Changelog for
blivet-data-3.1.5-2.fc31.noarch.rpm :
* Tue Aug 27 2019 Vojtech Trefny
- 3.1.5-2- Do not try to normalize size for zero size device factories (#1743753)
* Thu Aug 15 2019 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.5-1- Move dependencies code from StorageDevice to Device (vtrefny)- Always use luks_data.min_entropy as a default minimum entropy (vponcova)- Add \'protected\' property setter to LVMVolumeGroupDevice (#1729363) (vtrefny)- fix of LV max size calculation (japokorn)- Added min size for partitions (japokorn)- Improved non-unique UUID handling (japokorn)- Check if disklabel supports partition names (#1723228) (vtrefny)- format_device: Revert destroy action if create fails (#1727589) (vtrefny)- Do not allow resizing of LUKS devices with integrity (vtrefny)- Return underlying block device as \'slave\' for LUKS with integrity (vtrefny)- Fix removing LUKS devices with integrity (vtrefny)- Check status before activating dmraid set in populate. (#1723979) (dlehman)- Use DBus call to see if we\'re in a vm. (dlehman)- Use dasd disklabel for vm disks backed by dasds. (dlehman)- Add a function to detect if running in a vm. (dlehman)- Remove teardown_all from the populate method (vponcova)- Correctly handle non-unicode iSCSI initiator names (vtrefny)- Add, test and use a new method to get size with reserve (vpodzime)- Beware non-positive sizes in thpool metadata size calculations (vpodzime)- Log sizes in MiB in thpool auto metadata size calculations (vpodzime)- Recalculate thpool\'s metadata size on resize in LVMThinPFactory (vpodzime)- Move the thpool reserve calculations to LVMFactory (vpodzime)
* Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:3.1.4-3- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 11 2019 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.4-2- Remove teardown_all from the populate method (vponcova)- initial PowerNV class support (dan)
* Tue Jun 11 2019 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.4-1- Don\'t call fnmatch with None (#1698937) (vponcova)- Do not crash on non-int lun argument when creating iscsi disk object. (rvykydal)- Make iscsi device attribute modifications backward compatible. (rvykydal)- Do not store iscsi module nodeinfo in device object. (rvykydal)- Only call mpath plugin when it is available. (#1697378) (dlehman)- Include tests archive where appropriate in make targets. (dlehman)- Add spec file logic to include unit tests in SRPM. (dlehman)- Add a target to create an archive of the unit tests. (dlehman)- Remove profanity from an old comment. (dlehman)- Fix mounting of the filesystem iso9660 (vponcova)- Remove unnecessary pass statements (vtrefny)- Check for format tools availability in action_test (vtrefny)- Skip weak dependencies test if we don\'t have all libblockdev plugins (vtrefny)- Properly clean after availability test case (vtrefny)- Ensure correct type of mpath cache member list. (dlehman)- Do not crash if \'dm.get_member_raid_sets\' fails (#1684851) (vtrefny)- Fix supported disklabels in \'test_platform_label_types\' on EFI (vtrefny)- Support legacy MBR (msdos) as part of UEFI to enable hybrid builds (pbrobinson)- Automatically adjust size of growable devices for new format (vtrefny)- spec: Remove obsolete Group tag and bump min libblockdev version (vtrefny)
* Thu Mar 21 2019 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.3-3- Ensure correct type of mpath cache member list
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.3-2- Support legacy MBR (msdos) as part of UEFI to enable hybrid builds (pbrobinson)
