Changelog for device-mapper-multipath-libs-0.4.9-106.el6.i686.rpm :
Wed May 16 14:00:00 2018 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0272-RHBZ-1525217-3PAR-config.patch

* revert path selector to round-robin
- Resolves: #1578515

Mon May 14 14:00:00 2018 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0274-RHBZ-1573463-uevent-socket.patch

* retry binding socket and close it immediately when cancelled.
- Resolves: #1573463

Wed Mar 14 13:00:00 2018 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0273-RHBZ-1550069-fix-messages.patch

* change error messages to warning messages, if adding or updating a
multipath device fails because the device is missing from sysfs
- Resolves: #1550069

Wed Jan 17 13:00:00 2018 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Fix spec file typo.
- Related: #1408287, #1442369, #1444193, #1525217

Fri Jan 12 13:00:00 2018 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0269-RHBZ-1442369-fix-check-partitions.patch

* fix crash when partition minor starts with all the digits of the
multipath device number
- Add 0270-RHBZ-1408287-remove-long-def-timeout.patch

* make all timeouts use checker_timeout if set and default to 60 sec.
- Add 0271-RHBZ-1444193-fix-hang-on-resume.patch

* resume again if an invalid table left the device suspended
- Add 0272-RHBZ-1525217-3PAR-config.patch
- Resolves: #1408287, #1442369, #1444193, #1525217

Wed Sep 27 14:00:00 2017 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0268-RHBZ-1447328-fix-reserve.patch

* stop waiting for threads that weren\'t successfully created
- Resolves: #1447328

Thu Jan 5 13:00:00 2017 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0261-RHBZ-1377532-disable-changed-paths.patch

* add man page information
- Refresh 0265-RHBZ-1355669-max-sectors-kb.patch
- Related: #1377532

Tue Dec 6 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Change devicemapper Requires to >= 1.02.117-10.el6 (bz #1344381)
- Resolves: #1344381

Tue Dec 6 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0266-RHBZ-1401391-fix-prio-put.patch

* don\'t try to drop a nonexistant prio handler
- Add 0267-RHBZ-1401769-orphan-status.patch

* don\'t print out checker and device status for orphan paths
- Resolves: bz #1401391, #1401769

Thu Nov 10 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0265-RHBZ-1355669-max-sectors-kb.patch

* add \"max_sectors_kb\" config option to set this value on all paths
- Change devicemapper Requires to >= 1.02.117-9.el6 (bz #1344381)

* forces multipath to use latest version of blk-availability
- Resolves: bz #1344381, #1355669

Thu Nov 3 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0258-UPBZ-1300414-PURE_config.patch
- Add 0264-RHBZ-1365710-no-use-after-free.patch

* Fix two segfaults, and NULL out some structures after free
- Add 0265-RHBZ-1390472-dont-exit.patch

* don\'t exit if multipath hits recoverable errors during startup
- Resolves: bz #1300414, #1365710, #1390472

Fri Oct 14 14:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0254-RHBZ-1310320-no-kpartx.patch

* fix small bug with unitialized data
- Refresh 0261-RHBZ-1377532-disable-changed-paths.patch
- Add 0262-RH-free-vector.patch

* Fix coverity discovered bug in error path
- Resolves: bz #1310320

Fri Oct 14 14:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0251-RHBZ-1349376-fix-makefile.patch

* make multipath use correct version of libdevmapper
- Add 0252-RHBZ-1333334-huawei-config.patch
- Add 0253-RHBZ-1305589-check-multipathd.patch

* warn if multipath devices exist and mutipathd is not running
- Add 0254-RHBZ-1310320-no-kpartx.patch

* add skip_kpartx option to skip kpartx device creation
- Add 0255-UPBZ-1322532-disable-reinstate.patch

* do not reinstate unusable Implicit ALUA ghost paths
- Add 0256-RHBZ-1324764-man-page-typo.patch
- Add 0257-UPBZ-1328077-resize-map.patch

* reset size if resizer operation fails
- Add 0259-UPBZ-1343747-dont-fail-discovery.patch

* keep multipath from failing if it fails to get information on any device
- Add 0260-RHBZ-1364879-check-mpath-prefix.patch

* ignore all devices that don\'t have a uuid starting with \"mpath-\"
- Add 0261-RHBZ-1377532-disable-changed-paths.patch

* do not use path devices that change their wwid
- Resolves: bz #1299644, #1305589, #1310320, #1322532, #1324764, #1328077
- Resovles: bz #1333334, #1343747, #1349376, #1364879, #1377532

Wed Mar 9 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0250-RHBZ-1316165-fix-i686-size-bug.patch

* make multipathd use uint64_t for tracking the interactive command
- Resolves: bz #1316165

Fri Feb 19 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0246-RHBZ-1145442-raw-output-and-wildcards.patch

* fix PAD and PRINT macros
- Resolves: bz #1145442

Thu Feb 18 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0249-RHBZ-1208521-fix-typo-configure.patch

* fix output typo
- Resolves: bz #1208521

Thu Jan 7 13:00:00 2016 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0248-RHBZ-1289353-alua-pref-arg.patch

* add exclusive_pref_bit argument to the alua prioritizer
- Resolves: bz #1289353

Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0247-RHBZ-1283181-fix-remove-crash.patch

* Check is sysdev is NULL before dereferencing
- Resolves: bz #1283181

Tue Nov 17 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0233-RHBZ-1215903-remove-pg-timeout.patch
- Add 0234-RHBZ-818404-update-doc.patch
- Add 0235-RHBZ-1033789-rdac-update.patch

* Don\'t use trasntioning controllers
- Add 0236-RH-per-path-prio.patch

* Paths now store their own prio structure, instead of pointing
to a global one
- Add 0237-RHBZ-1081395-save-alua-info.patch

* Save alua information in prioritizer to speed access
- Add 0238-RHBZ-1153704-async-timeout.patch

* Make directio use the checker_timeout in async mode
- Add 0239-RHBZ-1201444-update-eternus-config.patch
- Add 0241-RHBZ-1214127-fix-help.patch
- Add 0242-RHBZ-1238507-kpartx-fix.patch

* Don\'t overwrite already in use partitions
- Add 0243-RHBZ-1248177-reset-alias.patch

* Use existing alias on failed rename
- Add 0244-RHBZ-1254692-kpartx-sync.patch

* kpartx runs in sync mode by default
- Add 0245-RHBZ-1273829-autodetect-readonly-devs.patch

* auto-reload devices as RO when a path turns RO
- Add 0246-RHBZ-1145442-raw-output-and-wildcards.patch

* and raw output and more wildcards
- Modify device-mapper Requires

* Require version with deferred remove support
- Resolves: bz #818404, #1033789, #1081395, #1145442, #1153704, #1187278
- Resolves: bz #1201444, #1208521, #1214127, #1215903, #1238507, #1248177
- Resolves: bz #1254692, #1273829

