Changelog for mpd-0.20.23-2.29.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Nov 28 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.20.23

* protocol
- emit \"player\" idle event when restarting the current song

* fix broken float to s32 conversion

* new clang crash bug workaround

Fri Nov 9 13:00:00 2018
- Make iso9660 support optional (gh#173)

Tue Oct 23 14:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.20.22

* protocol
+ add tag fallbacks for AlbumArtistSort, ArtistSort
+ fix empty string filter on fallback tags
+ \"count group ...\" can print an empty group
+ fix broken command \"list ... group\"

* storage
+ curl: URL-encode paths

* decoder
+ fluidsynth: adapt to API change in version 2.0

* Android
+ now runs as a service
+ add button to start/stop MPD
+ add option to auto-start on boot

* work around clang bug leading to crash

* install the SVG icon
- Dropped mpd-fluidsynth.patch (no longer necessary)

Wed Oct 17 14:00:00 2018
- Update to ver 0.20.21 (2018/08/17)

* database
- proxy: add \"password\" setting
- proxy: support tags \"ArtistSort\", \"AlbumArtistSort\", \"AlbumSort\"
- simple: allow .mpdignore comments only at start of line
- proxy: fix \"search already in progress\" errors
- proxy: implement \"list ... group\"

* decoder
- dsdiff, dsf: support more MIME types
- dsdiff, dsf: allow 4 MB ID3 tags
- opus: support R128_ALBUM_GAIN tag
- ffmpeg: fix av_register_all() deprecation warning (FFmpeg 4.0)

* input
- mms: fix lockup bug and a crash bug

* output
- httpd: remove broken DLNA support code
- pulse: cork stream when paused due to \"single\" mode

* playlist
- cue: support file type declaration \"FLAC\" (non-standard)

* player
- fix spurious \"Not seekable\" error when switching radio streams

* protocol
- fix \"modified-since\" filter regression
- validate absolute seek time, reject negative values

* URI schemes are case insensitive
- deal with API change in fluidsynth with mpd-fluidsynth.patch
- use autosetup

Sun Feb 25 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.20.18:

* input
- curl: allow authentication methods other than \"Basic\"

* decoder
- flac: improve seeking precision

* fix gapless CUE song transitions

Sun Feb 11 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.20.17:

* output
- alsa: fix crash bug with 8 channels

* mixer
- alsa: fix rounding error at volume 0

Sun Feb 4 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.20.16:

* output
- pulse: fix crash during auto-detection

* database
- simple: fix search within mount points
- upnp: enable IPv6

* archive
- iso9660: libcdio 2.0 compatibility
- Update to version 0.20.15:

* queue: fix crash after seek failure

* resampler
- soxr: clear internal state after manual song change

* state file
- make mount point restore errors non-fatal
- fix crash when restoring mounts with incompatible database
- Run spec-cleaner

Wed Jan 31 13:00:00 2018
- Adjust usage of gccN for Leap42 and SLE12

Tue Jan 2 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.20.14 (2018/01/01)

* database
- simple: fix file corruption in the presence of mount points

* archive
- bz2: fix deadlock
- reduce lock contention, fixing lots of xrun problems
ver 0.20.13 (2017/12/18)

* mixer
- alsa: fix rounding errors

* database
- simple: don\'t purge mount points on update/rescan
- simple: fix \"mount\" bug caused by bad compiler optimization
- simple: fix \"lsinfo\" into mount points
- upnp: work around libupnp 1.6.24 API breakage

* queue: fix spuriously misplaced prioritized songs

* save and restore mountpoints within the state file
ver 0.20.12 (2017/11/25)

* database
- upnp: adapt to libupnp 1.8 API changes

* input
- cdio_paranoia, ffmpeg, file, smbclient: reduce lock
contention, fixing lots of xrun problems
- curl: fix seeking

* decoder
- ffmpeg: fix GCC 8 warning
- vorbis: fix Tremor support

* player
- log message when decoder is too slow

* encoder
- vorbis: default to quality 3

* output
- fix hanging playback with soxr resampler
- httpd: flush encoder after tag; fixes corrupt Vorbis stream
ver 0.20.11 (2017/10/18)