* Wed Feb 27 2019 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.3-1- Don\'t crash if blockdev mpath plugin isn\'t available. (#1672971) (dlehman)- iscsi: Add default value to unused \'storage\' argument in \'write\' (vtrefny)- Add exported property to LVMVolumeGroupDevice (vtrefny)- Add VG data to static_data (vtrefny)- Do not try to get format free space for non-existing formats (vtrefny)- Do not raise exception if can\'t get PV free space (vtrefny)- Fix undefined attribute in LVM info cache (vtrefny)- Use raw_device to get thinpool device in LVMThinPFactory (#1490174) (vtrefny)- Do not crash if DM RAID activation fails (#1661712) (vtrefny)- Remove the unused sysroot property (vponcova)- Remove unused attributes from the Blivet class (vponcova)- Remove the unused gpt flag (vponcova)- Copy the iSCSI initiator name file to the installed system (vtrefny)- Use udev to determine if disk is a multipath member. (dlehman)- Require libfc instead of fcoe for offloaded FCoE. (#1575953) (dlehman)
* Sat Feb 02 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:3.1.2-2- Rebuilt for
* Wed Dec 12 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.2-1- Fix reading LV attributes in LVMVolumeGroupDevice.status (vtrefny)- Do not try to login to iBFTs with active session (vtrefny)- Fix xfs sync of chrooted mountpoint. (dlehman)- Only update sysfs path in ctor for active devices. (dlehman)- Fix new pep8/pycodestyle warnings (vtrefny)- Ignore PEP8 W504 warning (\"line break after binary operator\") (vtrefny)- pylint: Allow loading all C extensions (vtrefny)- Use \'pycodestyle\' instead of \'pep8\' (vtrefny)- Fix failing populator test without nvdimm plugin (vtrefny)- Add \'srpm\' and \'rpm\' targets to Makefile for building (S)RPMs (vtrefny)- Fix crash on reset on systems without nvdimm plugin (vtrefny)- Use the size info of internal LVs when getting space usage for existing LVs (v.podzimek)- Calculate the number of RAID PVs from the origin for cached LVs (v.podzimek)- Make raid_level a property of an LV object (v.podzimek)- Add a test for DeviceTree.get_related_disks. (dlehman)- Fix ixgbe/bnx2fc fcoe disk detection (#1651506) (rvykydal)- Use RAID name for partitions on an MD array (vtrefny)- Move btrfs name validation to devicelibs (vtrefny)- Don\'t try to set selinux context for nodev or vfat file systems. (dlehman)- Only try to set selinux context for lost+found on ext file systems. (dlehman)- Wipe all stale metadata after creating md array. (#1639682) (dlehman)- Don\'t try to update sysfs path for non-block devices. (#1579375) (dlehman)- Don\'t raise errors without messages (vponcova)- Install ndctl when NVDIMMs are used. (dlehman)- Deactivate incomplete VGs along with everything else. (dlehman)- Work around udev timing issues. (dlehman)- Fix options for ISCSI functions (#1632656) (vtrefny)- Use format.status when checking for PV status (vtrefny)- Remove Anaconda flags (vponcova)- Remove square brackets when matching internal LVs (v.podzimek)
* Mon Oct 08 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-2- Fix options for ISCSI functions (#1632656) (vtrefny)
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-1- Check device dependencies only for device actions (vtrefny)- Allow removing btrfs volumes without btrfs support (vtrefny)- Adjust LVMPhysicalVolumeMethodsTestCase to new pvcreate option (vtrefny)- add `-y\' to lvm.pvcreate (hongxu.jia)- Drop omap partition table tests on ARM platforms (pbrobinson)- Update disk label tests for ARM platforms (pbrobinson)- Ignore pylint \'no-value-for-parameter\' warning (vtrefny)- arm: add support for EFI on ARMv7 (pbrobinson)- Aarch64 platforms: Fix gpt defaults for 64 bit arm platforms (pbrobinson)- arch: arm: drop get_arm_machine function (pbrobinson)- arch: arm: drop omap specifics for partitioning (pbrobinson)- Create a separate availability check for dmraid support (vtrefny)
* Thu Aug 30 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.0-2- arm: add support for EFI on ARMv7 (probinson)- Aarch64 platforms: Fix gpt defaults for 64 bit arm platforms (probinson)- arch: arm: drop get_arm_machine function (probinson)- arch: arm: drop omap specifics for partitioning (probinson)
