Changelog for gmc-4.5.55-10.i386.rpm :
Tue Nov 5 13:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: mc.spec,v $
Revision 1.141 2002/11/05 16:11:01 ankry
- cosmetics

Revision 1.140 2002/11/05 15:49:22 malekith
- fixed home-etc fuckup with == in shell test
- release 10

Revision 1.139 2002/10/22 10:59:10 adgor
- Added %%{name}-new_icons_am.patch (needed to \"--without gnome\" bcond)

Revision 1.138 2002/10/09 13:14:40 kloczek
- use more macros, some cosmetics, added missing \"rm -f missing\" and use new %doc

Revision 1.137 2002/09/20 17:43:13 undefine
- changed url

Revision 1.136 2002/07/05 22:53:12 undefine
- mc-tmout.patch patch from mc cvs to fix bug with closing bash inside mc
- release 9

Revision 1.135 2002/07/05 17:12:29 kloczek
- release 9,
- disable home_etc patch (it causes sigsegv on sparc so seems is broken),
- merge translations from TurboLinux.

Revision 1.134 2002/06/23 21:31:20 kloczek
- merge translations from Kondara and Conectiva and use new %doc.

Revision 1.133 2002/06/23 20:52:52 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^gettextize --copy --force/\\%%\\{__gettextize\\}/\"

Revision 1.132 2002/05/31 15:47:53 pascalek
- Release 8, home_etc patch added

Revision 1.131 2002/05/21 23:14:07 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\

Revision 1.130 2002/03/30 11:16:40 qboosh
- updated nognome-amfix patch to work with automake 1.6
- release 7

Revision 1.129 2002/03/24 23:28:22 kloczek
- perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c$/automake -a -c -f/\"

Revision 1.128 2002/03/17 15:37:41 kloczek
- merge translations from KSI.

Revision 1.127 2002/03/17 11:32:34 mkochano
- s/mc.ext-jar_war/mc.ext-ear_war/.

Revision 1.126 2002/03/17 11:28:38 mkochano
- Release 6.
- Added mc.ext-jar_war patch.

Revision 1.125 2002/03/05 23:31:35 mmazur
- added mc-mo.patch

Revision 1.124 2002/02/22 23:29:15 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.123 2002/02/03 20:54:40 ankry
- adding es/pt/pt_BR Group translations

Revision 1.122 2002/01/18 02:13:49 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.121 2002/01/02 17:27:42 kloczek
- release 5.

Revision 1.120 2001/12/28 17:15:55 gotar
- changes in descriptions.

Revision 1.119 2001/12/07 21:12:45 mkochano
- /etc/pam.d/
* marked with %%config(noreplace).
- Release++ (I\'m too lazy to write here new release number for each
spec. Sorry).

Revision 1.118 2001/10/19 21:12:51 ankry
- fixed man pages install bug introduced in previous patch

Revision 1.117 2001/10/19 11:44:36 ankry
- added es man pages; moved pl ones to tar
- renumbered Source6 to 4
- Release 3

Revision 1.116 2001/10/18 16:40:22 gotar
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.115 2001/09/27 19:53:32 qboosh
- added --enable-largefile to %%configure
- merged rpmfs_rpm40 patch into rpmfs patch (patching same file),
removed unnecessary second \"VERIFYSCRIPT\" case
- release 2

Revision 1.114 2001/09/16 15:20:45 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.55,
- some patches updated and some obsoleted removed,
- updated %files lists.

Revision 1.113 2001/09/12 08:06:43 filon
- changed this awful \'lynx &\' execution associated with htm? files, while beeing in X

Revision 1.112 2001/09/09 17:46:13 gotar
- cosmetical changes in descriptions.

Revision 1.111 2001/09/03 18:52:03 filon
- modified support for src.rpm\'s - rebuild in VFS
- added README file to /usr/lib/mc/extfs

Revision 1.110 2001/08/30 12:18:48 gotar
- awful %%configure macro expansions removed,
- other specs\' changelogs cosmetical fixes,
- no functional nor release changes.

Revision 1.109 2001/08/04 17:40:34 qboosh
- removed sh-quiet patch (obsoleted by nobashism patch)
- removed bashisms from \"ulha\" and \"a\" extfss (\"a\" didn\'t work because of them)
- release 8

Revision 1.108 2001/07/30 09:40:35 kloczek
- release 7.

Revision 1.107 2001/07/26 21:31:29 kloczek
- few fixes on install pl man pages.

