Changelog for atomic-openshift-utils-3.7.13-1.el7.noarch.rpm :
Tue Dec 5 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.13-1 -
Mon Dec 4 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.12-1 - storage_glusterfs: fix typo (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - retry package operations (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Add check for gluterFS DS to stop restarts (m.judeikisAATTgmail.com) - Add support for external glusterfs as registry backend (m.judeikisAATTgmail.com) - dist.iteritems() no longer exists in Python 3. (jpazdzioraAATTredhat.com) - [3.7] Correct usage of include_role (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - hosted_registry: clean up tmp mount point and fstab (dustyAATTdustymabe.com) - Add role to configure project request template (hansmiAATTvshn.ch) - Removing setting prefix and version facts in openshift_logging to let the component roles set their defaults (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fixing origin default for es proxy (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Addressing tox errors (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Addressing comments (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating logging components image defaulting pattern to match openshift_logging pattern (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Fri Dec 1 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.11-1 - papr: use new PAPR_PULL_TARGET_BRANCH (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - papr: auto-detect image tag to use and bump to f27 (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1514417 - Adding correct advertise-client-urls (shawn.hurley21AATTgmail.com) - Bug 1512793- Fix idempotence issues in ASB deploy (fabianAATTfabianism.us)
Fri Dec 1 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.10-1 - add nfs storage type (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update prometheus to 2.0.0 GA (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Fix openshift_env fact creation within openshift_facts. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - fix type in authroize (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - inventory: Add example for service catalog vars (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add v3.7 a-o-i upgrade version mappings (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - 3.7 quick installer support (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Remove extraneous line from glusterblock template (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Place-holder for prerequisites.yml (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Refactor etcd image (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Move openshift-prometheus out of openshift-hosted (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - registry-console: align image and check (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - registry-console template 3.7 consistency (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - registry-console template 3.6 consistency (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Only remove empty keys from env if env exists (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Add configuration for auto creating block-hosting volumes (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Upgrade to etcd 3.2 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Allow cluster IP for docker-registry service to be set (hansmiAATTvshn.ch) - Bug 1510496 - logging: honor ES PVC size (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Fixing islnk. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix stale data in openshift_facts for logging (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Run registry auth after docker restart (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Alternative method to create docker registry auth creds (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Add gluster-s3 functionality (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Add glusterblock functionality (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Update heketi templates for latest version (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Specify resource requests (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Wed Nov 15 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.9-1 -
Tue Nov 14 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.8-1 - Allow disabling authorization migration check (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Nuke /var/lib/dockershim/sandbox/ * while nodes are drained (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix extension script for catalog (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Regex anchors changed to match protocol start and ports. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Sat Nov 11 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.7-1 -
Fri Nov 10 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.6-1 -
Thu Nov 9 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.5-1 -
Wed Nov 8 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.4-1 -
Wed Nov 8 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.3-1 - Adding configuration for keeping transient namespace on error. (shawn.hurley21AATTgmail.com) - Use openshift.common.client_binary (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix examples image streams (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Remove duplicate defaulting for ASB and TSB (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix preupgrade authorization objects are in sync minor versions (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - General template updates for v3.7 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update to xPaaS v1.4.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1511044- Slurp the etcd certs instead of using the lookup (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Change prometheus default namespace to \'openshift-metrics\' (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Bootstrap enhancements. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - reconcile registry-console and docker_image_availability (lmeyerAATTredhat.com)
Wed Nov 8 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.2-1 - Remove debug code that was mistakenly committed (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Correct service restart command (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Give service-catalog controller-manager permissions to update status of ClusterServiceClasses and ClusterServicePlans (staeblerAATTredhat.com)
Wed Nov 8 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.1-1 - Bug 1510636- add name to local registry config (fabianAATTfabianism.us)
Wed Nov 8 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.198.0 - container_binary_sync: Remove atomic prefix from image (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1510546- Fix previous fix, task was indented one level too deep (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Use oc rather than kubectl (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Re-add challenge auth verification to github and google (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Move fact definition that breaks when check to end of block (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - [Bug 1509354] Check if routers have certificates and use them (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix v3.6 xpaas image streams (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix v3.7 xpaas image streams (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix prometheus default vars (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: Add OVS versions for OCP 3.7 (miciah.mastersAATTgmail.com) - Proper quotes (dymurrayAATTredhat.com) - Update service broker configmap and serviceaccount privileges (dymurrayAATTredhat.com) - Add etcd as part of inventory file. Otherwise, it fails as \"Running etcd as an embedded service is no longer supported.\" (sarumugaAATTredhat.com) - Add centos based dotnet 2.0 image streams (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Nov 7 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.197.0 - Temporarily set master servingInfo.clientCA as client-ca-bundle.crt during rolling CA redeployment. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - container-engine: ensure /var/lib/containers/ is properly labelled (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Moving docker location to share path with system containers. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Retry restarting master controllers (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1509680- Fix ansible-service-broker registry validations (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Fix preupgrade authorization objects are in sync (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1507617- Move etcd into its own service/dc with SSL (fabianAATTfabianism.us)
Mon Nov 6 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.196.0 - Bug 1509052 - Remove logfile from broker config (david.j.zagerAATTgmail.com) - Fix github auth validation (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Re-generate lib_openshift (mailAATTjkroepke.de) - Remove provisioner restrictions on oc_storageclass (mailAATTjkroepke.de)
Mon Nov 6 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.195.0 - Bug 1507787- add full path to default asb etcd image (fabianAATTfabianism.us)
Sun Nov 5 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.194.0 - Revert \"Bootstrap enhancements.\" (ccolemanAATTredhat.com)
Sun Nov 5 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.193.0 - management: enterprise users must acknowledge use of beta software (tbielawaAATTredhat.com)
Sat Nov 4 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.192.0 - Bootstrap enhancements. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix master upgrade version detect and systemd enable (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Correct groupname during upgrade_control_plane play (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - openshift_hosted: Add docker-gc (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove old /etc/yum.repos.d/openshift_additional.repo file. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - CFME: Use cluster_hostname if cluster_public_hostname isn\'t available (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Use client binary and well defined kubeconfig (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Ensure install and remove are mutually exclusive via openshift_sanitize_inventory (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Enable SC, ASB, TSB by default (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Using the currently attached pvc for an ES dc if available, otherwise falling back to current logic (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding elb changes to provision elbs and add to scale group. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Give admin and edit roles permission to patch ServiceInstances and ServiceBindings (staeblerAATTredhat.com)
Fri Nov 3 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.191.0 - Adding CONFIG_FILE option back. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Configurable node config location. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add enterprise prometheus image defaults (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding meta/main.yml to allow for Galaxy use of this repo (bedinAATTredhat.com)
Thu Nov 2 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.190.0 - check presence of v2 snapshot before the migration proceeds (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Remove delegate_to from openshift_facts within the openshift_ca role. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t use possibly undefined variables in error messages (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - MTU for bootstrapping should default to openshift_node_sdn_mtu (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Retry service account bootstrap kubeconfig creation (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Docker: make use of new etc/containers/registries.conf optional (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Add rules to the view ClusterRole for service catalog. (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Updating console OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS flag for TSB (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix registry storage documentation (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - fix comment and make it visible to end-user (azagaynoAATTredhat.com) - escape also custom_cors_origins (azagaynoAATTredhat.com) - add comment on regexp specifics (azagaynoAATTredhat.com) - escape corsAllowedOrigins regexp strings and anchor them (azagaynoAATTredhat.com)
Wed Nov 1 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.189.0 - Stating that certificate it is required when doing SSL on ELB. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Ensure GCP image build instance gets cleaned up on teardown (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Switch from bind-interfaces to bind-dynamic (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused osm_controller_lease_ttl (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Delete images located in a family named {{ prefix }}images (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Use global IP to indicate node should pick DNS (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Remove project metadata prefixed with the cluster prefix (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Use openshift.node.registry_url instead of oreg_url (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Allow master node group to wait for stable on GCP (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - GCP cannot use AWS growpart package (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - dnsmasq cache-size dns-forward-max change (pcameronAATTredhat.com) - Also require that we match the release (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add arbitrary firewall port config to master too (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - remove master.service during the non-ha to ha upgrade (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Removing unneeded bootstrap which moved into the product. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add retry logic to docker auth credentials (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Retry restarting journald (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Modify StorageClass name to standard (piqinAATTredhat.com) - Give PV & PVC empty storage class to avoid being assigned default gp2 (mawongAATTredhat.com) - Use oc_project to ensure openshift_provisioners_project present (mawongAATTredhat.com) - Fix yaml formatting (mawongAATTredhat.com) - Create default storageclass for cloudprovider openstack (piqinAATTredhat.com) - preserve the oo-install ansible_inventory_path value (rmegginsAATTredhat.com)
Tue Oct 31 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.188.0 - Add dm_thin_pool for gluster use (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix broken oc_secret update function (barlikAATTgmx.com) - add new clusterNetworks fields to new installs (jtanenbaAATTredhat.com) - docker: Create openshift_docker_is_node_or_master variable (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Correctly install cockpit (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Glusterfs storage templates for v1.5 added (chinacoolhackerAATTgmail.com) - bug 1501599. Omit logging project from overcommit restrictions (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Remove image option from heketi command (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 30 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.187.0 -
Sun Oct 29 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.186.0 -
Sat Oct 28 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.185.0 - bug 1506073. Lower cpu request for logging when it exceeds limit (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Update the name of the service-catalog binary (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - disk_availability check: include submount storage (lmeyerAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 27 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.184.0 - cri-o: Set max log size to 50 mb (mrunalpAATTgmail.com) - cri-o: open port 10010 (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - bug 1435144. Remove uneeded upgrade in openshift_logging role (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Remove inadvertently committed inventory file (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - crio: restorcon /var/lib/containers (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Correct openshift_release regular expression (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - crio: Add failed_when to overlay check (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - docker: set credentials when using system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Change dnsmasq to bind-interfaces + except-interfaces (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix CA Bundle passed to service-catalog broker for ansible-service-broker (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Renaming csr to bootstrap for consistency. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add master config upgrade hook to upgrade-all plays (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Remove \'Not Started\' status from playbook checkpoint (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Force include_role to static for loading openshift_facts module (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Make openshift-ansible depend on all subpackages (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Refactor health check playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 27 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.183.0 -
Thu Oct 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.182.0 - Fixing documentation for the cert_key_path variable name. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Moving removal of unwanted artifacts to image_prep. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Ensure journald persistence directories exist (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix lint (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Move add_many_container_providers.yml to playbooks/byo/openshift-management with a noop task include to load filter plugins. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Refactor adding multiple container providers (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Management Cleanup and Provider Integration (tbielawaAATTredhat.com)
Thu Oct 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.181.0 - Fix loop_var warnings during logging install (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo and add detailed comments in kuryr (sngchlkoAATTgmail.com)
Thu Oct 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.179.0 - Remove pause from master service startup (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Change default in prometheus storage type to emptydir (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1491636 - honor node selectors (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Sync latest imagestreams and templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove base package install (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - etcd: remove hacks for the system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Ensure deployment_subtype is set within openshift_sanitize_inventory. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add installer checkpoint for prometheus (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused registry_volume_claim variable (hansmiAATTvshn.ch)
Wed Oct 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.178.0 - Split prometheus image defaults to prefix and version (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Remove extraneous spaces that yamllint dislikes (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Fix edit and admin role patching for service catalog (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - strip dash when comparing version with Python3 (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1452939 - change Logging & Metrics imagePullPolicy (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Remove role bindings during service catalog un-install (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Fix a few small issues in service catalog uninstall (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Remove incorrect validation for OpenIDIdentityProvider (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Enable oreg_auth credential replace during upgrades (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Handle bootstrap behavior in GCP template (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Ensure upgrades apply latest journald settings (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Tue Oct 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.177.0 - Check if the master service is non-ha or not (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Correct host group for controller restart (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Set the proper external etcd ip address when migrating embeded etcd (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Switch to stateful set in prometheus (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - cli: use the correct name for the master system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cli: do not pull again the image when using Docker (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - verstion_gte seems unreliable on containerized installs (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Retry reconcile in case of error and give up eventually (simoAATTredhat.com) - Updating ocp es proxy image to use openshift_logging_proxy_image_prefix if specified (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Generate all internal hostnames of no_proxy (ghuangAATTredhat.com) - Add nfs variables documentation to README file (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Avoid undefined variable in master sysconfig template (hansmiAATTvshn.ch) - Ensure proper variable templating for skopeo auth credentials (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 23 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.176.0 - Update defaults (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Use service-ca.crt instead of master ca.crt (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - use master cert (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Bug 1496426 - add asb-client secret to openshift-ansible-service-broker namespace (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - docker: Move enterprise registry from pkg to main (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - systemcontainers: Verify atomic.conf proxy is always configured (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add variable to control whether NetworkManager hook is installed (hansmiAATTvshn.ch)
Mon Oct 23 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.175.0 -
Sun Oct 22 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.174.0 -
Sun Oct 22 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.173.0 -
Sun Oct 22 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.172.0 -
Sat Oct 21 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.171.0 - Use \"requests\" for CPU resources instead of limits (peter.portanteAATTredhat.com) - [bz1501271] Attempt to use ami ssh user and default to ansible_ssh_user. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix undefined variable for master upgrades (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Adding pre check to verify clusterid is set along with cloudprovider when performing upgrade. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.170.0 - Check for container runtime prior to restarting when updating system CA trust. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - bug 1489498. preserve replica and shard settings (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Set servingInfo.clientCA to ca.crt during upgrade. (abutcherAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.169.0 - Initial Kuryr support (mdulkoAATTredhat.com) - Indentation errors (dymurrayAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1503233 - Add liveness and readiness probe checks to ASB deploymentconfig (dymurrayAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.168.0 -
Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.167.0 -
Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.166.0 -
Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.165.0 -
Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.164.0 - Change to service-signer.crt for template_service_broker CA_BUNDLE (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Use service-signer.crt for ca_bundle passed to clusterservicebroker (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Rename ServiceBroker to ClusterServiceBroker for ansible_service_broker task. (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Add apiserver.crt to service-catalog controller-manager deployment. (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Remove redundant faulty role binding ifrom kubeservicecatalog_roles_bindings.yml (staeblerAATTredhat.com) - Update service catalog playbook for service-catalog rc1 (staeblerAATTredhat.com)
Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.163.0 - set use_manageiq as default (efreiberAATTredhat.com)
Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.162.0 - Wait longer for stable GCP instances (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Remove unneeded master config updates during upgrades (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.161.0 -
Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.160.0 - Fix pvc selector default to be empty dict instead of string (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo in setting prom-proxy memory limit (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Do not remove files for bootstrap if resolv or dns. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix missing docker option signature-verification (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix prometheus role nfs (zgalorAATTredhat.com)
Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.159.0 - Updating openshift-ansible.spec file to include files dir (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1501768: fix eventrouter nodeSelector padding (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Reverting proxy image version to v1.0.0 to pass CI (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Making travis happy (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: error out when node is a Docker container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Rewire openshift_template_service_broker_namespaces configurable (jminterAATTredhat.com) - Ensure controllerConfig.serviceServingCert is correctly set during upgrade. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Updating pattern for elasticsearch_proxy images (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating ES proxy image prefix and version to match other components (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add ability to set node and master imageConfig to latest (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Restart all controllers to force reconfiguration during upgrade (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Oct 17 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.158.0 - Refactor openshift-management entry point (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add switch to enable/disable container engine\'s audit log being stored in ES. (jkarasekAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 16 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.157.0 - data migration of embedded etcd not allowed (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: remove topology reference from deploy-heketi (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 16 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.156.0 - set initial etcd cluster properly during system container scale up (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Sun Oct 15 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.155.0 -
Sat Oct 14 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.154.0 -
Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.153.0 - default groups.oo_new_etcd_to_config to an empty list (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.152.0 -
Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.151.0 - updated dynamic provision section for openshift metrics to support storage class name (elvirkuricAATTgmail.com)
Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.150.0 - Ensure upgrade playbook exits on health check failures (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Ensure docker is installed for containerized load balancers (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix containerized node service unit placement order (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Provisioning Documentation Updates (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Thu Oct 12 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.149.0 - Fix broken debug_level (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Ensure host was reached for proper conditional validation (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Ensure docker service status actually changes (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Display warnings at the end of the control plane upgrade (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Force reconciliation of role for 3.6 (simoAATTredhat.com) - Remove etcd health check (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - migrate embedded etcd to external etcd (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Wed Oct 11 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.148.0 - Bug 1490647 - logging-fluentd deployed with openshift_logging_use_mux=false fails to start due to missing (nhosoiAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo in inventory example (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Separate tuned daemon setup into a role. (jmencakAATTredhat.com) - crio, docker: expect openshift_release to have \'v\' (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - rebase on master (maxamillionAATTfedoraproject.org) - Add fedora compatibility (maxamillionAATTfedoraproject.org) - Allow checkpoint status to work across all groups (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add valid search when search does not exist on resolv.conf (nakayamakenjiroAATTgmail.com)
