Changelog for bgzip-1.10.2-lp152.2.4.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Aug 05 2021 Pierre Bonamy - CVE-2020-36403.diff: Add patch fixing CVE-2020-36403 #boo1187917
* Mon Feb 10 2020 Todd R - Include baselibs.conf as source file.- Update baselibs.conf.
* Wed Feb 05 2020 Todd R - Update to release 1.10.2
* This is a release fix that corrects minor inconsistencies discovered in previous deliverables.- Update to release 1.10.1
* The support for 64-bit coordinates in VCF brought problems for files not conforming to VCF/BCF specification. While previous versions would make out-of-range values silently overflow creating nonsense values but parseable file, the version 1.10 would silently create an invalid BCF.- Update to release 1.10 + Brief summary
* Addition of support for references longer than 2Gb (NB: SAM and VCF formats only, not their binary counterparts). This may need changes in code using HTSlib. See for more information.
* Added a SAM header API.
* Major speed up to SAM reading and writing. This also now supports multi-threading.
* We can now auto-index on-the-fly while writing a file. This also includes to bgzipped SAM.gz.
* Overhaul of the S3 interface, which now supports version 4 signatures. This also makes writing to S3 work.
* Thu Sep 06 2018 Update to 1.9
* If `./configure` fails, `make` will stop working until either configure is re-run successfully, or `make distclean` is used. This makes configuration failures more obvious. (#711, thanks to John Marshall)
* The default SAM version has been changed to 1.6. This is in line with the latest version specification and indicates that HTSlib supports the CG tag used to store long CIGAR data in BAM format.
* bgzip integrity check option \'--test\' (#682, thanks to AATTsd4B75bJ, AATTjrayner)
* Faidx can now index fastq files as well as fasta. The fastq index adds an extra column to the `.fai` index which gives the offset to the quality values. New interfaces have been added to `htslib/faidx.h` to read the fastq index and retrieve the quality values. It is possible to open a fastq index as if fasta (only sequences will be returned), but not the other way round. (#701)
* New API interfaces to add or update integer, float and array aux tags. (#694)
* Add `level=` option to `hts_set_opt()` to allow the compression level to be set. Setting `level=0` enables uncompressed output. (#715)
* Improved bgzip error reporting.
* Better error reporting when CRAM reference files can\'t be opened. (#706)
* Fixes to make tests work properly on Windows/MinGW - mainly to handle line ending differences. (#716)
* Efficiency improvements: - Small speed-up for CRAM indexing. - Reduce the number of unnecessary wake-ups in the thread pool. (#703) - Avoid some memory copies when writing data, notably for uncompressed BGZF output. (#703)
* Bug fixes: - Fix multi-region iterator bugs on CRAM files. (#684) - Fixed multi-region iterator bug that caused some reads to be skipped incorrectly when reading BAM files. (#687) - Fixed synced_bcf_reader() bug when reading contigs multiple times. (#691, reported by AATTfreeseek) - Fixed bug where bcf_hdr_set_samples() did not update the sample dictionary when removing samples. (#692, reported by AATTfreeseek) - Fixed bug where the VCF record ref length was calculated incorrectly if an INFO END tag was present. (71b00a) - Fixed warnings found when compiling with gcc 8.1.0. (#700) - sam_hdr_read() and sam_hdr_write() will now return an error code if passed a NULL file pointer, instead of crashing. - Fixed possible negative array look-up in sam_parse1() that somehow escaped previous fuzz testing. (#731, reported by AATTfCorleone) - Fixed bug where cram range queries could incorrectly report an error when using multiple threads. (#734, reported by Brent Pedersen) - Fixed very rare rANS normalisation bug that could cause an assertion failure when writing CRAM files. (#739, reported by AATTcarsonhh)
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Better formatting of the descriptions- Spec file cleaned up using spec-cleaner- Update to 1.8
* The URL to get sequences from the EBI reference server has been changed to https://. This is because the EBI no longer serve sequences via plain HTTP - requests to the http:// endpoint just get redirected. HTSlib needs to be linked against libcurl to download https:// URLs, so CRAM users who want to get references from the EBI will need to run configure and ensure libcurl support is enabled using the - -enable-libcurl option.
* Added libdeflate as a build option for alternative faster compression and decompression. Results vary by CPU but compression should be twice as fast and decompression faster.
* It is now possible to set the compression level in bgzip. (#675; thanks to Nathan Weeks).
* bgzip now gets its own manual page.