Revision 1.106 2001/07/26 16:24:46 undefine
- added polish man pages (kloczek - please add links from pl_PL repo)

Revision 1.105 2001/07/26 05:42:11 saq
- reverting last change: removing new macros from %p{re,ost}{,un}

Revision 1.103 2001/07/23 17:46:58 gotar
- added polish description for gmc.

Revision 1.102 2001/07/18 20:12:39 gotar
- cosmetics (lists sorted asciibetically).

Revision 1.101 2001/07/13 19:22:48 kloczek
- added BINDIR (slyghtly reduce amout output messages during compile) and
tinfo patches (this patch switch to linking mc against only libtinfo).

Revision 1.100 2001/07/13 15:20:53 blues
- release 6
- url updated
- no other changes - need rebuild with gpm-libs (ac 2.50 ready)

Revision 1.99 2001/06/15 18:18:23 kloczek
- release 5: use \"mv -f\" in rpmfs script (baggins).

Revision 1.98 2001/05/22 09:06:29 wiget
switch to new conditional builds macros (bcond_on_ -> _with_/bcond_off_ -> _without_); no release changes only simple s/// perfored

Revision 1.97 2001/05/14 09:09:51 marcus
- release 4, fix for rpmfs, stb

Revision 1.96 2001/04/22 12:07:04 kloczek
- release 3: fixes in handling SERIAL in rpmfs script.

Revision 1.95 2001/04/22 10:06:15 roman
- added Requires: file

Revision 1.94 2001/04/22 08:08:31 kloczek
- release 2,
- switch to bz2 Source,
- added support in rpmfs for display serial field.

Revision 1.93 2001/04/22 06:31:46 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.54,
- added nobashism patch (do not use -f in export in /etc/profile.d/,
- merge gettext and gnome-gettext patch in use_AM_GNU_GETTEXT and add to
this patch fix src/ for new gettext.

Revision 1.92 2001/04/15 01:38:44 qboosh
- ugh, typo in patch name
- nognome-gettext patch - gettext am macros has changed

Revision 1.91 2001/04/14 22:43:29 qboosh
- gettext patch - treating \\ in multi-byte characters has changed
- shquiet patch - don\'t let sh display \"[12]: export: -f: unknown option\"

Revision 1.90 2001/03/29 18:31:42 aflinta
- --with-tm-x-support moved to conditional build

Revision 1.89 2001/03/26 22:18:23 kloczek
- release 4.

Revision 1.88 2001/03/25 15:52:35 aflinta
- added conditional build for sambafs
- added --with-tm-x-support

Revision 1.87 2001/03/23 17:14:43 qboosh
- urar patch: if /usr/bin/unrar not found, try using /usr/bin/rar
- BuildRequires: pam-devel, glib-devel (always required),
e2fsprogs-devel (if building with ext2undel)
- release 3

Revision 1.86 2001/03/23 02:19:13 kloczek
- release 2.

Revision 1.85 2001/03/22 18:46:49 qboosh
- automake fix necessary to build without gnome

Revision 1.84 2001/03/19 21:12:13 misiek

Revision 1.83 2001/03/11 14:13:25 kloczek
- release 26,
- more fixes for proper handling enter to file on pres enter on files with
bzip2, compress, gzip in name (extension patch),
- merged time (rawhide), and proxy (mdk) patches.

Revision 1.82 2001/02/16 00:34:15 qboosh
- _with_ext2undel

Revision 1.81 2001/02/01 16:27:34 kloczek
- Requires for rc-scripts changed to Prereq.

Revision 1.80 2000/12/16 05:59:14 kloczek
- release 22: s/no_gnome/_without_gnome/

Revision 1.79 2000/12/14 16:38:04 baggins
- fixed usage of no_gnome macro

Revision 1.78 2000/11/29 10:39:26 kloczek
- release 21: fix: Conflicts: rpm < 4.0.

Revision 1.77 2000/11/29 04:57:03 kloczek
- release 20,
- fixed def_config patch (do not change default long format),
- merge bunch Debian patches (also with security fix in cons.saver),
- added rpmfs_rpm40 patch with fix handling rpm fs in rpm 4.0 enviroment
(also added \"Conflicts: rpm =< 4.0\" for use this in proper enviroment).

Revision 1.76 2000/11/10 12:30:37 kloczek
- release 19,
- merge bunch patches from RH,
- my propozition IMHO more ergonomic configuration:
-- enable diplay 8bit,
-- show backup files,
-- default user mode in panel to \"half type,name,|,size\" (removed mtime),
-- default user Mini status in panel to \"half type,name,|,mtime,|,perm (size
replaced by mtime).

