Changelog for composer-cli-19.7.35-1.el7.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Jun 24 14:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.35-1
- test_compose_tar: Fix docker test (lars)
Related: rhbz#1720224
- tests: kill the qemu process name used to start it (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1710877
- Update local copy of lorax to current rhel7-branch (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1668520
Related: rhbz#1715116
Related: rhbz#1689314
- Update the lorax templates to match what lorax provides (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1689314
- Enable networking in lorax-composer templates (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1710877

Thu Jun 13 14:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.34-1
- [tests] Handle blueprints in setup_tests/teardown_tests correctly (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1698366
- tests: Set BLUEPRINTS_DIR in all cases (lars)
Related: rhbz#1698366
- tests: Change the way how we remove pyOpenSSL (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1715003
- Use a less strict regex for disabled root account check (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1687595
- Add test for passing custom option on kernel command line (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1688335
- Use verify_image function as a helper for generic tests (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1704209

Tue May 7 14:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.33-1
- Pass ssl certificate options to anaconda (lars)
Resolves: rhbz#1701033
- Change [[modules]] to [[packages]] in tests (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1698366
- Add new test to verify compose paths exist (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1698366
- Add new sanity tests for blueprints (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1698366

Mon Apr 29 14:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.32-1
- tests: Add a test for using [[customizations]] with [customizations.kernel] (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1688335
- lorax-composer: Fix customizations when creating a recipe (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1688335

Mon Apr 29 14:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.31-1
- Fixup print function usage with StringIO (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1688335
- lorax-composer: pass customization.kernel append to extra_boot_args (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1688335
- lorax-composer: Add the ability to append to the kernel command-line (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1688335

Wed Apr 24 14:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.30-1
- Add test for starting compose with deleted blueprint (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1683442
- lorax-composer: Return UnknownBlueprint errors when using deleted blueprints (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1683442
- lorax-composer: Delete workspace copy when deleting blueprint (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1683442
- Use existing storage account (jstodola)
Related: rhbz#1673012
- Record date/time of VM creation (jstodola)
Related: rhbz#1673012
- Update datastore for VMware testing (chrobert)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Fixes for locked root account test (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1687595
- Add checks for disabled root account (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1687595
- \'compose info\' is \'compose details\' on RHEL-7 (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1687595
- Update some grammer issues in the test Bash scripts (chrobert)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Update datastore for VMware testing (chrobert)
Related: rhbz#1656105

Tue Mar 19 13:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.29-1
- Allow overriding $CLI outside test scripts (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1687595
- Use make ci inside test-in-copy target (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1687595
- New test: Build live-iso and boot with KVM (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- New test: Build qcow2 compose and test it with QEMU-KVM (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- New test: Verify tar images with Docker and systemd-nspawn (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Update OpenStack flavor and network settings in tests (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Install ansible and openstacksdk inside virtualenv (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Remove python-requests, python-dateutil and pyOpenSSL (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Add /usr/local/bin to PATH for tests (atodorov) (atodorov)
- Do not generate journal.xml from beakerlib (atodorov)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Expand parameters as separate words (jstodola) (jstodola)

Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2019 Brian C. Lane 19.7.28-1
- lorax-composer: Check for STATUS before deleting (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1659129
- Check for existing CANCEL request, and exit on FINISHED (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1659129
- Add cancel_func to virt and novirt_install functions (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1659129
- Remove duplicate repositories from the sources list (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1664128
- Remove unneeded else from for/else loop. It confuses pylint (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1666517
- Allow customizations to be specified as a toml list (dshea)
Resolves: rhbz#1666517
- Make sure compose build tests run with SELinux in enforcing mode (jikortus)
Related: rhbz#1654795
- Add tests for metapackages and package name globs (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1641601
- Upgrade pip & setuptools b/c they are rather old (atodorov) (atodorov)
- Workaround openstacksdk dependency issue (atodorov) (atodorov)
- On Python 2 Azure needs the futures module (atodorov) (atodorov)
- On RHEL 7 we have Python 2, not Python 3 (atodorov) (atodorov)
- On RHEL 7 we have yum instead of dnf (atodorov) (atodorov)
- On RHEL 7 `compose info` is `compose details` (atodorov) (atodorov)
- Report an error if the blueprint doesn\'t exist (bcl) (bcl)
- Build the HTML docs before running tests (atodorov) (atodorov)
- Disable pylint errors with Flask and gevent (bcl) (bcl)
- Backport cloud image tests from master (atodorov) (atodorov)
- Fix compose_args for openstack image (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Fix compose_args for vmdk image (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Fix compose_args for vhd image (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Fix compose_args for ami image (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Update projects list to return only the unique projects (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1657055
- Change yaps_to_module to proj_to_module (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1657055
- lorax-composer: Handle packages with multiple builds (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1657055
- lorax-composer: Check the queue and results at startup (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1657054
- Add an openstack image type (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1656105
- Replace /etc/machine-id with an empty file (dshea)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- Add virt guest agents to the qcow2 compose (dshea)
Resolves: rhbz#1656105
- Add a vmdk compose type. (dshea)
Resolves: rhbz#1656105
- Add a vhd compose type for Azure images (dshea)
Resolves: rhbz#1656105
- Add an ami compose type for AWS images (dshea)
Resolves: rhbz#1656105
- Remove --fstype from the generated part line (dshea)
Related: rhbz#1656105
- lorax-composer: Install selinux-policy-targeted in images (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1654795
- Remove setfiles from mkrootfsimage (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1654795
- Remove SELinux Permissive checks (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1654795

Mon Oct 22 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.27-1
- Use matchPackageNames instead of searchNames (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1641601

Mon Oct 8 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.26-1
- Revert \"Rename composer-cli to composer\" (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1635760

