Changelog for
cvs-nserver-client- :
Sun Aug 18 14:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: cvs-nserver.spec,v $
Revision 1.35 2002/08/17 20:59:38 qboosh
- better messages in pre, added Requires(), new %%doc
- release 3
Revision 1.34 2002/07/20 13:54:28 wojrus
- rel 2
Revision 1.33 2002/07/20 12:06:45 wojrus
- missing Requires/Obsoletes
Revision 1.32 2002/07/20 11:47:22 wojrus
- moved common files from cvs-nserver to cvs-nserver-common
- s/cvs-npclient/cvs-nserver-client/
- s/cvs-nserver/cvs-nserver-nserver/
- s/cvs-npserver/cvs-nserver-pserver/
Revision 1.31 2002/07/20 08:54:44 wojrus
- moved rc-inetd reloading to %post
Revision 1.30 2002/07/20 08:36:29 wojrus
- creating users/groups before installing files
Revision 1.29 2002/05/21 23:12:46 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
Revision 1.28 2002/05/19 09:27:43 misiek
- updated to
Revision 1.27 2002/04/25 16:08:36 arturs
fixed a small typo
Revision 1.26 2002/02/23 01:44:57 kloczek
- adapterized.
Revision 1.25 2002/02/22 23:28:46 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).
Revision 1.24 2002/01/18 02:12:38 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"
Revision 1.23 2002/01/16 11:54:30 filon
- fixed type in files
- release 3
Revision 1.22 2001/11/29 21:32:37 filon
- added FAQ\'s to %%doc
- fixed %%files
- release 2
Revision 1.21 2001/10/11 12:21:49 qboosh
- BuildRequires: autoconf
Revision 1.20 2001/09/05 19:40:59 kloczek
- reorganized: now from spec file are poduced packages cvs-nclient,
cvs-npserver and cvs-nserver.
Revision 1.19 2001/08/13 17:23:10 kloczek
- updated to,
- temporary added --without-gssapi for allow build without kerberos support if
heimdal-devel package is installed (it doe\'s not compiles now).
Revision 1.18 2001/07/26 05:42:05 saq
- reverting last change: removing new macros from %p{re,ost}{,un}
Revision 1.16 2001/07/23 07:21:11 blues
- cosmetics
- %{bindir}\\rcs2log is back in nclient - that was only link to contrib
(and duplicate entry)
Revision 1.15 2001/07/23 02:52:24 kloczek
- typo.
Revision 1.14 2001/07/23 02:42:47 kloczek
- spec adapterized,
- added info patch (and texinfo to BuildRequires rules),
- move rcs2log script to %%{_bindir} (added to cleint subpackage),
- some %doc to clent subpackage added also.
Revision 1.13 2001/07/22 22:10:32 blues
Revision 1.12 2001/07/22 22:00:02 blues
- massive attack:
- separated into 4 packages
- inetd files merged (not tested)
- some cosmetics
NOTE: tests are needed
Revision 1.11 2001/07/21 15:04:39 blues
- added %preun
- separated client package - there should be separated nserver and pserver
package too
Revision 1.10 2001/07/21 11:19:21 blues
- added --enable-setuid - now we have cvspasswd in package
- added making users in %pre
- cvspasswd patch - add DESTDIR and removes making cvspasswd with GID and
UID - this is spec-work (where is no such users while building)
Revision 1.9 2001/07/16 22:30:16 blues
- ac 2.50 compliant
- %files list updated
Revision 1.8 2001/04/09 14:05:20 baggins
- test
Revision 1.7 2001/04/09 14:04:08 baggins
- updated to
Revision 1.6 2001/02/14 20:12:23 zagrodzki
- typo
Revision 1.5 2000/09/13 22:24:10 kloczek
- added PAM_fix patch - now cvs-nserver compiles correctly but %install is
not finished.
Revision 1.4 2000/07/28 12:15:40 serek
added translated descriptions
Revision 1.3 2000/07/27 19:07:47 kloczek
- adapterized and partialy rewrited.