Wed Mar 11 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0228-RHBZ-1072081-delayed-reintegration.patch

* print \"no\" instead of \"off\"
- Resolves: bz #1072081

Tue Mar 10 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0228-RHBZ-1072081-delayed-reintegration.patch

* Change show config output
- Resolves: bz #1072081

Tue Mar 3 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0228-RHBZ-1072081-delayed-reintegration.patch

* Fix checker name printing issue
- Resolves: bz #1072081

Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0228-RHBZ-1072081-delayed-reintegration.patch

* Add \"delay_watch_checks\" and \"delay_wait_checks\" options to delay
reintegration of flakey paths.
- Add 0229-UPBZ-1168987-queue_if_no_path_issue.patch

* Make sure no_path_retry is properly set even if there are no active paths.
- Add 0230-RHBZ-880121-fix-double-free.patch

* multipath was freeing the multipath alias twice if it failed to create the
multipath device.
- Add 0231-RHBZ-978947-dell-36xxi.patch

* new builtin configurations.
- Add 0232-RHBZ-997028-autodetect-clariion-alua.patch

* configure multipath to automatically detect alua settings on clariion
- Resolves: bz #880121, #978947, #997028, #1072081, #1168987

Fri Jan 23 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0223-UPBZ-1120047-change-alua-prio.patch

* Paths with the pref bit set will no longer be in pathgroups by
themselves, if there are other paths that they could be load
balanced with.
- Add 0224-UPBZ-1148096-reload-on-rename.patch

* multipath will reload a table even if it also renames the device
- Add 0225-UPBZ-1148096-user-friendly-name-remap.patch

* multipath will default to continue using the existing
- Add 0226-RHBZ-1006895-add-config_dir-option.patch

* multipath will now also read its configuration from files with
the .conf suffix in the directory specified by config_dir
which defaults to /etc/multipath/conf.d
- Add 0227-RHBZ-1171862-thread-safe.patch

* only multipathd will keep a global cache of sysfs information
for paths.
- Resolves: bz #1006895, #1120047, #1148096, #1171862

Tue Jan 6 13:00:00 2015 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0220-RHBZ-1128786-dont-show-pg-timeout.patch

* remove pg_timeout from chow config
- Add 0221-RHBZ-1175888-add-wwid-option.patch

* add multipath option \"-a\". To add a device\'s wwid to the wwids file
- Add 0222-RHBZ-1175888-cmdline-wwid.patch

* make multipathd read wwids specified by the kernel commandline mpath.wwid
option on startup.
- Resolves: bz #1128786, #1175888

Mon Nov 10 13:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0219-RHBZ-1136966-fix-partition-mapping-creation-race-with-kpartx.patch

* Only run kpartx on device activation
- Resolves: bz #1136966

Tue Jul 29 14:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0218-RHBZ-1117714-configure-missing-devs.patch

* handle externally removed devices during configuration.
- Resolves: bz #1117714

Tue Jun 24 14:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0198-RHBZ-1080052-orphan-paths-on-reload.patch

* Fix case where pathlist wasn\'t getting updated properly
- Related: bz #1080052

Tue Jun 17 14:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0196-RHBZ-1012672-fix-sysdev.patch

* remove unused function, and fix NULL ptr dereference
- Modify 0211-UPBZ-1088013-reorder-paths-for-round-robin.patch

* Fix some pointer errors
- Modify 0213-RHBZ-1069641-config-error-checking.patch

* Stop allocating extra memory in config parser.
- Related: bz #1049637, #1069641, #1088013

Wed Jun 4 14:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0214-RHBZ-1078485-configurable-prio-timeout.patch

* checker_timeout now adjusts the timeouts of the prioritizers as well.
- Add 0215-RHBZ-1054747-add-noasync-option.patch

* Add a new defaults option, \"force_sync\", that disables the async mode
of the path checkers. This is for cases where to many parallel checkers
hog the CPU
- Add 0216-RHBZ-1095868-multipathd-man-typo.patch
- Add 0217-RHBZ-1101101-add-w-options.patch

* multipath now includes the -w and -W options. -w makes multipath remove
a wwid from the wwids file. -W removes all of the wwids, except for the
ones belonging to the current multipath devices, from the bindings file.
- Resolves: bz #1078485, #1054747, #1095868, #1101101

Thu May 22 14:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0207-UPBZ-1027061-sg-read-use-buffsize.patch

* make readsector0 checker calculate the number of blocks to read based
on the buffer size and the block size
- Add 0208-UPBZ-1028220-datacore-config.patch

* Add support for DataCore Virtual Disk
- Add 0209-RHBZ-999766-update-annotated.patch

* update multipath.conf.annotated
- Add 0210-UPBZ-1099932-fast-io-fail-iscsi.patch

* and iscsi support for fast_io_fail_tmo
- Add 0211-UPBZ-1088013-reorder-paths-for-round-robin.patch

* make multipathd order paths for better throughput in round-robin mode
- Add 0212-RHBZ-1086417-orphan-path-on_failed-add.patch

* If multipathd fails to add path correctly, it now fully orphans the path
- Add 0213-RHBZ-1069641-config-error-checking.patch

* Improve multipath.conf error checking.
- Resolves: bz #1027061, #1028220, #999766, #1099932, #1088013, #1086417
- Resolves: bz #1069641

Wed Apr 23 14:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0196-RHBZ-1012672-fix-sysdev.patch

* rewrite multipath sysfs device handling to fix various issues from
bzs #1012672, #1064636, and #1049637
- Add 0197-RHBZ-1049315-netapp-rw-change.patch

* allow reload_readwrite to be set by device, and set it by default for
netapp devices.
- Add 0198-RHBZ-1080052-orphan-paths-on-reload.patch

* make multipath orphan paths that are no longer included in the device
when the table is reread.
- Add 0199-RHBZ-1007719-multipath-man.patch

* documentation update
- Add 0200-RHBZ-1009061-allow_devt.patch

* allow specifying paths to multipath by major:minor, instead of devname
- Add 0201-RHBZ-1018697-cli-use-basename.patch

* make multipathd interactive commands accept device names that start with
- Add 0202-RHBZ-1024604-weighted-prio-man.patch

* documentation update
- Add 0203-RHBZ-1054046-mpathconf-typo.patch

* fix command output typo
- Add 0204-RHBZ-1067102-doc-add-selectors.patch

* documentation update
- Add 0205-RHBZ-1072974-alua-typo.patch

* fix priritizer output typo
- Add 0206-UPBZ-1020556-e-series-config.patch

* udpate E-Series config to autodetect prio and hardware handler.
- Resolves: bz #1049637, #1064636, #1049315, #1080052, #1007719, #1009061
- Resolves: bz #1018697, #1024604, #1054046, #1067102, #1072974, #1020556