Tue Oct 10 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.147.0 - Add PartOf to docker systemd service unit. (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - crio: use systemd manager (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Ensure servingInfo.clientCA is set as ca.crt rather than ca-bundle.crt. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - crio, docker: use openshift_release when openshift_image_tag is not used (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - crio: fix typo (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Update registry_config.j2 (jialiuAATTredhat.com) - Update registry_config.j2 (jialiuAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 9 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.146.0 - docker_image_availability: credentials to skopeo (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Rename openshift_cfme role to openshift_management (tbielawaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 9 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.145.0 - add missing restart node handler to flannel (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Switch to configmap leader election on 3.7 upgrade (mkhanAATTredhat.com) - crio.conf.j2: sync from upstream (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: use overlay instead of overlay2 (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Ensure docker is restarted when iptables is restarted (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Stop including origin and ose hosts example file (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - node: make node service PartOf=openvswitch.service when openshift-sdn is used (dcbwAATTredhat.com)
Fri Oct 6 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.144.0 - fix typo for default in etcd (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Bumping version of service catalog image for 3.7 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - remove duplicate [OSEv3:children] group (jfchevretteAATTgmail.com) - Fix lint error (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update hosts.ose.example (ephillipeAATTgmail.com) - Remove the no-longer-used App/DB pv size override variables from inventories (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: lb and nfs do not need docker (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: use oo group names everywhere (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Add notes about SA token. Improve NFS validation. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Hooks for installing CFME during full openshift installation (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Documentation (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Import upstream templates. Do the work. Validate parameters. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - CFME 4.6 work begins. CFME 4.5 references added to the release-3.6 branch (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update hosts.origin.example (ephillipeAATTgmail.com) - Add logging es prometheus endpoint (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - bug 1497401. Default logging and metrics images to 3.7 (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Ensure docker service started prior to credentials (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Adding support for an inventory directory/hybrid inventory (esauerAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused tasks file in openshift_named_certificates (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Move node cert playbook into node config path (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Move master cert playbooks into master config path (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Move etcd cert playbooks into etcd config path (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix hosted selector variable migration (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1496271 - Perserve SCC for ES local persistent storage (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Limit hosts that run openshift_version role (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Update ansible-service-broker config to track latest broker (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - fix master-facts for provisioning (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Make provisioning steps more reusable (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - logging: honor openshift_logging_es_cpu_limit (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Addressing tox issues (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - bug 1482661. Preserve ES dc nodeSelector and supplementalGroups (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Checking if any openshift_ *_storage_kind variables are set to dynamic without enabling dynamic provisioning (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Removing setting pvc size and dynamic to remove looped var setting (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Wed Oct 4 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.143.0 - Limit base-package install during master upgrades (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix provisiong scale group and elb logic (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Tue Oct 3 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.142.0 - Document that nfs_directory must conform to DNS-1123 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Move node aws credentials to config.yml (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Use etcd_ip when communicating with the cluster as a peer in etcd scaleup. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Ensure openshift.common.portal_net updated during scaleup. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - docker: fix some tox warnings (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Require openshift_image_tag in the inventory with openshift-enterprise (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - crio: use the image_tag on RHEL (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - docker: use the image_tag on RHEL (gscrivanAATTredhat.com)
Tue Oct 3 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.141.0 - Restore registires to /etc/sysconfig/docker (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix Prometheus byo entry point (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Update to the openshift_aws style scheme for variables (ccolemanAATTredhat.com)
Tue Oct 3 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.140.0 - openshift_checks: Fix incorrect list cast (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - lib/base: Allow for empty option value (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 2 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.139.0 - Fix mispelling in error message yammlint -> yamllint (simoAATTredhat.com) - Separate certificate playbooks. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Reverting using uninstall variables for logging and metrics (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add --image flag to setup-openshift-heketi-storage (ttindellAATTisenpai.com)
Mon Oct 2 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.138.0 - Fix typo in openshift_default_storage_class/README (hansmiAATTvshn.ch) - GlusterFS: make ServiceAccounts privileged when either glusterfs or heketi is native (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fix some provisioning variables (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 2 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.137.0 - openshift_node: Add MASTER_SERVICE on system container install (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_node: Set DOCKER_SERVICE for system container (smilnerAATTredhat.com)
Sun Oct 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.136.0 - Include openshift_hosted when redeploying router certificates to handle auto- generated wildcard certificate or custom openshift_hosted_router_certificate. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Check for router service annotations when redeploying router certificates. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Remove oo_option symlink from specfile. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add a README.md to lookup_plugins/ (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Remove oo_option facts. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - block 3.6->3.7 upgrade if storage backend is not set to etcd3 (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Changes necessary to support AMI building (mguginoAATTredhat.com)
Sat Sep 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.135.0 - fix whitespace for centos repos (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Fix registry auth variable (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - move health-checks and control-plane-verification before excluders (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo in files (Docker registries) (william17.burtonAATTgmail.com) - Registering the broker for TSB (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Quick formatting updates to the logging README. (steveqtranAATTgmail.com) - openshift_facts: coerce docker_use_system_container to bool (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Migrate enterprise registry logic to docker role (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - minor update to README and removed dead file (steveqtranAATTgmail.com) - Added new variables for logging role for remote-syslog plugin (steveqtranAATTgmail.com) - Remove some reminants of Atomic Enterprise (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Allow examples management to be disabled (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - rename vars to avoid double negatives and ensuing confusion (jsandaAATTredhat.com) - set prometheus endpoint properties to false by default (jsandaAATTredhat.com) - add options to disable prometheus endpoints (jsandaAATTredhat.com) - Enable JMX reporting of internal metrics (jsandaAATTredhat.com)
Thu Sep 28 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.134.0 - OpenShift-Ansible Installer Checkpointing (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - evaluate etcd_backup_tag variable (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Thu Sep 28 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.133.0 - papr: use F26 container for extended tests (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo in drop_etcdctl.yml (hansmiAATTvshn.ch) - Rename filter_plugins to unique names (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix missing quotes on openshift_aws_build_ami_ssh_user default (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - papr: Workaround for RHBZ#1483553 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Adding default for volume size if not set (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix origin repo deployment (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - More variables in AWS provisioning plays (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Support installation of NetworkManager for provisioned nodes (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Set the etcd backend quota to 4GB by default (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - logging: introducing event router (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - logging: fix kibana and kibana-ops defaults (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - papr: Use Fedora 26 (smilnerAATTredhat.com)
Wed Sep 27 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.132.0 - make difference filter output a list for Python3 (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Updating to check for netnamespace kube-service-catalog to be ready (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - consolidate etcd_common role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fluentd: one output tag, one output plugin (nhosoiAATTredhat.com)
Tue Sep 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.131.0 - Generate aggregator api client config in temporary directory. (abutcherAATTredhat.com)
Tue Sep 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.130.0 - Passing in image parameter for tsb template (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Tue Sep 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.129.0 - Refactor openshift_hosted plays and role (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Remove logging ES_COPY feature (jcantrilAATTredhat.com)
Tue Sep 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.128.0 - check if the storage backend is set to etcd3 before upgrading to 3.7 (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - crio: detect the correct version of the images (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - crio: set the correct image name with OSE (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - resolve #5428: python-dbus not found (ltheisenAATTmitre.org) - Updating default behavior for installing metrics and logging. Separating out uninstall to own variable (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add booleans to prevent unwanted install of nuage roles. (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Set master facts prior to adding new etcd client urls to master config. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Remove debugging statements and pause module (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix registry_auth logic for upgrades (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - crio: skip installation on lbs and nfs nodes (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Remove override default.py callback plugin (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - consolidate etcd_migrate role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Add python3-PyYAML for Fedora installs (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Do a full stop/start when etcd certificates had expired. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Move additional/block/insecure registires to /etc/containers/registries.conf (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Improve CA playbook restart logic and skip restarts when related services had previously expired certificates. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - health checks: add diagnostics check (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused openshift_hosted_logging role (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - consolidate etcd_upgrade role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - disable excluders after all pre-checks (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fixed AnsibleUnsafeText by converting to int (eduAATTredhat.com) - Ensure that hostname is lowercase (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix deprecated subscription-manager command (bliemliAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Returning actual results of yedit query. Empty list was returning empty dict. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Default openshift_pkg_version to full version-release during upgrades (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Creating structure to warn for use of deprecated variables and set them in a single location before they are no longer honored (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Remove default value for oreg_url (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Creating initial tsb role to consume and apply templates provided for tsb (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Set network facts using first master\'s config during scaleup. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Use 3.7 RPM repo (ahaileAATTredhat.com) - Changes for Nuage atomic ansible install (rohan.s.parulekarAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Add 3.7 scheduler predicates (jsafraneAATTredhat.com) - Consolidate etcd certs roles (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS can now be run more than once. Ability to add devices to nodes (ttindellAATTisenpai.com) - Ensure valid search on resolv.conf (mateus.caruccioAATTgetupcloud.com) - move (and rename) get_dns_ip filter into openshift_node_facts (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Allow full image override (smilnerAATTredhat.com)
Thu Sep 21 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.127.0 - Updating to always configure api aggregation with installation (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Do not reconcile in >= 3.7 (simoAATTredhat.com) - Cleanup old deployment types (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - crio: ensure no default CNI configuration files are left (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - node: specify the DNS domain (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - more retries on repoquery_cmd (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - fix etcd back message error (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: enable providing file outputs (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Fix registry auth task ordering (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Prometheus role fixes (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - papr: Update inventory to include required vars (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - testing: Skip net vars on integration tests (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - inventory: Update network variable doc (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - installer image: use tmp file for vaultpass (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - system container: use ansible root as cwd (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_sanitize_inventory: Check for required vars (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - No conversion to boolean and no quoting for include_granted_scopes. (jpazdzioraAATTredhat.com) - Correct firewall install for openshift-nfs (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - inventory: Update versions to 3.7 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Port origin-gce roles for cluster setup to copy AWS provisioning (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1491636 - honor openshift_logging_es_ops_nodeselector (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Setup tuned after the node has been restarted. (jmencakAATTredhat.com) - Only attempt to start iptables on hosts in the current batch (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing setting of pod presets (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Fix Fedora image name (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - add retry on repoquery_cmd (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - add retries to repoquery module (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Rework openshift-cluster into deploy_cluster.yml (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - inventory generate: fix config doc (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - inventory generate: remove refs to openshift_cluster_user (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - inventory generate: always use kubeconfig, no login (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Scaffold out the entire build defaults hash (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Use openshift.common.ip rather than ansible_default_ipv4 in etcd migration playbook. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add IMAGE_VERSION to the image stream tag source (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add loadbalancer config entry point (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - pull openshift_master deps out into a play (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t assume storage_migration control variables are already boolean (mchappelAATTredhat.com) - upgrade: Updates warning on missing required variables (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Update master config with new client urls during etcd scaleup. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Increase rate limiting in journald.conf (maszulikAATTredhat.com) - Correct logic for openshift_hosted_ *_wait (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Adding mangagement-admin SC to admin role for management-infra project (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Only install base openshift package on masters and nodes (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Workaround Ansible Jinja2 delimiter warning (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - openshift-checks: add role symlink (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - double the required disk space for etcd backup (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - openshift_health_check: allow disabling all checks (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - docker_image_availability: fix local image search (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - docker_image_availability: probe registry connectivity (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: add retries in python (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - add inventory-generator under new sub pkg (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Re-enabling new tuned profile hierarchy (PR5089) (jmencakAATTredhat.com) - Add `openshift_node_open_ports` to allow arbitrary firewall exposure (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Fix: authenticated registry support for containerized hosts (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - [Proposal] OpenShift-Ansible Proposal Process (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Improve searching when conditions for Jinja2 delimiters (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Clarify requirement of having etcd group (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - add health checks 3_6,3_7 upgrade path (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - container-engine: Allow full image override (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add openshift_public_hostname length check (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Skip failure dedup instead of crashing (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Properly quote \"true\" and \"false\" strings for include_granted_scopes. (jpazdzioraAATTredhat.com) - Move sysctl.conf customizations to a separate file (jdesousaAATTredhat.com) - Fix new_master or new_node fail check (denverjankeAATTgmail.com) - [Proposal] OpenShift-Ansible Playbook Consolidation (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow option to use or ignore default node selectors (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Clarify heketi URL documentation (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Add files/templates for v3.7 (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Support setting annotations on Hawkular route (hansmiAATTvshn.ch) - add additional preflight checks to upgrade path (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - hot fix for env variable resolve (m.judeikisAATTgmail.com) - GlusterFS: Correct firewall port names (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Make RH subscription more resilient to temporary failures (lhuardAATTamadeus.com)
Mon Sep 11 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.126.0 - Fix rpm version logic for hosts (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Revert back to hostnamectl and previous default of not setting hostname (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Correct include path to not follow symlink (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix include path for docker upgrade tasks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix issue with etcd_common when using pre_upgrade tag (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - inventory: Denote new required upgrade variables (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - upgrade: Verify required network items are set (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - ami build process calls openshift-node/config.yml (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Sep 8 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.7.0-0.125.1 - Consolidating AWS roles and variables underneath openshift_aws role. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix README.md typo (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fixing variables and allowing custom ami. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove openshift-common (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix openshift_master_config_dir (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - remove experimental-cri flag from node config (sjenningAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Split RHEL and CentOS images (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks aos_version: also check installed under yum (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Create ansible role for deploying prometheus on openshift (zgalorAATTredhat.com) - Fix: set openshift_master_config_dir to the correct value. (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Bump ansible requirement to 2.3 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Move master additional config out of base (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Import dnf only if importing yum fails (jhadvigAATTredhat.com) - output skopeo image check command (nakayamakenjiroAATTgmail.com) - skip openshift_cfme_nfs_server if not using nfs (sdw35AATTcornell.edu) - bug 1487573. Bump the allowed ES versions (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - update env in etcd.conf.j2 to reflect the latest naming (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - logging set memory request to limit (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Use the proper pod subnet instead the services one (eduAATTredhat.com) - elasticsearch: reintroduce readiness probe (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: add support for additional registries (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - reverse order between router cert generation (mewt.frAATTgmail.com) - ensured to always use a certificate for the router (mewt.frAATTgmail.com) - Adding proxy env vars for dc/docker-registry (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - oc_atomic_container: support Skopeo output (gscrivanAATTredhat.com)
Tue Sep 5 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.125.0 -
Tue Sep 5 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.124.0 - Fix ansible_syntax check (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Standardize etcd entry point playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Adding deprecation checks to ansible_syntax (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Break out master config into stand-alone playbook (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Move all-in-one fail check to evaluate_groups.yml (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Break out node config into stand-alone playbook (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Adding another default to protect against missing name/desc (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removed dns role (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo in variable names for glusterfs firewall configuration (bacekAATTbacek.com) - disk_availability: fix bug where msg is overwritten (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Added firwall defaults to etcd role. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove meta depends from clock (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Only run migrate auth for < 3.7 (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix openshift_master upgrade (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Merging openshift_node with openshift bootstrap. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Test: Fail on entry point playbooks in common (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1467265 - logging: add \'purge\' option with uninstall (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: ignore hidden files in checks dir (miciah.mastersAATTgmail.com)
Wed Aug 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.123.0 -
Wed Aug 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.122.0 - Update openshift_hosted_routers example to be in ini format. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Update calico to v2.5 (djosborne10AATTgmail.com)
Wed Aug 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.121.0 - Revert \"logging set memory request to limit\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Move firewall install and fix scaleup playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix group conditional requirements (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Updating openshift_service_catalog to use oc_service over oc_obj to resolve idempotency issues being seen from rerunning role (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - annotate the infra projects for logging to fix bz1480988 (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - docker_image_availability: timeout skopeo inspect (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Fix scaleup on containerized installations (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - bug 1480878. Default pvc for logging (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - logging set memory request to limit (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - openshift_cfme: add nfs directory support (fsimonceAATTredhat.com)
Tue Aug 29 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.120.0 - Nuage changes to add custom mounts for atomic-openshift-node service (rohan.s.parulekarAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Add independent registry auth support (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - roles: use openshift_use_crio (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: change to system runc (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: rename openshift_docker_use_crio to openshift_use_crio (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Remove unsupported playbooks and utilities (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Updating default tag for enterprise installation for ASB (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Only validate certificates that are passed to oc_route (zgalorAATTredhat.com)
