Changelog for xine-output-video-vidix-rage128-1.0-0.rc8.1.i386.rpm :
Thu Dec 16 13:00:00 2004 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: xine-lib.spec,v $
Revision 1.116 2004/12/16 16:31:11 kloczek
- merge audio-oss subpackage in main (this will make xine-lib more useable).

Revision 1.115 2004/12/16 16:30:06 kloczek
- updated to 1.0-rc8,
- removed obsoleted fixleak patch.

Revision 1.114 2004/12/07 06:47:57 kloczek
- release 0.rc7.3,
- added vidix patch: allow build vidix on sparc
- merge fixleak patch from MDK: fix big memleak,
- merge fixdvdcrash patch from MDK: fix crash when reading DVD without first
play chain.

Revision 1.113 2004/12/03 15:46:57 kloczek
- release 0.rc7.2: rebuild on gnome-vfs 2.9.x.

Revision 1.112 2004/11/09 02:32:28 kloczek
- updated to 1.0-0.rc7.

Revision 1.111 2004/10/01 07:03:38 kloczek
- release release 0.rc5.3: rebuil against flac 1.1.1.

Revision 1.110 2004/09/23 18:30:18 kloczek
- fixed bconds.

Revision 1.109 2004/09/20 20:55:07 kloczek
- cleanups.

Revision 1.108 2004/09/17 06:08:00 kloczek
- updated to 1.0-rc6a,
- removed outdated vcd-overflow patch.

Revision 1.107 2004/08/26 17:23:36 kloczek
- release 0.rc5.2,
- added speex patch: fixes for build on speex 1.1.6,
- added vcd-overflow patch: fixed buffer overflow bug reported by C0ntex via
Drew \"dantealiegri\" Ogle.
Based on

Revision 1.106 2004/07/09 07:30:13 kloczek
release 0.rc5.2: rebuild on gcc 3.4.1.

Revision 1.105 2004/06/21 13:14:36 kloczek
- updated to 1.0rc5.

Revision 1.104 2004/06/18 11:21:48 kloczek
- merge translations from TurbLinux.

Revision 1.103 2004/06/18 10:45:47 kloczek
- updated to 1.0-rc4a.

Revision 1.102 2004/05/12 22:02:00 kloczek
- switch Source url to based.

Revision 1.101 2004/03/02 23:36:18 kloczek
- use strict Requires rules between subpackages (depending also on %{release}).

Revision 1.100 2004/02/16 03:50:30 kloczek
- s#%{version}#${version}-%{release)# - use more strict Requires rules
between subpackages generated from one source package.

Revision 1.99 2004/02/01 12:44:17 kloczek
- s/gnome-vfs-devel/gnome-vfs2-devel/