* storage
- curl: support Content-Type application/xml

* decoder
- ffmpeg: more reliable song duration
- gme: fix track numbering

* improve random song order when switching songs manually

* fix case insensitive search without libicu

* fix endless loop when accessing malformed file names in ZIP files
ver 0.20.10 (2017/08/24)

* decoder
- ffmpeg: support MusicBrainz ID3v2 tags

* tags
- aiff: fix FORM chunk size endianess (is big-endian)

* fix crash when resuming playback before decoder is ready

Sat Aug 19 14:00:00 2017
- Build unconditional with libmpdclient again

Sat Aug 19 14:00:00 2017
- [from packman] Disable sidplay, use qmmp or QMPlay2 instead

Tue Aug 15 14:00:00 2017
- Make also libmpdclient conditional: it is not present in TW

Tue Aug 15 14:00:00 2017
- Update copyright notice and bugzilla link for openSUSE
- Follow guideline on
for the creation of the user \"mpd\"
- Updated mpd-mdpconf_suse.patch to make pulse default instead of
- Do not use compiler test but condition it
- Update README.mpd for systemd and pulse and remove German section

Thu Jul 27 14:00:00 2017
- Update to ver 0.20.9 (2017/06/04)

* decoder
- ffmpeg: support

* playlist
- m3u: support MIME type `audio/mpegurl`

* database
- simple: fix false positive directory loop detection with NFS

* enforce a reasonable minimum audio_buffer_size setting

* cap buffer_before_play at 80%% to prevent deadlock

Wed Mar 15 13:00:00 2017
- Update to ver 0.20.6 (2017/03/10)

* input
- curl: fix headers after HTTP redirect to Shoutcast server

* decoder
- ffmpeg: re-enable as fallback
- mpcdec: fix crash (division by zero) after seeking
- sidplay: make compatible with libsidplayfp < 1.8

* fix stream tags after automatic song change

* workaround for GCC 4.9.4 / libstdc++ bug (build failure)

Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2017
- Update to ver 0.20.5 (2017/02/20)

* tags
- id3: fix memory leak on corrupt ID3 tags

* decoder
- sidplay: don\'t require libsidutils when building with libsidplayfp

* output
- httpd: fix two buffer overflows in IcyMetaData length calculation

* mixer
- alsa: fix crash bug

Wed Feb 8 13:00:00 2017
- enable shine, sidplay, opus, upnp, nfs, smbclient, soxr
- use built-in systemd files
- drop sysv init

Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2017
- Update to ver 0.20.4 (2017/02/01)

* input
- nfs: fix freeze after reconnect

* output
- sndio: work around a libroar C++ incompatibility

* workaround for GCC 4.9 \"constexpr\" bug
ver 0.20.3 (2017/01/25)

* protocol
- \"playlistadd\" creates new playlist if it does not exist, as documented

* database
- proxy: fix error \"terminate called after throwing ...\"
- proxy: make connect errors during startup non-fatal

* neighbor
- upnp: fix premature expiry

* replay gain: don\'t reset ReplayGain levels when unpausing playback

* silence surround channels when converting from stereo

* use shortcuts such as \"dsd64\" in log messages
ver 0.20.2 (2017/01/15)

* input
- alsa: fix crash bug
- alsa: fix buffer overruns

* decoder
- flac: add options \"probesize\" and \"analyzeduration\"

* resampler
- libsamplerate: reset state after seeking

* output
- fix static noise after changing to a different audio format
- alsa: fix the DSD_U32 sample rate
- alsa: fix the DSD_U32 byte order
- alsa: support DSD_U16
- recorder: fix error \"Failed to create : No such file or directory\"

* playlist
- cue: fix skipping songs
ver 0.20.1 (2017/01/09)

* input
- curl: fix crash bug
- curl: fix freeze bug

* decoder
- wavpack: fix crash bug

* storage
- curl: new storage plugin for WebDAV (work in progress)

