Changelog for python-nss-0.11-3.el6.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Mar 22 13:00:00 2011 John Dennis - 0.11-3 - Resolves: #689807 Add family parameter to Socket constructors in examples and doc. Mark implicit family parameter as deprecated. Raise exception if Socket family does not match NetworkAddress family. Add --server-subject to setup_certs.py (made testing IPv6 easier without DNS)
Tue Mar 1 13:00:00 2011 John Dennis - 0.11-2 - Resolves: #670951 - Resolves: #674014 Rebuild enabling api doc generation, it had been disabled because the buildroots on 6.1 contained a verion of epydoc that crashed, release engineering has updated epydoc in the buildroots. There are NO changes in the package source.
Wed Feb 23 13:00:00 2011 John Dennis - 0.11-1 - Resolves: #670951 - Resolves: #674014
* Better support for IPv6
* Add AddrInfo class to support IPv6 address resolution. Supports iteration over it\'s set of NetworkAddress objects and provides hostname, canonical_name object properties.
* Add PR_AI_ * constants.
* NetworkAddress constructor and NetworkAddress.set_from_string() added optional family parameter. This is necessary for utilizing PR_GetAddrInfoByName().
* NetworkAddress initialized via a string paramter are now initalized via PR_GetAddrInfoByName using family.
* Add NetworkAddress.address property to return the address sans the port as a string. NetworkAddress.str() includes the port. For IPv6 the a hex string must be enclosed in brackets if a port is appended to it, the bracketed hex address with appended with a port is unappropriate in some circumstances, hence the new address property to permit either the address string with a port or without a port.
* Fix the implementation of the NetworkAddress.family property, it was returning bogus data due to wrong native data size.
* HostEntry objects now support iteration and indexing of their NetworkAddress members.
* Add io.addr_family_name() function to return string representation of PR_AF_ * constants.
* Modify example and test code to utilize AddrInfo instead of deprecated NetworkAddress functionality. Add address family command argument to ssl_example.
* Fix pty import statement in test/setup_certs.py
Deprecated Functionality: -------------------------
* NetworkAddress initialized via a string paramter is now deprecated. AddrInfo should be used instead.
* NetworkAddress.set_from_string is now deprecated. AddrInfo should be used instead.
* NetworkAddress.hostentry is deprecated. It was a bad idea, NetworkAddress objects can support both IPv4 and IPv6, but a HostEntry object can only support IPv4. Plus the implementation depdended on being able to perform a reverse DNS lookup which is not always possible.
* HostEntry.get_network_addresses() and HostEntry.get_network_address() are now deprecated. In addition their port parameter is now no longer respected. HostEntry objects now support iteration and indexing of their NetworkAddress and that should be used to access their NetworkAddress objects instead.
Tue Jan 11 13:00:00 2011 John Dennis - 0.10-3 - Related: #619743 - Fix all rpmlint warnings - doc for license, changelog etc. now in main package, doc subpackage now only contains api doc, examples, test, etc. - Filter provides for .so files - Remove execute permission on everything in docdir - Capitalize description
Tue Jan 11 13:00:00 2011 John Dennis - 0.10-2 - Related: #619743 - split documentation out into separate doc sub-package and make building api documentation optional
Mon Jan 10 13:00:00 2011 John Dennis - 0.10-1 - Resolves: #619743, Update to latest upstream, changes include: - The following classes were added: InitParameters InitContext
-The following module functions were added: nss.nss.nss_initialize() nss.nss.nss_init_context() nss.nss.nss_shutdown_context() nss.nss.nss_init_flags()
- add nss_is_initialized()
- Remove nss_init_nodb() when nss modules loads from previous version apparently this prevents subsequent calls to nss_init with a database to silently fail. - Clean up some cruft in doc/examples/verify_server.py
- Invoke nss_init_nodb() when nss modules loads, this prevents segfaults in NSS if Python programmer forgot to call one of the NSS initialization routines.
- Rename the classes X500Name, X500RDN, X500AVA to DN, RDN, AVA respectively.
- DN and RDN objects now return a list of their contents when indexed by type, this is to support multi-valued items.
- Fix bug where AVA object\'s string representation did not include it\'s type.
- Enhance test/test_cert_components.py unit test to test for above changes.
- Add CertificateRequest object
- Fix incomplete read bug (due to read ahead buffer bookkeeping). - Remove python-nss specific httplib.py, no longer needed python-nss now compatible with standard library - Rewrite httplib_example.py to use standard library and illustrate ssl, non-ssl, connection class, http class usage
- add nss.cert_usage_flags(), use it in ssl_example.py
- Add format_lines() & format() methods to the new certificate extension objects. - Add printing of certificate extensions. - Add BasicContstraints certificate extension. - Fix several reference counting and memory problems discovered with valgrind.
- fold in more ref counting patches from Miloslav Trmač into upstream. Did not bump upstream version, just bumped release ver in this spec file.
- Unicode objects now accepted as well as str objects for interfaces expecting a string.
