Changelog for
samba-pdb-pgsql-3.0.7-2.i586.rpm :
Mon Sep 20 14:00:00 2004 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: samba.spec,v $
Revision 1.157 2004/09/20 17:57:39 kloczek
- more fixes for just added Epoch (in Requires rules).
Revision 1.156 2004/09/20 17:55:20 kloczek
- release 2: added Epoch: 0.
Revision 1.155 2004/09/13 19:34:56 kloczek
- updated to 3.0.7.
Revision 1.154 2004/08/21 00:55:43 kloczek
- updated to 3.0.6.
Revision 1.153 2004/08/08 15:31:34 kloczek
- release 3: rebuild against readline 5.0.
Revision 1.152 2004/07/25 05:39:10 kloczek
- release 2: fixed Require rule in samba-vfs-default_quota subpackage.
Revision 1.151 2004/07/22 20:18:03 kloczek
- updated to 3.0.5,
The internal routine used by the Samba Web Administration
Tool (SWAT v3.0.2 and later) to decode the base64 data
during HTTP basic authentication is subject to a buffer
overrun caused by an invalid base64 character.
A buffer overrun has been located in the code used to support
the \'mangling method = hash\' smb.conf option. Please be aware
that the default setting for this parameter is \'mangling method
= hash2\' and therefore not vulnerable.
Revision 1.150 2004/06/07 15:15:16 kloczek
- fixes in %install.
Revision 1.149 2004/06/07 12:53:08 kloczek
- release 2,
- remove maping %{_sysconfdir} to /etc/samba and use default /etc: samba
uses config directory by default located in %{_sysconfdir}/samba.
Revision 1.148 2004/05/09 05:48:11 kloczek
- updated to 3.0.4.
Revision 1.147 2004/05/04 19:31:57 kloczek
- updated to 3.0.3,
- removed outdated patches,
- added winbindd_pipe_path patch: move /tmp/.winbindd winbindd socket
to /var/run/winbindd,
- added pdb support into separated loadable modules - avalable now
backendmodules: ldapsam, pgsql, mysql, xml,
- added vfs modules in subpackages: audit, cap, fake_perms, expand_msdfs,
netatalk, recycle, shadow_copy,
- added nss_winbind subpackage with winbind NSS module and winbindd.
Revision 1.146 2004/03/14 21:39:12 kloczek
- use strict rules between subpackages generated from one source package.
Revision 1.145 2004/03/02 23:36:17 kloczek
- use strict Requires rules between subpackages (depending also on %{release}).