Changelog for
libreoffice-writer- :
Mon May 25 14:00:00 2015 David Tardon
- 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1223696 some labels in print dialog are not translated, even
though the translations exist
Fri May 1 14:00:00 2015 David Tardon - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1217466 CVE-2015-1774 HWP filter fix
Mon Apr 20 14:00:00 2015 David Tardon - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1209852 enable accidentally disabled GIO UCP
Wed Mar 18 13:00:00 2015 David Tardon - 1:
- Related: rhbz#1150048 rpmdiff: avoid multilib conflict
Mon Feb 9 13:00:00 2015 David Tardon - 1:
- Related: rhbz#1150048 packaging fix
Fri Feb 6 13:00:00 2015 David Tardon - 1:
- Related: rhbz#1150048 rpmdiff fixes
Thu Jan 29 13:00:00 2015 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Related: rhbz#1150048 fix some indic shortcuts
Wed Jan 28 13:00:00 2015 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1150048 rebase to latest stable
Tue Aug 19 14:00:00 2014 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1130264 crash in gstreamer callback on s390x
- Resolves: rhbz#1131428 cannot export charts as svg
- Resolves: rhbz#1035298 obsolete
Thu May 15 14:00:00 2014 David Tardon - 1:
- Related: rhbz#1035298 add some more requires and swdlo needs to be in core
now :-(
Wed May 14 14:00:00 2014 David Tardon - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1097646 libreoffice crashes with multiple UNO connections
Wed May 7 14:00:00 2014 David Tardon - 1:
- Related: rhbz#1035298 require new Google C
* fonts for MS Office
Tue Apr 15 14:00:00 2014 David Tardon - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1012379 sound file included in presentation displayed
as a gray sqaure
- Resolves: rhbz#1012390 CRITICAL
*: AtkObject
* atk_object_wrapper_ref
- Resolves: rhbz#1038189 libreoffice does not recognize new printer
- Resolves: rhbz#1085420 LO incorrectly provides
- Resolves: rhbz#1065629 RTF import probable regression with non-english
BigMachines exports
- Resolves: rhbz#1020712 No Default Font showing when write in text
boxes at first, behaving unusual
- Resolves: rhbz#1021915 Menu drop-down list overlapping with other menu
- Resolves: rhbz#1035298 Transaction check errors due to file conflicts
- Related: rhbz#1035298 provide non-arch variants of
provides too
Tue Oct 8 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1016022 fix cut from impress and paste to writer
Mon Oct 7 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#1001768: fix various a11y deadlocks and crashes
Fri Jul 26 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#988737 no java 1:1.6 on non x86|x86_64 rhel-6
Fri Jul 19 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Related: rhbz#919230 bump n-v-r
Thu Jul 18 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Related: rhbz#919230 avoid signed int overflow
Fri Jul 12 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#983977 no bluez-libs-devel on RHEL-6
Wed Jul 10 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Resolves: rhbz#833512 provide a /usr/bin/ for backwards compat
- Resolves: rhbz#902694 inaccessibile CJK/Indic shortcuts
Mon Jul 8 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Related: rhbz#919230 merge required patches
Wed Jul 3 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Related: rhbz#919230 bump to 4.0.4
Tue Jul 2 14:00:00 2013 Caolán McNamara - 1:
- Related: rhbz#919230 merge to last 4.0.3 F19 series
Tue May 14 14:00:00 2013 Stephan Bergmann -
- Resolves: rhbz#820554 Java functionality broken with gcj
- Resolves: rhbz#855972 crash on switching to outline view
- Resolves: rhbz#863052 ZipIOException in MSOffice 2010 msxml
- Resolves: rhbz#902694 inaccessibile CJK/Indic shortcuts
- Resolves: rhbz#833512 missing some backwards compat launchers
- Resolves: rhbz#876742 manipulation with larger tables in impress is very slow
- Resolves: rhbz#841812 accept empty string as scalar numeric 0
- Resolves: rhbz#847519 do not access vector elements beyond size
- Resolves: rhbz#865058 retard overflow of internal table of number formats
- Resolves: rhbz#871462 remove testdocs that trigger anti-virus software
Fri Jul 20 14:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#839868 CVE-2012-2665
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#822970 CVE-2012-2334
Thu May 17 14:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#822970 CVE-2012-1149
Mon Apr 23 14:00:00 2012 David Tardon -
- Resolves: rhbz#815216 Unlocalized strings in print dialog of Calc
Wed Apr 18 14:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#809466 libreoffice-core (unintentionally) provides and
Thu Apr 12 14:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#810267 better CSV import default separators
- Resolves: rhbz#807392 focus problems and tearable menus
Tue Mar 27 14:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#807243 require correct version of hsqldb
Fri Mar 23 13:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#806074 obsolete
Tue Mar 6 13:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#798983 Kannada langpack missing
- Resolves: rhbz#798926 fix endianess assumptions of lotuswordpro filter
- Resolves: rhbz#800272 complain about unknown commandline options
Wed Feb 29 13:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#788045 swriter --help wouldn\'t display help
Thu Feb 9 13:00:00 2012 Caolán McNamara -
- Resolves: rhbz#747431 include 3.4.X in RHEL-6