Wed Mar 19 13:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0195-UPBZ-1024103-alua-prio-timeout.patch

* change alua prioritizer timeout from 5 minutes to one minute
- Resolves: bz #1024103

Mon Feb 24 13:00:00 2014 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0194-RHBZ-997570-no-sync-turs-on-pthread_cancel.patch

* If async tur checker fails on threads, don\'t retry with the sync version
- Resolves: bz #997570

Fri Oct 11 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0193-UPBZ-1011341-dos-4k-partition-fix.patch

* Make kpartx correctly handle 4K sector size devices with dos partitions.
- Resolves: bz #1011341

Wed Sep 25 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0192-RHBZ-916667-print-major-minor.patch

* Make multipathd print major:minor on path and and remove events
- Resolves: bz #916667

Mon Aug 19 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0185-RH-signal-waiter.patch

* making the waiter threads exit correctly caused a race at shutdown.
- Resolves: bz #996921

Mon Aug 12 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0188-RH-add-all_devs.patch

* Add new special \"all_devs\" devices identifier, that makes multipath
update a the values on all devices
- Add 0189-RHBZ-986767-blacklist-td-devs.patch

* add td[a-z].
* devices to the builtin blacklist
- Add 0190-UPBZ-994277-handle-offline-states.patch

* Handle \"transport-offline\" and \"quiesce\" path states
- Add 0191-UPBZ-995251-fail-rdac-on-unavailable.patch

* make rdac checker always mark paths with asymmetric access state of
unavailable as down
- Resolves: bz #986767, #994277, #995251

Mon Jul 8 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0172-RHBZ-895110-fix-output-buffer.patch

* free buffer
- Modify 0182-RHBZ-947798-rw-change.patch

* don\'t access multipath device if it has been freed in setup_multipath
- Add 0187-RH-fix-bad-derefs.patch

* Fix places where we are dereferencing freed pointers
- Resolves: bz #947798

Tue Jul 2 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0182-RHBZ-947798-rw-change.patch

* Add documentation
- Modify 0183-RHBZ-924924-replace_whitespace.patch

* Add documentation
- Add 0186-RHBZ-974129-delay_set_fast_io_fail.patch

* fix issue with setting fast_io_fail_tmo past the old value of
- Resolves: bz #974129, #924924, #947798

Mon Jun 24 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0179-RHBZ-920448-bindings-fix.patch

* remove debug printing.
- Add 0181-RHBZ-958091-check-for-erofs.patch

* only retry loading a map read-only if the read/write load failed
with EROFS
- Add 0182-RHBZ-947798-rw-change.patch

* add a new multipath.conf default keyword \"reload_readwrite\". If set
to \"yes\", multipathd will listed to path device change events, and
if they device has become read/write, it will reload the multipath
- Add 0183-RHBZ-924924-replace_whitespace.patch

* add a new multipath.conf default keyword \"replace_wwid_whitespace\".
If set to \"yes\", multipath will add --replace-whitespace for devices
That use the default getuid callout.
- Add 0184-RHBZ-975676-fix_cli_resize.patch

* deal with resize happening while path device is being removed.
- Add 0185-RH-signal-waiter.patch

* send waiter thread a signal to break out of waiting for dm events
- Resolves: bz #958091, #947798, #924924, #975676

Mon Jun 10 14:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0168-RHBZ-902585-fix-state-size.patch
- Add 0169-RHBZ-895110-fix-params-size.patch
- Add 0170-RHBZ-889441-fix-multipath.rules.patch

* set multipath device link_priority on change events
- Add 0171-RHBZ-904836-handle-other-sector-sizes.patch

* handle non-512 byte GPT sector sizes
- Add 0172-RHBZ-895110-fix-output-buffer.patch

* make sure to allocate enough space to print the full list of multipath
- Add 0173-RHBZ-889429-catch-early-uevents.patch

* start up the uevent listening thread early, but don\'t start up the
uevent servicing thread until after you configure
- Add 0174-RHBZ-875199-null-vector-fix.patch
- Add 0175-RHBZ-889987-detect_prio_fix.patch

* make sure you can actually get the priority with ALUA before selecting it.
- Add 0176-RHBZ-892292-listing-speedup.patch

* don\'t get the wwid when you are just listing a device.
- Add 0177-RHBZ-902593-multipath-c-manpage.patch
- Add 0178-RHBZ-918825-kpartx-loop-devices.patch

* remove tmp loopdev create by \'kpartx -l\' in no partitions were found.
- Add 0179-RHBZ-920448-bindings-fix.patch

* try to find the smallest unused user friendly name
- Add 0180-RHBZ-928831-check-dm-version-for-retain_hwhandler.patch

* don\'t use retain_attached_hw_handler on kernels that don\'t support it.
- Resolves: bz #875199, #889429, #889441, #889987, #892292, #902585
- Resolves: bz #902593, #904836, #918825, #920448, #928831

Tue Jan 22 13:00:00 2013 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0167-RHBZ-735459-fix-mpathpersist-fns.patch

* make reservation_key display correctly in \"multipathd show config\"
- Resolves: bz #735459

Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0166-RHBZ-880487-make-path-fd-readonly.patch

* revert change from 0152-RHBZ-735459-mpath_persist.patch, so that
path fds are again opened O_RDONLY
- Resolves: bz #880487

Thu Oct 25 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0165-RHBZ-869253-disable-libdm-failback.patch

* multipathd and kpartx now set a flag to request device-mapper
not create devices itself.
- Resolves: bz #869253

Sat Oct 13 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0156-RHBZ-813963-new-alua-prio.patch

* fix minor porting issue
- Resolves: bz #813963

Sat Oct 13 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0161-RHBZ-836890-AIX-whitespace.patch
- Add 0162-RHBZ-860748-early-blacklist.patch

* blacklist devices as soon as possible
- Add 0163-RHBZ-839386-detect-prio.patch

* add default and device configuration option detect-prio
- Add 0164-RHBZ-839386-netapp-config.patch
- Modify 0153-RHBZ-839386-retain_hwhandler.patch

* cleanup minor issues
- Resolves: bz #836890, #860748, #839386

Tue Oct 9 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0146-RHBZ-595692-fix-cciss-names.patch

* convert cmdline cciss names to sysfs format
- Add 0147-RHBZ-824243-826610-833124-doc-fix.patch
- Add 0148-RHBZ-619173-storagetek-config.patch
- Add 0149-RHBZ-810788-remove-dups.patch

* remove duplicates from builtin configs
- Add 0150-RHBZ-810755-update-conf-defaults.patch
- Add 0151-RHBZ-822389-fix-rename.patch

* make multipath switch names on reload after disabling
- Add 0152-RHBZ-735459-mpath_persist.patch

* mpathpersist allows persistent reservatoins through multipath devices
- Add 0153-RHBZ-839386-retain_hwhandler.patch