* CRAM encoding now stored MD and NM tags verbatim where the reference contains \'N\' characters, to work around ambiguities in the SAM specification (samtools #717/762). Also added \"store_md\" and \"store_nm\" cram-options for forcing these tags to be stored at all locations. This is best when combined with a subsequent decode_md=0 option while reading CRAM.
* Multiple CRAM bug fixes, including a fix to free and the subsequent reuse of references with `-T ref.fa`. (#654; reported by Chris Saunders)
* CRAM multi-threading bugs fixed: don\'t try to call flush on reading; processing of multiple range queries; problems with multi-slice containers.
* Fixed crashes caused when decoding some cramtools produced CRAM files.
* Fixed a couple of minor rANS issues with handling invalid data.
* Fixed bug where probaln_glocal() tried to allocate far more memory than needed when the query sequence was much longer than the reference. This caused crashes in samtools and bcftools mpileup when used on data with very long reads. (#572, problem reported by Felix Bemm via minimap2).
* sam_prop_realn() now returns -1 (the same value as for unmapped reads) on reads that do not include at least one \'M\', \'X\' or \'=\' CIGAR operator, and no longer adds BQ or ZQ tags. BAQ adjustments are only made to bases covered by these operators so there is no point in trying to align reads that do not have them. (#572)
* BAM: HTSlib now supports BAMs which include CIGARs with more than 65535 operations as per HTS-Specs 18th November (dab57f4 and 2f915a8).
* BCF/VCF: - Removed the need for long double in pileup calculations. - Sped up the synced reader in some situations. - Bug fixing: removed memory leak in bcf_copy.
* CRAM: - Added support for HTS_IDX_START in cram iterators. - Easier to build when lzma header files are absent. - Bug fixing: a region query with REQUIRED_FIELDS option to disable sequence retrieval now gives correct results. - Bug fixing: stop queries to regions starting after the last read on a chromosome from incorrectly reporting errors (#651, #653; reported by Imran Haque and AATTegafni via pysam).
* Multi-region iterator: The new structure takes a list of regions and iterates over all, deduplicating reads in the process, and producing a full list of file offset intervals. This is usually much faster than repeatedly using the old single-region iterator on a series of regions.
* Curl improvements: - Add Bearer token support via HTS_AUTH_LOCATION env (#600). - Use CURL_CA_BUNDLE environment variable to override the CA (#622; thanks to Garret Kelly & David Alexander). - Speed up (removal of excessive waiting) for both http(s) and ftp. - Avoid repeatedly reconnecting by removal of unnecessary seeks. - Bug fixing: double free when libcurl_open fails.
* BGZF block caching, if enabled, now performs far better (#629; reported by Ram Yalamanchili).
* Added an hFILE layer for in-memory I/O buffers (#590; thanks to Thomas Hickman).
* Tidied up the drand48 support (intended for systems that do not provide this function).
* Fixed bug where iterators on CRAM files did not propagate error return values to the caller correctly. Thanks go to Chris Saunders.
* Overhauled Windows builds. Building with msys2/mingw64 now works correctly and passes all tests.
* More improvements to logging output (thanks again to Anders Kaplan).
* Return codes from sam_read1() when reading cram have been made consistent with those returned when reading sam/bam. Thanks to Chris Saunders (#575).
* BGZF CRC32 checksums are now always verified.
* It\'s now possible to set nthreads = 1 for cram files.
* hfile_libcurl has been modified to make it thread-safe. It\'s also better at handling web servers that do not honour byte range requests when attempting to seek - it now sets errno to ESPIPE and keeps the existing connection open so callers can revert to streaming mode it they want to.
* hfile_s3 now recalculates access tokens if they have become stale. This fixes a reported problem where authentication failed after a file had been in use for more than 15 minutes.
* Fixed bug where remote index fetches would fail to notice errors when writing files.
* bam_read1() now checks that the query sequence length derived from the CIGAR alignment matches the sequence length in the BAM record.
* Wed Jul 12 2017 Separated the binaries from the shared lib package
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Cleaner structure of the spec file and baselibs.conf, thanks to the amazing help of the packaging mailing list guys!
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Update to 1.5- Change in SONAME, updated the package name to libhts2- New dependencies to libbz2 and lzma
* Sat Apr 30 2016 Update to 1.3.1
* Sat Apr 30 2016 Cleaner spec file- Added baselibs.conf
* Thu Apr 21 2016 Changed \"./configure\" and \"make install\" for \"%configure\" and \"%make_install\"- Moved \"%_libdir/\" and \"%_libdir/pkgconfig/htslib.pc\" to the
*-devel package.
* Tue Apr 19 2016 Initial release.