Changelog for
gawk-3.1.4-4.i386.rpm :
Mon Jan 24 13:00:00 2005 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: gawk.spec,v $
Revision 1.79 2005/01/24 05:03:49 kloczek
- release 4: rebuild on glibc 2.3.4.
Revision 1.78 2004/11/13 06:19:40 kloczek
- release 3,
- rebuild on gcc 3.4.3,
- merge patches from SuSE:
-- flonum-parse: fix parsing of floating point number that start with more than one zero,
-- nextc: fix reading past EOF,
-- dfaexec: disable invalid shortcut in dfaexec.
Revision 1.77 2004/10/01 07:22:45 kloczek
- reelase 2: rebuild on gcc 3.4.2.
Revision 1.76 2004/08/24 13:07:12 kloczek
- updated to 3.1.4.
Revision 1.75 2004/07/28 05:43:21 kloczek
- release 11: rebuild on gcc 3.4.1.
Revision 1.74 2004/06/30 16:20:28 kloczek
- release 10,
- merge numfiles patch from FC with fix for 64bit arch.
Revision 1.73 2004/03/29 04:10:26 kloczek
- cleanups.
Revision 1.72 2004/02/01 15:00:40 kloczek
- remoed incorrect nrgroups patch,
+ TODO: fix paralel build (make -j).
Revision 1.71 2004/02/01 14:51:02 kloczek
- release 6,
- \"rm -f acinclude.m4\" in %prep for not include local copy some system
avalaible aclocal macroc (fix build package),
- merge getpgrp_void patchfrom RH.