* add retain_attached_hw_handler default and multipaths config option
- Add 0154-RHBZ-578114-kpartx-retry.patch

* retry on EBUSY for loop device deletes
- Add 0155-RHBZ-810989-load-modules.patch

* service multipathd start loads kernel modules
- Add 0156-RHBZ-813963-new-alua-prio.patch

* combine the \"alua\" and \"tpg_pref\" prioritizers
- Add 0157-RHBZ-816717-flush-full-paths.patch

* make multipath accept full pathnames in -f
- Add 0158-RHBZ-821885-check-blacklist.patch

* make multipath -c check the device blacklisting
- Add 0159-RHBZ-818367-829065-rdac.patch
- Add 0160-RHBZ-841732-dont-swap-devices.patch
- Resolves: bz #595692, #824243, #826610, #833124, #619173, #810788, #810755
- Resolves: bz #822389, #735459, #839386, #578114, #810989, #813963, #816717
- Resolves: bz #821885, #818367, #829065, #841732

Mon Aug 27 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify multipath.conf

* change \"selector\" to \"path_selector\"
- Resolves: bz #827072

Tue Jul 3 14:00:00 2012 Benjmain Marzinski -
- Add 0145-RHBZ-831045-realloc-vector.patch

* fix deleting items from vector, and handle error cases
- Resolves: bz #831045

Thu Apr 26 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0137-RHBZ-799842-change-netapp-config.patch

* Add pg_init_retries to netapp config
- Add 0144-RHBZ-812832-shutdown-crash.patch

* kill waiter threads with pthread_cancel() instead of SIGUSR1
- Resolves: bz #799842, #812832

Wed Apr 25 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0131-RHBZ-662433-override-queue-no-daemon.patch

* enforce queueing on condrestart as well
- Add 0142-RHBZ-769527-fix-features-build.patch

* remove \"queue_if_no_path\" feature when flushing due to
- Add 0143-RHBZ-467709-followover-chkr-state.patch

* Only failback if the path checker\'s reported state has changed
- Resolves: bz #467709, #769527
- Related: bz #662433

Tue Apr 10 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0132-RHBZ-744756-regex-hw-match.patch (bz #802630)

* Added documentation to the multipath.conf man page
- Modify 0138-RH-fix-strings.patch (bz #810208)
- Resolves: bz #802630, #810208

Thu Mar 29 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0141-RHBZ-752989-remove-dup-configs.patch
- Related: bz #752989

Thu Mar 29 14:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0130-RHBZ-754586-use-sync-support.patch

* This fix now just calls dm_task_update_nodes() after renaming the
the devices.
- Refresh 0110-RHBZ-725541-04-serialize-startup.patch
- Refresh 0131-RHBZ-662433-override-queue-no-daemon.patch
- Refresh 0135-RHBZ-798541-build-options.patch
- Resolves: bz #805809

Thu Mar 22 13:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0139-RHBZ-800288-netapp-devloss.patch

* Set fast_io_fail_tmo and dev_loss_tmo for netapp devices
- Add 0140-RHBZ-803527-blacklist-management-luns.patch
- Resolves: bz #800288, #803527

Thu Mar 15 13:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0135-RHBZ-798541-build-options.patch

* switch from compiling with -lpthread to -pthread, to make sure
and use reentrant versions of functions.
- Related: bz #798541

Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0132-RHBZ-744756-regex-hw-match.patch

* The regex comparison was working in the wrong direction.
- Modify 0133-RHBZ-744210-config-changes.patch

* add missing entries to store_hwe
- Add 0135-RHBZ-798541-build-options.patch

* build rpm with RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- Add 0136-RHBZ-799908-ibm-xiv.patch
- Add 0137-RHBZ-799842-change-netapp-config.patch
- Add 0138-RH-fix-strings.patch

* fix two spots where multipath wasn\'t checking string size before copying
- Pass RPM_OPT_FLAGS to make
- Resolves: bz #798541, #799842, #799908
- Related: bz #744210, #744756

Sun Mar 4 13:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0124-RHBZ-751039-fix-shutdown.patch

* make sure to test if the threads have been cancelled after locking
- Add 0125-RHBZ-727429-dont-print-exec-fails.patch
- Add 0126-RHBZ-740760-kpartx-man-page.patch
- Add 0127-RHBZ-737051-add-netapp-brand.patch
- Add 0128-RHBZ-796384-fix-alua.patch

* gerneralize the vpd 0x83 handling
- Add 0129-RHBZ-788963-eternus-config.patch
- Add 0130-RHBZ-754586-use-sync-support.patch

* multipathd and kpartx now use udev_sync_support. They just don\'t
use any cookies
- Add 0131-RHBZ-662433-override-queue-no-daemon.patch

* make queue_without_daemon default to off, but make service restart
override that so, you won\'t fail IO on restart.
- Add 0132-RHBZ-744756-regex-hw-match.patch

* add hwtable_regex_match parameter, which makes the user device entries
in multipath.conf regex with the builtin ones to override them.
- Add 0133-RHBZ-744210-config-changes.patch

* default max_fs to \"max\" and make user_friendly_names configurable in
the devices and multipaths section.
- Add 0134-RHBZ-769527-fix-flush-on-last-del.patch
- Resolves: bz #662433, #727429, #737051, #740760, #744210, #744756, #751039
- Resolves: bz #754586, #769527, #788963, #796384

Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2012 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Readd 0107-RHBZ-725541-01-async-tur-checker.patch
- Add 0119-RHBZ-747604-fix-async-tur.patch (BZ #760852)

* keep a reference count on the checker context to keep from freeing it
while its still in use.
- Add 0120-RHBZ-752989-tighten_vendor_product_regex.patch

* Some of the vendor and product regexes were matching incorrect devices
because they were too broad.
- Add 0121-RHBZ-751938-fix-usage-return.patch

* Make -h return 0
- Add 0122-RHBZ-750132-fix-oom-adj.patch

* use oom_score_adj instead of oom_adj
- Add 0123-RHBZ-732932-fix-coverity-issues.patch

* don\'t leak reply if update_multipath fails.
- Update multipath.conf (BZ #702222)

* Add a comment reminding users to reload multipathd after editting
their config
- Resolves: bz #702222, #732932, #750132, #751938, #752989, #760852

Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Remove 0107-RHBZ-725541-01-async-tur-checker.patch

* This patch caused a regression where, multpathd could corrupt is memory
when a path was deleted (bz747604)
- Refresh 0110-RHBZ-725541-04-serialize-startup.patch
-Resolves: bz #747604

Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0118-RHBZ-738298-revert-631009.patch

* reverts most of 0101-RHBZ-631009-disable-udev-disk-rules-on-reload.patch
but still allows the -u option, for compatibility
- Resolves: bz #738298

Thu Sep 22 14:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0116-RH-manpage-update.patch

* update the manpages with new features
- Add 0117-RHBZ-697386-logger-shutdown-crash.patch

