Changelog for
xf86-input-synaptics-devel-1.9.0-bp153.2.2.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue May 30 2017 includes everything needed for missing sle issue entries: fate #315643-315645, 319159-319161, 319618 (bsc#1041556)
* Sat Nov 19 2016 Update to version 1.9.0: This release supports the X server 1.19.
* Fri Oct 28 2016 Update to version + Remove upstream patch U_conf-rename-to-70-synaptics.conf.patch + Adapt n_xf86-input-synaptics-wait.diff
* Mon May 23 2016 replaced n_conf-rename-to-70-synaptics.conf.patch with upstreamed patch U_conf-rename-to-70-synaptics.conf.patch (boo #979554)
* Thu May 19 2016 n_conf-rename-to-70-synaptics.conf.patch
* bump up synaptics driver to 70, so it get\'s preferred over libinput, which was dropped down to 060 (boo #979554)- adjusted n_xf86-input-synaptics-default-tap.diff, n_xf86-input-synaptics-xorg.conf.d_snippet.diff- removed Supplements: xorg-x11-server, so the driver no longer gets installed by default
* Fri Nov 13 2015 Add gpg signature- Make building more verbose
* Mon Nov 02 2015 Update to version 1.8.3
* With Gabriele\'s fix, the order of fingers on the touchpad doesn\'t matter for two-finger scrolling. Previously, only one of the fingers would trigger scroll events. See
* Fri Jul 31 2015 Ignore absence of udevadm, it won\'t be present in the build env.
* Tue Mar 31 2015 Update to version 1.8.2:
* One significant change here: an artificial delay is now used between the button events of a doubletap. Some applications previously dropped the events because they had the same timestamp, with the delay this should now work fine.
* Sun Sep 21 2014 Update to version 1.8.1: A couple of coverity-induced fixes, the top software buttons are now 15% and better detection of two-finger taps. A couple of misc other fixes, the only oddity in there is a fix for clock drift - if you had clickpad clicks delayed by a second or so after a number of suspend/resume cycles then you may want to upgrade to this version.