Changelog for libtorch-1.4.0-bp153.1.19.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Apr 23 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Make sure to pull py2/py3 package from the devel pkg
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Do not pull in python2 only dependencies
* Wed Feb 26 2020 Simon Lees - Exclude i586 builds for now, they fail with a cryptic return code of 1 from cmake from python.
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Christian Goll - updated to stable release 1.4.0, which has as Highlights:
* Distributed Model Parallel Training
* Pruning functionalities have been added to PyTorch- New Features:
* torch.optim.lr_scheduler now support “chaining.”
* torch.distributed.rpc is a newly introduced package- full Changelog listed in relases file or under and in the releases.hml file- added files:
* skip-third-party-check.patch which is a patch to skip the check of disabled dependencies
* QNNPACK-7d2a4e9931a82adc3814275b6219a03e24e36b4c.tar.gz which is part of pytorch but developed in different repo
* releases.html which is the downloaded releases file- removed patch files:
* fix-build-options.patch
* honor-PSIMD-env.patch
* removed-some-tests.patch
* Tue Jan 14 2020 Guillaume GARDET - Requires python-PeachPy on x86_64 only, as it is optional and available on x86_64 only
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Christian Goll - updated the requirement for examples and converters
* Wed Jun 12 2019 Christian Goll - Updated to stable version 1.1.0, which needed also updates of following dependend sources:
* onnx-1.4.1.tar.gz -> onnx-22662bfd4dcc6baebf29e3b823a051676f991001.tar.gz- Removed following sources:
* FBGEMM-f65f0ebe54f0512d8f42ee10025b596e3f42e0b8.tar.gz- Added following sources:
* foxi-8f74bc4df3a4cfc69b1a3eadf62aa29d9961c72d.tar.gz- Changed patch
* fix-build-options.patch to work with new buid system and exclude FBGEMM- Added patch:
* honor-PSIMD-env.patch, which makes depend sources of pytorch to use the source of psimd
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Christian Goll - Inital commit of pytorch/caffe2 which is an opensource machineleraning platform. This is the stable release 1.0.1 including like other tools a lot of third party sources, which could not be used from the base system due to messy build system. Additional sources are
* gloo, a communitcation library for GPUs as gloo-670b4d4aa46886cc66874e2a4dc846f5cfc2a285.tar.gz
* fbgemm, a low precission, high peformance matrix lib FBGEMM-f65f0ebe54f0512d8f42ee10025b596e3f42e0b8.tar.gz
* cpuinfo, a cross platform cpu information tool cpuinfo-89fe1695edf9ee14c22f815f24bac45577a4f135.tar.gz
* sleef, a function for elementary functions sleef-191f655caa25526ae226cf88dd2529265176014a.tar.gz
* pytbind11, which exposes C/C++ headers to pythob, but the source code of this library is deeply integrated into pytorch, so we need pybind11-25abf7efba0b2990f5a6dfb0a31bc65c0f2f4d17.tar.gz
* onnx, which is an format for exchaning neural networks as onnx-1.4.1.tar.gz
* pthreadpool, a pthread based thread tool implementation, which can be used when omp is not available pthreadpool-13da0b4c21d17f94150713366420baaf1b5a46f4.tar.gz
* FXdiv, a Header-only library for division via fixed-point multiplication by inverse, which has no stable API atm, so FXdiv-b742d1143724d646cd0f914646f1240eacf5bd73.tar.gz
* psimd, portable 128-bit SIMD intrinsics psimd-90a938f30ba414ada2f4b00674ee9631d7d85e19.tar.gz
* fp16, a numeric conversion library FP16-febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997.tar.gz
* gemmlowp, self-contained low-precision GEMM library as gemmlowp-8416bab644641a5c0a81ecf91a5cda804af0aee1.tar.gz
* fix-build-options.patch, which points pytorch to system libs
* removed-peachpy-depedency.patch, which forces to use system peachpy