* The main multipathd thread was racing with the logger, now it
waits for the logger thread to shutdown first.
- Resolves: bz #697386

Sun Aug 14 14:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0102-RHBZ-714821-dont-remove-map-twice.patch

* multipathd was removing a map twice in one code path, causing
double free errors
- Add 0103-RHBZ-725541-09-no-partitions.patch

* if a device has the \"no_partitions\" feature, kpartx ignores it
- Add 0104-RHBZ-725541-10-force-devmap.patch

* override \"no_partitions\"
- Add 0105-RHBZ-725541-08-reset-running.patch

* abort timed-out IO in directio checker
- Add 0106-RHBZ-725541-07-tur-checker-reservation-conflict.patch

* don\'t count a path as down if it has a reservation conflict. The
kernel should be failing these errors up past multipath now.
- Add 0107-RHBZ-725541-01-async-tur-checker.patch

* Make tur checker async
- Add 0108-RHBZ-725541-06-offline-check.patch

* Don\'t get the priority of offline devies.
- Add 0109-RHBZ-725541-05-only-count-up-and-ghost-paths.patch

* fix path counting
- Add 0110-RHBZ-725541-04-serialize-startup.patch

* add the \"show daemon\" multipathd command, so users can check
that the daemon has started up completely.
- Add 0111-RHBZ-725541-03-handle-LBA_DEPENDENT-state.patch

* handle LBA_DEPENDENT alua state.
- Add 0112-RHBZ-725541-02-infinite-dev-loss-tmo.patch

* allow dev_loss_tmo to be set to \"inifinty\", which sets it to
the maximum allowed value.
- Add 0113-RHBZ-719571-validate-guid-partitions.patch

* don\'t build partition devices for invalid gpt\'s.
- Add 0114-RHBZ-723168-adjust-messages.patch
- Add 0115-RHBZ-713754-lower-minio.patch

* add rr_min_io_rq parmeter, that sets the min_io to 1 for
request based multipath
Resolves: bz #699577, #713754, #714821, #719571, #723168, #725541

Wed Jun 29 14:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0089-RHBZ-694602-RSSM-config.patch
- Add 0090-RHBZ-700169-fix-nr-active.patch

* Make sure to always count ghost paths as active
- Add 0091-RHBZ-699577-manpage-clarification.patch
- Add 0092-RHBZ-689504-rdac-retry.patch

* Make the rdac checker retry up to 5 times on errors that are likely
- Add 0093-RHBZ-677449-dont-remove-map-on-enomem.patch

* Don\'t remove a multipath device if dm_map_present fails due to lack of
- Add 0094-RHBZ-707560-check-return-value.patch

* Don\'t try to update path groups on a path priority change if the
multipath device has disappeared.
- Add 0095-RHBZ-678673-no-path-groups.patch

* Allow multipath devices with no path groups
- Add 0096-RHBZ-683616-ioship-support.patch

* Modify the rdac checker to work better storage in IOSHIP mode
- Add 0097-RHBZ-697386-fix-shutdown-crash.patch

* Add missing test for thread cancellation to the checker thread.
- Add 0098-RHBZ-706555-dont-update-pgs-in-manual.patch

* When failback is set to manual, do not automatically reconfigure the
pgs when a path changes priority
- Add 0099-RHBZ-705854-warn-on-bad-dev-loss-tmo.patch
- Add 0100-RHBZ-710478-deprecate-uid-gid-mode.patch

* uid, gid and mode are now controlled by udev.
- Add 0101-RHBZ-631009-disable-udev-disk-rules-on-reload.patch
- Remove 0082-RHBZ-631009-disable-udev-disk-rules-on-reload.patch

* multipath and kpartx now have a \"-u\" option that forces the udev
dm-disk rules to run.
- Resolves: bz #694602, #700169, #689504, #677449, #707560, #678673
- Resolves: bz #683616, #697386, #706555, #705854, #710478, #631009

Tue Apr 19 14:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0088-RHBZ-693524-fix-prio-segfault.patch

* Don\'t reuse the the path argument as a variable in the vector
- Resolves: bz# 696157

Mon Mar 14 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0087-RHBZ-680480-skip-if-no-sysdev.patch

* Don\'t check the path if it has no sysdev, since it is about to
be removed.
- Resoves: bz# 680480

Wed Mar 9 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0086-RHBZ-681144-sysfs-device-cleanup.patch

* Make sure to remove the sysfs device from cache when the path is
removed. Also, only search the sysfs device cache under the vecs lock
- Resolves: bz #681144

Mon Feb 21 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Remove 0082-RHBZ-631009-disable-udev-disk-rules-on-reload.patch

* This patch was causing a serious regression (677937), and resolving
it requires changes in /etc/rc.sysinit, so I\'m backing it out for
- Resolves: bz #677937
- Related: bz #631009

Thu Feb 3 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0085-RHBZ-645605-fix-offline-check.patch

* Make path_offline return false if it can\'t deterime a paths state.
- Rename 0080-RHBZ-622731-fix-no-config-value-segfault.patch to

* accidentally used the wrong bug number
- Resolves: bz #645605, #662731

Mon Jan 31 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0084-RHBZ-644111-read-only-bindings.patch

* Add -B multipath and multipathd option, to make the bindings file
read-only. This is to be used by the initramfs
- Resolves: bz #644111

Sun Jan 23 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0082-RHBZ-631009-disable-udev-disk-rules-on-reload.patch

* Set DM_UDEV_DISABLE_DISK_RULES_FLAG in dm_simplecmd to stop blkid from
running on reloads
- Add 0083-RHBZ-636213-633643-new-configs.patch

* Autoconfigs for HP P2000 family and NEC Storage M Series arrays
- Resolves: bz #631009, #636213, #636213

Mon Jan 10 13:00:00 2011 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0081-RHBZ-623644-fix-sysfs-caching.patch

* Remove attribute value caching, and free cached parent devices on remove
- Resolves: bz #623644

Mon Dec 20 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0073-RHBZ-650664-clarify-error-msg.patch

* tell users to increase max_fds, if multipath gets EMFILE trying to
open a file.
- Add 0074-RHBZ-602883-dont-print-change.patch

* don\'t print messages for every change uevent
- Add 0075-RHBZ-576919-log-checker-err.patch

* add log_checker_err default config option, to control the verbosity
of repeated checker error messages
- Add 0076-RHBZ-599690-update-multipath-conf.patch
- Add 0077-RHBZ-622608-nvdisk-config.patch
- Add 0078-RHBZ-628095-config-warnings.patch

* print warning messages for invalid config parameters
- Add 0079-RHBZ-650797-display-iscsi-tgt-name.patch

* get tgt name for iscsi devices
- Add 0080-RHBZ-622731-fix-no-config-value-segfault.patch

