Changelog for
remmina-plugin-xdmcp-1.4.8-1.81.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Sep 11 2020 Build with kwallet and libappindicator on Tumbleweed, Leap and SLE releases greater than SLE-15-SP2 (jsc#SLE-11656).
* Fri Aug 14 2020 Update to release 1.4.8
* Adding timout option for RDP connections.
* Avoid quickconnect to empty hostnames. Fixes #2240
* Using full paths instead of variables
* Add support for quick connecting to RDP, VNC and SPICE from the command line
* Add SSH support to the protocol handler
* Restart SSH session when user has provided new username or password to allow for changing SSH user
* Use inline with AppStream 0.12 specification.
* Some fixes for the RDP backend
* Trim white from ip addresses input into quick connect bar
* Enhancing the SNAP info dialog box
* Adding FreeRDP log level setting
* Fri Jul 03 2020 Set minimal freerdp version to 2.1.0, because with 2.0.0 Remmina can not build.
* Wed Jun 24 2020 Update to release 1.4.7 (boo#1173296)
* Allow compilation with libwinpr (FreeRDP) pre commit 8c5d96784d !2083 AATTgiox069
* Bugfixing v1.4.6 !2082 AATTantenore
* Spelling: Automatic negotiation !2084 AATTkingu
* Spelling: GNOME Shell, opt-in desc, comments !2085 AATTkingu
* Memory leak fixes !2086 AATTantenore and AATTgiox069
* RDP: Replacing deprecated FreeRDP function VeryfyCertificate !2087 AATTantenore
* Tue Jun 09 2020 Update to release 1.4.6
* Hotkey language fixed
* Fetch news from optional
* allow saving notes in connection profile
* RDP: Improving hardware option parsing
* Rearranged widgets in a new Behavior tab
* Add separator only when there are saved profiles. Fixes #1914
* Implementing resume all for FTP file transfer, should fix #2210
* Edit or connect using multiple profile files from the command line
* Desktop session files for Remmina kiosk are optional
* Spelling fixes
* Translation fixes/improvements
* Feat/lebowski- Disabled news- Enabled kiosk sessions
* Mon May 25 2020 Update to release 1.4.5
* SSH plugin - adding font resize - closes #2201 (closed) !2059 (merged) AATTantenore
* Fixing keyboard grabbing issues with screenshot tool !2062 (merged) AATTgiox069
* Refactoring remmina_debug to avoid memory leaks and overhead, should fix #2202 (closed) !2061 (merged) AATTantenore
* Using directory only to expose artifacts !2060 (merged) AATTantenore- removed remmina-bug-2061.patch now integrated in upstream
* Fri May 22 2020 Update to release 1.4.4
* RDP Plugin - Adding UDP support, implements #2153 !2038 AATTantenore;
* Adding proxy and local storage support !2039 AATTantenore;
* RDP option to prefer IPv6 AAAA record over IPv4 A records !2040 AATTantenore;
* Allow users to override the app ID !2044 AATTgarymoon;
* Use icon name instead of localizable string in gtk_image_new_from_icon_name() !2045 AATTyurchor;
* Fix minor typos !2046 AATTyurchor;
* Don\'t grab when window has no focus, issue #2165 !2047 AATTgiox069;
* SSH tunnel and VNC fixes !2048 AATTantenore;
* Adding explicitly trueColour in the client format structure. Fixes #2181 and #810 !2049 AATTantenore;
* Code refactoring. !2050 AATTantenore;
* Extract subtitle for translation !2051 AATTyurchor;
* [SSH] Connection pre/post command not replacing SSH tunnel parameters !2053 AATTantenore;
* SNAP: Remove libssh, available in distro !2052 AATTed10vi;
* Create floating toolbar when ftb is set to off, 2189 !2054 AATTgiox069;
* Adding Remmina_debug function to simplify log reporting !2055 AATTantenore;
* Removing OnlyShowIn as deprecated in the latest freedesktop spec. Closes #2198 !2056 AATTantenore;
* Cleaning up GLib deprecations !2058 AATTantenore;
* And much more committed directly in the master branch;
* Polish is a new language.
