Changelog for mozilla-mailnews-1.7.5-1.i386.rpm :
Sat Dec 18 13:00:00 2004 PLD Team All persons listed below can be reached at AATTpld.org.pl
$Log: mozilla.spec,v $ Revision 1.270 2004/12/18 20:36:37 kloczek - updated to 1.7.5, - removed outdated patches.
Revision 1.269 2004/12/09 01:51:59 kloczek - release 2, - rebuild on gcc 3.4.3, - merge patches from FC: -- tab-focus-stealing, tab-focus-stealing2: tab focusing bugfixes, -- pango-render: use pango for rendering, -- bug262689, bug263263: fixes from mozilla cvs tree, -- query-cups: add support querying cups for printer list, -- freetype-compile: freetype fixes.
Revision 1.268 2004/09/15 12:39:11 kloczek - updaetd to 1.7.3.
Revision 1.267 2004/09/11 22:29:16 kloczek - release 2: rebuild on gcc 3.4.2.
Revision 1.266 2004/07/14 13:14:14 kloczek - fixed stall in %post: add touch %{_libdir}/mozilla/components/{compreg,xpti}.dat before run regxpcom and regchrome.
Revision 1.265 2004/07/13 03:45:55 kloczek - updated to 1.7.1.
Revision 1.264 2004/07/09 07:08:08 kloczek - back to 1.7 (bump Epoch to 5).
Revision 1.263 2004/06/02 14:53:59 kloczek - updated to 1.8a1, - enable using cairo as svg renderer, - remove obsoleted gfx patch.
Revision 1.262 2004/04/27 22:07:30 kloczek - release 6, - fixed nss-devel (missing header files): fixed typo in %build on install nss files.
Revision 1.261 2004/03/12 10:13:40 kloczek - release 5: typo in directory name.
Revision 1.260 2004/03/06 10:28:46 kloczek - minor fix in %install.
Revision 1.259 2004/03/06 04:59:26 kloczek - release 4, - added for each subpackage part of installed-chrome.txt index file, - added template managing of regeenrarate installed-chrome.txt on each change chrome files list, - removed chromelist.txt from %files (isn\'t neccessary for correct work).
Revision 1.258 2004/03/05 19:00:26 kloczek - release 3, - added ac_fixes patch: added mizzing [] quotation in nspr.m4.
Revision 1.257 2004/03/03 16:15:34 kloczek - run regxpcom with -a for display message about registration xpcom components.
Revision 1.256 2004/03/03 07:14:09 kloczek - added %{_libdir}/mozilla/libxpcom.so to %files (symlink to %{_libdir}/libxpcom.so).
Revision 1.255 2004/03/03 02:16:59 kloczek - release 2, - added missing %defattr() in {nss,nspr}-devel, - regenerate chrome registry using regchrome (in %post/%postun).
Revision 1.254 2004/03/02 04:34:58 kloczek - cleanups in Requires rules, - added run /sbin/ldconfig in %post/%postun nss, nspr subpackages.
Revision 1.253 2004/03/02 04:25:03 kloczek - updated to 1.6b, - completly rewrited %build and %install (proper %install allow cut main package size aprox 5MB), - remove using external nss and nspr and added build {nss,nspr}{,-devel} subpackages for dissallow use mozilla is used with inproper nss/nspr version, - added no_version patch: use always {%{_libdir},%{_includedir}}/mozilla directores, - simplifications: remove symlinks to %{_datadir}/mozilla, - build with -fno-rtti -fno-exception (allow cut size main package ~800KB), + TODO: separate embeded browser files in subpackage for allow install for example geleon without installed mozilla
Revision 1.252 2004/02/16 03:50:25 kloczek - s#%{version}#${version}-%{release)# - use more strict Requires rules between subpackages generated from one source package.