Changelog for
python2-WTForms-2.2.1-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Jul 29 2019 version update to 2.2.1
* :class:`~fields.StringField` only sets ``data = \'\'` when form data is empty and an initial value was not provided. This fixes an issue where the default value wasn\'t rendered with the initial form. (`#291`_, `#355`_, `#401`_)
* Merged new and updated translations from the community.
* Passing ``data_`` args to render a field converts all the underscores to hyphens when rendering the HTML attribute, not just the first one. ``data_foo_bar`` becomes ``data-foo-bar``. (`#248`_)
* The :class:`~validators.UUID` validator uses the :class:`uuid.UUID` class instead of a regex. (`#251`_)
* :class:`~fields.SelectField` copies the list of ``choices`` passed to it so modifying an instance\'s choices will not modify the global form definition. (`#286`_)
* Fields call :meth:`~fields.Field.process_formdata` even if the raw data is empty. (`#280`_)
* Added a :class:`~fields.MultipleFileField` to handle a multi-file input. :class:`~fields.FileField` continues to handle only one value. The underlying :class:`~widgets.FileInput` widget gained a ``multiple`` argument. (`#281`_)
* :class:`~fields.SelectField` choices can contain HTML (MarkupSafe ``Markup`` object or equivalent API) and will be rendered properly. (`#302`_)
* :class:`~fields.TimeField` and :class:`html5.TimeField
` were added. (`#254`_)
* Improved :class:`~validators.Email`. Note that it is still unreasonable to validate all emails with a regex and you should prefer validating by actually sending an email. (`#294`_)
* Widgets render the ``required`` attribute when using a validator that provides the ``\'required\'`` flag, such as :class:`~validators.DataRequired`. (`#361`_)
* Fix a compatibility issue with SQLAlchemy 2.1 that caused :class:`~ext.sqlalchemy.fields.QuerySelectField` to fail with ``ValueError: too many values to unpack``. (`#391`_)- drop lang packages- test package
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Sat Sep 02 2017 Don\'t let description assume any particular user.
* Thu Aug 31 2017 Update to version 2.1
* Added `render_kw` to allow default rendering time options.
* Updated / added a number of localizations
* Updated docs
* Allow widgets to set flags
* Thu Aug 24 2017 singlespec auto-conversion
* Thu May 14 2015 update to version 2.0.2:
* Added more localizations and updated some
* Validators for email and URL can validate IDNA-encoded domain names and new TLDs
* Better DeprecationWarnings
* Support localization files in /usr/share/locale (for distro packaging)- additional changes from version 2.0.1
* Released July 1, 2014
* Update wheel install to conditionally install ordereddict for python 2.6
* Doc improvements- additional changes from version 2.0
* Add new class Meta paradigm for much more powerful customization of WTForms
* Move i18n into core. Deprecate wtforms.ext.i18n
* Move CSRF into core. Deprecate wtforms.ext.csrf
* Fix issue rendering SelectFields with value=True
* Make DecimalField able to use babel locale-based number formatting
* Drop Python 3.2 support (Python3 support for 3.3+ only)
* passing attr=False to WTForms widgets causes the value to be ignored
* Unique validator in wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy has been removed- add new dependency python-ordereddict for SLE11- update the list of files to fix end of line encoding- use %find_lang for the lang subpackage: paths changed upstream- run the tests during build- rename CHANGES.txt to CHANGES.rst: changed upstream- rename README.txt to changed upstream
* Thu Apr 10 2014 Updated to version 1.0.5: + Fix a bug in validators which causes translations to happen once then clobber any future translations. + ext.sqlalchemy / ext.appengine: minor cleanups / deprecation. + Allow blank string and the string \'false\' to be considered false values for BooleanField (configurable). This is technically a breaking change, but it is not likey to affect the majority of users adversely. + ext.i18n form allows passing LANGUAGES to the constructor.- from version 1.0.4: + Add widgets and field implementations for HTML5 specialty input types. + ext.appengine: Add NDB support. + Add translations: Korean, Traditional Chinese- cleaned up spec file: + created a doc package + rpmlint lang warnings script taken from python-wxWidgets
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Sun Apr 14 2013 Update to version 1.0.3 + Tests complete in python 3.2/3.3. + Localization for ru, fr. + Minor fixes in documentation for clarity. + FieldList now can take validators on the entire FieldList. + ext.sqlalchemy model_form:
* Fix issue with QuerySelectField
* Fix issue in ColumnDefault conversion
* Support Enum type + Field class now allows traversal in Django 1.4 templates.- Initial python3 support
* Tue Sep 27 2011 Update to version 0.6.3:
* Documentation: Substantial documentation improvements, including adding Crash Course as a sphinx document.
* ext.django: QuerySetSelectField (and ModelSelectField) now accept get_label similar to sqlalchemy equivalents.
* ext.appengine: + model_form fixes: FloatField(#50), TimeField, DateTimeField(#55) + ReferencePropertyField: now properly stores model object, not key. (#48)- Changes from version 0.6.2:
* ext.appengine: various field fixes (#34, #48), model_form changes (#41)
* Fix issue in Optional with non-string input.
* Make numeric fields more consistent.
* Tests: Improve test coverage substantially.- Recommend python-django, python-SQLAlchemy & python-google-appengine, WTForms provides optional integration for each- Package documentation