Revision 1.75 2000/09/28 14:48:26 kloczek
- adapterized and added using rpm new automation.

Revision 1.74 2000/09/27 20:11:14 pascalek
- BuildRequires: indent
- added spec.syntax file

Revision 1.73 2000/09/25 15:24:16 kloczek
- switch for building mc without GNOME changed from nognome to no_gnome.

Revision 1.72 2000/09/01 20:37:12 kloczek
- added coditional building gmc (by default gmc subpackage is builded but if
on for example: \'rpm -ba -v mc.spec --define \"nognome 1\"\' not).

Revision 1.71 2000/08/25 20:06:45 baggins
- removed last changed

Revision 1.70 2000/08/25 19:26:32 baggins
- buildrequires bonobo-devel

Revision 1.69 2000/08/25 18:01:17 baggins
- updated to 4.5.51

Revision 1.68 2000/07/13 23:14:45 baggins
- release 2
- rebuild with ncurses 5.1

Revision 1.67 2000/06/09 07:23:25 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.66 2000/05/31 11:44:33 bonkey
- v.4.5.50
- typo in %preun mcserv

Revision 1.65 2000/05/25 19:57:53 bonkey
- upgraded to 4.5.49

Revision 1.64 2000/05/23 00:22:31 bonkey
- typo in post from mcserv

Revision 1.63 2000/05/22 22:35:39 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.48,
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.62 2000/05/11 03:39:26 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.45,
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.61 2000/05/01 21:02:35 mkochano
- Removed \'BuildRequires: (XFree86|glib)-devel\' from packages which have
\'BuildRequires: gtk+-devel\'. They were redundant, beacuse \'gtk+-devel\' says
what it needs using \'Requires\'. BTW, awk rules :)

Revision 1.60 2000/04/08 13:27:27 mkochano
- More \"BuildRequires:\".

Revision 1.59 2000/04/07 03:33:15 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.44,
- new rpmfs patch:
- back to old rpmfs behavior (display in root package full package file
list) and now CONTENTS.cpio is as additional entry in rpmfs,
- removed outdated enlightenment_keys patch.

Revision 1.58 2000/04/01 11:14:53 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.57 2000/03/28 16:54:41 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.56 2000/03/20 21:33:24 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.43.

Revision 1.55 2000/02/11 10:24:01 kloczek
- release 4,
- build agains system popt library (patch from KSI).

Revision 1.54 2000/01/28 22:50:24 kloczek
- added cs, es hints,
- added missing %%{_sysconfdir} macros.

Revision 1.53 2000/01/28 22:03:45 kloczek
- release 3,
- spec adapterized,
- recompiled in new enviroment with libesd not depends on liasound.

Revision 1.52 1999/12/07 21:57:49 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.42.

Revision 1.51 1999/12/07 10:33:11 kloczek
- updated Source url (base now is

Revision 1.50 1999/11/17 00:44:47 kloczek
- release 2,
- build against ncurses 5.0.

Revision 1.49 1999/11/02 22:25:10 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.41.

Revision 1.48 1999/11/02 00:40:59 kloczek
- release 2,
- added rpmfs patch with fix displaying conternts INFO/OBSOLETES and
adding new INFO/CONFLICTS in rpmfs.

Revision 1.47 1999/10/21 18:16:05 klakier
Build requires imlib-devel

Revision 1.46 1999/09/30 21:51:00 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.40,
- en, fr Summary and %description\'s from Mandarake,
- added mimekeys (fix handling gnumeric and applix documents and
enlightenment_keys (fix keyboard handling under enlightenment) patches,
- removed DESTDIR and fixes parches (now integrated in main source).

Revision 1.45 1999/09/11 13:52:59 misiek
- fixed requires (PR#44)

Revision 1.44 1999/08/31 16:30:39 misiek
- added fixes patch

Revision 1.43 1999/08/05 14:42:37 kloczek
- updated to 4.5.37,
- removed duplicated mcserver %description,
- removed idl files (this is development stuff),
- added using %%configure macro,
- added DESTDIR patch.

Revision 1.42 1999/07/20 12:48:09 wiget
- switch to rpm 3.0.2

Revision 1.41 1999/07/12 23:06:09 kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).

Fri May 21 14:00:00 1999 Tomasz K�oczko
- spec written by me,
- pl translation by Wojtek �lusarczyk .
- package is FHS 2.0 compliant.