* mixer
- alsa: normalize displayed volume according to human perception

* fix crash with volume_normalization enabled
ver 0.20 (2017/01/04)

* protocol
- \"commands\" returns playlist commands only if playlist_directory configured
- \"search\"/\"find\" have a \"window\" parameter
- report song duration with milliseconds precision
- \"sticker find\" can match sticker values
- drop the \"file:///\" prefix for absolute file paths
- add range parameter to command \"plchanges\" and \"plchangesposid\"
- send verbose error message to client

* input
- curl: fix memory leak

* tags
- ape, ogg: drop support for non-standard tag \"album artist\"
affected filetypes: vorbis, flac, opus & all files with ape2 tags
(most importantly some mp3s)
- id3: remove the \"id3v1_encoding\" setting; by definition, all ID3v1 tags
are ISO-Latin-1
- ape: support APE replay gain on remote files
- read ID3 tags from NFS/SMB

* decoder
- improved error logging
- report I/O errors to clients
- ffmpeg: support ReplayGain and MixRamp
- ffmpeg: support stream tags
- gme: add option \"accuracy\"
- gme: provide the TRACK tag
- gme: faster scanning
- mad: reduce memory usage while scanning tags
- mpcdec: read the bit rate
- pcm: support audio/L16 (RFC 2586) and audio/x-mpd-float
- sidplay: faster scanning
- wavpack: large file support
- wavpack: support DSD (WavPack 5)
- wavpack: archive support

* playlist
- cue: don\'t skip pregap
- embcue: fix last track
- flac: new plugin which reads the \"CUESHEET\" metadata block

* output
- alsa: fix multi-channel order
- alsa: remove option \"use_mmap\"
- alsa: support DSD_U32
- alsa: disable DoP if it fails
- jack: reduce CPU usage
- pulse: set channel map to WAVE-EX
- recorder: record tags
- recorder: allow dynamic file names
- sndio: new output plugin

* mixer
- null: new plugin

* resampler
- new block \"resampler\" in configuration file
replacing the old \"samplerate_converter\" setting
- soxr: allow multi-threaded resampling

* player
- reset song priority on playback
- reduce xruns

* write database and state file atomically

* always write UTF-8 to the log file.

* remove dependency on GLib

* support libsystemd (instead of the older libsystemd-daemon)

* database
- proxy: add TCP keepalive option

* update
- apply .mpdignore matches to subdirectories

* switch the code base to C++14
- GCC 4.9 or clang 3.4 (or newer) recommended
ver 0.19.21 (2016/12/13)

* decoder
- ffmpeg: fix crash bug

* fix unit test failure after recent \"setprio\" change

* systemd: add user unit
ver 0.19.20 (2016/12/09)

* protocol
- \"setprio\" re-enqueues old song if priority has been raised

* decoder
- ffmpeg: ignore empty packets
- pcm: fix corruption bug with partial frames (after short read)
- sidplay: fix playback speed with libsidplayfp

* output
- winmm: fix 8 bit playback

* fix gcc 7.0 -Wimplicit-fallthrough

* systemd: paranoid security settings
ver 0.19.19 (2016/08/23)

* decoder
- ffmpeg: bug fix for FFmpeg 3.1 support
- wildmidi: support libWildMidi 0.4

* output
- pulse: support 32 bit, 24 bit and floating point playback

* fix clang 3.9 warnings
ver 0.19.18 (2016/08/05)

* decoder
- ffmpeg: fix crash with older FFmpeg versions (< 3.0)
- ffmpeg: log detailed error message
- ffmpeg: support FFmpeg 3.1
- sidplay: detect libsidplay2 with pkg-config
- sidplay: log detailed error message
- sidplay: read the \"date\" tag
- sidplay: allow building with libsidplayfp instead of libsidplay2

* output
- shout: recognize setting \"encoder\" instead of \"encoding\"

* fix memory leak after stream failure

* fix build failure with Boost 1.61

* require gcc 4.7 or newer

Fri Jul 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to ver 0.19.17 (2016/07/09)

* decoder
- flac: fix assertion failure while seeking
- flac: fix stream duration indicator
- fix seek problems in several plugins