* check that a config option has a value before trying to get the
strlen of the value.
- Resolves: bz #576919, #599690, #602883, #622608, #622731, #628095, #650664
- Resolves: bz #650797

Sun Nov 21 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0064-RHBZ-612173-fix-reverse-lookup.patch

* don\'t terminate WWID at whitespace on reverse lookup.
- Add 0065-RHBZ-635088-update-priority.patch

* refresh all priorities when a new path comes online
- Add 0066-RHBZ-636071-mpathconf-variable_names.patch

* don\'t use DISPLAY variable name. It configs with X. Also, unset all
the variable names, so this doesn\'t happen again.
- Add 0067-RHBZ-622569-symmetrix-config.patch
- Add 0068-RHBZ-632734-nvdisk-config.patch
- Add 0069-RHBZ-636246-hp-open-config.patch
- Add 0070-RHBZ-639037-hitachi-open-config.patch
- Add 0071-RHBZ-611779-fix-whitespace-crash.patch

* get_cmdvec wasn\'t setting the passed in vector to NULL, when
there was no command.
- Add 0072-RHBZ-651389-change-scsi-tmo-order.patch

* Make multipath set fast_io_fail_tmo before dev_loss_tmo, so that
you can set dev_loss_tmo above 600.
- Resolves: bz #651389, #611779, #639037, #636246, #632734, #622569, #636071
- Resolves: bz #635088, #612173

Tue Sep 7 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch

* make link_priority only work on multipath devices and partitions.
- Resolves: bz #595719

Thu Sep 2 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch

* move link_priority line up in the udev rules. Hopefully this is the
actual fix.
- Resolves: bz #595719

Thu Sep 2 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch

* Change link priority from 5 to 10
- Resolves: bz #595719

Wed Aug 18 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0064-RHBZ-612173-fix-reverse-lookup.patch

* Fix multipath\'s wwid bindings file reverse lookup
- Resolves: bz #612173

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch

* Increase the priority of multipath symlinks
- Resolves: bz #595719

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0062-RHBZ-592998-hpsc-config.patch
- Resolves: bz #592998

Tue Aug 3 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0061-RHBZ-620479-find-rport.patch

* multipath now will correctly set the dev_loss_tmo and fast_io_fail_tmo
for setups where a devices rport id doesn\'t match its target id.
- Resolves: bz #620479

Tue Jul 20 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0055-RHBZ-602257-update-on-show-topology.patch

* fix patch so that multipath only syncs with the kernel, and doesn\'t
update other features
- Add 0060-RHBZ-606420-fix-remove-map.patch

* multipathd will now only report a success for remove map when it
actually succeeds.
- Resolves: bz #602257, #606420

Mon Jun 28 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0055-RHBZ-602257-update-on-show-topology.patch

* make multipathd updated state with the kernel before showing topology
- Add 0056-RHBZ-603812-better-type-check.patch

* only count files a path devices, if they are block devices, and are not
device-mapper devices.
- Add 0057-RHBZ-607869-fix-resize.patch

* use the resize calls that don\'t set noflush, when you reload for size
- Add 0058-RHBZ-601665-assemble-features.patch

* When multipathd reloads paths, add queue_if_no_path to the features
based on the no_path_retry value.
- Add 0059-RHBZ-607874-handle-offlined-paths.patch

* get the sysfs pathinfo in multipath if necessary, and only retry
failed ev_add_path reloads 3 times.
- Resolves: bz #602257, #603812, #607869, #601665, #607874

Fri Jun 18 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Modify 0034-RHBZ-579575-add-q-multipath-option.patch

* close a pidfile file descriptor
- Add 0051-RHBZ-596156-mpathconf-man-page.patch

* add the mpathconf man page
- Add 0052-RHBZ-601247-fix-path-adoption.patch

* only verify existing paths during adoption when specified
- Add 0053-RHBZ-596323-remember_more_wwids.patch

* make sure that all wwids are in /etc/multipath/wwids when you run
- 0054-RHBZ-596319-rules-cleanup.patch
- Resolves: bz #596156, #601247, #596323
- Related: bz #579575

Fri May 21 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0044-RHBZ-591940-dont-clear-daemon.patch

* multipathd was clearing the daemon config setting on reconfigure
- Add 0045-RHBZ-593379-dont-add-unknown-paths.patch

* multipathd no longer pulls paths from map loads
- Add 0046-RHBZ-593426-move-adopt-path.patch

* The patch 0037-RH-adopt-paths.patch was causing problems, so I moved
the adopt paths call to where it would effect fewer codepaths.
- Add 0047-RHBZ-591608-only-switch-pgs-once.patch

* multipathd was telling the kernel to switch pathgroups twice when
restoring a path.
- Add 0048-RHBZ-592494-fix-user-configs.patch

* User hardware configs were getting matched after default configs. Also
configs were getting merged that weren\'t complete matches.
- Add 0049-RHBZ-591644-enhance-mpathconf.patch

* multipath now loads the config before checking if the kenel_module is
installed, and mpathconf now can load the module and chkconfig multipathd
- Add 0050-RHBZ-595400-fix-checker-tmo.patch

* Multipath wasn\'t opening the right sysfs file to set the checker timeout.
Resolves: bz #591940, #593379, #593426, #592494, #591644, #595400

Tue May 11 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0038-RHBZ-587201-IBM-SGI.patch
- Add 0039-RHBZ-589153-manpage-update.patch
- Add 0040-RHBZ-587695-add-checker-msg-alias.patch

* The checker now prints the mutipathd device name with its message.
- Add 0041-RHBZ-587695-add-rdac-message.patch

* The rdac checker now always prints a message, and the code is cleaner.
- Add 0042-RHBZ-590038-fix-fast-io-fail-tmo.patch

* mutipath was trying using the wrong name to set fast_io_fail_tmo
- Add 0043-RHBZ-590028-close-sysfs_attr_fd.patch

* mutipathd wasn\'t closing the fds for sysfs attribute files that it wrote
Resolves: bz #587201, #587695, #589153, #590028, #590038

Wed May 5 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Add 0035-RHBZ-467709-add-followover.patch

* Multipath now supports the failback option \"followover\". With this
multipathd only fails back when a pathgroup first comes back online.
- Add 0036-RH-clear-messages.patch

* keeps the checker from printing an old message if a new one isn\'t set.
- Add 0037-RH-adopt-paths.patch

* Makes multipathd adopt paths when it updates the map.
- Resolves: bz #467709

Thu Apr 15 14:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Refresh 0030-RHBZ-558636-check-if-multipath-owns-path.patch
- Modify 0021-RHBZ-558636-add-find-multipaths.patch

* /etc/multipath/wwids now places the wwids inside of slashes to make
sure that all valid wwids are supported.
- Add 0031-RHBZ-570546-display-avg-pg-prio.patch
- Add 0032-RHBZ-575767-ontap_prio.patc

