Xephyr) * new sddm.conf option ServerArguments (defaults to -nolisten tcp) * new sddm.config option DisplayStopCommand (executes Xstop) * Assorted improvements to the default theme * Honor TryExec in Xsession desktop files * Fix session startup on zsh * Allow setting a custom DBUS_CONFIG_FILENAME at compile time * Allow SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_UNIT_DIR to be overridden at compile time * Allow QT_IMPORTS_DIR to be overridden at compile time * No longer hardcode min/max UIDs, allow setting UID_MIN and UID_MAX at compile time * Assorted FreeBSD fixes * Fix build warnings with Qt 5.5. * Enable QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII * Added Arabic * Added Hungarian * Various i18n updates and improvements * Full right-to-left languages support.- Drop sddm-wait-for-display-script.patch, merged upstream * Wed Aug 26 2015 herbertAATTgraeber-clan.de- Added patch from upstream sddm-wait-for-display-script.patch: avoid a black screen (boo#942815) * Mon Jun 01 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Do not split out a -lang package: the translations are not in standard locations and having the -lang package confuses bundle-lang-kde, which can\'t move the files to the bundle, thus resulting in conflicting packages. * Mon May 25 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Add sddm-service-handle-plymouth.patch -- sddm has some rudimentary support for plymouth handling, which only works with plymouth-quit.service (the servce is not enabled on openSUSE). For users of sddm.service, we need to issue plymouth quit command by hand in this case * Mon May 04 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Add sysconfig-support.patch: Support DISPLAYMANAGER_AUTOLOGIN entry from /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager, the value overwrites any entry in sddm.conf/[Autologin]/User. Patch also defaults to plasma5.desktop as default autologin and last selected sessions. This is controlled only by sddm.conf file.- Mark sddm.conf as %config(noreplace) * Wed Apr 29 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Added sddm-relaxed-auth.diff: Insert XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME into users enviroment, so the session handles hostname changes with a single X instance/run- Use breeze_cursors in openSUSE branding * Mon Mar 16 2015 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Drop conflict with lightdm, and move DBus configuration file, now that sddm is whitelisted- Drop xdm (Build)Requires- Install sddm-pam * directly, instead of messing with symlinking- Add create_pid_file.patch: openSUSE\'s generic display-manager service doesn\'t know what to do without a pid file. drop the patch as soon as that sick dinosaur is killed- Drop ommit_systemd_service.patch * Wed Dec 10 2014 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Add conflict with lightdm due to same DBus configuration file * Mon Dec 08 2014 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Update to 0.11.0 * Reload the configuration every time we start a new session * Fix stderr redirection in the helper. Solving a memory leak * Set system locale in the greeter * Bail on chdir failure * Use QUuid for unique ID generation * Update lithuanian translations * Tue Nov 04 2014 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Create openSUSE and upstream branding packages, now only openSUSE branding depends on plasma5-workspace * Fri Oct 17 2014 hrvoje.senjanAATTgmail.com- Update to 0.10.0: * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Drop support for Qt 4. * BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: SDDM now prioritizes loading sessions with a .desktop prefix * SECURITY: Never try to login as the sddm user (CVE-2014-7271) * SECURITY: Fix race condition in XAUTHORITY file generation (CVE-2014-7272) * SECURITY: XAUTHORITY file is no longer owned by root * New translation: Kazakh * Fixed password field initial focus state * When the default theme is not available, sddm now loads the first theme in alphabetical order * Fixed PAM environment variables being overridden * Fixed autologin with the passwd backend * Greeter themes can now specify their own icon and cursor themes. * Various bugfixes with SessionCommand/XSession support * Various bugfixes with test mode. * Various cleanups