Mon Aug 28 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.118.0 - Fix origin metrics and logging container version (gevorg15AATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Removing deprecation warnings for when conditions. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Default to global setting for firewall. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - system-containers: Fallback for system_images_registry (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - inventory: Add system_images_registry example (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove near-meta role openshift_cli_facts (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Update error message: s/non-unique/duplicate (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make pylint disables more specific (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Handle exceptions in failure summary cb plugin (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Rewrite failure summary callback plugin (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Handle more exceptions when running checks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - List known checks/tags when check name is invalid (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - List existing health checks when none is requested (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add playbook for running arbitrary health checks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update health check README (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Standardize openshift_provisioners entry point (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused upgrade playbook (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1471322: logging roles based image versions (jwozniakAATTredhat.com)
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.117.0 - Standardize openshift-checks code paths (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.116.0 - Add missing hostnames to registry cert (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.115.0 -
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.114.0 -
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.113.0 - openshift_version: enterprise accepts new style pre-release (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Nuage changes for Atomic hosts OSE Integration (rohan.s.parulekarAATTnuagenetworks.net)
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.112.0 - fix #5206. Default ES cpu limit (jcantrilAATTredhat.com)
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.111.0 - Upgrade check for OpenShift authorization objects (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Fri Aug 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.110.0 - Setup tuned profiles in /etc/tuned (jmencakAATTredhat.com)
Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.109.0 -
Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.108.0 -
Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.107.0 -
Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.106.0 - Add dotnet 2.0 to v3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add dotnet 2.0 to v3.7 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update v3.6 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update all image streams and templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Passing memory and cpu limit for ops ES install (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - If IP4_NAMESERVERS are unset then pull the value from /etc/resolv.conf (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - New tuned profile hierarchy. (jmencakAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: add minor README note for #5071 (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Update cfme templates to auto-generate postgresql password https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1461973 (simaishiAATTredhat.com)
Wed Aug 23 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.105.0 - Fix generated content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Switch to migrating one host and forming a new cluster (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - First attempt at provisioning. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - First attempt at creating the cert signer. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - remove out of scope variable from exception message (maxamillionAATTfedoraproject.org) - raise AosVersionException if no expected packages found by dnf query (maxamillionAATTfedoraproject.org) - Fix missing space in calico ansible roles (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - Allow GCS object storage to be configured (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - add dnf support to roles/openshift_health_checker/library/aos_version.py (maxamillionAATTfedoraproject.org) - Add hostname/nodename length check (mguginoAATTredhat.com) - Refactor openshift_hosted\'s docker-registry route setup (dmsAATTredhat.com) - bug 1468987: kibana_proxy OOM (jwozniakAATTredhat.com)
Sun Aug 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.104.0 - Ensure that openshift_node_facts has been called for dns_ip (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Sat Aug 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.103.0 -
Fri Aug 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.102.0 -
Fri Aug 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.101.0 -
Fri Aug 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.7.0-0.100.0 - Change memory requests and limits units (makAATTredhat.com) - Display \"origin 3.6\" as in previous installer 3.5 (brunovern.aAATTgmail.com) - Use sdn_cluster_network_cidr as default calico pool (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - fix missing console appending in logging (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Enable version 3.6 for OSE (bacekAATTbacek.com) - Adding std_include to the metrics playbook. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t include noop (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Remove openshift_repos dependencies (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - polish openshift-master role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - etc_traffic check: factor away short_version (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift-checks: have playbooks invoke std_include (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - bug: container_binary_sync no longer moves upon symlinks (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove orphan files (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Additional os_firewall role refactoring (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Standardize usage of std_include in byo (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Cleanup validate_hostnames (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Use openshift.node.dns_ip as listening address (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove obsolete yum check (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Clean up Calico readme (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - Change vsd user nodes parameter name (rohan.s.parulekarAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Removing dependencies for openshift_repos and setting them up early in the cluster build. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Default values for CFME container images are invalid (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - Fix duplicate evaluate_groups.yml call during install (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Minor update to correct firewall play name (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Moving firewall rules under the role to work with refactor. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix Restore Master AWS Options (michael.fraenkelAATTgmail.com) - Update etcd scaleup entrypoint includes and use etcd_{hostname,ip} facts for new member registration. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: allow OVS 2.7 on OCP 3.5 and 3.6 (miciah.mastersAATTgmail.com) - Refactor group initialization (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Updated README to reflect refactor. Moved firewall initialize into separate file. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - system_container.yml: fix braces (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Error check project creation. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update README.md (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix syntax for when statement (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - configure kibana index mode (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Change default CFME namespace to use reserved openshift- prefix (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Start iptables on each master in serial (denverjankeAATTgmail.com) - Remove additional \'restart master\' handler references. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Adding a default condition and removing unneeded defaults. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - adding check to a yaml dump to work properly with new ruamel lib (ihorvathAATTredhat.com) - Bump calico to v2.4.1 (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - openshift_checks: refactor find_ansible_mount (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - More complete discovery of entry point playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add missing byo v3_7 playbooks (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add v3_7 upgrades (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove remaining references to openshift-master.service (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Disable old openshift-master.service on upgrade (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Use the new election mode (client based) instead of direct etcd access (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Remove the origin-master.service and associated files (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Make native clustering the default everywhere (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Warn when user has no etcd group member nodes (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - First attempt at refactor of os_firewall (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Refactor of openshift_version. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix lint errors (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - integration tests: keep openshift_version happy (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - New pattern involves startup and initializing through the std_include.yml (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - adding readme for openshift_manageiq (efreiberAATTredhat.com) - papr: Update to use v3.6.0 images (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Removing tasks from module openshift_facts. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating PVC generation to only be done if the pvc does not already exist to avoid idempotent issues (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Origin image build: add oc client (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Add v3.7 hosted templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Don\'t use /dev/null for empty file. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Quick Installer should specify which config file to edit. (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: configure the CNI network (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - nfs only run if cloud_provider not defined (sdw35AATTcornell.edu) - Default gte_3_7 to false (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add v3.7 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update version checks to tolerate 3.7 (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Restart cri-o after openshift sdn installation (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Continue node without SELinux check (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - examples: use the correct variable name (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: allow to override CRI-O image indipendently from Docker (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - docker: introduce use_crio_only (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - docker: skip Docker setup when using CRI-O (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - openvswitch: system container depends on the cri-o service (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cli_image: do not require Docker when using CRI-O (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: skip Set precise containerized version check (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: skip Docker version test (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: use only images from Docker Hub (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Enable systemd-modules-load if required (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_node: fix typo for experimental-cri (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Fix node template to use full variable (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Ensure overlay is available (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Default insecure registries to \"\" (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - crio: use a template for the configuration (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - openshift_docker_facts: Add use_crio (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Minor fixes for tasks (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Hardcode image name to cri-o (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Add cri-o as a Wants in node units (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: configure storage and insecure registries (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - node.yaml: configure node to use cri-o when openshift.common.use_crio (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - inventory: Add use_crio example (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cri-o: Allow cri-o usage. (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - adding pods/logs to manageiq role (efreiberAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: refactor logging checks (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Copy SSH private key to master node. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: add property to track \'changed\' (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Fixing SA and clusterrole namespaces (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - package_version check: tolerate release version 3.7 (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Missing space (kpAATTtigera.io) - add pre-flight checks to ugrade path (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - add fluentd logging driver config check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Paren wrap integration print(). (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Update openshift_cert_expiry for py3 support. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Use enterprise images for CFME enterprise deployments (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - use mux_client_mode instead of use_mux_client (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: enable variable conversion (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Check for namespace if deploying a StorageClass (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Switch logging and metrics OCP image tag from 3.6.0 to v3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing storageclass doc variable. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix variable names in defaults. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fix aws_secret_key check (carlpettAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Impl fluentd file buffer (nhosoiAATTredhat.com) - Use existing OPENSHIFT_DEFAULT_REGISTRY setting during masters scaleup (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Default glusterfs_name in loop items. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Remove cluster in favor of rolebindings. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating metrics role to create serviceaccounts and roles immediately (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Use default namespace when not native. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Set the openshift_version from the openshift.common.version in case it is empty (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Add health checks to upgrade playbook\" (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - move common tasks to a single file included by both systemd_units.yml (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fixes for auth_proxy, vxlan mode (srampalAATTcisco.com) - Tolerate non existence of /etc/sysconfig/atomic-openshift-master (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Block etcdv3 migration for supported configurations (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Shut down masters before taking an etcd backup (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Move node facts to new openshift_node_facts role. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add glusterfs_registry hosts to oo_all_hosts. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Updating template parameter replica to be more unique to avoid var scope creeping (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add 3.7 releaser (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - add selector and storage class name to oc_pvc module (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - backport \'Add systemctl daemon-reload handler to openshift_node\' #4403 to openshift_node_upgrade (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Normalize list of checks passed to action plugin (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Clean up unnecessary quotes (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make LoggingCheck.run return the correct type (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Clean up openshift-checks playbooks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - fixes after rebasing with #4485 (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - add pre-flight checks to ugrade path (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Refactor openshift_facts BIOS vendor discovery (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Normalize logging entry. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Nuage changes to support IPTables kube-proxy in OpenShift (siva_teja.aretiAATTnokia.com) - Remove default provisioner. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix for : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1467423 (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - allow to specify docker registry for system containers (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fail within scaleup playbooks when new_{nodes,masters} host groups are empty. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add rate limit configurability (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Resolve deprecation warnings in Contiv roles (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - add etcd scaleup playbook (jawed.khelilAATTamadeus.com) - Spacing and moving deleget_to to bottom. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updated to use modules instead of command for user permissions. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - fix BZ1422541 on master branch (weshiAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jul 27 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.7.1-1 - Fix incorrect delegate_to in control plane upgrade (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Follow the new naming conventions. (zhang.wanminAATTzte.com.cn) - Simplify generation of /etc/origin/node/resolv.conf (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add glusterfs hosts to oo_all_hosts so that hosts set initial facts. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Sync all openshift.common.use_openshift_sdn uses in yaml files (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fixing podpresets perms for service-catalog-controller (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fixing route spec caCertificate to be correctly capitalized (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Set TimeoutStartSec=300 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"set KillMode to process in node service file\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: refactor to internalize task_vars (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: get rid of deprecated module_executor (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: improve comments/names (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - add default value for router path in the cert (efreiberAATTredhat.com) - Router wildcard certificate created by default (efreiberAATTredhat.com) - Remove unsupported parameters from example inventory files. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fix lint errors (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Metrics: grant hawkular namespace listener role (mwringeAATTredhat.com) - Removing nolog from htpasswd invocation so not to supress errors (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Removed kubernetes.io string from default. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Allow storage migrations to be optional and/or non fatal (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - libvirt: fall back to mkisofs if genisoimage isn\'t available (dcbwAATTredhat.com) - libvirt: add documentation about SSH keypair requirements (dcbwAATTredhat.com) - Updating how storage type is determined, adding bool filter in openshift_logging_elasticsearch (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Pass the provisioner to the module. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Use absolute path when unexcluding (Sergi Jimenez) - Fixes https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1474246 (Sergi Jimenez) - Support enabling the centos-openshift-origin-testing repository (dmsAATTredhat.com) - 1472467- add ose- prefix to ansible service broker name (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Updating openshift_logging_kibana default for kibana hostname (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Create registry storage svc and ep in registry namespace (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Default an empty list for etcd_to_config if not there (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - If proxy in effect, add etcd host IP addresses to NO_PROXY list on masters (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Pass all booleans through bool filter. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix bug in detecting whether to open firewall ports. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Pass first master\'s openshift_image_tag to openshift_loadbalancer for containerized haproxy installation. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - verify sane log times in logging stack (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Fix log dumping on service failure (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating verbs for serviceclasses objects (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix broken link to Docker image instructions (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Added parameters inside of gce defaults. Pass all params to the module. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - add etcd increased-traffic check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Add etcd exports to openshift_storage_nfs (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Hopefully finally fix the no_proxy settings (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks/docker_storage: overlay/2 support (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Removing parameter kind and allowing default to be passed. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove openshift_use_dnsmasq from aws and libvirt playbooks (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - 1471973- default to bootstrapping the broker on startup (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - image builds: remove dependency on playbook2image (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Setting node selector to be empty string (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add drain retries after 60 second delay (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Dump some logs (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - daemon_reload on node and ovs start (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Ensure proper fact evaluation (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Wrap additional service changes in retries (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Wrap docker stop in retries (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add retries to node restart handlers (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Test docker restart with retries 3 delay 30 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Adding podpreset config into master-config (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Update image-gc-high-threshold value (decarrAATTredhat.com) - Adding a check for variable definition. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - docker: fix docker_selinux_enabled (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Changing cluster role to admin (rhalliseAATTredhat.com) - drain still pending in below files without fix : (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - Fixed spacing and lint errors. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Switch CI to ansible- (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Allow OVS 2.7 in latest OpenShift releases (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make aos_version module handle multiple versions (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Split positive and negative unit tests (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - GlusterFS: Create in custom namespace by default (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - hosted registry: Use proper node name in GlusterFS storage setup (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Make heketi-cli command configurable (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Reintroduce heketi-cli check for non-native heketi (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Bug fixes for external GlusterFS nodes (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Improve and extend example inventory files (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fixed tests and added sleep for update. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing needs_update comparison. Added a small pause for race conditions. Fixed doc. Fix kind to storageclass (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding storageclass support to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add an SA policy to the ansible-service-broker (rhalliseAATTredhat.com) - Import templates will fail if user is not system:admin (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - Additional optimization parameters for ansible.cfg (sejugAATTredhat.com) - Fix etcd conditional check failure (adminAATTwebresource.nl) - Remove invalid when: from vars: (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jul 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.153-1 - Updating to compare sets instead of sorted lists (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding ability to create podpreset for service-catalog-controller for bz1471881 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating to use oc replace and conditionally update edit and admin roles (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Other playbooks maybe expecting this to be at least an empty string. I think they default it to an empty list if its not found. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fix NO_PROXY environment variable setting (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Changing the passing of data for sc creation. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed variable name. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding disk encryption to storageclasses and to openshift registry (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jul 17 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.152-1 -
Sun Jul 16 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.151-1 -
Sun Jul 16 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.150-1 -
Sat Jul 15 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.149-1 - Config was missed before replace. (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - Redeploy-certificates will fail for registry and router if user is not system:admin (jkaurAATTredhat.com)
Fri Jul 14 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.148-1 - Adding in permissions to edit and admin cluster roles (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - making kube-service-catalog project network global when using redhat /openshift-ovs-multitenant plugin (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - set KillMode to process in node service file (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Upgrade fails when \"Drain Node for Kubelet upgrade\" (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - openvswitch, syscontainer: specify the Docker service name (gscrivanAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jul 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.144-1 - Created js file for enabling tech preview for console, updated master-config for pod presets and console tech preview (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Add updated example hosts files (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix SSH-based heketi configuration (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.143-1 -
Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.142-1 - add scheduled pods check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Only store failures that were not ignored. (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add overlay to supported Docker storage drivers (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - ansible.cfg: improve ssh ControlPath (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: fix execute_module params (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - OCP build: override python-directed envvars (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - OCP build: fix bug 1465724 (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - OCP build: sync packages needed (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Adding create permissions for serviceclasses.servicecatalog.k8s.io to service-catalog-controller role (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix calico when certs are auto-generated (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - Removing trailing newline. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Error upgrading control_plane when user is not system:admin (jkaurAATTredhat.com) - [Bz 1468113] Configure the rest of the masters with the correct URL. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jul 11 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.141-1 - Add evaluate_groups.yml to network_manager playbook (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - updating fetch tasks to be flat paths (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jul 10 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.140-1 -
Sat Jul 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.139-1 - increase implicit 300s default timeout to explicit 600s (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Sat Jul 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.138-1 - Wait for etcd to become healthy before migrating TTL (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Use openshift.node.nodename as glusterfs_hostname. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - container-engine: Update Fedora registry url (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - updating configmap map definition to fix asb not starting up correctly (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - xPaas v1.4.1 for 3.4 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - xPaas v1.4.1 for 3.5 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - xPaaS 1.4.1 for 3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Only add entries to NO_PROXY settings if a NO_PROXY value is set (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - fixing configuation values. (shurleyAATTredhat.com)
Fri Jul 7 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.137-1 - Install container-selinux with container-engine (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1466152 - Json-file log driver: Neither \"openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal=false\" nor omitted collects the log entries (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Adding serial: 1 to play to ensure we run one at a time (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix yamllint (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Workaround seboolean module with setsebool command. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Removed quotes and added env variable to be specific. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - [BZ 1467786] Fix for OPENSHIFT_DEFAULT_REGISTRY setting. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - set the proper label of /var/lib/etcd directory (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jul 6 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.136-1 - Synching certs and aggregator configs from first master to all other masters (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Addressing servicecatalog doesnt have enough permissions and multimaster config for service-catalog (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - add back mux_client config that was removed (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - use master etcd certificates when delegating oadm migrate etcd-ttl (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jul 5 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.135-1 - Update the tag for enterprise service catalog (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix missing service domain .svc in NO_PROXY settings (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - drop etcdctl before the etcd_container service (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fix prefix for OCP service-catalog prefix (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fully qualify ocp ansible_service_broker_image_prefix (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jul 5 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.134-1 -
Tue Jul 4 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.133-1 - etcd, syscontainer: fix copy of existing datastore (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - pre-pull images before stopping docker (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Always convert no_proxy from string into a list (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - fix 1466680. Fix logging deploying to the specified namespace (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - logging_es: temporarily disable readiness probe (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Fixes to storage migration (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jul 3 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.132-1 -
Sun Jul 2 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.131-1 - Fix upgrade (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Prevent the script to use default route ip as upstream nameserver. (steveteuberAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Use default ports for dnsmasq and node dns (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Run dns on the node and use that for dnsmasq (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Using ca-bundle.crt to connect to local etcd if master.etcd-ca.crt DNE (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Set OPENSHIFT_DEFAULT_REGISTRY in registry dc. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Updating to use openshift.master.etcd_hosts for etcd servers for apiserver (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.4 image streams and templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - xPaaS v1.4.0 for v3.4 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Sync latest image streams and templates for v1.5 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - xPaaS v1.4.0 for v3.5 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update latest image streams for v3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Bump xPaas v1.4.0 for v3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - docker_image_availability: fix containerized etcd (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - evalute etcd backup directory name only once (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - run etcd_container with type:spc_t label (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fixing ops storage options being passed to openshift_logging_elasticsearch role fixing default ops pv selector (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding labels for elasticsearch and kibana services (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add a retry to the docker restart handler (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - docker_storage check: make vgs return sane output (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Capture exceptions when resolving available checks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - PAPR: customize disk space requirements (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Enable disk check on containerized installs (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add module docstring (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add suggestion to check disk space in any path (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Require at least 1GB in /usr/bin/local and tempdir (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Refactor DiskAvailability for arbitrary paths (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Adding some more sections to additional considerations, being less rigid on large roles for composing -- can also be a playbook (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating snippet contents, formatting and providing urls (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Update snippets and add bullet point on role dependency (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Creating initial proposal doc for review (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Fri Jun 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.129-1 - Fix generate role binding destination for the HOSA service account (steveteuberAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Correct version comparisons to ensure proper evaluation (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Adding become: false to local_action tasks (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - upgrade: fix name for the etcd system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - fix backup and working directory for etcd run as a system container (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - etcd_migrate: Add /var/usrlocal/bin to path for oadm (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - etcd_migrate: Add /usr/local/bin to path for oadm (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Sync environment variables FLUENTD/MUX_CPU_LIMIT FLUENTD/MUX_MEMORY_LIMIT with the resource limit values. (nhosoiAATTredhat.com) - Update master configuration for named certificates during master cert redeploy. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Get rid of openshift_facts dep in rhel_subscribe (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - logging: write ES heap dump to persistent storage (jwozniakAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jun 29 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.128-1 - parameterize etcd binary path (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - attach leases via the first master only and only once (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - evalute groups when running etcd upgrade from byo/openshift- cluster/upgrades/upgrade_etcd.yml (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1465168 - mux doesn\'t recognize ansible boolean parameters correctly (rmegginsAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jun 27 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson - Generate loopback kubeconfig separately to preserve OpenShift CA certificate. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - registry: look for the oc executable in /usr/local/bin and ~/bin (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - router: look for the oc executable in /usr/local/bin and ~/bin (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Retry docker startup once (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jun 27 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson - Fix typo in fluentd_secureforward_contents variable (Andreas.DembachAATTdg-i.net) - Reverting quotation change in ansible_service_broker install for etcd (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jun 26 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson - oc_atomic_container: use rpm to check the version. (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Fix .spec for stagecut (jupierceAATTredhat.com) - Picking change from sdodson (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - openshift_version: skip nfs and lb hosts (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_checks: eval groups before including role (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Adding volume fact for etcd for openshift ansible service broker (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating to label node and wait for apiservice to be healthy and started (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Also configure default registry on HA masters (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix parsing certs with very large serial numbers (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - fix yamllint issues (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - openshift_logging: use empty default for storage labels (fsimonceAATTredhat.com) - Set clean install and etcd storage on first master to fix scaleup (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - images, syscontainer: change default value for ANSIBLE_CONFIG (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Cleanup/updates for env variables and etcd image (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Sync 3.5 cfme templates over to 3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Moving checks down after required initialization happens. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - add play and role to install ansible-service-broker (fabianAATTfabianism.us) - Creation of service_catalog and placeholder broker roles (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Use proper namespace for heketi command and service account (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fixing quote issue. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix heketi secret name (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fix for dynamic pvs when using storageclasses. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Ensure that host pki tree is mounted in containerized components (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Jun 23 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.123-1 - releases: enable build/push with multiple tags (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Update template examples for 3.6 (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Reverting v prefix introduced by stagecut (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Fixed readme doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding version field for stagecut (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Remove package_update from install playbook (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Restart NetworkManager only if dnsmasq was used (bliemliAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - remove extra close brace in example inventory (gpeiAATTredhat.com) - Adding option for serviceAccountConfig.limitSecretReferences (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - doc: Add system_container examples to inventory (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - system_containers: Add openshift_ to other system_container vars (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - system_containers: Add openshift_ to use_system_containers var (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - detect etcd service name based on etcd runtime when restarting (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - set proper etcd_data_dir for system container (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - etcd, system_container: do not mask etcd_container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - etcd, system_container: do not enable system etcd (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - oc_atomic_container: Require 1.17.2 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Verify matched openshift_upgrade_nodes_label (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - bug 1457642. Use same SG index to avoid seeding timeout (jcantrilAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jun 21 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.122-1 -
Tue Jun 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.121-1 - Updating default from null to \"\" (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jun 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.120-1 - Update atomic-openshift-master.j2 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Enable push to registry via dns only on clean 3.6 installs (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Disable actually pushing to the registry via dns for now (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add openshift_node_dnsmasq role to upgrade (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Push to the registry via dns (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jun 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.119-1 - Temporarilly only migrate jobs as we were before (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Disable TLS verification in skopeo inspect (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Preserve etcd3 storage if it\'s already in use (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Generate better secret keys (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix error when groups.glusterfs_registry is undefined. (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Use proper identity in heketi secret (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow configuration of heketi port (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix variable typo (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Minor template fixes (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - registry: mount GlusterFS storage volume from correct host (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jun 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.117-1 - Run storage upgrade pre and post master upgrade (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Introduce etcd migrate role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Add support for rhel, aci, vxlan (srampalAATTcisco.com)
Sun Jun 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.116-1 - PAPR: define openshift_image_tag via command line (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Ensure only one ES pod per PV (peter.portanteAATTredhat.com) - etcd v3 for clean installs (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Rename cockpit-shell -> cockpit-system (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update image repo name, images have been moved from \'cloudforms\' to \'cloudforms42\' for CF 4.2. (simaishiAATTredhat.com) - Update image repo name, images have been moved from \'cloudforms\' to \'cloudforms45\' for CF 4.5. (simaishiAATTredhat.com) - CloudForms 4.5 templates (simaishiAATTredhat.com)
Fri Jun 16 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.114-1 -
Fri Jun 16 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.113-1 - Make rollout status check best-effort, add poll (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Verify the rollout status of the hosted router and registry (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - fix es routes for new logging roles (rmegginsAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jun 15 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.112-1 - Add the the other featured audit-config paramters as example (al- git001AATTnone.at)
Thu Jun 15 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.111-1 - doc: Info for system container installer options (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add ANSIBLE_CONFIG to system container installer (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add missing file. Remove debugging prompt. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update readme one last time (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Reconfigure masters in serial to avoid HA meltdowns (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - First POC of a CFME turnkey solution in openshift-anisble (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Reverted most of this pr 4356 except: adding openshift_logging_fluentd_buffer_queue_limit: 1024 openshift_logging_fluentd_buffer_size_limit: 1m openshift_logging_mux_buffer_queue_limit: 1024 openshift_logging_mux_buffer_size_limit: 1m and setting the matched environment variables. (nhosoiAATTredhat.com) - Adding the defaults for openshift_logging_fluentd_{cpu,memory}_limit to roles/openshift_logging_fluentd/defaults/main.yml. (nhosoiAATTredhat.com) - Adding environment variables FLUENTD_CPU_LIMIT, FLUENTD_MEMORY_LIMIT, MUX_CPU_LIMIT, MUX_MEMORY_LIMIT. (nhosoiAATTredhat.com) - Introducing fluentd/mux buffer_queue_limit, buffer_size_limit, cpu_limit, and memory_limit. (nhosoiAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jun 15 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.110-1 - papr: add documentation to YAML and simplify context (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - docs: better documentation for PAPR (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - papr: install libffi-devel (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - pre-install checks: add more during byo install (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - move etcd backup to etcd_common role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Support installing HOSA via ansible (mwringeAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Remove requirement for heketi-cli (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Fix bugs in wipe (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Skip heketi-cli install on Atomic (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Create a StorageClass if specified (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Use proper secrets (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow cleaner separation of multiple clusters (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Minor corrections and cleanups (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Improve documentation (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow configuration of kube namespace for heketi (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Adjust when clauses for registry config (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow failure reporting when deleting deploy-heketi (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Tweak pod probe parameters (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow for configuration of node selector (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Label on Openshift node name (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Make sure timeout is an int (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Use groups variables (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - papr: rename redhat-ci related files to papr (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - singletonize some role tasks that repeat a lot (lmeyerAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jun 14 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.109-1 -
Wed Jun 14 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.108-1 - Upgraded Calico to 2.2.1 Release (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de)
Wed Jun 14 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.107-1 - Disable negative caching, set cache TTL to 1s (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Update mounts in system container installer (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Set ansible retry file location (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - installer: add bind mount for /etc/resolv.conf (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Making pylint happy (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix possible access to undefined variable (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - certificates: copy the certificates for the etcd system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Separate etcd and OpenShift CA redeploy playbooks. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - lib/base: allow for results parsing on non-zero return code (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - etcd: system container defines ETCD_(PEER_)?TRUSTED_CA_FILE (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - etcd: unmask system container service before installing it (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - etcd: copy previous database when migrating to system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - etcd: define data dir location for the system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - oc_obj: set _delete() rc to 0 if err is \'not found\' (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - oc_obj: only check \'items\' if exists in delete (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Removed hardocded Calico Policy Controller URL (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Allowing openshift_metrics to specify PV selectors and allow way to define selectors when creating pv (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jun 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.100-1 - Change default key for gce (hekumarAATTredhat.com) - set etcd working directory for embedded etcd (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Add daemon-reload handler to openshift_node and notify when /etc/systemd files have been updated. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Use volume.beta.kubernetes.io annotation for storage-classes (per.carlsonAATTvegvesen.no) - Correct master-config update during upgrade (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jun 12 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.99-1 - Replace repoquery with module (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Consider previous value of \'changed\' when updating (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Improve code readability (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Disable excluder only on nodes that are not masters (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Added includes to specify openshift version for libvirt cluster create. Otherwise bin/cluster create fails on unknown version for libvirt deployment. (schulthessAATTpuzzle.ch) - docker checks: finish and refactor (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - oc_secret: allow use of force for secret type (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - add docker storage, docker driver checks (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Add dependency and use same storageclass name as upstream (hekumarAATTredhat.com) - Add documentation (hekumarAATTredhat.com) - Install default storageclass in AWS & GCE envs (hekumarAATTredhat.com)
Fri Jun 9 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.98-1 -
Fri Jun 9 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.6.97-1 - Updated to using oo_random_word for secret gen (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating kibana to store session and oauth secrets for reuse, fix oauthclient generation for ops (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jun 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot - Rename container image to origin-ansible / ose-ansible (pepAATTredhat.com)
Thu Jun 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot - Guard check for container install based on openshift dictionary key (ayoungAATTredhat.com) - Separate client config removal in uninstall s.t. ansible_ssh_user is removed from with_items. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Remove supported/implemented barrier for registry object storage providers. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add node unit file on upgrade (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - fix up openshift-ansible for use with \'oc cluster up\' (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - specify all logging index mappings for kibana (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - openshift-master: set r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - rename daemon.json to container-daemon.json (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Updating probe timeout and exposing variable to adjust timeout in image (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Do not attempt to override openstack nodename (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Update image stream to openshift/origin:2c55ade (skuznetsAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jun 7 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot - Use local openshift.master.loopback_url when generating initial master loopback kubeconfigs. (abutcherAATTredhat.com)
Tue Jun 6 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot -
Tue Jun 6 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot - Updating image for registry_console (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - add elasticseatch, fluentd, kibana check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - show correct default value in inventory (mmckinstAATTredhat.com) - Skip service restarts within ca redeployment playbook when expired certificates are detected. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add mtu setting to /etc/sysconfig/docker-network (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add daemon_reload parameter to service tasks (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - mux uses fluentd cert/key to talk to ES (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - fix curator host, port params; remove curator es volumes (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - add mux docs; allow to specify mux namespaces (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - oc_secret: allow for specifying secret type (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Merge pull request #4271 from DG-i/master\" (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - verify upgrade targets separately for each group (masters, nodes, etcd) (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Updating Kibana-proxy secret key name, fixing deleting secrets, fixed extra ES dc creation (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - upgrade: Reload systemd before restart (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Skip router/registry cert redeploy when openshift_hosted_manage_{router,registry}=false (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - disable docker excluder before it is updated to remove older excluded packages (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Support byo etcd for calico (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - preflight int tests: fix for package_version changes (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Remove unnecessary comment. (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - update aos_version module to support generic pkgs and versions (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Add separate variables for control plane nodes (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Copy Nuage VSD generated user certificates to Openshift master nodes (sneha.deshpandeAATTnokia.com) - add existing_ovs_version check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Tolerate failures in the node upgrade playbook (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 31 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson - AMP 2.0 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - add support for oc_service for labels, externalIPs (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - [JMAN4-161] Add templates and pv example for cloudforms jboss middleware manager (pgierAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 31 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.6.89-1 - Adding default value for openshift_hosted_logging_storage_kind (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - memory check: use GiB/MiB and adjust memtotal (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - bool (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Metrics: update the imagePullPolicy to be always (mwringeAATTredhat.com) - Remove typos that got reintroduced (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - oc_atomic_container: Workaround for invalid json from atomic command (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove system-package=no from container-engine install (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - oc_atomic_container: Hard code system-package=no (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Updating to generate PVC when storage type is passed in as nfs (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - disable become for local actions (Mathias.MerscherAATTdg-i.net) - check for rpm version and docker image version equality only if openshift_pkg_version and openshift_image_tag are not defined (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Tue May 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.86-1 - Reduce memory requirement to 2gb for fedora ci jobs (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - openshift_logging: increasing *_elasticsearch_ * default CPU and memory (jwozniakAATTredhat.com) - Updating python-passlib assert (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - allow to configure oreg_url specifically for node or master. refs #4233 (tobiasAATTtobru.ch) - Updating registry-console version to be v3.6 instead of 3.6 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Thu May 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.85-1 - Prepending v to registry-console version (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - memory health check: adjust threshold for etcd (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - health checks: specify check skip reason (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - health checks: configure failure output in playbooks (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - disk/memory checks: make threshold configurable (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Show help on how to disable checks after failure (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Allow disabling checks via Ansible variable (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Verify memory and disk requirements before install (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - filter_plugins: Allow for multiple pairs in map_from_pairs() (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.84-1 - oc_process: Better error output on failed template() call (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.83-1 - Allow a hostname to resolve to during validation (dmsAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 24 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.82-1 - Fixing tux warnings and some final clean up (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Appease travis (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - preflight int tests: fix test flake (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Add a readiness probe to the Kibana container (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Create logging deployments with non-zero replica counts (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Pulling changes from master branch (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding some missing changes (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - fixing available variables for 2.3.0 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating pvc generation names (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - updating delete_logging to use modules (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Pulling in changes from master (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Decomposing openshift_logging role into subcomponent roles (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix renaming error with calico template files (djosborne10AATTgmail.com)
Tue May 23 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.80-1 - RPM workaround for the move of cert playbooks (pepAATTredhat.com) - health check playbooks: relocate and expand (lmeyerAATTredhat.com)
Tue May 23 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.6.69-1 - preflight int tests: fix for openshift_version dep (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Removing requirement to pass aws credentials (esauerAATTredhat.com) - Workaround sysctl module issue with py3 by converting task to lineinfile. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - inventory: rename certificates->certificate in router example (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - remove skopeo dependency on docker-py (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - improve error handling for missing vars (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - lib/base: Allow for more complex template params (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Fix yamllint problems (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - add ability to expose Elasticsearch as an external route (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Parameterized Calico/Node Arguments (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Fix auditConfig for non-HA environments (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Added Docker Registry Port 5000 to Firewalld (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Added Calicoctl to deployment of Master Nodes (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - move etcd upgrade related code into etcd_upgrade role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Localhost TMP Dir Fix (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Adjusted Naming Schema of Calico Roles (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Update hosts. *.example to include openshift_hosted_metrics_deployer_version (pat2manAATTgmail.com) - Fix gpg key path in our repo (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Uninstall: restart docker when container-engine restart hasn\'t changed. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - add etcd cluster size check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - fix etcd_container_version detection (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - systemcontainercustom.conf.j2: use Environment instead of ENVIRONMENT (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - node, systemd: change Requires to Wants for openvswitch (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Add teams attribute to github identity provider (dmsAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t escalate privileges in local tmpdir creation (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Remove use of local_action with delegate_to and switch \'delegate_to: localhost\' temporary directory cleanup actions to local_actions. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Rework openshift_excluders role (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add regexp for container-engine lineinfile (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Default image policy on new clusters to on (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - revert role-specific var name (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Filter non-strings from the oc_adm_ca_server_cert hostnames parameter. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t set-up origin repositories if they\'ve already been configured (dmsAATTredhat.com) - byo inventory versions 1.5 -> 3.6 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - byo inventory versions 3.5 -> 3.6 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - use dest instead of path for lineinfile (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_version: skip rpm version==image version on Atomic (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Add NO_PROXY workaround for container-engine atomic command (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add no_proxy to atomic.conf (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Include object validation in 3.6 upgrades (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - uninstall: handle container-engine (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Added Calico BGP Port 179 to Firewalld (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Fixed for python3 with Fedora 25 Atomic (donnyAATTfortnebula.com) - Add docker package for container-engine install (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Fix python3 error in repoquery (jpeelerAATTredhat.com) - check if hostname is in list of etcd hosts (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Fix templating of static service files (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix container image build references (pepAATTredhat.com) - Reset selinux context on /var/lib/origin/openshift.common.volumes (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding assert to check for python-passlib on control host (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Update variable name to standard (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make class attribute name shorter (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add module docstring (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update check (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Change based on feedback (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Removed Hardcoded Calico URLs (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - int -> float (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove vim line (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - add etcd volume check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Added additional Calico Network Plugin Checks (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Ensure good return code for specific until loops (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - add template service broker configurable (jminterAATTredhat.com) - Prevent line wrap in yaml dump of IDP, fixes #3912 (rikkunessAATTgmail.com)
Sat May 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.68-1 - Updating registry-console image version during a post_control_plane upgrade (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Remove userland-proxy-path from daemon.json (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Fix whistespace issues in custom template (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Always add proxy items to atomic.conf (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Move container-engine systemd environment to updated location (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - doc: Add link to daemon.json upstream doc (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused daemon.json keys (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - bug 1448860. Change recovery_after_nodes to match node_quorum (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - bug 1441369. Kibana memory limits bug 1439451. Kibana crash (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Extend repoquery command (of lib_utils role) to ignore excluders (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - lower case in /etc/daemon.json and correct block-registry (ghuangAATTredhat.com) - Fix for yedit custom separators (mwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating 3.6 enterprise registry-console template image version (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Default to iptables on master (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Rename blocked-registries to block-registries (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Ensure true is lowercase in daemon.json (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - use docker_log_driver and /etc/docker/daemon.json to determine log driver (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Temporarily revert to OSEv3 host group usage (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add service file templates for master and node (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Update systemd units to use proper container service name (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - polish etcd_common role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Note existence of Fedora tests and how to rerun (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Fix for OpenShift SDN Check (vincent.schwarzerAATTyahoo.de) - Updating oc_obj to use get instead of getattr (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating size suffix for metrics in role (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow swapping an existing registry\'s backend storage (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Allow for a separate registry-specific playbook (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS: Improve role documentation (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - hosted_registry: Get correct pod selector for GlusterFS storage (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - hosted registry: Fix typo (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - run excluders over selected set of hosts during control_plane/node upgrade (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Reserve kubernetes and \'kubernetes-\' prefixed namespaces (jliggittAATTredhat.com) - oc_volume: Add missing parameter documentation (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 10 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.6.67-1 - byo: correct option name (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Fail if rpm version != docker image version (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Perform package upgrades in one transaction (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Properly fail if OpenShift RPM version is undefined (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 10 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.6.66-1 - Fix issue with Travis-CI using old pip version (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Remove vim configuration from Python files (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Use local variables for daemon.json template (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Fix additional master cert & client config creation. (abutcherAATTredhat.com)
Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.62-1 -
Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.61-1 -
Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.60-1 -
Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.59-1 - Updating logging and metrics to restart api, ha and controllers when updating master config (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding defaults for es_indices (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating logic for generating pvcs and their counts to prevent reuse when looping (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.58-1 - Moving Dockerfile content to images dir (jupierceAATTredhat.com)
Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.57-1 -
Sun May 7 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.56-1 -
Sat May 6 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.55-1 - Fix 1448368, and some other minors issues (ghuangAATTredhat.com) - mux startup is broken without this fix (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Dockerfile: create symlink for /opt/app-root/src (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - docs: Add basic system container dev docs (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - installer: Add system container variable for log saving (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - installer: support running as a system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com)
Fri May 5 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.54-1 - Allow oc_ modules to pass unicode results (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Ensure repo cache is clean on the first run (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - move etcdctl.yml from etcd to etcd_common role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Modified pick from release-1.5 for updating hawkular htpasswd generation (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Thu May 4 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.53-1 - Correctly setting the primary and replica shard count settings (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - System container docker (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Stop logging AWS credentials in master role. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Remove set operations from openshift_master_certificates iteration. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Refactor system fact gathering to avoid dictionary size change during iteration. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Refactor secret generation for python3. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - redhat-ci: use requirements.txt (jlebonAATTredhat.com)
Wed May 3 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.52-1 - Making mux with_items list evaluate as empty if didnt get objects before (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - etcd Upgrade Refactor (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - v3.3 Upgrade Refactor (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - v3.4 Upgrade Refactor (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - v3.5 Upgrade Refactor (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - v3.6 Upgrade Refactor (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix variants for v3.6 (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Normalizing groups. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Use openshift_ca_host\'s hostnames to sign the CA (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue May 2 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.51-1 - Remove std_include from playbooks/byo/rhel_subscribe.yml (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Adding way to add labels and nodeselectors to logging project (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Tue May 2 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.50-1 - Don\'t double quote when conditions (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove jinja template delimeters from when conditions (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - move excluder upgrade validation tasks under openshift_excluder role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fix test compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.0 (pierre- louis.bonicoliAATTlibregerbil.fr)
Mon May 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.49-1 - Warn users about conflicts with docker0 CIDR range (lpsantilAATTgmail.com) - Bump ansible rpm dependency to (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Mon May 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.48-1 -
Mon May 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.47-1 -
Mon May 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.46-1 - Contrib: Hook to verify modules match assembled fragments (tbielawaAATTredhat.com)
Mon May 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.45-1 -
Sun Apr 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.44-1 - Refactor etcd roles (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Sat Apr 29 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.43-1 - Document the Pull Request process (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add Table of Contents (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Improve Contribution Guide (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace absolute with relative URLs (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Move repo structure to a separate document (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove outdated information about PRs (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Move link to BUILD.md to README.md (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Adding checks for starting mux for 2.2.0 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix OpenShift registry deployment on OSE 3.2 (lhuardAATTamadeus.com)
Fri Apr 28 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.42-1 - Fix certificate check Job examples (pepAATTredhat.com) - Add python-boto requirement (pepAATTredhat.com)
Thu Apr 27 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.41-1 - Add bool for proper conditional handling (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Thu Apr 27 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.40-1 - Fix cluster creation with `bin/cluster` when there’s no glusterfs node (lhuardAATTamadeus.com)
Thu Apr 27 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.39-1 - Move container build instructions to BUILD.md (pepAATTredhat.com) - Elaborate container image usage instructions (pepAATTredhat.com)
Wed Apr 26 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.38-1 - .redhat-ci.yml: also publish journal logs (jlebonAATTredhat.com) - Standardize all Origin versioning on 3.6 (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - integration tests: add CI scripts (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - preflight int tests: define image builds to support tests (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - preflight int tests: generalize; add tests (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Add stub of preflight integration tests (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Move Python unit tests to subdirectory (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Revert \"Add /etc/sysconfig/etcd to etcd_container\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Replace original router cert variable names. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - oc_obj: Allow for multiple kinds in delete (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.5 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.6 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make the rhel_subscribe role subscribe to OSE 3.5 channel by default (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - Addressing yamllint (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating kibana-proxy secret key for server-tls entry (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Pick from issue3896 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Cleanup comments and remove extraneous tasks (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Store backups in /var/lib/etcd/openshift-backup (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Create member/snap directory encase it doesn\'t exist (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Copy v3 data dir when performing backup (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.37-1 - Differentiate between service serving router certificate and custom openshift_hosted_router_certificate when replacing the router certificate. (abutcherAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 25 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.36-1 - Update swap disable tasks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Removing resource version to remove object conflicts caused by race conditions. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - cast openshift_logging_use_mux_client to bool (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - mux does not require privileged, only hostmount-anyuid (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Switched Heapster to use certificates generated by OpenShift (juraciAATTkroehling.de) - Use metrics and logging deployer tag v3.4 for enterprise (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove v1.5 and v1.6 metrics/logging templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Sun Apr 23 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.35-1 -
Fri Apr 21 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.34-1 - GlusterFS: provide default for groups.oo_glusterfs_to_config in with_items (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Fri Apr 21 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.33-1 - Adding module calls instead of command for idempotency. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Use return_value when value is constant (pierre- louis.bonicoliAATTlibregerbil.fr) - Add missing mock for locate_oc_binary method (pierre- louis.bonicoliAATTlibregerbil.fr)
Fri Apr 21 14:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.6.32-1 - Don\'t check excluder versions when they\'re not enabled (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Apr 21 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.31-1 - Stop all services prior to upgrading, start all services after (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Thu Apr 20 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.30-1 - Add Ansible syntax checks to tox (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add /etc/sysconfig/etcd to etcd_container (meAATTfale.io) - openshift_version: improve messaging (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Simplify memory availability check, review tests (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Simplify mixin class (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Simplify disk availability check, review tests (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - add disk and memory availability check tests (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - add ram and storage preflight check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Fix paths for file includes (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix instantiation of action plugin in test fixture (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Introduce Elasticsearch readiness probe (lukas.vlcekAATTgmail.com) - added a empty file to the contiv empty dir. This allows contiv to be vendored in git (mwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Wed Apr 19 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.29-1 - Create openshift-metrics entrypoint playbook (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.28-1 - Minor v3.6 upgrade docs fixes (rteagueAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.27-1 - repo: start testing PRs on Fedora Atomic Host (jlebonAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 18 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.26-1 - Correct role dependencies (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Allow for GlusterFS to provide registry storage (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Integrate GlusterFS into OpenShift installation (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - GlusterFS playbook and role (jarrpaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Apr 17 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.25-1 - Fix default image tag for enterprise (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Cast etcd_debug to a boolean (skuznetsAATTredhat.com)
Fri Apr 14 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.24-1 - tox tests: pin test requirement versions (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - This is no longer a widely encountered issue (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Standardize use of byo and common for network_manager.yml (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Disable swap space on nodes at install and upgrade (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Do not check package version on non-master/node (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com)
Thu Apr 13 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.23-1 - Refactor initialize groups tasks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - tox tests: pin test requirement versions (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - skip PackageAvailability check if not yum (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Document service_type for openshift-enterprise (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove references to outdated deployment_type (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update deployment_type documentation (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Document merge time trends page (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove outdated documentation (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove outdated build instructions (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - openshift_sanitize_inventory: disallow conflicting deployment types (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Refactor docker upgrade playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Changed Hawkular Metrics secrets to use a format similar to the one automatically generated by OpenShift (juraciAATTkroehling.de)
Wed Apr 12 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.22-1 - Fixed spelling mistake. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove unnecessary folder refs (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Switching commands for modules during upgrade of router and registry. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing a compatibility issue with python 2.7 to 3.5 when reading from subprocess. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Refactor use of initialize_oo_option_facts.yml (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - preflight checks: refactor and fix aos_version (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Add external provisioners playbook starting with aws efs (mawongAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 11 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.21-1 - Adding a query for the existing docker-registry route. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing docker-registry route from cockpit-ui. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Apr 7 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.20-1 - Fixed a bug when oc command fails. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - openshift_sanitize_inventory: validate release (lmeyerAATTredhat.com)
Fri Apr 7 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.19-1 - Add example scheduled certificate check (pepAATTredhat.com) - Switch from ignoring to passing on checks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add tests for action plugin (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove unnecessary code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make resolve_checks more strict (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com)