Fri Oct 5 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.25-1
- Rename composer-cli to composer (lars)
Resolves: rhbz#1635760

Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.24-1
- Add a test for repo metadata expiration (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1632962
- Create a new YumBase object when repodata changes (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1632962
- Fix projects_depsolve_with_size version globbing (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1628114
- Add a version glob test forprojects_depsolve_with_size (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1628114
- Add tests for setting root password and ssh key with blueprints (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1626120
- Use rootpw for setting the root password instead of user (bcl)
Related: rhbz#1626120
- Lock the root account, except on live-iso (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1626120

Wed Sep 19 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.23-1
- Fix depsolve version globbing (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1628114
- Fix /compose/cancel API documentation (bcl)

Mon Aug 27 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.22-1
- Fix composer-cli blueprints changes to get correct total (bcl)
- Fix blueprints/list and blueprints/changes to return the correct total (bcl)
- Add tests for limit=0 routes (bcl)
- Add a function to get_url_json_unlimited to retrieve the total (bcl)
- Fix tests related to blueprint name changes (bcl)
- Add \'example\' to the example blueprint names (bcl)
- Don\'t include glusterfs.toml as an example blueprint (bcl)
- Add a pylorax.api.version number (bcl)
- composer-cli should not log to a file by default (bcl)
- Add documentation for using a DVD as the package source (bcl)
- Set TCP listen backlog for API socket to SOMAXCONN (lars)
- Add a note about using lorax-composer.service (bcl)
- In composer-cli, request all results (dshea)
- Fix bash_completion.d typo (bcl)
- Fix a little bug in running \"modules list\". (clumens)
- Add tests for /compose/status filter arguments (dshea)
- Allow \'
*\' as a uuid in /compose/status/ (dshea)
- Add filter arguments to /compose/status (dshea)

Thu Aug 9 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.21-1
- Move disklabel and UEFI support to (bcl)
- Fix more tests. (clumens)
- Change INVALID_NAME to INVALID_CHARS. (clumens)
- Update composer-cli for the new error return types. (clumens)
- Add default error IDs everywhere else. (clumens)
- Add error IDs to things that can go wrong when running a compose. (clumens)
- Add error IDs for common source-related errors. (clumens)
- Add error IDs for unknown modules and unknown projects. (clumens)
- Add error IDs for when an unknown commit is requested. (clumens)
- Add error IDs for when an unknown blueprint is requested. (clumens)
- Add error IDs for when an unknown build UUID is requested. (clumens)
- Add error IDs for bad state conditions. (clumens)
- Change the error return type for bad limit= and offset=. (clumens)
- Don\'t sort error messages. (clumens)
- Fix bash completion of compose info (bcl)
- Add + to the allowed API string character set (bcl)
- Add job_
* timestamp support to compose status (bcl)
- Add a test for the pylorax.api.timestamp functions (bcl)
- Add etc/bash_completion.d/composer-cli (wwoods)
- composer-cli: clean up \"list\" commands (wwoods)
- Add input string checks to the branch and format arguments (bcl)
- Add a test for invalid characters in the API route (bcl)
- Return a JSON error instead of a 404 on certain malformed URLs. (clumens)
- Return an error if /modules/info doesn\'t return anything. (clumens)
- Update documentation (clumens).
Resolves: rhbz#409
- Use constants instead of strings (clumens).
Resolves: rhbz#409
- Write timestamps when important events happen during the compose (clumens).
Resolves: rhbz#409
- Return multiple timestamps in API results (clumens).
Resolves: rhbz#409
- Add a new file to the API directory (clumens).
Resolves: rhbz#409
- Run as root/weldr by default. (clumens)
- Use the first enabled system repo for the test (bcl)
- Show more details when the system repo delete test fails (bcl)
- Add composer-cli function tests (bcl)
- Add a test library (bcl)
- composer-cli: Add support for Group to blueprints diff (bcl)
- Adjust the tests so they will pass on CentOS7 and RHEL7 (bcl)
- Update to use new handle_api_result (bcl)
- Update to use new handle_api_result (bcl)
- Update to use new handle_api_result (bcl)
- Update to use new handle_api_result (bcl)
- Update to use new handle_api_result (bcl)
- Update to use new handle_api_result (bcl)
- Modify handle_api_result so it can be used in more places (bcl)
- composer-cli: Fix non-zero epoch in projets info (bcl)
- Fix help output on the compose subcommand. (clumens)
- Add timestamps to \"compose-cli compose status\" output. (clumens)
- And then add real output to the status command. (clumens)
- Add the beginnings of a new status subcommand. (clumens)

Fri Jul 20 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.20-1
- Document that you shouldn\'t run lorax-composer twice. (clumens)
- Add PIDFile to the .service file. (clumens)
- Log and exit on metadata update errors at startup (bcl)
- Check /projects responses for null values. (bcl)
- Clarify error message from /source/new (bcl)
- Download metadata when updating or adding new repos (bcl)

Fri Jul 13 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.19-1
- Support loading groups from the kickstart template files. (clumens)
- Add group-based tests. (clumens)
- Include groups in depsolving. (clumens)
- Add support for groups to blueprints. (clumens)
- Check the compose templates at startup (bcl)
- List individual package install failures (bcl)
- lorax-composer: Update documentation (bcl)
- Add help output to each subcommand. (clumens)
- Split the help output into its own module. (clumens)
- If the help subcommand is given, print the help output. (clumens)

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.18-1
- Only include some of the test blueprints (bcl)
- Include example blueprints in the rpm (bcl)
- Make sure /run/weldr has correct ownership and permissions (bcl)

Wed Jun 20 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane 19.7.17-1
- new lorax-composer package built with tito

Tue Jun 19 14:00:00 2018 Brian C. Lane - 19.7.16-2
- New lorax-composer only package