Changelog for
python2-systemd-234-5.3.5.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Feb 02 2020 BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.
* Tue Nov 14 2017 Use more of python building macros- Do not build documentation (build is broken if /usr/bin/python is not present anyways)- Run spec-cleaner
* Mon Nov 06 2017 iso-c-90.patch added to fix building on SLE12-SP3
* Sat Oct 07 2017 singlespec
* Mon Jun 26 2017 exclude-tests-on-obs.patch: Exclude test which fail because of a bug in the OBS: Upgrade to release 234
* _daemon,_reader: return ENOSYS instead of NotImplemented
* _daemon: allow specifying flowinfo
* Added section for installation on openSUSE & SLE
* Adjust import order, spacing, operators as recommended by pylint
* build-sys: add sign and upload targets
* daemon: add basic support for sd_is_socket_sockaddr
* daemon: add wrapper for sd_is_socket_sockaddr and tests
* daemon: properly skip sd_is_socket_sockaddr calls if not available
* Fix handling of addresses without port and add tests
* Fix styling to match PEP8 in most places
* Improve test skipping on old systems
* Include all fields from record
* journal: do not convert extra args to string in JournalHandler
* journal: fix repr of JournalHandler to match python3.6
* journal: improve docstring formatting a bit
* journal: rename SENDER_FUNCTION to sender_function
* Makefile: add \"doc\" target for convenience
* Makefile: add convenience \"shell\" target to start python shell
* Makefile: remove unneeded -I/usr/include from flags
* Makefile: use $(INCLUDE_DIR) also for compilation
* Prevent non-str values from being concatenated with +
* Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes
* Remove mid from JournalHandler
* replace dict.iteritems() with dict.items() to support py3
* allow LIBSYSTEMD_VERSION to be overridden
* test_daemon: xfail test_notify_with_socket if bind() fails
* test_journal: add tests for MESSAGE_ID passing
* tests: move login tests from doctest to separate file
* tests: skip tests on ENOENT error
* Update to constants from systemd-233
* util: add compatibility for old glibc
* Mon Jun 12 2017 Upgrade to release 233: + Tests are fixed and should pass on various old and new systems alike. + can be used without arguments and defaults to LOG_LEVEL.- Changes from version 232: + Wrappers for sd_journal_enumerate_unique, has_runtime_files, has_peristent_files. + sd_journal_open_directory_fd, sd_journal_open_files_fd can be used by passing file descriptors to the initializer as the path or files arguments.
* Mon Jan 02 2017 add doc package
* Sat Oct 31 2015 Upgrade to release 231
* Various build fixes and cleanups: documentation can be generated with \'make sphinx-html\', pip install works out of the box.
* Tests that cover most of the python code were added. As a result, a bug in sd_is_mq was fixed in systemd 227.
* Functions sd_pid_notify and sd_pid_notify_with_fds are now wrapped as optional arguments to notify(), when compiled against a new-enough libsystemd.- Run tests- Removed obsolete python-systemd-libraries-for-opensuse-1310.patch patch- New build dependencies had been added
* Thu Oct 22 2015 python-systemd-libraries-for-opensuse-1310.patch allows compilation on openSUSE 13.1
* Mon Oct 19 2015 Initial release 230- This package is needed to resolve bnc#917818 - fail2ban can not use systemd-journal to ban ips