Fri Apr 7 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.18-1 - master-api: add mount for /var/log (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - master: add mount for /var/log (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - unexclude excluder if it is to be upgraded and already installed (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Bump calico policy controller (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - Fixed a string format and a lint space issue (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed name and selector to be mutually exclusive (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding ability to delete by selector. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding delete with selector support. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Thu Apr 6 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.17-1 - Adding signed router cert and fixing server_cert bug. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Wed Apr 5 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.16-1 - Removing test coverage for shared code. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Port 10255 unnecessary. Removing all instances (ccallegaAATTredhat.com) - oo_filters: Disable pylint too-many-lines test (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - oo_collect: Allow list elements to be lists of dict (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - oc_label: handle case where _get() returns no results (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Addressing py27-yamllint (esauerAATTredhat.com) - Add \'docker-registry.default.svc\' to cert-redeploy too (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Support unicode output when dumping yaml (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add docker-registry.default.svc short name to registry service signing (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - oc_configmap: Add missing check for name (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - oo_collect: Update comments to show source of failure (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - openshift_facts: Allow examples_content_version to be set to v1.6 (jarrpaAATTredhat.com) - Restart polkitd to workaround a bug in polkitd (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add names to openshift_image_tag asserts (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - doc: Remove atomic-openshift deployment type (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - openshift_version now requires prepended version formats (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Warn if openshift_image_tag is defined by hand for package installs (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Verify openshift_image_tag is valid during openshift_version main (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add openshift_version fact fallback debug messages (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - cleanup: when in openshift_version tasks are multiline (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Compatibility updates to openshift_logging role for ansible (esauerAATTredhat.com)
Tue Apr 4 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.15-1 - Document etcd_ca_default_days in example inventories. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fixed a bug. Ansible requires a msg param when module.fail_json. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Sat Apr 1 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.14-1 - Update v1.5 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add v1.6 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix generated code (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - bug 1432607. Allow configuration of ES log destination (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - openshift_facts: install python3-dbus package on Fedora nodes. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - Remove kube-nfs-volumes role (mawongAATTredhat.com)
Fri Mar 31 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.13-1 - fixed decode switch so it works on OSX (stobiasAATTharborfreight.com) - Wait for firewalld polkit policy to be defined (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Correct copy task to use remote source (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - validate and normalize inventory variables (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - Fixed spacing. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed docs. Fixed add_resource. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing linting for spaces. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing initial setting of metrics image prefix and version (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding clusterrole to the toolbox. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed a bug in oc_volume. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding a few more test cases. Fixed a bug when key was empty. Safeguard against yedit module being passed an empty key (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added the ability to do multiple edits (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - fix es config merge so template does not need quoting. gen then merge (jcantrilAATTredhat.com)
Thu Mar 30 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.12-1 - Update example inventory files to mention certificate validity parameters. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - openshift_hosted: add openshift_hosted_registry_cert_expire_days parameter. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - oc_adm_ca_server_cert.py: re-generate. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - oc_adm_ca_server_cert: add expire_days parameter. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - openshift_ca: add openshift_ca_cert_expire_days and openshift_master_cert_expire_days parameters. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - redeploy-certificates/registry.yml: add openshift_hosted_registry_cert_expire_days parameter. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - openshift_master_certificates: add openshift_master_cert_expire_days parameter. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - openshift_node_certificates: add openshift_node_cert_expire_days parameter. (vsemushiAATTredhat.com) - Update Dockerfile.rhel7 to reflect changes to Dockerfile (pepAATTredhat.com)
Wed Mar 29 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.11-1 - Add etcd_debug and etcd_log_package_levels variables (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make the OCP available version detection excluder free (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Add test scaffold for docker_image_availability.py (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add unit tests for package_version.py (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add unit tests for package_update.py (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add unit tests for package_availability.py (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add unit tests for mixins.py (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Test recursively finding subclasses (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Test OpenShift health check loader (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Rename module_executor -> execute_module (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Use oo_version_gte_3_6+ for future versions and treat 1.x origin as legacy. Add tests. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Added 3.5 -> 3.6 upgrade playbooks (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Add oo_version_gte_X_X_or_Y_Y version comparison filters. (abutcherAATTredhat.com)
Tue Mar 28 14:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.10-1 - Use meta/main.yml for role dependencies (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Upgrade specific rpms instead of just master/node. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Adding namespace to doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add calico. (djosborne10AATTgmail.com) - Fixing up test cases, linting, and added a return. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - first step in ocimage (ihorvathAATTredhat.com) - ocimage (ihorvathAATTredhat.com) - Setting defaults on openshift_hosted. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - rebase and regenerate (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - fix up things flagged by flake8 (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - clean up and clarify docs/comments (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - add oc_user ansible module (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - Fix etcd cert generation (djosborne10AATTgmail.com)
Sat Mar 25 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.9-1 - Found this while searching the metrics role for logging, is this wrong? (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix overriding openshift_{logging,metrics}_image_prefix (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make linter happy (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Specify enterprise defaults for logging and metrics images (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update s2i-dotnetcore content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Stop all services before upgrading openvswitch (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1434300 - Log entries are generated in ES after deployed logging stacks via ansible, but can not be found in kibana. (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Adding error checking to the delete. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updated comment. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed doc. Updated test to change existing key. Updated module spec for required name param. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_configmap to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com)
Fri Mar 24 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.8-1 - vendor patched upstream docker_container module. (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - add docker_image_availability check (jvallejoAATTredhat.com) - Do not use auto_expand_replicas (lukas.vlcekAATTgmail.com) - Adding tests to increase TC. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding a pvc create test case. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Cherry picking from #3711 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com)
Thu Mar 23 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.7-1 - openshift_logging calculate min_masters to fail early on split brain (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Fixed linting and configmap_name param (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding configmap support. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make /rootfs mount rslave (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update imageConfig.format on upgrades to match oreg_url (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding configmap support and adding tests. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_volume to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - upgrade: restart ovs-vswitchd and ovsdb-server (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Make atomic-openshift-utils require playbooks of the same version (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Wed Mar 22 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.6-1 - Fix copy-pasta docstrings (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Rename _ns -> node_selector (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Reindent code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update the failure methods and add required variables/functions (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Import the default ansible output callback on_failed methods (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Switched Cassandra to use certificates generated by OpenShift (juraciAATTkroehling.de) - Allow user to specify additions to ES config (jcantrilAATTredhat.com)
Tue Mar 21 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.5-1 - Attempt to match version of excluders to target version (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Get rid of adjust.yml (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Protect against missing commands (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Simplify excluder enablement logic a bit more (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add tito releaser for 3.6 (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_group to lib_openshift (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - preflight checks: improve user output from checks (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - preflight checks: bypass RPM excludes (lmeyerAATTredhat.com) - acceptschema2 default: true (aweitekaAATTredhat.com) - Do not require python-six via openshift_facts (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com)
Sat Mar 18 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.4-1 - Cherry picking from #3689 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Moving projects task within openshift_hosted (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Refactor openshift_projects role (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add unit tests for existing health checks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Do not update when properties when not passed. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - change shell to bash in generate_jks.sh (lAATTlmello.eu.org)
Fri Mar 17 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.3-1 - enable docker excluder since the time it is installed (jchaloupAATTredhat.com)
Thu Mar 16 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.2-1 - enable excluders during node/master scaling up (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fixing variable naming for 35 scoping. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix get_router_replicas infrastructure node count. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fix containerized openvswitch race (sdodsonAATTredhat.com)
Thu Mar 16 13:00:00 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot 3.6.1-1 - Bump version to 3.6.0 (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Improve CONTRIBUTING guide with testing tricks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update versions in example inventories (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Only call excluder playbooks on masters and nodes (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Since we\'ve decided that we\'re no longer paying attention to current status remove this as it was toggling things (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove travis notifications (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Removing dependency on master facts for master_public_url default (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - don\'t assume openshift_upgrade_target is in a form d.d (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Cherry picked from #3657 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Enable docker during installation and upgrade by default\" (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Nuage service account handling by single master (vishal.patilAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Add router svcacct cluster-reader role (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Cherry picking from #3644 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Revert module_utils six for openshift_health_checker (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Refactor and remove openshift_serviceaccount (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Force to use TLSv1.2 (related to https://github.com/openshift/openshift- ansible/pull/2707) (olivierAATTopenkumo.fr) - Raise on dry-run failures. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - validate excluders on non-atomic hosts only (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - enable docker excluder since the time it is installed (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - cherry picking from #3621 #3614 #3627 (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Renaming oadm_manage_node to oc_adm_manage_node (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - add \'hawkular/metrics\' when updating config (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - update all the masters (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - bug 1430661. Update masterConfig metricsPublicURL on install (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - nuage: Move role back to config (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Fix incorrect comparison when detecting petsets (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Removed unused, unwanted, incorrectly committed code. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Minor updates to README_CONTAINER_IMAGE.md (pepAATTredhat.com) - Fix references to openshift_set_node_ip in inventory examples (gskgoskkAATTgmail.com) - Bug 1428711 - [IntService_public_324] ES pod is unable to read searchguard.truststore after upgarde logging from 3.3.1 to 3.5.0 (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - bug 1428249. Use ES hostmount storage if it exists (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Use ansible.compat.six where possible (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Remove debug task (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Use six from ansible.module_utils for remote hosts (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - re-enable excluders if they are enabled after openshift version detection (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Allow overriding minTLSVersion and cipherSuites (meggenAATTredhat.com) - extend the excluders to containerized deployment (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fixing the way policies are found. The old method was unreliable. This method searches all and matches on properties. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - openshift_excluders depends on openshift_repos (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - add ability to specify an etcd version (mmckinstAATTumich.edu) - Lowering test coverage percentage. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing ordereddict. Replaced with sorted keys. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - New role (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fixed for linting. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - enable excluders by default (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - ignore the docker excluder status if it is not enabled by a user (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fix pylint/pyflakes errors on master (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Identify PetSets in 3.4 clusters and fail if any are detected (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - More logging fixes (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix for issue 3541 (srampalAATTcisco.com) - Fix to OpenshiftCLIConfig to support an ordereddict. This was breaking test cases. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - - update excluders to latest, in non-upgrade scenarios do not update - check both available excluder versions are at most of upgrade target version - get excluder status through status command - make excluders enablement configurable (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Adding scripts for building and pushing images (bleanharAATTredhat.com) - Adding test_oc_adm_router. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Loosely couple docker to iptables service (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Generic message directing people to contact support (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing plugin, nodeselectors, and secret pull check (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding into the origin inventory doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add oc_objectvalidator to upgrade check (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Augmenting documentation for router sharding. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding router test. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - openshift_facts: ensure system containers deps are installed (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Preserve order of Docker registries (eric.mountainAATTamadeus.com) - Updating metrics defaults (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Enable coveralls.io (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Fix indentation of run_once (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update docs for test consolidation and remove the Makefile (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Consolidate root/utils tests (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Remove dummy setup/teardown methods (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Clean up test files (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove commented-out test code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make generic OCObjectValidator from OCSDNValidator (mkhanAATTredhat.com) - logging needs openshift_master_facts before openshift_facts (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - separate out test tool configs from setup.cfg (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Dockerfile and docs to run containerized playbooks (pepAATTredhat.com) - Lower test coverage percentage. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Mock runs differntly on travis. Fix the mock test params to be ANY. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed the none namespace. Fixed tests with latest loc_oc_binary call. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating the namespace param to None. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Regenerated code with latest yedit changes. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed tests to align with new naming. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed docs. Added check for delete failures. Updated namespace to None. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing linters (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding integration test. Fixed issue with node_selector. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_project to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove old commented-out tests (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove redundant assertion (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Fix test (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Lint utils/test (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Rewrap long lines (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove unused argument (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove unused Makefile variables (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Adding some more logging defaults (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - node/sdn: make /var/lib/cni persistent to ensure IPAM allocations stick around across node restart (dcbwAATTredhat.com) - BZ1422348 - Don\'t install python-ruamel-yaml (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Re-generate modules (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Only set ownership to etcd for thirdparty datadir (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added ports. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed router name to produce 2nd router. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updated to work with an array of routers. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding support for router sharding. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing the openshift_master_facts dependency (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - bug 1420256. Initialize openshift_logging pvc_facts to empty (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Add oc_adm_policy_user task cluster-role policy (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Correct config for hosted registry (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fixing checkout for bindings with -binding suffix (jupierceAATTredhat.com) - Leave an empty contiv role directory (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating stdout check for changed_when (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - test fixes for openshift_certificates_expiry (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - oadm_policy_group/adm_policy_user module (jupierceAATTredhat.com) - Fail on Atomic if docker is too old (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove contiv role and playbook from rpm packages (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Resolving yammlint errors (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fixed error handling when oc adm ca create-server-cert fails. Fixed a logic error in secure. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - removing extra when condition (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing run_once. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding the activeDeadlineSeconds. Removed debug. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Separating routes so logic is simpler. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Defaulting variables properly to avoid undefined route in dict error. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add v1.3 FIS templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - v1.4 Add FIS templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add FIS templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removed duplicate host param. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed failures on create when objects exist. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add ca-bundle.crt to list of certs to synchronize. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Do not force custom ca cert deployment. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - regenerate lib_openshift with yedit exception changes (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - Adding changed_whens for role, rolebinding, and scc reconciliation based on output from oadm policy command (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - raise exceptions when walking through object path (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - logging fluentd filter was renamed to viaq (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Add \'persistentVolumeClaim\' to volume_info type (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Updating delete/recreate with replace --force. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed logic error. Ensure both svc and dc exist. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Modified base debug statements. Fixed oc_secret debug/verbose flag. Added reencrypt for route. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding support for a route with certs and reencrypt. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - node: use the new oc_atomic_container module (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - master: use the new oc_atomic_container module (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - etcd: use the new oc_atomic_container module (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - lib_openshift: new module atomic_container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Combined (squashed) commit for all changes related to adding Contiv support into Openshift Ansible. This is the first (beta) release of Contiv with Openshift and is only supported for Openshift Origin + Bare metal deployments at the time of this commit. Please refer to the Openshift and Contiv official documentation for details of the level of support for different features and modes of operation. (srampalAATTcisco.com) - Re-generate lib_openshift (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make s3_volume_mount available to set_fact call (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Correct fact creation for pvc (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - [oc_obj] Move namespace argument to end of command. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Create hosted registry service (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Correct typo in haproxy router collection. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fix issue #3505, add notes about origin upgrade versions support in BYO upgrade README file (contactAATTstephane-klein.info) - Moving replica logic to filter_plugin to fix skipped task variable behavior. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - install the latest excluders (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - openshift_hosted: Update tasks to use oc_ modules (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Rebased. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed indentation (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding get_env_var to deploymentconfig. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed default variables. Added a fix to generated secret in env var. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Add centos paas sig common\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix Quick Installer failed due to a Python method failure (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Removed JGroups cert and password generation. (juraciAATTkroehling.de) - Fix symlink to lookup_plugins/oo_option.py (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Use 2 and 3 friendly urlparse in oo_filters (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.5 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.4 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - xPaaS ose-v1.3.6 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Prepare for origin moving to OCP version scheme (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - initialize_openshift_version: handle excluder packages (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Add insecure edge termination policy for kibana. (whearnAATTredhat.com) - openshift_logging default to 2 replicas of primary shards (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Fixing doc for oc_adm_ca_server_cert. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Convert selectattr tests to use \'match\' (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Re-generate lib_openshift and lib_utils libraries (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - curator config must be in /etc/curator not /usr/curator (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Updated for pylint. Fixed create doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Attempt to handle router preparation errors. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing the generate tox tests. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - BZ1414276 - Quote ansible_ssh_user when determining group id (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Moving import to local class. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added required_together. Added two minor bug fixes for when data is not passed. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - fix up ruamel.yaml/pyyaml no-member lint errors (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Renamed NotContainerized to NotContainerizedMixin and dropped no-member (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Removed unrequired no-members from yedit and generated code (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Removing reference to oadm. Moved parameter under general params. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - adding tag to update_master_config (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - CloudFront oc_secret contents should be a list (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - lib_openshift oc file lookup improvements (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - roles/lib_openshift: Handle /usr/local/bin/oc with sudo (waltersAATTverbum.org) - if no key, cert, cacert, or default_cert is passed then do not pass to oc (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added backup feature. Fixed a bug with reading the certificate and verifying names. Added force option. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add SDNValidator Module (mkhanAATTredhat.com) - bug 1425321. Default the master api port based on the facts (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1420219 - No log entry can be found in Kibana UI after deploying logging stacks with ansible (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Address cert expiry parsing review comments (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fix typo (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Update link to project homepage (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Implement fake openssl cert classes (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Removed oadm_ references in doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused plays (jhadvigAATTredhat.com) - Remove pytest-related dependencies from setup.py (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Added copy support when modifying cert and key on existence (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Small spacing fix. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updated doc and defined defaults for signer_ * (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removed unused code. Made tests executable. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Removing cmd, fixed docs and comments. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Rename of oadm_ca to oc_adm_ca. Decided to whittle down to the direct call, server_cert. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oadm_ca to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing docs. Fixed default_cert suggestion. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Renamed modules, fixed docs, renamed variables, and cleaned up logic. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Renaming registry and router roles to oc_adm_ (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing registry doc and suggestions. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding router and registry to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - bug 142026. Ensure Ops PVC prefix are initialized to empty when ops e… nabled (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Reverting logic for verify api handler to be uniform with other ways we verify, will be uniformly updated in future (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - bug 1417261. Quote name and secrets in logging templates (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - openshift_facts: handle \'latest\' version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Surrounding node selector values with quotes (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Raise the bar on coverage requirements (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Accept extra positional arguments in tox (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace nose with pytest (utils) (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Clean up utils/README.md (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace nose with pytest (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Extract assertion common to all tests as function (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace nose yield-style tests w/ pytest fixtures (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Configure pytest to run tests and coverage (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Fix validation of generated code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make tests run with either nosetests or pytest (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace assert_equal with plain assert (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make usage of short_version/release consistent (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Reorganize tests and helper functions logically (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove test duplication (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Move similar test cases together (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Insert paths in the second position of sys.path (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Rename test for consistency (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace has_key in new modules (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Fix symlink to filter_plugins/oo_filters.py (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Correct logic test for running pods (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Temporarily lower the bar for minimum coverage (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Unset exec bit in tests, add missing requirements (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Include missing unit tests to test runner config (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Fix tests on Python 3 (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove dead code in installer (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove dead code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Document how to find dead Python code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - updating until statments on uri module for api verification (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - add dependency on openshift_repos (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing a bug by removing default debug (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating to use uri module instead (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating node playbooks to use oc_obj (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add centos paas sig common (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Disentangle openshift_repos from openshift_facts (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding missing handler to resolve error that it was not found (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - String compatibility for python2,3 (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix indenting/ordering in router cert redeploy (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - post_control_plane.yml: don\'t fail on grep (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - facts/main: Require Python 3 for Fedora, Python 2 everywhere else (waltersAATTverbum.org) - Fix typo, add symlinks for roles (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Resolve deprecation warning (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Revert temporary hack to skip router/registry upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t attempt to install python-ruamel-yaml on atomic (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Pleasing the linting gods. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixed tests for pyyaml vs ruamel. Added import logic. Fixed safe load. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - update example templates+imagestreams (bpareesAATTredhat.com) - Adding fallback support for pyyaml. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - bug 1420217. Default ES memory to be compariable to 3.4 deployer (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Register cloudfront privkey when required (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - initialize oo_nodes_to_upgrade group when running control plane upgrade only (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - adding some quotes for safety (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Add block+when skip to `openshift_facts` tasks\" (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add missing full hostname for the Hawkular Metrics certificate (BZ1421060) Fix issue where the signer certificate\'s name is static, preventing redeployments from being acceptable. (mwringeAATTredhat.com) - fixing use of oc_scale module (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - fixing default for logging (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix some lint (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Fixed issue where upgrade fails when using daemon sets (e.g. aggregated logging) (adbaldi+ghubAATTgmail.com) - upgrades: fix path to disable_excluder.yml (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Add upgrade job step after the entire upgrade performs (maszulikAATTredhat.com) - Ansible Lint cleanup and making filter/lookup plugins used by openshift_master_facts available within the role (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Update variant_version (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Add block+when skip to `openshift_facts` tasks (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Trying to fix up/audit note some changes (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - updating defaults for logging and metrics roles (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fix logic for checking docker-registry (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - node, vars/main.yml: define l_is_ha and l_is_same_version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Modify playbooks to use oc_obj module (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - master, vars/main.yml: define l_is_ha and l_is_same_version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - oc route commands now using the oc_route module (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Modify playbooks to use oc_label module (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix cases where child classes override OpenShiftCLI values (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - BZ1421860: increase Heapster\'s metric resolution to 30s (mwringeAATTredhat.com) - BZ1421834: increase the Heapster metric resolution to 30s (mwringeAATTredhat.com) - Fix Bug 1419654 Remove legacy config_base fallback to /etc/openshift (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Modify playbooks to use oadm_manage_node module (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Removing trailing spaces (esauerAATTredhat.com) - Removed adhoc s3_registry (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - replace \'oc service\' command with its lib_openshift equivalent (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Making router pods scale with infra nodes (esauerAATTredhat.com) - Provisioning of nfs share and PV for logging ops (efreiberAATTredhat.com) - Add libselinux-python dependency for localhost (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - oc secrets now done via oc_secret module (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - More fixes for reboot/wait for hosts. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - fix openshift_logging where defaults filter needs quoting (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Do not hard code package names (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Refactor code to access values from task_vars (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - oc serviceaccount now done via oc_serviceaccount module (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - bug 1420229. Bounce metrics components to recognize changes on updates or upgrades (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - node: simplify when conditionals (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - openvswitch: simplify when conditionals (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - uninstall: delete master-api and master-controllers (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - master: support HA deployments with system containers (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Ensure etcd client certs are regenerated with embedded etcd. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - bug 1420425. Allow setting of public facing certs for kibana in openshift_logging role (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - bug 1399523. Ops pvc should have different prefix from non-ops for openshift_logging (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Include rpm/git paths in expiry README. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fixing docs, linting, and comments. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - fix bug 1420204. Default openshift_logging_use_journal to empty so fluentd detects and is consistent with deployer (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Let pylint use as many CPUs as available (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add note about extraneous virtualenvs (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Document how to create new checks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Introduce tag notation for checks (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace multi-role checks with action plugin (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Removing the /usr/bin/ansible-playbook dependency in in the spec file (mwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - use the correct name for the ruamel-yaml python module (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Reword module documentation (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Separate import groups with a blank line (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove commented-out debugging code (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Replace service account secrets handling with oc_serviceaccount_secret module (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - node: refactor Docker container tasks in a block (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - etcd: use as system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Implement uninstall for system containers (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - system-containers: implement idempotent update (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - atomic-openshift: install as a system container (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - make sure cluster_size is an int for arith. ops (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - Bug 1420234 - illegal_argument_exception in Kibana UI. (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - bug 1420538. Allow users to set supplementalGroup for Cassandra (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Document openshift_cockpit_deployer_prefix and add openshift_cockpit_deployer_version (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make the cert expiry playbooks runnable (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Ensure embedded etcd config uses CA bundle. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - bug 1420684. On logging upgrade use the correct value for namespace (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Fixing docs. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - bug 1419962. fix openshift_metrics pwd issue after reinstall where cassandra has incorrect pwd exception (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Fixing for linters. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding test cases. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing docs. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - oc process (ihorvathAATTredhat.com) - node: ensure conntrack-tools is installed (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Updating defaults to pull from previously defined variable names used in playbooks (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Pleasing the linting bot. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - fixup! master: latest use same predicates as last version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - fixup! master: latest use same priorities as last version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Adding integration tests. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Set image change triggers to auto=true for OCP 3.4 - for v1.5 (simaishiAATTredhat.com) - Reference class instead of self.__class__ within super constructor to avoid calling self forever. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_env to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing for flake8 spacing. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing tests for linters. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding port support for route. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - use pvc_size instead of pv_size for openshift_metrics since the role creates claims (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Added temporary kubeconfig file. Fixed tests to coincide with tmpfile. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Set image change triggers to auto=true for OCP 3.4 (https://github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq-pods/pull/88) (simaishiAATTredhat.com) - fixes 1419839. Install only heapster for openshift_metrics when heapster standalone flag is set (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Adding code to copy kubeconfig before running oc commands. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - master: latest use same predicates as last version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - master: latest use same priorities as last version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Changed lib_openshift to use real temporary files. (twiestAATTredhat.com) - Fixed ansible module unit and integration tests and added runners. (twiestAATTredhat.com) - Moving to ansible variable. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Specifying port for wait_for call. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Reverting commit 3257 and renaming master_url to openshift_logging_master_url (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - [openshift_ca] Reference client binary from openshift_ca_host. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fix playbooks/byo/openshift_facts.yml include path (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add missing symlink to roles (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Bump registry-console to 3.5 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added oc_serviceaccount_secret to lib_openshift. (twiestAATTredhat.com) - fix 1406057. Allow openshift_metrics nodeselectors for components (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Use service annotations to redeploy router service serving cert signer cert. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Move excluder disablement into control plane and node upgrade playbooks (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add excluder management to upgrade and config playbooks (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add openshift_excluder role (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix RHEL Subscribe std_include path (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Copies CloudFront pem file to registry hosts (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Remove legacy router/registry certs and client configs from synchronized master certs. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Bump registry to 3.4 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Sync latest image stream content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Support latest for containerized version (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Ensure python2-ruamel-yaml is installed (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - openshift_logging link pull secret to serviceaccounts fix unlabel when undeploying (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - fixes 1414625. Fix check of keytool in openshift_metrics role (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Doc enhancements. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - fixes 1417261. Points playbooks to the correct 3.5 roles for logging and metrics (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Change default docker log driver from json-file to journald. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add logic to verify patched version of Ansible (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Restructure certificate redeploy playbooks (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Temporary hack to skip router/registry upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Fixing linters. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - run node upgrade if master is node as part of the control plan upgrade only (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Appease yamllint (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding include_role to block to resolve when eval (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating oc_apply to use command instead of shell (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Wrap openshift_hosted_logging include_role within a block. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Adding unit test. Fixed redudant calls to get. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing doc and generating new label with updated base. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - oc_label ansible module (jdiazAATTredhat.com) - Fixing copy pasta comments. Fixed required in docs. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix openshift_hosted_logging bool typo. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Updating oc_apply changed_when conditions, fixing filter usage for openshift_hosted_logging playbook (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add default ansible.cfg file (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Move current node upgrade tasks under openshift_node_upgrade role (jchaloupAATTredhat.com) - Fix host when waiting for a master system restart. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Adding bool filter to when openshift_logging_use_ops evals and updating oc_apply to handle trying to update immutable fields (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fixing for tox tests. (flake8|pylint) (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding unit test for oc_service. Added environment fix for non-standard oc installs. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding integration tests. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_service to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Sync etcd ca certs from etcd_ca_host to other etcd hosts (jawed.khelilAATTamadeus.com)
Tue Jan 31 13:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.5.3-1 - Adding bool filter to ensure that we correctly set ops host for fluentd (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Set default GCE hostname to shost instance name. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fail on Ansible version (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - During node upgrade upgrade openvswitch rpms (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - HTPASSWD_AUTH (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Added repoquery to lib_utils. (twiestAATTredhat.com) - Create v3_5 upgrade playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - GCE deployment fails due to invalid lookup (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Resolving yamllint issues from logging playbooks (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating openshift_hosted_logging to update master-configs with publicLoggingURL (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Added oc_serviceaccount to lib_openshift. (twiestAATTredhat.com) - Breaking out master-config changing and updated playbook to apply change to other masters (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - fix negative stride encountered from openshift_logging (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - add persistent versions of quickstarts (bpareesAATTredhat.com) - Fixing docs. Added bugzilla to doc. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - ensuring ruamel.yaml is on target for oc_scale (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating to correctly pull handler for openshift_logging. Adding logic to openshift_hosted_logging too (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding names to plays and standardizing (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Updating openshift_logging role to add kibana public url to loggingPublicURL in master-config (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Only manual scale down being allowed now (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - adopt oc_scale for openshift_metrics role (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - fix 1414625. Additional fix to run password commands on control node (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - adopt oc_scale module for openshift_logging role (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Adding fix for when the resource does not exist. Added test cases. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating to reuse previous ES DC names and always generate DCs (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Correct usage of draining nodes (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fixing fluentd node labelling (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Fixing linters. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing base.py for node and scale. Autogenerated code. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added unit integration tests. Enhanced unit tests. Fixed an issue in openshift_cmd for namespace. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oadm_manage_node to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fixing namespace param in doc to reflect default value. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - .gitignore cleanup (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Standardize add_host: with name and changed_when (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Adding banners. Small bug fix to namespace appending in base. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Comma separate no_proxy host list in openshift_facts so that it appears as a string everywhere it is used. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fixing tests and linting. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding unit test for oc_scale (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding integration test for oc_scale. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_scale to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add 10 second wait after disabling firewalld (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Added oc_secret to lib_openshift. (twiestAATTredhat.com) - Remove master_count restriction. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - flake8 mccabe dependency fix (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Generate the artifacts from fragments. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update the generators to include fragment banners (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Make use of AnsibleDumper in openshift_master filters s.t. we can represent AnsibleUnsafeText when dumping yaml. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Set metrics url even if metrics_deploy is false (alberto.rodriguez.peonAATTcern.ch) - Template update for Hawkular Metrics 0.23 (mwringeAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.5.2-1 - Sync latest image streams (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix containerized haproxy config (andrewAATTandrewklau.com) - Allow RHEL subscription for OSE 3.4 (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - fixes BZ-1415447. Error when stopping heapster. Modify to be conditional include (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - override nodename for gce with cloudprovider (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - fixes jks generation, node labeling, and rerunning for oauth secrets (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - allow openshift_logging role to specify nodeSelectors (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Remove is_containerized check for firewalld installs (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Clean up pylint for delete_empty_keys. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - [os_firewall] Fix default iptables args. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Add new option \'openshift_docker_selinux_enabled\' (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Temporary work-around for flake8 vs maccabe version conflict (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - do not set empty proxy env variable defaults (bpareesAATTredhat.com) - fix BZ1414477. Use keytool on control node and require java (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused temporary directory in master config playbook. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Added link to HOOKS in README (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - HOOKS.md added documenting new hooks (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - [os_firewall] Add -w flag to wait for iptables xtables lock. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - fixes BZ-1414625. Check for httpd-tools and java before install (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Add a mid upgrade hook, re-prefix variables. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - treat force_pull as a bool (bpareesAATTredhat.com) - Adding to ansible spec and changing logging jks generation to be a local_action (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Add containzerized haproxy option (andrewAATTandrewklau.com) - Reorder node dnsmasq dependency s.t. networkmanager is restarted after firewall changes have been applied. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Removing docker run strategy and make java a requirement for control host (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding version to lib_openshift (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updating to use docker run instead of scheduling jks gen pod (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - jenkins v1.3 templates should not enable oauth (gmonteroAATTredhat.com) - fix oc_apply to allow running on any control node (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - g_master_mktemp in openshift-master conflicts with openshift_master_certificates (rmegginsAATTredhat.com) - fixes #3127. Get files for oc_apply from remote host (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Debug message before running hooks. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Cleaning repo cache earlier (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Added tar as a requirement per BZ1388445 (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - fixes BZ141619. Corrects the variable in the README (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Run user provided hooks prior to system/service restarts. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Implement pre/post master upgrade hooks. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_obj to the lib_openshift library (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Addressing found issues with logging role (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updated the generate.py scripts for tox and virtualenv. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Adding tox tests for generated code. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Perform master upgrades in a single play serially. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Validate system restart policy during pre-upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Correct consistency between upgrade playbooks (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Wait for nodes to be ready before proceeding with upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com)
