Changelog for rpm-build-4.0.2-102.i386.rpm :
Sun Nov 10 13:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: rpm.spec,v $
Revision 1.355. 2002/11/09 15:10:37 juandon
- fixed compressing modules. Should work with kernel 2.4.xx
- Release 102

Revision 1.355. 2002/11/05 15:43:45 malekith
- new rpm.macros with fixed chrpath
- release 101

Revision 1.355.2.2 2002/10/20 23:21:51 kloczek
- release 100,
- fix: reverte merge changs from NEW_PEAR_REQUIRES branch also on
rpm-php-provides script.

Revision 1.355.2.1 2002/10/19 08:06:21 kloczek
- release 99: reverte merging NEW_PEAR_REQUIRES branch.

Revision 1.355 2002/10/14 19:46:30 misto
- merged with branch NEW_PEAR_REQUIRES (new rpm pear req/prov scripts)
- release 98

Revision 1.353.2.1 2002/10/11 19:28:28 misto
- testing new pear provides/requires scripts

Revision 1.354 2002/10/14 09:51:46 kloczek
- release 97,
- added %%__spec_install_post_chrpath with remove all RPATH from ELF executables
and shared libraries,
- added chrpath to Requires in build subpackage.

Revision 1.353 2002/10/09 13:14:46 kloczek
- use more macros, some cosmetics, added missing \"rm -f missing\" and use new %doc

Revision 1.352 2002/10/07 22:25:52 misto
- fixed rpm-php-requires
- release 96

Revision 1.351 2002/10/01 11:47:41 juandon
- added macro - compress kernel modules (rpm.macros)
- Release 95

Revision 1.350 2002/09/30 23:22:14 ankry
- added xml macros to rpm.macros (kura)
- release 94

Revision 1.349 2002/09/24 13:14:11 ankry
- added -build-tools package with builder and some other scripts
- release 93

Revision 1.348 2002/09/22 18:23:07 ankry
- renamed popt patch, STBR

Revision 1.347 2002/09/22 13:37:26 kloczek
- release 92: merge translations from KSI and adapterize spec file.

Revision 1.346 2002/09/13 08:41:49 qboosh
- really fixed --with-kde in find_lang (I hope); release 91

Revision 1.345 2002/09/12 04:44:42 adgor
- Release 90 (find-lang script fixed again) - STBR

Revision 1.344 2002/09/09 15:17:13 blues
- release 89 - fixed find-lang script - STBR

Revision 1.343 2002/09/08 17:21:04 blues
- release 88 - rebuild with fixed php-provides script - STBR

Revision 1.342 2002/08/18 19:59:04 blues
- release 87 - rebuild with fixed php-requires script - STBR

Revision 1.341 2002/08/08 10:06:13 qboosh
- fixed CPPFLAGS in %%configure, cosmetics; release 86

Revision 1.340 2002/07/29 08:57:40 qboosh
- little better rpm-check-files (merged from rpm-4_0_4); release 85

Revision 1.339 2002/07/25 16:22:05 qboosh
- check_files patch was OK, rpm was broken.
Applied fix taken from rpm 4.0.4 (rpmlog-fix patch).
- downgraded choke-on-evil-doc patch for rpm 4.0.2
- release 84

Revision 1.338 2002/07/23 11:31:46 malekith
- added patch not to ignore exit status from %%doc
- rel 83
- someone should check if it works (it did it for 4.0.4)

Revision 1.337 2002/07/12 16:43:23 marcus
- check-files patch is commented - memory faults on ppc :((((

Revision 1.336 2002/07/12 13:18:01 blues
- release 82
temporary don\'t STB.... I\'ll tell when :)

Revision 1.335 2002/07/12 12:13:06 blues
- release 81.9
- new rpm-php-requires

Revision 1.334 2002/07/05 08:17:47 kloczek
- release 81.

Revision 1.333 2002/07/04 14:01:24 juandon
- rel 80.5
- fixed check_files.patch
- bump to integer release if works

Revision 1.332 2002/06/30 20:09:51 blues
- rel 80.
- my stupid mistake - pear dependencies were wrong generated....

Revision 1.331 2002/06/29 23:38:42 qboosh
- find-requires: don\'t check for +x - some binaries don\'t have it in buildroot
- release 79

Revision 1.330 2002/06/24 08:47:43 blues
- release 78
- finished php-pear package.