* Mon Aug 13 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.0-1- Allow configuring default LUKS2 PBKDF arguments using luks_data (vtrefny)- Fix the populate_kickstart method in LUKS (vtrefny)- Allow specifying extra arguments for PBKDF when creating LUKS2 (vtrefny)- Add support for LUKS2 to DeviceFactory (vtrefny)- DeviceFactory: use min_luks_entropy from kwargs (vtrefny)- Fix passing \'min_luks_entropy\' when creating LUKS format (vtrefny)- Use passphrase/key file when resizing LUKS2 format (vtrefny)- Require libblockdev 2.17 (vtrefny)- Add support for LUKS2 format (vtrefny)- Add initial support for DM Integrity \"format\" (vtrefny)- Do not try to add LUKSDevice in LUKSFormatPopulator (vtrefny)- Add support for dm-integrity devices (vtrefny)- Fixed various issues preventing successful build (japokorn)
* Thu Aug 02 2018 Peter Robinson 3.1.0-0.5.b2- Bump release to fix upgrade path
* Mon Jul 30 2018 David Lehman - 3.1.0-0.1.b2- Do not ignore \"Image out-of-sync\" internal LVs (vtrefny)- Fixed error message when slave is missing (japokorn)- Ensure WWNs are set for multipath and dmraid. (dlehman)- Use ID_WWN_WITH_EXTENSION for WWNs. (dlehman)- Ignore pylint error \"bad-option-value\" for new pylint errors (vtrefny)- Fix errors found by new pylint 2.0.0 (vtrefny)- Fix caching logic in ExternalResource. (dlehman)- Use DiskFile to allow testing missing dependencies as non-root. (dlehman)- Restore availability caching after disabling for tests. (dlehman)- Preserve original blockdev plugin list in test cleanup. (dlehman)- Fix positional/key-word arguments in util.Path (vtrefny)- fix doc for is_s390() (dan)- The key size of LUKS should be 0 by default (vponcova)- Do not use rpm to check for Zanata client (vtrefny)- Fixed create_device fail behavior (japokorn)- Fixed KS forcing zerombr onto RO disk (japokorn)- Fix BIOS device number regex in edd module. (#1552236) (dlehman)- Shrink devices before growing others with common ancestors. (#1539422) (dlehman)- Do not copy ksdata. (rvykydal)- Find and remove stale LVM metadata immediately after creating md array. (dlehman)- Adapt mock imports for compatibility w/ python2 & python3. (dlehman)- Use py2-compatible syntax to get system architecture. (dlehman)
* Tue Jul 17 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.0-0.4.b1- Force command line based libblockdev LVM plugin (vtrefny)
* Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:3.1.0-0.3.b1- Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun 15 2018 Miro HronĨok - 1:3.1.0-0.2.b1- Rebuilt for Python 3.7
* Wed May 02 2018 David Lehman - 3.1.0-0.1.b1- Add \'nvdimm\' tag for NVDIMM namespaces (vtrefny)- Add test for NVDIMMNamespaceDevicePopulator (vtrefny)- Add populator helper for NVDIMM namespaces (vtrefny)- Add \'NVDIMMNamespaceDevice\' device representing NVDIMM namespaces (vtrefny)- Add a function for identifying NVDIMM namespaces (vtrefny)- Add a singleton for NVDIMM namespaces management (vtrefny)- Add NVDIMM plugin to list of requested plugins (vtrefny)
* Fri Apr 20 2018 David Lehman - 3.0.1-1- Weak dependencies for libblockdev plugins (japokorn)- Translate log levels from libblockdev to python log levels (vtrefny)- Try to wait after stopping an MD array (vtrefny)- Replace deprecated iscsi_firmware dracut option (rvykydal)- Fix how we check return value for call_sync in safe_dbus (vtrefny)- Conditionalize the Python 2 subpackage and don\'t build it on EL > 7 and Fedora > 28 (miro)- Fix python3 conditional in rpm spec file. (dlehman)- Fix upstream URL in spec (vtrefny)- Allow device specification by node to udev.get_device. (#1524700) (dlehman)- Do not try to update potfile during make all (vtrefny)- Use \'-p1\' when applying patches with autosetup (vtrefny)- Remove dependency on pocketlint (vtrefny)- Dasd is a valid label type on s390x (#1538550) (vponcova)- fcoe: remove /etc/fcoe dir if it exists before copying configuration (#1542846) (rvykydal)- Avoid UnitTest.subTest due to python2 incompatibility. (dlehman)- Adapt action test mock imports for compatibility w/ python2 & python3. (dlehman)- Use explicit super() syntax in config actions for py2 compat. (dlehman)- Use libblockdev runtime dependency checks (#1501249) (vtrefny)- Fix minor typos (yurchor)