* change prio_netapp to prio_ontap
- Add 0033-RHBZ-573715-eurologic-config.patch
- Add 0034-RHBZ-579575-add-q-multipath-option.patch

* multipath now will not set queue_if_no_path on a created or reloaded
device unless multipathd is running. This can be overridden by the -q
- Resolves: bz #570546, #575767, #573715, #579575

Mon Mar 22 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -
- Replace 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch with

* Wrong bugzilla id.
- Modify 0012-RH-udev-sync-support.patch
- Modify 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch

* patch 0012 didn\'t compiled without 0022 also applied. It now works correctly
by itself.
- Add 0027-RHBZ-509443-enhance-show-config.patch

* \"multipathd show config\" now show all default vaules, and all defined
device and multipath values.
- Add 0028-RHBZ-452617-add-revision-parameter.patch

* Adds a \"revision\" parameter to the devices section of multipath.conf,
so configurations can be set by revision.
- Add 0029-RHBZ-567219-recalculate-pgs-in-checkerloop.patch

* When the priority changes for a device that has groups it\'s pathgroups
by priority, the pathgroups are recalculated.
- Add 0030-RHBZ-558636-check-if-multipath-owns-path.patch

* multipath -c will check if a device has previously been assembled
as a multipath path. the multipath udev rules now set
- Resolves: bz #509443, #452617, #567219, #558636

Fri Mar 12 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-16
- Add 0025-RHBZ-508827-update-multipathd-manpage.patch
- Add 0026-RHBZ-549636-default-path-selector.patch

* The default path selector paramter for multipath.conf is now named
\"path_selector\" like it is for the device and multipath sections.
- Resolves: bz #508827, #549636

Fri Feb 19 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-15
- Replace 0012-RH-explicitly-disable-dm-udev-sync-support-in-kpartx.patch with

* Make kpartx and multipathd work with the udev sync cookies.
- Refresh 0013-RH-add-weighted_prio-prioritizer.patch
- Modify 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch

* fix a bug where mpathconf couldn\'t create a new multipath.conf file if one didn\'t
already exist.
- Modify 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch

* kpartx now creates 2 sector large devices for dos extended partitions, just
like the partitions the kernel creates.
- Add 0023-RHBZ-557810-emc-invista-config.patch
- Add 0024-RHBZ-565933-checker-timeout.patch

* All the checker functions that have explicit timeouts will now use
/sys/block/sd/device/timeout unless checker_timeout is set in multipath.conf
If so, they will use that value instead.
- Resolves: bz #557810, #565933
- Related: bz #558636

Fri Jan 22 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-14
- Add 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch

* Make kpartx deal with logical partitions like it did in RHEL5.
Don\'t create a dm-device for the extended partition itself.
Create the logical partitions on top of the dm-device for the whole disk.
- Modify 0010-RH-multipath-rules-udev-changes.patch

* Fix udev rules to use DM_SBIN_PATH when calling kpartx

* install udev rules to /lib/udev/rules.d instead of /etc/udev/rules.d
- Refresh 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch
- Resolves: bz #557845

Fri Jan 15 13:00:00 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-13
- Refresh 0001-RH-queue-without-daemon.patch
- Refresh 0002-RH-path-checker.patch
- Modify 0010-RH-multipath-rules-udev-changes.patch

* Modify udev rules as per Peter Jones\' request.
- Modify 0014-RH-add-hp_tur-checker.patch
- Add 0003-for-upstream-default-configs.patch
- Add 0016-RHBZ-554561-fix-init-error-msg.patch
- Add 0017-RHBZ-554592-man-page-note.patch
- Add 0018-RHBZ-554596-SUN-6540-config.patch
- Add 0019-RHBZ-554598-fix-multipath-locking.patch
- Add 0020-RHBZ-554605-fix-manual-failover.patch
- Add 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch

* Added find_multipaths multipath.conf option

* Added /sbin/mpathconf for simple editting of multipath.conf
- Resolves: bz #548874, #554561, #554592, #554596, #554598, #554605

Tue Dec 15 13:00:00 2009 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-12
- Remove requirement on device-mapper with udev sync support, since
the multipath udev rules can still work without it.
- Resolves: bz #548106

Mon Nov 16 13:00:00 2009 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-11
- Add 0002-for-upstream-add-tmo-config-options.patch

* Add fail_io_fail_tmo and dev_loss_tmo multipath.conf options
- Add 0013-RH-add-weighted_prio-prioritizer.patch
- Add 0014-RH-add-hp_tur-checker.patch
- Add 0015-RH-add-multipathd-count-paths-cmd.patch
- rename multipath.conf.redhat to multipath.conf, and remove the default

Tue Oct 27 13:00:00 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-10
- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code : multipath-tools-091027.tar.gz
(git commit id: a946bd4e2a529e5fba9c9547d03d3f91806618a3)
- Drop unrequired for-upstream patches.
- BuildRequires and Requires new device-mapper version for udev sync support.

Tue Oct 20 14:00:00 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-9
- 0012-RH-explicitly-disable-dm-udev-sync-support-in-kpartx.patch

Mon Oct 19 14:00:00 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-8
- Split patches in \"for-upstream\" and \"RH\" series.
- Replace 0011-RH-multipathd-blacklist-all-by-default.patch with
version from Benjamin Marzinski.
- Update udev rules 0010-RH-multipath-rules-udev-changes.patch.
- rpmlint cleanup:

* Drop useless-provides kpartx.

* Cleanup tab vs spaces usage.

* Summary not capitalized.

* Missing docs in libs package.

* Fix init script LSB headers.
* files from doc sections (they are empty).

Thu Oct 15 14:00:00 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-7
- Add patch 0010-RH-Set-friendly-defaults.patch:

* set rcdir to fedora default.

* do not install kpartx udev bits.

* install redhat init script.

* Cleanup spec file install target.
- Add patch 0011-RH-multipathd-blacklist-all-by-default.patch:

* Fix BZ#528059

* Stop installing default config in /etc and move it to the doc dir.

Tue Oct 13 14:00:00 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-6
- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code : multipath-tools-091013.tar.gz
(git commit id: aa0a885e1f19359c41b63151bfcface38ccca176)
- Drop, now upstream, patches:

* fix_missed_uevs.patch.

* log_all_messages.patch.

* uninstall.patch.

* select_lib.patch.

* directio_message_cleanup.patch.

* stop_warnings.patch.
- Drop redhatification.patch in favour of spec file hacks.
- Drop mpath_wait.patch: no longer required.
- Merge multipath_rules.patch and udev_change.patch.
- Rename all patches based on source.
- Add patch 0009-RH-fix-hp-sw-hardware-table-entries.patch to fix
default entry for hp_sw and match current kernel.
- Add multipath.conf.redhat as source instead of patch.
- spec file:

* divide runtime and build/setup bits.