* fix spurious seek error \"Failed to allocate silence buffer\"

* replay gain: fix \"replay_gain_handler mixer\" setting

* DSD: use 0x69 as silence pattern

* fix use-after-free bug on \"close\" and \"kill\"
ver 0.19.16 (2016/06/13)

* faster seeking

* fix system include path order

* add missing DocBook file to tarball
ver 0.19.15 (2016/04/30)

* decoder
- ffmpeg: support FFmpeg 3.0
- ffmpeg: use as fallback instead of \"mad\" if no plugin matches
- opus: support bigger OpusTags packets

* fix more build failures on non-glibc builds due to constexpr Mutex

* fix build failure due to missing include

* fix unit test on Alpha
ver 0.19.14 (2016/03/18)

* decoder
- dsdiff: fix off-by-one buffer overflow
- opus: limit tag size to 64 kB

* archive
- iso9660: fix buffer overflow

* fix quadratic runtime bug in the tag pool

* fix build failures on non-glibc builds due to constexpr Mutex
ver 0.19.13 (2016/02/23)

* tags
- aiff, riff: fix ID3 chunk padding

* decoder
- ffmpeg: support the TAK codec

* fix disappearing duration of remote songs during playback

* initialize supplementary groups with glibc 2.19+
ver 0.19.12 (2015/12/15)

* fix assertion failure on malformed UTF-8 tag

* fix build failure on non-Linux systems

* fix LimitRTTIME in systemd unit file
ver 0.19.11 (2015/10/27)

* tags
- ape: fix buffer overflow

* decoder
- ffmpeg: fix crash due to wrong avio_alloc_context() call
- gme: don\'t loop forever, fall back to GME\'s default play length

* encoder
- flac: fix crash with 32 bit playback

* mixer
- fix mixer lag after enabling/disabling output

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2015
- Use pkgconfig for ffmpeg BuildRequires

Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2015
- Update to ver 0.19.10 (2015/06/21)

* input
- curl: fix deadlock on small responses
- smbclient: fix DFF playback

* decoder
- ffmpeg: improve seeking accuracy
- fix stuck stream tags

* encoder
- opus: fix bogus granulepos

* output
- fix failure to open device right after booting

* neighbor
- nfs: fix deadlock when connecting

* fix \"single\" mode breakage due to queue edits

Wed Mar 4 13:00:00 2015
-Update to version 0.19.9:
+ Decoder:

* dsdiff, dsf: raise ID3 tag limit to 1 MB.
+ Playlist:

* Fix loading duplicate tag types from state file.
+ Despotify:

* Remove defunct plugin.
+ Fix clock integer overflow on OS X.
+ Fix gcc 5.0 warnings.
+ Fix build failure with uClibc.
+ Fix build failure on non-POSIX operating systems.
+ Fix dependency issue on parallel Android build.
+ Fix database/state file saving on Windows.
- Changes from version 0.19.8:
+ Input:

* curl: Fix bug after rewinding from end-of-file.

* mms: Reduce delay at the beginning of playback.
+ Decoder:

* dsdiff, dsf: Allow ID3 tags larger than 4 kB.

* ffmpeg: Support interleaved floating point.
+ Fix clang 3.6 warnings.
+ Fix build failure on NetBSD.
- Changes from version 0.19.7:
+ Input:

* nfs: Fix crash while canceling a failing file open operation.

* nfs: Fix memory leak on connection failure.

* nfs: Fix reconnect after mount failure.

* nfs: Implement mount timeout (60 seconds).
+ Storage:

* nfs: Implement I/O timeout (60 seconds).
+ Playlist:

* embcue: Fix filename suffix detection.

* Don\'t skip non-existent songs in \"listplaylist\".
+ Decoder:

* ffmpeg: Fix time stamp underflow.
+ Fix memory allocator bug on Windows.
- Changes from version 0.19.6:
+ Decoder:

* ffmpeg: Support FFmpeg 2.5.
+ Fix build failure with musl.
+ Android:

* Update libFLAC to 1.3.1.