Revision 1.329 2002/06/23 23:12:29 blues
- release 71.1
- new package for php-pear

Revision 1.328 2002/06/23 20:52:53 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^gettextize --copy --force/\\%%\\{__gettextize\\}/\"

Revision 1.327 2002/06/18 18:27:38 mmazur
- check_files patch no work on ppc... /me kick check_files patch
filon - you fix check_files patch... or else
- release 77; STBRKJMBCKZTPS (rude words, no try to understand)
- :))))))

Revision 1.326 2002/06/12 13:45:47 qboosh
- fixed check_files patch (use of uninitialized variable)
- release 76, STBR (important bugfix - DoS-ed alpha builder)

Revision 1.325 2002/06/04 18:56:27 jack
- Added Requires: zlib >= 1.1.4

Revision 1.324 2002/05/27 20:19:23 filon
- check for missing files only if no error ocurred during processing packages
(it prevents long and ugly output when package build fails)
- re-eanbled exclude.patch, now works even better, than in rpm 4.0.4 :-)
(you may mark files as %exclude after or before entry for that files)
- release 75, STBR

Revision 1.323 2002/05/26 15:03:51 filon
- exclude.patch needs some fixes..., temporary comment

Revision 1.322 2002/05/26 12:57:25 filon
- added check_files patch and check-files script to
make rpm check if there are installed files not placed in any package
- releae 74, STBR

Revision 1.321 2002/05/26 07:16:18 filon
- backported %%exclude feature from 4.0.4 (\'exclude\' patch)
- changed name of section_test patch to test_stage
- release 73, STBR (exclude works for me...)

Revision 1.320 2002/05/26 00:28:23 kloczek
- use new %doc.

Revision 1.319 2002/05/25 17:47:18 filon
- added short_circuit patch
(allow for --short-circuit with rpm -bb)
- added section_test patch
(adds another section to spec: %test )
(purpose: testing work of built program )
(options for rpm: -bt, -tt )
- release 72

Revision 1.318 2002/05/21 23:14:38 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\
s/^automake -a -c -f/\\%\\{__automake\\}/; \\

Revision 1.317 2002/05/20 12:07:54 malekith
- rel 71
- last change fixes in compress-doc fixes globbing

Revision 1.316 2002/05/19 10:10:49 marcus
- compress-doc must be in %%files too
- rel.70.

Revision 1.315 2002/05/18 19:01:42 kloczek
- override default macros:
%%__libtoolize libtoolize --copy --force
%%__automake automake -a -c -f --foreing
%%__autoconf autoconf %%{?debug:-Wall}

Revision 1.314 2002/05/18 14:57:15 dzimi
- rel 69
- kernel kompiler should be gcc, not egcs

Revision 1.313 2002/05/17 12:24:56 malekith
- release 68
- added auto compressions of %doc

Revision 1.312 2002/04/27 18:28:18 qboosh
- fix in find-requires - back to noautoreqdep for script interpreters
- release 67

Revision 1.311 2002/04/19 20:14:01 qboosh
- release 66: changed find-requires to allow _noautoreq for all autoreq classes
(better to /test first...)

Revision 1.310 2002/04/13 17:13:17 kloczek
- release 65: rebuild against python 2.2.1.

Revision 1.309 2002/04/11 15:01:46 qboosh
- macros.python file is in -pythonprov package; release 64

Revision 1.308 2002/04/11 12:16:39 wrobell
- new macro pyrequires_eq so modules can have requirement only for main
version of Python language
- rel. 63
- stb

Revision 1.307 2002/04/03 15:19:52 mis
- added signverify-fix.patch; rel 62

Revision 1.306 2002/04/03 13:10:40 qboosh
- rpm-build Requires: grep

Revision 1.305 2002/03/27 21:33:49 qboosh
- generate Group translations automagically from rpm.groups instead of patching
- release 61

Revision 1.304 2002/03/27 20:03:07 qboosh
- ac25x patch: allow build using autoconf 2.53

Revision 1.303 2002/03/24 23:28:24 kloczek
- perl -pi -e \"s/^automake -a -c$/automake -a -c -f/\"

Revision 1.302 2002/03/19 18:36:27 juandon
- added translations of groups to .po files (patch)
- Release 60

Revision 1.301 2002/03/18 07:27:53 wrobell
- python subpackage group changed to Libraries/Python

Revision 1.300 2002/03/17 14:08:39 wrobell
- group file updated
- rel. 59
- stb

Revision 1.299 2002/03/15 14:19:31 misiek
- rebuild with fixed zlib

Revision 1.298 2002/03/14 16:01:01 baggins
- 755 for python .so object

Revision 1.297 2002/03/13 10:36:52 qboosh
- moved /usr/bin/rpm
* symlinks from -utils to appropriate packages; rel. 57

Revision 1.296 2002/03/06 19:28:26 filon
- provides for gimp work now
- release 56

Revision 1.295 2002/03/06 16:24:26 grabba
- rpm-perlprov package requires findutils

Revision 1.294 2002/03/04 21:36:36 marcus
- rel.55.