* Mon Apr 02 2018 David Lehman - 1:3.0.0-0.6.1.b1- Use bcond for with python3, allow it on RHEL > 7 (mhroncok)- Conditionalize the Python 2 subpackage and don\'t build it on EL > 7 and Fedora > 28 (mhroncok)
* Tue Mar 20 2018 David Lehman - 1:3.0.0-0.6.b1- Don\'t use a \'wwn\' kwarg for MDBiosRaidArrayDevice (#1557957) (awilliam)
* Sat Mar 17 2018 Iryna Shcherbina - 1:3.0.0-0.5.b1- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See
* Mon Mar 12 2018 David Lehman - 1:3.0.0-0.4.b1- Allow device specification by node to udev.get_device. (#1524700)
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Vojtech Trefny - 1:3.0.0-0.3.b1- Dasd is a valid label type on s390x (#1538550)
* Fri Feb 09 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1:3.0.0-0.2.b1- Rebuilt for
* Wed Nov 08 2017 David Lehman - 3.0.0-0.1.b1- Add some reasonable default value for LANG variable in size_test (vtrefny)- Remove ksdata from Blivet. (dlehman)- Fix AttributeError in fsminsize (#1502587) (vtrefny)- Remove Blivet.write_dasd_conf and now-unused Blivet.write. (dlehman)- Move blivet.partspec into pyanaconda. (dlehman)- Make uboot partition weight match analogs on other platforms. (dlehman)- Move some cmdline option checking into Flags. (dlehman)- Move platform module into pyanaconda. (dlehman)- Add and use new platform detection functions in arch. (dlehman)- Move disklabel selection logic into DiskLabel. (dlehman)- Move new partition weight calculation into PartitionDevice. (dlehman)- Move osinstall and autopart into pyanaconda. (dlehman)- Move default thin pool space reservation into devices.lvm. (dlehman)- DM device subsystem is now obtained by libblockdev (japokorn)- Document DBus interface. (dlehman)- Mark the DBus interface as unstable. (dlehman)- Do not try to use protected disks for autopart (vtrefny)- Use InstallerStorage in setupDiskImagesNonZeroSizeTestCase (vtrefny)- Clearpart test tag fixes (japokorn)- Added support for device tags (japokorn)- Use Ansible playbook to install test dependencies (vtrefny)- Use addCleanup for VM tests too (vtrefny)- Skip tests when SELinux is disabled (japokorn)- Revert \"Use libmount for MountsCache\" (vtrefny)- Only run log_method_call when flags.debug is set. (dlehman)- Adjust Makefile and spec file for Python 2 compatibility (vtrefny)- Adapt to anaconda_log rename (mkolman)- Followup for custom six move for mock. (dlehman)- Silence pylint with regard to custom six move of mock. (dlehman)- Allow overriding PYTHONPATH when running unit tests. (dlehman)- Supply some missing patches during device name tests. (dlehman)- Allow time for event handling in unit tests. (dlehman)- python2: Don\'t try to call unbound method w/ wrong class type. (dlehman)- python2: threading compatibility. (dlehman)- python2: compatibility for wraps when used on methods. (dlehman)- python2: adapt to absence of inspect.signature. (dlehman)- python2: python2 has no unittest.assertLogs. (dlehman)- python2: Handle unittest.assertRaisesRegex rename. (dlehman)- python2: Add a custom six move for mock. (dlehman)- python2: EddEntry support for len() and indexing. (dlehman)- python2: Don\'t use \'default\' kwarg to \'min\' (dlehman)- python2: Use six.wraps instead of functools.wraps. (dlehman)- python2: Use six.raise_from for chained exceptions. (dlehman)- python2: Use for iterator advancement. (dlehman)- python2: Explicit args to super function. (dlehman)- python2: Explicitly declare new-style classes. (dlehman)- python2: Use six.add_metaclass instead of metaclass kwarg. (dlehman)- Catch AttributeError if pyanaconda is missing in populator_test. (dlehman)- Use relative imports in blivet.dbus.blivet. (dlehman)- pylint: disable pylint warning for InstallerStorage.get_free_space (vtrefny)- pylint: ignore some pylint warnings in tests (vtrefny)- Use \"flags.keep_empty_ext_partitions\" instead of \"installer_mode\" (vtrefny)- Add a WWN attr to all disk device classes. (dlehman)- Fix flag access in selinux test. (dlehman)- Collect HW RAID info before populating devicetree. (dlehman)- Add HW RAID properties to DiskDevice. (dlehman)- Add a devicelibs module for disks. (dlehman)- Add \'jbod\' as an alias for \'linear\' RAID level. (dlehman)- Add some tests for DependencyGuard (dlehman)- Introduce the discard_new flag and use it (vpodzime)- Use the \'C.UTF-8\' locale instead of \'\' (vpodzime)- Add anaconda-core, libvirt and paramiko to TEST_DEPENDENCIES (vpodzime)- Get rid of the merge-pr script (vpodzime)- Adjust vmtest to new DeviceFactory constructor API (vtrefny)- Obtain factory defaults from passed-in device, if there is one. (dlehman)- Use
*kwargs for device factory ctor. (dlehman)- Use a property to adjust factory size based on encrypted bool. (dlehman)- Functional testing: Add support for libvirt authentication (vtrefny)- Fixed merge error (japokorn)- Enable LVMOnMDTestCase (vtrefny)- LVMThinSnapShotTestCase: Fix creating of the thin snapshot (vtrefny)- Create a better test summary when running tests in a VM (vtrefny)- Add a script to run tests in a virtual machine (vtrefny)- Move BlivetResetTestCases from ImageBackedTestCase to VMBackedTestCase (vtrefny)- Add a test case for tests running in a virtual machine (vtrefny)- Do not try to create format for snapshots in create_device (vtrefny)- Use None as mountpoint for new snapshots (vtrefny)- Do not try to unset flags on other devices than partitions (vtrefny)- Fix TypeError when calling blivet.reset() (vtrefny)- Broke backwards API compatibility of LUKS handling (japokorn)- Default to LVM in the device factory. (dlehman)- Add callbacks for populate (vpodzime)- Fix checks when changing fslabel using actions (vtrefny)- Remove deprecated method udev.device_is_realdisk (vtrefny)- Use libmount for MountsCache (vtrefny)- Fix initialization of ignored, exclusive disks. (dlehman)- Fix devicetree tests to use callbacks instead of record_change. (dlehman)- Change udev.device_is_disk to match disks only (vtrefny)- Fix udev.resolve_glob to match device path too (vtrefny)- Add tests for configuration actions (vtrefny)- Allow changing format label using configuration actions (vtrefny)- Add new actions for configuring formats and devices (vtrefny)- Quickfix of merge bugs (japokorn)- Remove action objects before resetting via dbus. (dlehman)- Clean up dbus object management a bit. (dlehman)- Only overwrite current format if the new one is different. (dlehman)- Add a Factory method to DBusBlivet. (dlehman)- Update example dbus client to account for Format interface. (dlehman)- Adjust zanata version for new branch. (dlehman)- Allow custom chunk size specification for MDRaidArrayDevice (vtrefny)- Add zanata-python-client to TEST_DEPENDENCIES (bcl)- Allow custom chunk size specification for MDRaidArrayDevice (vtrefny)- Add zanata-python-client to TEST_DEPENDENCIES (bcl)- Add a Commit method to DBusBlivet. (dlehman)- Update unit tests. (dlehman)- Move removed devices and formats into different subtrees. (dlehman)- Use the object manager to look up objects. (dlehman)- Add mappings of objects by id and object path to ObjectManager. (dlehman)- Add an id property to DBusObject. (dlehman)- Add an Action interface to the dbus service. (dlehman)- Make sure