Changelog for
python-nautilus-common-devel-1.2.3-bp153.1.30.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Dec 04 2019 Bjørn Lie
- Fix Requires in devel subpackage, needed now we only build python3 variant.
* Wed Nov 20 2019 Dominique Leuenberger - No longer build python2 variant: This did not really work anyway as python-nautilus-commonp_files was not that common between py2 and py3: the .so file actually linked one of the python interpreters directly (boo#1157305).
* Thu Jul 18 2019 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 1.2.3: + Fixed open-terminal example extension. + Fixed glgo#GNOME/nautilus-python#3: setting argv[0] to thunar. + Fixed glgo#GNOME/nautilus-python#4: allow overriding the build date to enable reproducible builds. + Removed build warnings. + Fix to work with python 3.8.- Drop reproducible.patch: Fixed upstream.- Use modern macros.
* Fri Jul 12 2019 Bernhard Wiedemann - Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218)
* Mon May 07 2018 Update to version 1.2.2: + Fix folder string comparison to prevent duplicate extension loading (bgo##792427).
* Mon Jan 08 2018 Update to version 1.2.1: + Fix syntax error when building docs using python3 (bgo#792348).- Changes from version 1.2: + Added capability to compile with python 3 support using PYTHON environment variable. + Improve extension path loading semantics to follow XDG recommendations (bgo#781232). + Require Nautilus 3.0 before importing extensions to prevent warnings (bgo#791208).- Turn the package into singlespec.- Update URL tag to currently the Nautilus Python project\'s web page.- Drop: + libtool BuildRequires and autoreconf call: the last is no longer needed and the former is automatically being pulled. + Standard BuilRoot setting tag: RPM already handles this itself.- Pass --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name} to configure for the use of the right documentation\'s directory.- Unconditionalize gtk-doc BuildRequires as the documentation is building without further problems again.- Remove unneeded %clean section once RPM does this work itself nowadays.- Correct out of order sentence in package descriptions.
* Wed May 09 2012 Explicitly add missing typelib(Nautilus) Requires: we can\'t use the automatic typelib() Requires generator since this python module is written in C.
* Fri Dec 02 2011 add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
* Mon Oct 17 2011 Update to version 1.1: + Added pygobject3 compatibility, and retained pygobject 2.28.x compatibility. + Bugs fixed: bgo#660290, bgo#660288, bgo#660287, bgo#660286, bgo#660283, bgo#653169.- Drop patches that have been merged upstream: + python-nautilus-fix-path-in-pc.patch + python-nautilus-fix-warnings.patch + python-nautilus-no-extension-on-failure.patch + python-nautilus-pygobject-3.0.patch
* Wed Sep 28 2011 Port to pygobject 3.0: + Add nautilus-python-pygobject-3.0.patch: do the port :-) + Change pkgconfig(pygobject-2.0) BuildRequires to pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0). + Add call to autoreconf, needed for the patch.- Use a build_doc macro to decide whether to build the documentation. It controls the following: + Use of gtk-doc BuildRequires. + Use of --disable-gtk-doc or --enable-gtk-doc option passed to configure.- Set build_doc macro to 0 as the documentation build currently requires the old pygobject.- Add python-nautilus-fix-warnings.patch: fix various warnings in the build.- Add python-nautilus-no-extension-on-failure.patch: do not load extensions on initialization failures.