- Sockets were enhanced thusly: - Threads will now yield during blocking IO. - Socket.makefile() reimplemented file object methods that had been missing (readlines(), sendall(), and iteration) were implemented, makefile now just returns the same Socket object but increments an \"open\" ref count. Thus a Socket object behaves like a file object and must be closed once for each makefile() call before it\'s actually closed. - Sockets now support the iter protocol - Add Socket.readlines(), Socket.sendall()
- The following classes were added: AuthKeyID BasicConstraints CRLDistributionPoint CRLDistributionPts CertificateExtension GeneralName SignedCRL X500AVA X500Name X500RDN
- The following module functions were added: nss.nss.cert_crl_reason_from_name() nss.nss.cert_crl_reason_name() nss.nss.cert_general_name_type_from_name() nss.nss.cert_general_name_type_name() nss.nss.cert_usage_flags() nss.nss.decode_der_crl() nss.nss.der_universal_secitem_fmt_lines() nss.nss.import_crl() nss.nss.make_line_pairs() nss.nss.oid_dotted_decimal() nss.nss.oid_str() nss.nss.oid_tag() nss.nss.oid_tag_name() nss.nss.read_der_from_file() nss.nss.x509_alt_name() nss.nss.x509_ext_key_usage() nss.nss.x509_key_usage()
- The following class methods and properties were added: Note: it\'s a method if the name is suffixed with (), a propety otherwise Socket.next() Socket.readlines() Socket.sendall() SSLSocket.next() SSLSocket.readlines() SSLSocket.sendall() AuthKeyID.key_id AuthKeyID.serial_number AuthKeyID.get_general_names() CRLDistributionPoint.issuer CRLDistributionPoint.get_general_names() CRLDistributionPoint.get_reasons() CertDB.find_crl_by_cert() CertDB.find_crl_by_name() Certificate.extensions CertificateExtension.critical CertificateExtension.name CertificateExtension.oid CertificateExtension.oid_tag CertificateExtension.value GeneralName.type_enum GeneralName.type_name GeneralName.type_string SecItem.der_to_hex() SecItem.get_oid_sequence() SecItem.to_hex() SignedCRL.delete_permanently() X500AVA.oid X500AVA.oid_tag X500AVA.value X500AVA.value_str X500Name.cert_uid X500Name.common_name X500Name.country_name X500Name.dc_name X500Name.email_address X500Name.locality_name X500Name.org_name X500Name.org_unit_name X500Name.state_name X500Name.add_rdn() X500Name.has_key() X500RDN.has_key()
- The following module functions were removed: Note: use nss.nss.oid_tag() instead nss.nss.sec_oid_tag_from_name() nss.nss.sec_oid_tag_name() nss.nss.sec_oid_tag_str()
- The following files were added: doc/examples/cert_dump.py test/test_cert_components.py
- Apply patches from Miloslav Trmač for ref counting and threading support. Thanks Miloslav!
- Review all ref counting, numerous ref counting fixes
- Implement cyclic garbage collection support by adding object traversal and clear methods
- Identify static variables, move to thread local storage
Tue Apr 6 14:00:00 2010 John Dennis - 0.8-3 - fix URL tag in spec file per package wrangler review request Related: rhbz#543948
Wed Mar 24 13:00:00 2010 John Dennis - 0.8-2 - change %define to %global per spec file review request Related: rhbz#543948
Mon Sep 21 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.8-1 - The following methods, properties and functions were added: SecItem.type SecItem.len, SecItem.data PK11SymKey.key_data, PK11SymKey.key_length, PK11SymKey.slot create_context_by_sym_key param_from_iv generate_new_param get_iv_length get_block_size get_pad_mechanism - SecItem\'s now support indexing and slicing on their data - Clean up parsing and parameter validation of variable arg functions
Fri Sep 18 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.7-1 - add support for symmetric encryption/decryption more support for digests (hashes)
The following classes were added: PK11SymKey PK11Context
The following methods and functions were added: get_best_wrap_mechanism get_best_key_length key_gen derive get_key_length digest_key clone_context digest_begin digest_op cipher_op finalize digest_final read_hex hash_buf sec_oid_tag_str sec_oid_tag_name sec_oid_tag_from_name key_mechanism_type_name key_mechanism_type_from_name pk11_attribute_type_name pk11_attribute_type_from_name get_best_slot get_internal_key_slot create_context_by_sym_key import_sym_key create_digest_context param_from_iv param_from_algid generate_new_param algtag_to_mechanism mechanism_to_algtag
The following files were added: cipher_test.py digest_test.py
Sun Jul 26 14:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.6-2 - restore nss.nssinit(), make deprecated
Wed Jul 8 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.6-1 - fix bug #510343 client_auth_data_callback seg faults if False is returned from callback
Wed Jul 1 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.5-1 - restore ssl.nss_init and ssl.nss_shutdown but make them deprecated add __version__ string to nss module
Tue Jun 30 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.4-1 - add binding for NSS_NoDB_Init(), bug #509002 move nss_init and nss_shutdown from ssl module to nss module
Thu Jun 4 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.3-1 - installed source code in Mozilla CVS repository update URL tag to point to CVS repositoy (not yet a valid URL, still have to coordinate with Mozilla) minor tweak to src directory layout
Mon Jun 1 14:00:00 2009 John Dennis - 0.2-1 - Convert licensing to MPL tri-license - apply patch from bug #472805, (Miloslav Trmač) Don\'t allow closing a socket twice, that causes crashes. New function nss.io.Socket.new_socket_pair() New function nss.io.Socket.poll() New function nss.io.Socket.import_tcp_socket() New method nss.nss.Certificate.get_subject_common_name() New function nss.nss.generate_random() Fix return value creation in SSLSocket.get_security_status New function nss.ssl.SSLSocket.import_tcp_socket()
Thu Feb 26 13:00:00 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.1-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
Sat Nov 29 13:00:00 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams - 0.1-2 - Rebuild for Python 2.6
Tue Sep 9 14:00:00 2008 John Dennis - 0.1-1 - clean up ssl_example.py, fix arg list in get_cert_nicknames, make certdir cmd line arg consistent with other NSS tools - update httplib.py to support client auth, add httplib_example.py which illustrates it\'s use - fix some documentation - fix some type usage which were unsafe on 64-bit
Wed Jul 9 14:00:00 2008 John Dennis - 0.0-2 - add docutils to build requires so restructured text works
Fri Jun 27 14:00:00 2008 John Dennis - 0.0-1 - initial release