Changelog for
radvd-debugsource-2.17-lp152.6.3.1.i586.rpm :
* Fri May 14 2021 Jiri Bohac
- replace /var/run with /run in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/radvd.conf (bsc#1185066)
* Thu Nov 23 2017 Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468)
* Mon Oct 02 2017 Clear assumptions from description.
* Tue Sep 26 2017 only do group prereq on new style distro
* Tue Sep 26 2017 update to 2.17:
* Fix STDERR_SYSLOG log level bug.
* Always close stdout and stderr when daemonizing.
* Implement RFC 7772 Section 5.1.1, 5.1.2, defaulted to on.
* Fixed ExecReload in systemd service file
* Merged ARPHRD_6LOWPAN netlink query from
* Add systemd service file
* Fixed bug in new vs old address list comparison when responding to netlink messages.
* Fix netlink bug where RADVD reacts to RTM_NEWADDR messages when there weren\'t actually any new addresses to be found. Those RTM_NEWADDR messages were only
* process.c: fixup ugly overflow check minor fixup to \'client\' option update abro usage gram.y: deprecate abro prefix length device-linux.c: IEEE 802.15.4 musl libc fix send.c: seconds/miliseconds comparison fix send.c: preferred lifetime RFC 4862, 5.5.3 fix defaults.h: remaining lifetime RFC 4862 fix radvdump: show routes with prefixlen > 64- run tmpfiles_create in post to ensure creation of rundir- depend on daemon group to be created before adding user- fix rundir group permission
* Mon Apr 20 2015 As radvd does not build on older releases removing conditions and radvd.init- Use /var/run instead of /run- Depend on shadow for useradd
* Sat Apr 18 2015 Update to 2.11
* added --without-check option to configure- Cleanup spec-file with spec-cleaner- Add keyring for gpg signature
* Sun Mar 15 2015 Update to version 2.10
* Reverted random delay work because it broke detecting new interfaces in a timely manor.- Update radvd-configure.patch- Do not provide both sysvinit/systemd init files; it\'s redundant- Add a backward compatibility link for systemd
* Sun Nov 09 2014 Led - fix bashisms in post script
* Wed Jul 30 2014 Update to version 2.2 minor fixes: Netlink: set setup_iface fix for down interface coming up split send_ra into smaller function orgainize struct Interface with nested structures time: Use clock_gettime and monotonic clock add disable_ipv6_autoconfig function so an interface radvd is using won\'t autoconfig itself using its own advert improved netlink message processing to
* reinit an interface that changed. build fixes: Revert bison locations in order to support byacc Amend DIST_EXTRA with the make check files Add command line option parsing to the check unit test application Add make check target based on the check unit testing framework Add check in for clock_gettime Fix out of tree builds disable struct-overflow warning Add compiler attributes to type check format strings