DBusFormat\'s Type property is always a string. (dlehman)- Pass blivet objects to blivet methods. (dlehman)- Fix root detection on btrfs in rescue mode (vtrefny)- Use device\'s mount options when mounting existing systems (vtrefny)- Add a Commit method to DBusBlivet. (dlehman)- Update unit tests. (dlehman)- Move removed devices and formats into different subtrees. (dlehman)- Use the object manager to look up objects. (dlehman)- Add mappings of objects by id and object path to ObjectManager. (dlehman)- Add an id property to DBusObject. (dlehman)- Add an Action interface to the dbus service. (dlehman)- Make sure DBusFormat\'s Type property is always a string. (dlehman)- Pass blivet objects to blivet methods. (dlehman)- Move some more installer-specific methods and values into blivet.osinstall. (sbueno+anaconda)- Mv copy_to_system from blivet.util to blivet.osinstall (sbueno+anaconda)- Get rid of flags.installer_mode (sbueno+anaconda)- Create flags.keep_empty_ext_partitions (sbueno+anaconda)- Create flags.selinux_reset_fcon (sbueno+anaconda)- Create flags.auto_dev_updates (sbueno+anaconda)- Add a Format interface to the dbus service. (dlehman)- Always require the rounding mode to be specified for Size (vpodzime)- Add method DBusBlivet.InitializeDisk. (dlehman)- Add a unit test for DBusBlivet.RemoveDevice. (dlehman)- Maintain a mapping of object path to DBusDevice in DBusBlivet. (dlehman)- Correctly handle failures in ResolveDevice. (dlehman)- Add a RemoveDevice method to DBusBlivet. (dlehman)- Convert event handling change accounting to use blivet callbacks. (dlehman)- Add a set of callbacks for changes to blivet\'s view of things. (dlehman)- Allow replacing an active format within blivet\'s model. (dlehman)- Add the beginnings of an example client. (dlehman)- Add a Device interface to the dbus service. (dlehman)- Add an ObjectManager interface to the dbus service. (dlehman)- Make DBusBlivet names more dbus-like. (dlehman)- Clean up org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties code in DBusObject a bit. (dlehman)- Move constants into a separate module. (dlehman)- Convert some private methods to public properties. (dlehman)- Import the whole dbus module in a couple of places. (dlehman)- Add a minimal dbus interface. (dlehman)- Rearrange the setup call to minimize changes on updates. (dlehman)- Remove unused readthedocs code from (dlehman)- Ignore all merge commits when making rpm log. (dlehman)- Isolate some boot device operations in blivet.partitioning. (sbueno+anaconda)- Move bootloader stuff from Blivet to InstallerStorage. (sbueno+anaconda)- Some small, stupid bugfixes to first installer isolation patch set. (sbueno+anaconda)- LVM data are now global (japokorn)- Update api to reflect changes from isolating installer-specific code. (sbueno+anaconda)- Update examples and test cases for changes from isolating installer code. (sbueno+anaconda)- Get rid of blivet.blivet\'s last deps on blivet.osinstall (sbueno+anaconda)- Get rid of blivet.blivet\'s dependence on blivet.osinstall.FSSet (sbueno+anaconda)- Mv installer-specific functions to install. Create InstallerStorage. (sbueno+anaconda)- Move StorageDiscoveryConfig from blivet.blivet to blivet.osinstall (sbueno+anaconda)- Move some StorageDiscoveryConfig attrs into Blivet. (sbueno+anaconda)- Retrieve udev info as needed in handle_format. (dlehman)
* Tue Sep 19 2017 Vojtech Trefny - 2.1.11-1- Remove build requires for pocketlint (rkuska)- edd_test: don\'t run on non-x86 (pjones)- Added support for device tags (japokorn)- fcoe: don\'t use dcb for autoconnecting of bnx2x and bnx2fc (#1261703) (rvykydal)- fcoe: replace fipvlan with fcoemon (#1085325) (rvykydal)- Do not use read-only mode for e2fsck (vpodzime)- Fixed behavior when selinux is disabled (japokorn)- Do file system check before resize (#1484575) (vpodzime)