Changelog for genius-lang-1.0.23-bp153.1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Sep 09 2017 Ensure neutrality of description, remove rheotric questions from description. Update package summaries.
* Thu Sep 07 2017 Update to version 1.0.23: + Stop depending the build system on gnome-common. + Help is now built as HTML and displayed in the browser,meaning it actually works, links work, and it doesn\'t depend on any particular desktop environment being installed. The HTML help is also shown in the command line version when \"manual\" is run. + New example for Duffing equation. + New example on traces of the Peano function. + Couple of fixes/improvements in the examples. + Fix a crash on SurfacePlotDrawLines/Points. + Updated translations.- Drop some %dir and %doc: no longer needed.
* Sat Jan 21 2017 Replace scrollkeeper with rarian-scrollkeeper-compat BuildRequires: scollkeeper is dead, let\'s at least use the proper replacement.
* Mon Jan 16 2017 Update to version 1.0.22: + Add a line plot version of the heat equation FDM animation. example, and improve the surface plot version. + Add argument principle example. + Add two Mandelbrot set examples and a Newton\'s fractal example. + Add examples for visualizing complex mappings. + Add example vizualizations for Riemann and Darboux sums. + Split the examples into submenus as there is now too many of them. + Add \"filled\" property to lines to allow drawing filled polygons. + Add LinePlotWaitForClick and LinePlotMouseLocation functions for interactive programs (used for some of the above new examples). + LinePlotDrawPoints and LinePlotDrawLine accept a column vector of complex nubmers. + Fix possible infinite loop on parse on systems with newer flex. + Fix setting of elements in transposed matrices (vectors). + Fix doc string to ErrorFunction. + Fix bad behavour upon double hitting \"Run\". + Fix vte deprecations, require 0.26 now. + Fix some strings and fixes to documentation. + Fix segfault when trying to swap a protected id with swapwith. + Fix StripZeroColumns behavior on a zero matrix. + Fix Subfactorial, and let Subfactorial, Factorial, DoubleFactorial apply over matrix. + Fix some inverse trig functions with complex arguments. + Other minor fixes including some crashes.
* Tue Jan 12 2016 Update to version 1.0.21: + Add vibrating drumhead modes example, heat equation with explicit FDM, improve the Laplace FDM example. + Fix output of chopped floating point numbers, especially chopped imaginary parts. + Fix output of results as floats in pretty print. + Fix SurfacePlotVariableNames to redraw when changing variable names. + Updated translations.
* Thu Mar 12 2015 Update to version 1.0.20: + Add more sizes of icons including SVG, and add Keywords to the .desktop file. + Documentation updates. + Fix PeriodicExtension function. + ErrorFunction (erf) is using MPFR for real values so it is far more precise and faster. + The Fourier series example is no longer using a hand coded graph and hand computed series, so it can now be easily modified to show series for different functions. + Fix GCC 5 compilation. + A couple of minor fixes in the plotting code including one possible crasher. + Updated translations.
* Wed Sep 24 2014 Update to version 1.0.19: + New menu: Examples. These are annotated programs that show some mathematical concept. Generally taken from the classes I have been teaching. They are installed under prefix/share/genius/examples/ and are mostly using graphics so only work in the graphical GNOME/GTK version + New plotting functions: SurfacePlotDrawLine, SurfacePlotDrawPoints, SurfacePlotClear, PlotWindowPresent. + New rotation animation in the surface plot window. + Fix string constants from compiled library starting with \'E\'. + A few fixes. + Updated translations.
* Sat Sep 13 2014 Update to version 1.0.18: + New general functions: KroneckerProduct (alias TensorProduct), NewtonsMethod, HalleysMethod, LambertW, LambertWm1, NonzeroColumns, NonzeroElements, DisplayVariables, PrintTable, SetElement, SetVElement. + New plotting functions: PlotCanvasFreeze/PlotCanvasThaw to improve flicker if doing animations with genius, and LinePlotDrawPoints function to draw just points without the line. While plotting errors are no longer forced into a dialog, and presence of errors is indicated in the graph window below the graph. + Allow setting color in LinePlotDrawLine with RGB vector. When the vector building notation is done with floats and the final number is within 2^-20 times the step size of the goal, assume there were roundoff errors and still add it, just like for loops, so something like 1.0:0.1:3.0 now works. + Implement subsecond precision in wait function. + Fix memory corruption error triggered in nested floating point for loops with a floating point step. + Few minor bug fixes and fix some more compile warnings in gtkextra. + Streamline the compiled file format (saves about 30kb). + A few improvements to the documentation. + Updated translations.
* Thu Jun 27 2013 Update to version 1.0.17: + Better precision for graphs especially when zoomed it a lot, and make font smaller if needed. + Line plots and parametric plots now allow \"fit dependent axis\" automatically when y limits are unspecified. And this is the default in the UI. + Add export of graphs to PDF directly. + Line plot step size is adaptive, also line plots now detect jumps and do not draw a connecting line, try plotting UnitStep for example. + Use arrow keys to move around a line plot. + left-right arrow keys rotate surface plot. + All plots are now antialiased on the screen (due to GtkExtra update and cairo usage). + Update internal GtkExtra to 3.0.5, and forward port all our changes/fixes (this gets us closer to supporting GTK+3 at some point). + Completion for \"help on function\" in the GUI. + Fix FindRootBisection and FindRootMullersMethod. + Factors is now a lot faster on very large numbers (as fast as Factorize). + Fix placement of labels on surface plots. + A few small fixes and updates to the documentation. + A few minor bugfixes. + Update mersenne primes (new one is known). + Updated translations.
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Update to version 1.0.16: + Add SurfacePlotData and SurfacePlotDataGrid functions to draw arbitrary surface data, to allow more complicated 3d plots and 3d plots from data. + Add LinePlotDrawAxisLabels and SurfacePlotDrawLegends parameters and add corresponding UI checkboxes + Add ExportPlot function to export the current contents of the plot window to a file from GEL + Surface plot now allows \"fit dependent axis\" automatically when z limits are unspecified. And this is the default in the UI + Add sinc, BesselJ0, BesselJ1, BesselJn, BesselY0, BesselY1, BesselYn functions + Plot window slightly bigger (700x500 now) and there are wider side margins in the lineplot (2D) version to make tick labels always fit. + In both 2D and 3D plots, tick labels now use scientific notation when needed to avoid ugly labels + In surface plot the gradient always shows only the range of the function, so color is more useful when zoomed out. + Simpler output when typing \"help foo\" when foo is neither defined nor documented. + When for/sum/prod loops are in terms of floating point numbers and the final number is within 2^-20 times the step size of the goal, assume there were roundoff errors and still execute the body + Handle wider matrices than 2^15 columns in expansion + Fix flicker when plotting surfaces to allow animations with 3d plots + Fix possible uninitialized crash when reading badly formed standard library (should never happen, but ...) + Fix LinearRecursiveSequence and allow it to take vector for n + Fix crash on uninitialized variables in conjugate transpose + Fix crash on extreme zoom out or zoom in of a graph + Fix derivatives of Im and Re + Fix file chooser dialogs not starting in current directory + Avoid double error about uninitialized variables + Spelling fixes and documentation fixes + Require MPFR at least 2.3.0 + Updated translations.