Revision 1.293 2002/03/04 15:12:39 qboosh
- added RPM in Summary(pl), -build Requires: textutils

Revision 1.292 2002/03/03 18:56:55 grabba
- fixed rpm-perlprov-perl5.6.patch

Revision 1.291 2002/03/02 12:16:24 misiek
- it\'s no longer rh package manager

Revision 1.290 2002/02/28 22:06:38 kloczek
- relase 54.

Revision 1.289 2002/02/28 12:58:48 grabba
added patch perlprov-perl5.6

Revision 1.288 2002/02/26 12:45:38 qboosh
- added new macros: requires_releq_kernel_{up,smp}
(requires_kernel_releq temporarily left for compatibility)
- release 53

Revision 1.287 2002/02/23 18:56:05 saq
- fixed py_inc definition in macros.python
- release 52, STBR

Revision 1.286 2002/02/23 13:23:48 blues
- added gettext in header patch (by pawelk)
NOTE: put translations in .po files.

Revision 1.285 2002/02/22 23:29:41 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.284 2002/02/20 15:12:18 misiek
- new macro (requires_releq); release 51

Revision 1.283 2002/02/16 19:57:59 ankry
- back overadapterization of patch names. adapter.awk needs fixing ?

Revision 1.282 2002/02/15 14:39:44 wiget

Revision 1.280 2002/02/11 18:19:38 wrobell
- rename rpm-python package to python-rpm
- fixed install and build requirements
- adapterized
- rel. 50
- stb

Revision 1.279 2002/02/06 09:39:58 kloczek
- rebuild against python 2.2 and adapterize spec.

Revision 1.278 2002/01/29 22:49:43 qboosh
- fixed changing
- rpm-build Requires: awk (to make sure...)

Revision 1.277 2002/01/27 18:12:34 filon
- sorry, commected perprov-regoly patch becouse I haven\'t got it :-)

Revision 1.276 2002/01/26 13:12:47 filon
- added patches athlon and athlon-identify
- athlon causes it to create athlon-
* dirs in /usr/lib/rpm, and extends ix86 macro
- athlon-indetify (in %%ifarch athlon) adds capability of identyfing athlon (k7) cpu
(rpm uses it for choosing dir in /usr/lib/rpm)
- rpm-build needs gcc >= 3.0.3 for athlon
- to build it for athlon, first build for existing arch, install and build it
with --target=athlon
- release 49

Revision 1.275 2002/01/26 02:19:33 kloczek
- another typo.

Revision 1.274 2002/01/26 02:15:53 kloczek
- typo.

Revision 1.273 2002/01/26 01:56:13 kloczek
- merge translations from Conectiva.

Revision 1.272 2002/01/25 18:47:06 filon
- removed second Release :-)

Revision 1.271 2002/01/25 18:11:46 filon
- added cxx patch to set and include __cxx in macros
- release 48

Revision 1.270 2002/01/24 15:47:39 qboosh
- perlprov-regonly patch: check for perl requirements only in regular files
(fixes also case of symlinks unresolvable in DESTDIR, in subpackage etc.)
- release 47, STBR

Revision 1.269 2002/01/18 02:14:48 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.268 2002/01/03 23:08:14 gotar
- added Requires: fileutils for rpm-build subpackage.

Revision 1.267 2001/12/28 17:15:57 gotar
- changes in descriptions.

Revision 1.266 2001/12/25 22:07:25 qboosh
- hardlink-fixes patch:
- install time: make sure that directory exists when creating hardlink in it
- build time: checkHardLinks() now tries to fix %%lang() marks of directories
that contain %%lang()-marked hardlinks - so built rpms should be installable
by older rpm versions too
- release 46

Revision 1.265 2001/12/25 01:39:12 agaran
corrected typo in %install

Revision 1.264 2001/12/21 22:17:48 gotar
- changed polish description of devel subpackage.

Revision 1.263 2001/12/10 08:14:10 marcus
- added %ifarch for PPC port of PLD :)

Revision 1.262 2001/11/29 23:53:35 gotar
- %description changes/adds.

Revision 1.261 2001/11/20 11:36:35 wrobell
- redefine python macros in spec, should simplify things

Revision 1.260 2001/11/13 00:26:35 wrobell
- use standard python macros
WARNING! build trap - you need release min. 43 to build this package
- rel. 45, stb.

