Changelog for
curl-7.10.1-1.i386.rpm :
Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: curl.spec,v $
Revision 1.64 2002/10/22 17:12:15 kloczek
- pass CA bundle file name conditionaly depending on using SSL support.
Revision 1.63 2002/10/22 17:10:23 kloczek
- use /usr/share/ssl/ca-bundle.crt as CA bundle file.
Revision 1.62 2002/10/22 15:35:59 kloczek
- updated to 7.10.1: bug fixes.
Revision 1.61 2002/10/03 08:21:46 misiek
- add symlink to openssl CA chain file
Revision 1.60 2002/10/02 11:35:19 misiek
- updated to 7.10 (fixes segfault with --interface option)
Revision 1.59 2002/06/27 07:31:34 kloczek
- updated to 7.9.8 (fixed some format strings problems and other fixes),
- merge fix-proto patch from RH,
- use new %doc.
Revision 1.58 2002/05/15 05:50:16 kloczek
- updated to 7.9.7.
Revision 1.57 2002/04/25 16:08:16 arturs
fixed a small typo
Revision 1.56 2002/04/23 19:41:26 kloczek
- updated to 7.9.6 (bugfix version).
Revision 1.55 2002/04/04 18:53:52 kloczek
- bump release to 3 and merge translations from KSI.
Revision 1.54 2002/04/04 18:19:37 pioklo
- updated 7.9.5 ,STBR
Revision 1.53 2002/02/23 01:44:57 kloczek
- adapterized.
Revision 1.52 2002/02/22 23:28:46 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).
Revision 1.51 2002/02/05 15:45:58 areq
- 7.9.4 Bugfixes
Revision 1.50 2002/01/27 00:03:00 kloczek
- updated to 7.9.3 and removed readtimeout-fix patch which seems now isn\'t
Revision 1.49 2002/01/18 02:12:38 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"
Revision 1.48 2002/01/02 18:22:48 kloczek
- release2: libcurl2{,-devel} added to Obsletes for allow upgrade from MDK.
Revision 1.47 2001/12/15 17:27:03 kloczek
- updated to 7.9.2 (bug fixes and improvements; details in CHANGES).
Revision 1.46 2001/11/04 19:32:03 areq
- 7.9.1, STBR
- update curl-readtimeout-fix
Revision 1.45 2001/10/27 20:08:05 kloczek
- adapterized.
Revision 1.44 2001/10/27 14:07:38 mis
- added curl-readtimeout-fix.patch; release 2; STB
Revision 1.43 2001/10/03 08:20:59 mis
- completed docs
Revision 1.42 2001/09/27 08:41:11 migo
- fixed polish summary
Revision 1.41 2001/09/25 14:31:40 areq
- 7.9, STBR
Revision 1.40 2001/08/23 04:43:26 kloczek
- upadated to 7.8.1 and removed obsoleted patched (now aplayed to main
stream sources).
Revision 1.39 2001/07/03 17:08:07 mis
- added progress-fix.patch (release 4)
Revision 1.38 2001/06/27 20:35:22 klakier
- curl-config --libs returned \"-s -lssl -lcrypto -ldl\", removed LDFLAGS to
not propagate -s
Revision 1.37 2001/06/16 21:21:33 misiek
- fix so name (patch from curl maling list)
- release 3
Revision 1.36 2001/06/10 23:48:37 kloczek
- typo.
Revision 1.35 2001/06/10 23:33:01 kloczek
- release 2: added --with-ipv6 to ac options.
Revision 1.34 2001/06/07 20:29:09 areq
- 7.8, STBR
Revision 1.33 2001/05/22 09:06:15 wiget
switch to new conditional builds macros (bcond_on_ -> _with_/bcond_off_ -> _without_); no release changes only simple s/// perfored
Revision 1.32 2001/05/19 12:55:49 klakier
- added forgotten curl-config
Revision 1.31 2001/05/18 19:04:08 mis
- updated to 7.7.4-pre2
Revision 1.30 2001/05/15 09:44:34 mis
- updated to 7.7.4-pre1
Revision 1.29 2001/05/09 00:03:32 kloczek
- release 2: rebuild against openssl 0.9.6a.
Revision 1.28 2001/05/07 16:21:02 kloczek
- updated to 7.7.3.
Revision 1.27 2001/05/06 20:05:38 mis
- revert autodowngrade
Revision 1.25 2001/04/23 16:45:16 areq
- 7.7.2
Revision 1.24 2001/04/04 15:41:57 kloczek
- fixed %files list.
Revision 1.23 2001/04/04 15:32:26 mis
- autoupdated to 7.7.1
Revision 1.22 2001/03/23 13:17:55 mis
- updated (by autoup) to 7.7
Revision 1.21 2001/02/13 21:55:30 areq
- 7.6.1
Revision 1.20 2001/02/10 04:50:21 kloczek
- missing ? in bcond macros.
Revision 1.19 2001/02/10 04:45:51 kloczek
- release 2: added bcond for off ssl.
Revision 1.18 2001/01/29 14:56:50 kloczek
- updated to 7.6.
Revision 1.17 2001/01/04 20:19:10 kloczek
- updated to 7.5.2.
Revision 1.16 2000/12/11 18:09:45 mis
- up to 7.5.1
Revision 1.15 2000/12/05 09:44:28 mis
- up to 7.5
Revision 1.14 2000/11/15 15:48:51 mis
- updated to 7.4.2
Revision 1.13 2000/10/19 11:46:32 mis
- updated to 7.4.1
Revision 1.12 2000/09/30 20:39:47 kloczek
- adapterized.
Revision 1.11 2000/09/29 09:21:24 mis
- updated to 7.3
Revision 1.10 2000/06/09 07:22:48 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.
Revision 1.9 2000/05/18 17:35:47 kloczek
- spec adapterized.
Revision 1.8 2000/04/01 11:14:24 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines
Revision 1.7 2000/03/28 16:54:16 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english
Revision 1.6 2000/03/28 11:10:59 arturs
Revision 1.5 2000/03/27 14:21:15 arturs
- added %description -l pl
Revision 1.4 2000/03/23 10:11:40 kloczek
- updated to 6.5.2.
Revision 1.3 2000/01/17 01:17:18 kloczek
- updated to 6.4.
Revision 1.2 2000/01/06 02:21:17 kloczek
- updated to 6.3.1,
- rewritesd in PLD packaging style,
- updated Source url and URL.
Mon Aug 30 14:00:00 1999 Tim Powers
- changed group
Thu Aug 26 14:00:00 1999 Tim Powers
- changelog started
- general cleanups, changed prefix to /usr, added manpage to files section
- including in Powertools