* Update FFmpeg to 2.5.
- Changes from version 0.19.5:
+ Input:

* nfs: Fix crash on connection failure.
+ Archive:

* zzip: Fix crash after seeking.
+ Decoder:

* dsdiff, dsf, opus: Fix deadlock while seeking.

* mp4v2: Remove because of incompatible license.

Wed Nov 26 13:00:00 2014
- Update spec file to add lame support.

Sat Nov 22 13:00:00 2014
-Update to version 0.19.4:
+ Protocol:

* Workaround for buggy clients that send \"add /\".
+ Decoder:

* Ffmpeg: support opus.

* Opus: add MIME types audio/ogg and application/ogg.

* Fix crash on failed filename charset conversion.

* Fix local socket detection from uid=0 (root).
- Changes from version 0.19.3:
+ Protocol:

* Fix \"(null)\" result string to \"list\" when AlbumArtist is
+ Database:

* Upnp: fix breakage due to malformed URIs.
+ Input:

* Curl: another fix for redirected streams.
+ Decoder

* Audiofile: fix crash while playing streams.

* Audiofile: fix bit rate calculation.

* Ffmpeg: support opus.

* Opus: fix bogus duration on streams.

* Opus: support chained streams.

* Opus: improved error logging.
+ Fix distorted audio with soxr resampler.
- Changes from version 0.19.2:
+ Input:

* Curl: fix redirected streams.
+ Playlist:

* Don\'t allow empty playlist name.

* M3u: don\'t ignore unterminated last line.

* M3u: recognize the file suffix \".m3u8\".
+ Decoder:

* Ignore URI query string for plugin detection.

* Faad: remove workaround for ancient libfaad2 ABI bug.

* Ffmpeg: recognize MIME type audio/aacp.

* Mad: fix negative replay gain values.
+ Output:

* Fix memory leak after filter initialization error.

* Fall back to PCM if given DSD sample rate is not supported.
+ Fix assertion failure on unsupported PCM conversion.
+ Auto-disable plugins that require GLib when --disable-glib is
- Changes from version 0.19.1:
+ Input:

* Mms: fix deadlock bug.
+ Playlist:

* Extm3u: fix Extended M3U detection.

* M3u, extm3u, cue: fix truncated lines.
+ Add missing file systemd/mpd.socket to tarball.
- Changes from version 0.19:
+ Protocol:

* new commands \"addtagid\", \"cleartagid\", \"listfiles\",
\"listmounts\", \"listneighbors\", \"mount\", \"rangeid\", \"unmount\".

* \"lsinfo\" and \"readcomments\" allowed for remote files.

* \"listneighbors\" lists file servers on the local network.

* \"playlistadd\" supports file:///.

* \"idle\" with unrecognized event name fails.

* \"list\" on album artist falls back to the artist tag.

* \"list\" and \"count\" allow grouping.

* New \"search\"/\"find\" filter \"modified-since\".

* \"seek
*\" allows fractional position.

* Close connection after syntax error.
+ Database:

* Proxy: forward \"idle\" events.

* Proxy: forward the \"update\" command.

* Proxy: copy \"Last-Modified\" from remote directories.

* Simple: compress the database file using gzip.

* Upnp: new plugin.

* Cancel the update on shutdown.
+ Storage:

* music_directory can point to a remote file server.

* Nfs: new plugin.

* Smbclient: new plugin.
+ Playlist:

* Cue: fix bogus duration of the last track.

* Cue: restore CUE tracks from state file.

* Soundcloud: use https instead of http.

* Soundcloud: add default API key.
+ Archive:

* Read tags from songs in an archive.
+ Input:

* Alsa: new input plugin.

* Curl: options \"verify_peer\" and \"verify_host\".

* Ffmpeg: update offset after seeking.

* Ffmpeg: improved error messages.

* Mms: non-blocking I/O.

* Nfs: new input plugin.

* Smbclient: new input plugin.
+ Filter

* Volume: improved software volume dithering.
+ Decoder:

* Vorbis, flac, opus: honor DESCRIPTION= tag in Xiph-based
files as a comment to the song.