* update BuildRoot.

* update install section to apply all the little hacks here and there,
in favour of patches against upstream.

* move ldconfig invokation to libs package where it belong.

* fix libs package directory ownership and files.

Thu Aug 20 14:00:00 2009 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.9-5
- Fixed problem where maps were being added and then removed.
- Changed the udev rules to fix some issues.

Thu Jul 30 14:00:00 2009 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.9-4
- Fixed build issue on i686 machines.

Wed Jul 29 14:00:00 2009 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.9-3
- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code : multipath-tools-090729.tgz
(git commit id: d678c139719d5631194b50e49f16ca97162ecd0f)
- moved multipath bindings file from /var/lib/multipath to /etc/multipath
- Fixed 354961, 432520

Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.9-2
- Rebuilt for

Wed May 6 14:00:00 2009 Mike Snitzer - 0.4.9-1
- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code: multipath-tools-090429.tgz
(git commit id: 7395bcda3a218df2eab1617df54628af0dc3456e)
- split the multipath libs out to a device-mapper-multipath-libs package
- if appropriate, install multipath libs in /lib64 and /lib64/multipath

Tue Apr 7 14:00:00 2009 Milan Broz - 0.4.8-10
- Fix insecure permissions on multipathd.sock (CVE-2009-0115)

Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2009 Milan Broz - 0.4.8-9
- Fix kpartx extended partition handling (475283)

Tue Feb 24 13:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.8-8
- Rebuilt for

Fri Sep 26 14:00:00 2008 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.8-7
- Since libaio is now in /lib, not /usr/lib, multipath no longer needs to
statically link against it. Fixed an error with binding file and WWIDs
that include spaces. Cleaned up the messages from the directio checker
function. Fixed the udev rules. Fixed a regression in multipath.conf
- Fixed 457530, 457589

Wed Aug 20 14:00:00 2008 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.8-6
- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.8 code: multipath-tools-080804.tgz
(git commit id: eb87cbd0df8adf61d1c74c025f7326d833350f78)
- fixed 451817, 456397 (scsi_id_change.patch), 457530 (config_space_fix.patch)
457589 (static_libaio.patch)

Fri Jun 13 14:00:00 2008 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.8-5
- Rebuild (rogue vendor tag). (451292)

Mon May 19 14:00:00 2008 Benjamin Marzinksi 0.4.8-4
- Fixed Makefile issues.

Mon May 19 14:00:00 2008 Benjamin Marzinksi 0.4.8-3
- Fixed ownership build error.

Mon May 19 14:00:00 2008 Benjamin Marzinksi 0.4.8-2
- Forgot to commit some patches.

Mon May 19 14:00:00 2008 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.8-1
- Updated to latest Upstream 0.4.8 code: multipath-tools-080519.tgz
(git commit id: 42704728855376d2f7da2de1967d7bc71bc54a2f)

Tue May 6 14:00:00 2008 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.7-15
- Remove unnecessary multipath & kpartx static binaries. (bz 234928)

Fri Feb 29 13:00:00 2008 Tom \"spot\" Callaway - 0.4.7-14
- fix sparc64
- fix license tag

Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.7-13
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3

Wed Nov 14 13:00:00 2007 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.7-12
- Fixed the dist tag so building will work properly.

Mon Feb 5 13:00:00 2007 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.7-11.fc7
- Add build dependency on new device-mapper-devel package.
- Add dependency on device-mapper.

Wed Jan 31 13:00:00 2007 Benjamin Marzinksi - 0.4.7-10.fc7
- Update BuildRoot and PreReq lines.

Mon Jan 15 13:00:00 2007 Benjamin Marzinksi - 0.4.7-9.fc7
- Fixed spec file.

Mon Jan 15 13:00:00 2007 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.7-8.fc7
- Update to latest code (t0_4_7_head2)

Wed Dec 13 13:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.7-7.fc7
- Update to latest code (t0_4_7_head1)

Thu Sep 7 14:00:00 2006 Peter Jones - 0.4.7-5
- Fix kpartx to handle with drives >2TB correctly.

Thu Aug 31 14:00:00 2006 Peter Jones - 0.4.7-4.1
- Split kpartx out into its own package so dmraid can use it without
installing multipathd
- Fix a segfault in kpartx

Mon Jul 17 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-4.0
- Updated to latest source. Fixes bug in default multipath.conf

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-3.1
- Added ncurses-devel to BuildRequires

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-3.0
- Updated to latest source. deals with change in libsysfs API

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating - 0.4.7-2.2.1
- rebuild

Mon Jul 10 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-2.2
- fix tagging issue.

Mon Jul 10 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-2.1
- changed BuildRequires from sysfsutils-devel to libsysfs-devel

Wed Jun 28 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-2.0
- Updated to latest upstream source, fixes kpartx udev rule issue

Tue Jun 6 14:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-1.0
- Updated to Christophe\'s latest source

Mon May 22 14:00:00 2006 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.5-16.0
- Newer upstream source (t0_4_5_post59).

Mon May 22 14:00:00 2006 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.5-12.3
- BuildRequires: libsepol-devel, readline-devel

Mon Feb 27 13:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.5-12.2
- Prereq: chkconfig

Mon Feb 20 13:00:00 2006 Karsten Hopp 0.4.5-12.1
- BuildRequires: libselinux-devel

Fri Feb 10 13:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating - 0.4.5-12.0.1
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)

Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2006 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.5-12.0
- Updated to latest upstream source (t0_4_5_post56)

Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating - 0.4.5-9.1.1
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes

Mon Dec 19 13:00:00 2005 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.5-9.1
- added patch for fedora changes

Fri Dec 16 13:00:00 2005 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.5-9.0
- Updated to latest upstream source (t)_4_5_post52)

Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2005 Jesse Keating
- rebuilt

Sun Dec 4 13:00:00 2005 Peter Jones - 0.4.4-2.6
- rebuild for newer libs

Tue Nov 15 13:00:00 2005 Peter Jones - 0.4.4-2.5
- unsplit kpartx. parted knows how to do this now, so we don\'t
need this in a separate package.

Tue Nov 15 13:00:00 2005 Peter Jones - 0.4.4-2.4
- split kpartx out into its own package

Fri May 6 14:00:00 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.4.4-2.3
- Fix last fix.

Thu May 5 14:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-2.2
- Fix last fix.

Wed May 4 14:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-2.1
- By default, disable the multipathd service.

Tue Apr 19 14:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-2.0
- Fix core dump from last build.

Tue Apr 19 14:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-1.0
- Move cache file into /var/cache/multipath.

Fri Apr 8 14:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-0.pre8.1
- Remove pp_balance_units.

Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-0.pre8.0
- Incorporate numerous upstream fixes.
- Update init script to distribution standards.

Tue Mar 1 13:00:00 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.2-1.0
- Initial import based on Christophe Varoqui\'s spec file.