Changelog for gabber-0.8.7-4.i386.rpm :
Mon Nov 11 13:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: gabber.spec,v $
Revision 1.32 2002/10/09 13:14:23 kloczek
- use more macros, some cosmetics, added missing \"rm -f missing\" and use new %doc

Revision 1.31 2002/10/03 16:45:49 krzak
release 4
fixed omf file patch

Revision 1.30 2002/09/25 18:31:43 kloczek
- added ac_fixes patch which rmoved using AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE macro (which is
in current form incompatible with ac 2.5x).

Revision 1.29 2002/09/12 10:53:09 trojan
- BuildRequires: libsigc++1-devel instead libsigc++-devel

Revision 1.28 2002/08/17 11:17:59 qboosh
- s/xml-i18n-tools/intltool/ in BR, more specific Requires; release 3

Revision 1.27 2002/08/06 12:32:55 qboosh
- BR: gdk-pixbuf-gnome-devel, libglade-gnome-devel; new %%doc

Revision 1.26 2002/06/23 20:52:49 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^gettextize --copy --force/\\%%\\{__gettextize\\}/\"

Revision 1.25 2002/05/21 23:13:03 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\

Revision 1.24 2002/05/17 14:12:51 kloczek
- release 2: fixed omf files install path.

Revision 1.23 2002/04/25 16:20:30 arturs
fixed a small typo

Revision 1.22 2002/04/02 13:35:08 wiget
- don\'t use subshell
- fix %%debug handling
- release 1.1

Revision 1.21 2002/03/24 23:28:16 kloczek
- perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c$/automake -a -c -f/\"

Revision 1.20 2002/02/22 23:28:55 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.19 2002/02/18 07:56:02 misiek
- updated to 0.8.7

Revision 1.18 2002/02/12 01:15:30 kloczek
- release 3: merge translations from Conectiva.

Revision 1.17 2002/02/11 09:09:34 jajcus
- --with ipv6 option added (but it doesn\'t seem to work well)

Revision 1.16 2002/01/18 02:12:59 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.15 2002/01/13 15:15:13 kloczek
- release 2; rebuild against gal 0.19.

Revision 1.14 2002/01/12 12:32:48 jajcus
- Version: 0.8.6

Revision 1.13 2001/11/26 10:41:43 kloczek
- updated to 0.8.5,
- rebuild against gal 0.18.

Revision 1.12 2001/11/13 08:16:43 misiek
- small workaround for am

Revision 1.11 2001/11/12 23:58:54 misiek
- updated to 0.8.4

Revision 1.10 2001/07/28 15:05:06 migo
- Summary(es) -> Summary(pl)

Revision 1.9 2001/07/05 12:15:34 kloczek
- added ac_fixes patch which enables passing in normal way optimization

Revision 1.8 2001/07/05 11:30:48 kloczek
- release 5,
- rebuild against gnomemm 1.2.0
- added gnupg to Requires.

Revision 1.7 2001/06/18 05:38:25 kloczek
- release 4: rebuild against latest gnomemm.

Revision 1.6 2001/06/01 12:57:46 misiek
- removed Build/Requires: iconv

Revision 1.5 2001/05/19 04:59:07 kloczek
- release 3: against gnomemm 1.1.19.

Revision 1.4 2001/05/11 19:42:09 kloczek
- release 2: rebuild against openssl 0.9.6a.

Revision 1.3 2001/04/25 11:10:23 kloczek
- added missing scrolkeeper operations.

Revision 1.2 2001/04/25 07:17:27 misiek
use DESTDIR patch

Revision 1.1 2001/04/24 23:37:03 misiek
initial pld version