* Audiofile: support scanning remote files.

* Audiofile: log libaudiofile errors.

* Dsdiff, dsf: report bit rate.

* Dsdiff, dsf: implement seeking.

* Dsf: support DSD512.

* Dsf: support multi-channel files.

* Dsf: fix big-endian bugs.

* Dsf: fix noise at end of malformed file.

* Mpg123: support ID3v2, ReplayGain and MixRamp.

* Sndfile: support scanning remote files.

* Sndfile: support tags \"comment\", \"album\", \"track\", \"genre\".

* Sndfile: native floating point playback.

* Sndfile: optimized 16 bit playback.

* Mp4v2: support playback of MP4 files.
+ Encoder:

* Shine: new encoder plugin.
+ Output:

* Alsa: support native DSD playback.

* Alsa: rename \"DSD over USB\" to \"DoP\".
+ Threads:

* The update thread runs at \"idle\" priority.

* The output thread runs at \"real-time\" priority.

* Increase kernel timer slack on Linux.

* Name each thread (for debugging).
+ Configuration:

* Allow playlist directory without music directory.

* Use XDG to auto-detect \"music_directory\" and \"db_file\".
+ Add tags \"AlbumSort\", \"MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID\".
+ Disable global Latin-1 fallback for tag values.
+ New resampler option using libsoxr.
+ ARM NEON optimizations.
+ Install systemd unit for socket activation.
- Rebase mpd-sndfile-vorbis.patch and mpd-mpdconf_suse.patch.
- Drop mpd-wavpack.patch and mpd-0.17.4-ffmpeg2.patch as now code
has been re-written.
- Drop configure options for soup, lastfm and mvp and respective
build requirements.
- Enable boost and libmpdclient option at configure time and add
respective build requirements.
- Add libicu-devel to build requirements.
- Disable libwrap configure option as build fails.
- Disable other unused plugins and encoders.
- Clean up spec file for systemd.

Fri Nov 8 13:00:00 2013
- add Type=forking to mpd.service.

Fri Sep 20 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.17.5:

* protocol:
- fix \"playlistadd\" with URI
- fix \"move\" relative to current when there is no current song

* decoder:
- ffmpeg: support \"application/flv\"
- mikmod: adapt to libmikmod 3.2

- detect system \"ar\"
- use gentoo\'s patch for compiling with ffmpeg 2.x
- add own service file (PM-79)

Tue Jun 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.17.4:

* protocol:
- allow to omit END in ranges (START:END)
- don\'t emit IDLE_PLAYER before audio format is known

* decoder:
- ffmpeg: support float planar audio (ffmpeg 1.1)
- ffmpeg: fix AVFrame allocation

* player:
- implement missing \"idle\" events on output errors

* clock: fix build failure

Thu Mar 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.17.3:

* output:
- osx: fix pops during playback
- recorder: fix I/O error check
- shout: fix memory leak in error handler
- recorder, shout: support Ogg packets that span more than one page

* decoder:
- ffmpeg: ignore negative time stamps
- ffmpeg: support planar audio

* playlist:
- cue: fix memory leak
- cue: fix CUE files with only one track
- Drop mpd-systemd_require_network_first.patch: fixed upstream.

Thu Feb 14 13:00:00 2013
- Add explicit pkgconfig(bzip2) BuildRequires for 12.3 and newer.

Fri Oct 19 14:00:00 2012
- fix systemd unit script to require network to be started prior to
mpd, thanks to Jean Delvare for the patch
- update to 0.17.2:

* protocol:
- fix crash in local file check

* decoder:
- fluidsynth: remove throttle (requires libfluidsynth 1.1)
- fluidsynth: stop playback at end of file
- fluidsynth: check MIDI file format while scanning
- fluidsynth: add sample rate setting
- wavpack: support all APEv2 tags

* output:
- httpd: use monotonic clock, avoid hiccups after system clock adjustment
- httpd: fix throttling bug after resuming playback

* playlist:
- cue: map \"PERFORMER\" to \"artist\" or \"album artist\"