Wed Jan 18 13:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.5.1-1 - More reliable wait for master after full host reboot. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - kubelet must have rw to cgroups for pod/qos cgroups to function (decarrAATTredhat.com) - Adding a few updates for python27,35 compatibility (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - update examples to cover build default/override configuration (bpareesAATTredhat.com) - Fix yaml lint in easy-mode playbook (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Removed trailing spaces from line #34 (kunallimayeAATTgmail.com) - Install subscription-manager to fix issue-3102 (kunallimayeAATTgmail.com) - Changing formatting for issue#2244 update (kunallimayeAATTgmail.com) - Addressing Travis errors (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Adding --verfiy to generate script. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - v1.3 Add RHAMP (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.4 content, add api-gateway (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add v1.5 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update example sync script (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - use pod to generate keystores (#14) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Ensure serial certificate generation for node and master certificates. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - [Cert Expiry] Add serial numbers, include example PBs, docs (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - properly set changes when oc apply (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - additional cr fixes (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - metrics fixes for yamlint (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - additional code reviews (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - set replicas to current value so not to disrupt current pods (#13) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - User provided certs pushed from control. vars reorg (#12) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - update vars to allow scaling of components (#9) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - allow definition of cpu/memory limits/resources (#11) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - rename variables to be less extraneous (#10) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - copy admin cert for use in subsequent tasks (#8) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Add tasks to uninstall metrics (#7) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Custom certificates (#5) (bbarcaroAATTredhat.com) - prefix vars with metrics role (#4) (jcantrillAATTusers.noreply.github.com) - Bruno Barcarol Guimarães work to move metrics to ansible from deployer (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Adding oc_edit module to lib_openshift. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Create individual serving cert and loopback kubeconfig for additional masters. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - add configuration for build default+overrides settings (bpareesAATTredhat.com) - delete idempotent (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - additional comments addressed (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Updating upgrade_logging to be more idempotent (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Using oc_apply task for idempotent (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Removing shell module calls and cleaning up changed (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - lib_openshift modules. This is the first one. oc_route. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - Updated modify_yaml with docstring and clarifications (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Rename subrole facts -> init (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Move Python modules into role (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Document playbook directories (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Document bin/cluster tool (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - keys should be lowercase according to the spec (jf.cron0AATTgmail.com) - filter: Removed unused validation calls (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Updated initializer usage in filters (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - fix when statement indentation, cast to bool (jf.cron0AATTgmail.com) - add openshift_facts as role dependency (jf.cron0AATTgmail.com) - Added setup.py to flake8 tests (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Do not default registry storage kind to \'nfs\' when \'nfs\' group exists. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fix inconsistent task name (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Reduce code duplication using variable (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Another proposed update to the issue template (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Replace custom variables with openshift_facts (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Catch DBus exceptions on class initialization (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - addressing comments (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Move playbook to BYO (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Fix typo in inventory README.md (lberkAATTredhat.com) - Refactor preflight check into roles (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make flake8 (py35) happy on bare except (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make callback plugin an always-on aggregate plugin (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add RPM checks as an adhoc playbook (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - first swing at release version wording (timbielawaAATTgmail.com) - Correct tox to run on Travis (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Adding ability to systematically modify yaml from ansible. (kwoodsonAATTredhat.com) - oo_filters: Moved static methods to functions (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - Correct return code compairison for yamllint (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add a fact to select --evacuate or --drain based on your OCP version (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update branch status (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - rename openshift_metrics to openshift_hosted_metrics (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Update aws dynamic inventory (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - improve issue template (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - cleanup: Removed debug prints from tests (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - remove debug statement from test (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Support openshift_node_port_range for configuring service NodePorts (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Workaround for dnf+docker version race condition (smilnerAATTredhat.com) - use etcdctl from the container when containerized=True (gscrivanAATTredhat.com) - Partial uninstall (sejugAATTredhat.com) - increase test coverage (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Update aws dynamic inventory (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - update travis to use tox for utils (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - More toxification (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - add test for utils to bump coverage (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - The scaleup subcommand does not support the unattended option (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Move role dependencies out of playbooks for openshift_master, openshift_node and openshift_hosted. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Remove unused file (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove unused file (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove spurious argument (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Fixing collision of system.admin cert generation (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - minor updates for code reviews, remove unused params (jcantrilAATTredhat.com) - Updating to use deployer pod to generate JKS chain instead (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Creating openshift_logging role for deploying Aggregated Logging without a deployer image (ewolinetAATTredhat.com) - Begin requiring Docker 1.12. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com)
Mon Jan 9 13:00:00 2017 Scott Dodson 3.5.0-1 - Update manpage version. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fix openshift_image_tag=latest. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Use registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/etcd instead of etcd3 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix repo defaults (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Use openshift.common.hostname when verifying API port available. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Re-add when condition which was removed mistakenly in #3036 (maszulikAATTredhat.com) - logging-deployer pull fixes from origin-aggregated-logging/#317 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t upgrade etcd on atomic host, ever. (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Change wording in the quick installer callback plugin (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fix jsonpath expected output when checking registry volume secrets (maszulikAATTredhat.com) - Enable repos defined in openshift_additional_repos by default (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add required python-six package to installation (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Hush the sudo privs check in oo-installer (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Add future versions to openshift_facts (ccolemanAATTredhat.com) - Cast openshift_enable_origin_repo to bool. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Update CFME template to point to GA build (simaishiAATTredhat.com) - Update aoi manpage with correct operation count (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Add templates for CFME Beta pod images (simaishiAATTredhat.com) - Add osnl_volume_reclaim_policy variable to nfs_lvm role (ando.rootsAATTbigbank.ee) - remove duplicate filter name and oo_pdb (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - remove old Ops tooling (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - enable pip cache for travis (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - python3 support, add tox for better local testing against multiple python versions (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - modify_yaml: handle None value during update. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Update the openshift-certificate-expiry README to reflect latest changes (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Deprecate node \'evacuation\' with \'drain\' (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Add master config hook for 3.4 upgrade and fix facts ordering for config hook run. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - The next registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/etcd image will be 3.0.15 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - [uninstall] Remove excluder packages (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Check embedded etcd certs now, too (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Include \'total\' and \'ok\' in check results (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Enable firewalld by default (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix access_modes initialization (luis.fernandezalvarezAATTepfl.ch) - Updated OpenShift Master iptables rules (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - YAML Linting (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Make both backup and upgrade optional (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - [upgrades] Upgrade etcd by default (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - upgrades - Fix logic error about when to backup etcd (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Limit node certificate SAN to node hostnames/ips. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Make \'cover-erase\' a config file setting. Move VENT target to pre-req for all ci- * targets (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fixes to \'make ci\' (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Resolved lint issues (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Minimum Ansible version check (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Removed verify_ansible_version playbook refs (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix coverage not appending new data (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Drop 3.2 upgrade playbooks. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Silence warnings when using rpm directly (dagAATTwieers.com) - Silence warnings when using rpm directly (dagAATTwieers.com) - Silence warnings when using rpm directly (dagAATTwieers.com) - Remove Hostname from 1.1 and 1.2 predicates (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Properly handle x.y.z formatted versions for openshift_release (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - etcd_upgrade: Simplify package installation (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Speed up \'make ci\' and trim the output (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - add comments and remove debug code (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Pre-pull master/node/ovs images during upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Handle updating of scheduler config during upgrade (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Fix templating (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - test updates (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Always install latest etcd for containerized hosts (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - etcd_upgrade : Use different variables for rpm vs container versions (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Switch back to using etcd rather than etcd3 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - node_dnsmasq - restart dnsmasq if it\'s not currently running (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Conditionalize master config update for admission_plugin_config. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - upgrade_control_plane.yml: systemd_units.yaml nees the master facts (mchappelAATTredhat.com) - openshift-master/restart : use openshift.common.hostname instead of inventory_hostname (mchappelAATTredhat.com) - Update scheduler predicate/priorities vars (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - fix tags (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - openshift_node_dnsmasq - Remove strict-order option from dnsmasq (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix metricsPublicURL only being set correctly on first master. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Explictly set etcd vars for byo scaleup (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Cleanup ovs file and restart docker on every upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Sync latest image stream and templates for v1.3 and v1.4 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - xpaas v1.3.5 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Ansible version check update (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - allow \'latest\' origin_image_tag (sjenningAATTredhat.com) - Remove duplicate when key (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - refactor handling of scheduler defaults (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - update tests and flake8/pylint fixes (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - fix tagging (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - do not report changed for group mapping (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - fix selinux issues with etcd container (dustyAATTdustymabe.com) - etcd upgrade playbook is not currently applicable to embedded etcd installs (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix invalid embedded etcd fact in etcd upgrade playbook. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Gracefully handle OpenSSL module absence (miscAATTredhat.com) - Refactored to use Ansible systemd module (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Updating docs for Ansible 2.2 requirements (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix the list done after cluster creation on libvirt and OpenStack (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - Set nameservers on DHCPv6 event (alexandre.lossentAATTcern.ch) - Systemd `systemctl show` workaround (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Verify the presence of dbus python binding (miscAATTredhat.com) - Update README.md (jf.cron0AATTgmail.com) - Reference master binaries when delegating from node hosts which may be containerized. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Merge kube_admission_plugin_config with admission_plugin_config (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Added a BYO playbook for configuring NetworkManager on nodes (skuznetsAATTredhat.com) - Make the role work on F25 Cloud (miscAATTredhat.com) - Make os_firewall_manage_iptables run on python3 (miscAATTredhat.com) - Modified the error message being checked for (vishal.patilAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Only run tuned-adm if tuned exists. (dustyAATTdustymabe.com) - Delegate openshift_manage_node tasks to master host. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fix rare failure to deploy new registry/router after upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Refactor os_firewall role (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Allow ansible to continue when a node is unaccessible or fails. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Create the file in two passes, atomicly copy it over (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Escape LOGNAME variable according to GCE rules (jacek.sucheniaAATTocado.com) - node_dnsmasq -- Set dnsmasq as our only nameserver (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Refactor to use Ansible package module (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Allow users to disable the origin repo creation (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix yum/subman version check on Atomic. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Check for bad versions of yum and subscription-manager. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Corrected syntax and typos (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Fix GCE cluster creation (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - Optimize the cloud-specific list.yml playbooks (lhuardAATTamadeus.com) - Added ip forwarding for nuage (vishal.patilAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Fix typo (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix a few places where we\'re not specifying the admin kubeconfig (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add rolebinding-reader (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add view permissions to hawkular sa (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Use multiple \'-v\'s when creating the metrics deployer command (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Sync logging deployer changes from origin to enterprise (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Docker daemon is started prematurely. (eric.mountainAATTamadeus.com) - Sync latest enterprise/metrics-deployer.yaml (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Sync latest s2i content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Actually upgrade host etcdctl no matter what (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Make etcd containerized upgrade stepwise (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix commit-offsets in version detection for containerized installs (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Fix HA upgrade when fact cache deleted. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Fix openshift_hosted_metrics_deployer_version set_fact. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Added dependency of os_firewall to docker role (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add updates for containerized (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add etcd upgrade for RHEL and Fedora (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Drop /etc/profile.d/etcdctl.sh (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Move backups to a separate file for re-use (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Uninstall etcd3 package (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Resolve docker and iptables service dependencies (rteagueAATTredhat.com) - Add Travis integration (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Default groups.oo_etcd_to_config when setting embedded_etcd in control plane upgrade. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Enable quiet output for all a-o-i commands (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update override cluster_hostname (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Reconcile role bindings for jenkins pipeline during upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Fix typos in openshift_facts gce cloud provider (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Don\'t upgrade etcd on backup operations (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Bump ansible requirement to (GA) (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Fix etcd backup failure due to corrupted facts. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Re-sync v1.4 image streams (andrewAATTandrewklau.com) - Revert \"Revert openshift.node.nodename changes\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Change to allow cni deployments without openshift SDN (yfauserAATTvmware.com) - README: fix markdown formatting (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Create contribution guide (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Remove README_AEP.md (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Install flannel RPM on containerized but not atomic (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - README: move structure overview to the top (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - README: cleanup setup steps (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - README: remove OSX setup requirements (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Add missing symlink for node openvswitch oom fix. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - README: improve first paragraph (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - README: add links, fix typos (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - README: improve markdown formatting (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - Make it easier to run Python tests (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - FIx flannel var name (jprovaznAATTredhat.com) - Always add local dns domain to no_proxy (jawed.khelilAATTamadeus.com) - Refactor default sdn_cluster_network_cidr and sdn_host_subnet_length (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Fix the nodeName of the OpenShift nodes on OpenStack\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Fix OpenStack cloud provider\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Revert \"Check that OpenStack hostnames are resolvable\" (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - set AWS creds task with no_logs (somalleyAATTredhat.com) - Change the logic to just compare against masters and nodes. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Append /inventory/README.md to explain what is BYO inventory folder #2742 (contactAATTstephane-klein.info) - Remove unused openshift-ansible/inventory/hosts file #2740 (contactAATTstephane- klein.info) - Remove unused playbooks adhoc metrics_setup files #2717 (contactAATTstephane- klein.info) - a-o-i: remove dummy data_file (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - a-o-i: remove script leftover from OpenShift v2 (rhcarvalhoAATTgmail.com) - [openstack] allows timeout option for heat create stack (douglaskippsmithAATTgmail.com) - [openstack] updates documentation to show that you need to install shade (douglaskippsmithAATTgmail.com) - default to multizone GCE config (sjenningAATTredhat.com) - Add some tests for utils to get the coverage up. (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update defaults for clusterNetworkCIDR & hostSubnetLength (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Add hawkular admin cluster role to management admin (fsimonceAATTredhat.com) - Prevent useless master by reworking template for master service enf file (jkhelilAATTgmail.com) - support 3rd party scheduler (jannleno1AATTgmail.com) - Add nuage rest server port to haproxy firewall rules. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Port openshift_facts to py3 (miscAATTredhat.com) - storage/nfs_lvm: Also export as ReadWriteOnce (waltersAATTverbum.org)
Fri Nov 4 13:00:00 2016 Scott Dodson 3.4.17-1 - Fix indentation for flannel etcd vars (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Update hosted_templates (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - remove console exclusions (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Restart API service always as well. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Update v1.4 content (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Update quick installer upgrade mappings for 3.4 (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Update flannel etcd vars for 0.5.5 (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Where we use curl force it to use tlsv1.2 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Bump etcd_ca_default_days to 5 years. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Update master_lb vs cluster_hostname workflow (smunillaAATTredhat.com)
Wed Nov 2 13:00:00 2016 Scott Dodson 3.4.16-1 - Fix HA environments incorrectly detecting mixed installed environments (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Deploy an OOM systemd override for openvswitch. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Only restart dnsmasq if the DNS servers have changed (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update installation summary for etcd members (smunillaAATTredhat.com) - Fix changed_when (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - add io labels (tdawsonAATTredhat.com) - Touch all ini_file files before using them (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove commit offset strings from parsed versions (tbielawaAATTredhat.com) - Update variant_version (smunillaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2016 Troy Dawson 3.4.15-1 - Bump documented openshift_release for 1.4/3.4. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Add requirements, fix a small formatting issue. (erinn.looneytriggsAATTgmail.com)
Fri Oct 28 14:00:00 2016 Troy Dawson 3.4.14-1 - Change HA master controller service to restart always. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Default hosted_registry_insecure true when insecure registry present in existing /etc/sysconfig/docker. (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Fix race condtion in openshift_facts (smunillaAATTredhat.com)
Wed Oct 26 14:00:00 2016 Troy Dawson 3.4.13-1 - [upgrades] Fix containerized node (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Add support for 3.4 upgrade. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Update link to latest versions upgrade README (ebballonAATTgmail.com) - Bump logging and metrics deployers to 3.3.1 and 3.4.0 (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Remove Vagrantfile (jdetiberAATTredhat.com) - Enable dnsmasq service (sdodsonAATTredhat.com) - Default infra template modification based on openshift_examples_modify_imagestreams (abutcherAATTredhat.com) - Added a parameter for cert validity (vishal.patilAATTnuagenetworks.net) - Fix and reorder control plane service restart. (dgoodwinAATTredhat.com) - Add node-labels to kubeletArguments (tbielawaAATTredhat.com)
Mon Oct 24 14:00:00 2016 Troy Dawson 3.4.12-1 | |