* Thousands of new strings have been translated with Weblate;- added remmina-bug-2061.patch to fix for build issue in remmina issue #2202
* Wed Apr 29 2020 Add \'-fPIC\' on aarch64 to fix build
* Thu Apr 16 2020 Update to release 1.4.3
* KB grabbing fixes (mostly for Wayland)
* Adding Freerdp 3 compile option and using FreeRDP tag 2.0.0 as default
* Adding remmina terminal dependencies
* Updated translations
* Thu Apr 09 2020 Update to release 1.4.2
* Bug-fixing release related to SSH bugs
* Adds ClientBuild settings to RDP plugin to specify client version build number
* Spelling: Smaller bullet points, RDP plugin
* Allow formatting for SSH session filename
* web-browser plugin fixes
* Make duplicate session sensitive only if a profile exists
* Issue template reworked
* Fix null pointer dereference in remmina_main_quickconnect
* SFTP with tunnel fixes
* Cppcheck and PVS Studio Fixes
* VNCI fixes
* Typo fix in remmina_ssh.c
* Allow enter key in domain textbox of authentication dialog to submit
* rcw event sources cleanup (bsc#1169412)
* Tue Feb 25 2020 Update to release 1.4.1
* Bug-fix release
* SSH fixes, should fix #2094
* Update
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Update to new upstream release 1.4.0
* This is a long term release
* RDP clipboard fixes
* SSH authentication fixes
* Fixed compiler warnings
* SSH tunnel refactoring
* Parameters passed individually, notation, \"Press any key to continue…\"
* Updated boolean expressions
* Add end of options escaping
* Remove double-quotes escaping early
* Ending code block whitespace line removed
* Safer removal of build directory
* Spelling: Could not access the RDP server x7
* Removing double struct declaration
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Update to new upstream release 1.3.10 (jsc#SLE-9612)
* VNC: Fix a buffer overflow during cuttext
* Fix KB/pointer grabbing again and add warning when GTK is using
* Proxy support fixes- Update to new upstream release 1.3.9
* Fixing Keyboard grab issues. (mainly within i3wm and XFCE).
* Fri Dec 20 2019 Update to new upstream release 1.3.8
* Avoid clearing username/domain when saving RDP password
* Make Remmina news dialog modal to the main window
* Change switch notebook page idle func order.
* Fixing bad seat grabbing behaviour (grab all keys not working)
* Adding cmake option to use latest FreeRDP symbols when compiling.
* Adding default application symbolic icons
* Several translation fixes- Removed obsolete remmina-1.3.7-libfreerdp-2.0.0-rc4.patch
* Fri Dec 06 2019 Added remmina-1.3.7-libfreerdp-2.0.0-rc4.patch to be compatibile with libfreerdp-2.0.0-rc4- Update to new upstream release 1.3.7
* Huge improvements in translations
* Better authentication MessagePanel API
* Adding hidden proxy/socks settings for the RDP plugin
* Debian Lintian, appstream and AppImage detected issues fixes
* Tooltips in the remmina profile editor
* Fix for issue #1949 (and #1968). It also relocates --version and --full-version in local istance.
* Enumerate and share all local printers.
* Manually specify more then one printer&driver when connecting via RDP
* Printer sharing remediation
* Remove useless includes
* VTE is a suggested package
* AppImage path fixes
* Using remmina image for gnome 3.28
* Fix crash when clicking AR-button
* Various Fixes !1931
* Fix RDP failed auth after credentials panel: big rework on plugin connection close flow
* Tue Aug 27 2019 Update to new upstream release 1.3.6
* Fix fullscreen switching
* Fullscreen fixes
* rdpr channel initialization for special devices sharing. Closes #1955
* Fixing remminamain destroy issues
* Makes Rmnews modal to avoid that it steals input to the RCW
* Make some cmake targets optional to avoid packaging isssues
* SNAP fixing dependencies for the plugin WWW
* Updating Remmna icon to the yaru/suru icon set.
* Adding harfbuzz headers, closes #1941
* New stats
*.md: typo corrections
* Remove G+ from documents
* Mon Aug 05 2019 Removed dependency to NX for remmina-plugin-kwallet.
* Wed Jul 31 2019 Update to new upstream release 1.3.5
* Configurable, human readable profile file names
* A KDE Wallte plugin, that can be used instead of the GNOME Keyring
* Many notable and subtle bugs fixed by Giovanni Panozzo.
* Null pointer reference, RDP issues, remmina connection window fixes and refactoring and many more!!
* Remmina news (and announcements) widget
* Periodically (sporadically) a widget will be shown with news and announcements related to your Remmina version.
* Master password, to protect settings and profiles from unauthorized modifications
* WWW plugin (web browser with authentication for Remmina)
* New color schemes for the SSH plugin.
* Preferences cleaning
* Profile saving bug fixed
* Remmina main UI improvements
* Typographic and wording corrections- Removed broken telepathy plugin- New kwallet plugin will be built only on openSUSE and SLE backport releases.
* Wed Mar 13 2019 Update to new upstream release 1.3.4
* Updated to use core18 and gnome-3-28-1804 !1797
* Snap: Build snap in CI and publish to the edge channel for builds against master !1810
* Resolve \"SSH public key cannot be imported: Access denied for \'none\'. Authentication that can continie: publickey\" !1811
* snap: Ensure the icon is installed !1812
* Thu Feb 28 2019 Update to new upstream release 1.3.3
* Fix “Utranslated” typo + XHTML 1.0 strictness + move div CSS rule in style block
* Revert autoclosed