* mapper: fix non-UTF8 music directory name

* mapper: fix potential crash in file permission check

* playlist: fix use-after-free bug

* playlist: fix memory leak

* state_file: save song priorities

* player: disable cross-fading in \"single\" mode

* update: fix unsafe readlink() usage
- changes from 0.17.1:

* protocol:
- require appropriate permissions for searchadd{,pl}

* tags:
- aiff: support the AIFC format
- ape: check for ID3 if no usable APE tag was found

* playlist:
- cue: support file types \"MP3\", \"AIFF\"

* output:
- fix noisy playback with conversion and software volume

Tue Jul 17 14:00:00 2012
- update to 0.17:

* protocol:
- support client-to-client communication
- \"update\" and \"rescan\" need only \"CONTROL\" permission
- new command \"seekcur\" for simpler seeking within current song
- new command \"config\" dumps location of music directory
- add range parameter to command \"load\"
- print extra \"playlist\" object for embedded CUE sheets
- new commands \"searchadd\", \"searchaddpl\"

* input:
- cdio_paranoia: new input plugin to play audio CDs
- curl: enable CURLOPT_NETRC
- curl: non-blocking I/O
- soup: new input plugin based on libsoup

* tags:
- RVA2: support separate album/track replay gain

* decoder:
- mpg123: implement seeking
- ffmpeg: drop support for pre-0.5 ffmpeg
- ffmpeg: support WebM
- oggflac: delete this obsolete plugin
- dsdiff: new decoder plugin

* output:
- alsa: support DSD-over-USB (dCS suggested standard)
- httpd: support for streaming to a DLNA client
- openal: improve buffer cancellation
- shout: add possibility to set url
- roar: new output plugin for RoarAudio

* mixer:
- alsa: listen for external volume changes

* playlist:
- allow references to songs outside the music directory
- new CUE parser, without libcue
- soundcloud: new plugin for accessing

* state_file: add option \"restore_paused\"

* cue: show CUE track numbers

* allow port specification in \"bind_to_address\" settings

* support floating point samples

* systemd socket activation

* improve --version output

Sun May 6 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.16:8:

* fix for libsamplerate assertion failure

* decoder:
- vorbis (and others): fix seeking at startup
- ffmpeg: read the \"year\" tag

* encoder:
- vorbis: generate end-of-stream packet before tag
- vorbis: generate end-of-stream packet when playback ends

* output:
- jack: check for connection failure before starting playback
- jack: workaround for libjack1 crash bug
- osx: fix stuttering due to buffering bug

* fix endless loop in text file reader

* update: skip symlinks in path that is to be updated
- spec-cleaner\'ed spec file

Mon Feb 6 13:00:00 2012
- update to 0.16.7:

* input:
- ffmpeg: support libavformat 0.7

* decoder:
- ffmpeg: support libavformat 0.8, libavcodec 0.9
- ffmpeg: support all MPD tags

* output:
- httpd: fix excessive buffering
- openal: force 16 bit playback, as 8 bit doesn\'t work

* fix moving after current song
- add mpd-user.conf to doc files, copy to ~/.mpd/mpd.conf for user centric
- add tcpd and mkisofs support

Thu Dec 22 13:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <0.16.6>

Sun Oct 23 14:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <0.16.5>

Fri Oct 7 14:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <0.16.4>

Fri Aug 5 14:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <0.16.3>

Thu Mar 24 13:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <0.16.2>

Fri Jan 14 13:00:00 2011
- new upstream version <0.16.1>

Sun Dec 12 13:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.16>

Sat Nov 13 13:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.15>

Wed Oct 13 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.13>

* output_thread: fix race condition after CANCEL command

* output:
- httpd: fix random data in stream title
- httpd: MIME type audio/ogg for Ogg Vorbis

* input:
- rewind: update MIME not only once
- rewind: enable for MMS

Wed Jul 21 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.12>

* input:
- curl: remove assertion after curl_multi_fdset()

* tags:
- rva2: set \"gain\", not \"peak\"

* decoders:
- wildmidi: support version 0.2.3

Fri Jul 16 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.11>

* tags:
- ape: support album artist

* decoders:
- mp4ff: support tags \"album artist\", \"albumartist\", \"band\"
- mikmod: fix memory leak
- vorbis: handle uri==NULL
- ffmpeg: fix memory leak
- ffmpeg: free AVFormatContext on error
- ffmpeg: read more metadata
- ffmpeg: fix libavformat 0.6 by using av_open_input_stream()

* playlist: emit IDLE_OPTIONS when resetting single mode

* listen: make get_remote_uid() work on BSD

Mon May 31 14:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.10>

* input:
- mms: fix memory leak in error handler
- mms: initialize the \"eof\" attribute

* decoders:
- mad: properly calculate ID3 size without libid3tag

Tue Mar 23 13:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.9>

* decoders:
- mad: fix crash when seeking at end of song
- mpcdec: fix negative shift on fixed-point samples
- mpcdec: fix replay gain formula with v8

* playlist: fix single+repeat in random mode

* player: postpone song tags during cross-fade

Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2010
- new upstream version <0.15.8>

* input:
- curl: allow rewinding with Icy-Metadata

* decoders:
- ffmpeg, flac, vorbis: added more flac/vorbis MIME types
- ffmpeg: enabled libavformat\'s file name extension detection

* dbUtils: return empty tag value only if no value was found

* decoder_thread: fix CUE track playback

* queue: don\'t repeat current song in consume mode

Tue Jan 12 13:00:00 2010
- fix init script

Tue Dec 29 13:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.15.7>

* archive:
- close archive when stream is closed
- iso, zip: fixed memory leak in destructor

* input:
- file: don\'t fall back to parent directory
- archive: fixed memory leak in error handler

* tags:
- id3: fix ID3v1 charset conversion

* decoders:
- eliminate jitter after seek failure
- ffmpeg: don\'t try to force stereo
- wavpack: allow fine-grained seeking

* mixer: explicitly close all mixers on shutdown

* mapper: fix memory leak when playlist_directory is not set

* mapper: apply filesystem_charset to playlists

* command: verify playlist name in the \"rm\" command

* database: return multiple tag values per song

Fri Nov 20 13:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.15.6>

* input:
- lastfm: fixed variable name in GLib<2.16 code path
- input/mms: require libmms 0.4

* archive:
- zzip: require libzzip 0.13

* tags:
- id3: allow 4 MB RIFF/AIFF tags

* decoders:
- ffmpeg: convert metadata
- ffmpeg: align the output buffer
- oggflac: rewind stream after FLAC detection
- flac: fixed CUE seeking range check
- flac: fixed NULL pointer dereference in CUE code

* output_thread: check again if output is open on PAUSE

* update: delete ignored symlinks from database

* database: increased maximum line length to 32 kB

Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.15.5>

* input:
- curl: don\'t abort if a packet has only metadata
- curl: fixed endless loop during buffering

* tags:
- riff, aiff: fixed \"limited range\" gcc warning

* decoders:
- flac: fixed two memory leaks in the CUE tag loader

* decoder_thread: change the fallback decoder name to \"mad\"

* output_thread: check again if output is open on CANCEL

* update: fixed memory leak during container scan

Tue Sep 1 14:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.15.3>

* Document nextsong and nextsongid

* update: don\'t re-read unchanged container files

* output_init: initialize the \"pause\" flag

* decoder/vorbis: faster tag scanning with ov_test_callback()

Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.15.2>

* tags:
- ape: check the tag size (fixes integer underflow)
- ape: added protection against large memory allocations

* decoders:
- mad: skip ID3 frames when libid3tag is disabled
- flac: parse all replaygain tags
- flac: don\'t allocate cuesheet twice (memleak)

* output:
- shout: fixed stuck pause bug
- shout: minimize the unpause latency

* update: free empty path string (memleak)

* update: free temporary string in container scan (memleak)

* directory: free empty directories after removing them (memleak)

Sat Jul 18 14:00:00 2009
- new upstream version <0.15.1>