Revision 1.259 2001/11/12 13:48:02 wrobell
- rel. 44 due to new python macros

Revision 1.258 2001/11/11 18:40:11 wrobell
- python macros support added; python packages creation is simplified
- rel. 43

Revision 1.257 2001/10/24 16:25:47 kloczek
- release 42: %%configure2_13 behaves like %%configure, now (CC and CXX handling).

Revision 1.256 2001/10/23 19:23:05 kloczek
- release 41: remove texinfo from Requires list in build subpackage.

Revision 1.255 2001/10/18 16:40:23 gotar
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.254 2001/10/16 09:44:51 ankry
- make .tar.bz2 standard non-english-man-pages format

Revision 1.253 2001/10/15 15:59:54 wiget
release 40
fixed installplatform.patch, now work on alpha and sparc

Revision 1.252 2001/10/12 16:28:23 misiek
- release 39; should be ok even on alpha

Revision 1.251 2001/10/11 07:45:48 mis
- added progress-nontty patch; release 38

Revision 1.250 2001/09/30 19:29:39 qboosh
- rpm-build Requires: make

Revision 1.249 2001/09/18 22:27:29 kloczek
- release 37.

Revision 1.248 2001/09/18 18:26:30 kloczek
- removed libtool from Requires list in build package.

Revision 1.247 2001/09/17 23:07:44 kloczek
- removed automake, autoconf from Requires list in build subpackage.

Revision 1.246 2001/09/17 21:04:06 ankry
- added fr, ko man pages; added rpm2cpio.8 pl man page
- increased release to 36

Revision 1.245 2001/09/17 13:36:22 ankry
- mention that rpm requires python-devel to be built

Revision 1.244 2001/09/15 15:26:26 filon
- added automake, autoconf to rpm-build subpackage

Revision 1.243 2001/09/13 10:06:33 filon
- rebuild with optimized zlib-static, release 35

Revision 1.242 2001/09/12 21:15:16 filon
- removed illegal_char patch which some people don\'t like

Revision 1.241 2001/09/12 17:48:20 filon
- added illegal_char patch which makes \'-\' legal in pkg release field (for kernel modules)
- release 35

Revision 1.240 2001/09/09 17:46:13 gotar
- cosmetical changes in descriptions.

Revision 1.239 2001/09/08 23:40:28 qboosh
- scripts-closefds patch: prevent from passing open file descriptors to
pre/post scripts (one fd (12?) was terminal, second (11?) .rpm file)
- python-amfix patch: fixes automake problems in python subdir
- release 34

Revision 1.238 2001/09/07 13:52:58 mis
- added python subpackage; %%setup call is back; release 33

Revision 1.237 2001/09/03 12:48:35 gotar
- awful %%configure macro expansions removed,
- no functional nor release changes.

Revision 1.236 2001/09/02 16:47:03 kloczek
- release 32,
- s/__spec_install_post/__os_install_post/ in additional PLD macros
now oure stripping procedure simple replaces standard (which uses brp-
* scripts).

Revision 1.235 2001/09/01 17:23:16 filon
- patch noexpand is back again, removed noexpanding %description
- %date in _first_ line of %changelog was already not affected by this patch (by mistake)
- added noexpanding %include and %%
* clauses - special case

Revision 1.234 2001/08/31 21:37:48 filon
- temporary commented noexpand patch

Revision 1.233 2001/08/30 22:42:41 filon
- added patch %%{name}-noexpand, which disable expanding of macros in %changelog and %description sections

Revision 1.232 2001/08/28 10:21:02 wiget

Revision 1.231 2001/08/28 09:43:30 wiget
added installplatform.patch (one substytution removed)

Revision 1.230 2001/08/28 09:29:36 wiget
simplification in %files

Revision 1.229 2001/08/27 15:45:38 wiget
- release 31
- switch from macros.pld to per platform macros (this method is prefered
by jbj - rpm author)
- use %%configure macro
- some missing dirs added

Revision 1.228 2001/08/13 13:01:39 kloczek
- release 28 (27 was last moved from test).

Revision 1.227 2001/08/11 20:29:21 pawelk
- fast-alAddPackage.patch turned on (i hope it\'s ok)
- rel: \"beta31\"

Revision 1.226 2001/08/09 20:36:54 saq
- release 30 (new macro)

Revision 1.225 2001/07/31 09:59:44 blues
- Release 29
- s/%%configure/%%configure2_13/ - %%configure macro seems to be broken and
some entries in /usr/lib/rpm/macros are empty

Revision 1.224 2001/07/27 10:20:13 wiget
missing BuildRequires

Revision 1.223 2001/07/25 12:40:47 wiget
release 28

Revision 1.222 2001/07/25 12:39:48 wiget
- autoupdate is back (kloczek, please read \'pinfo --node \"Obsolete Macros\" autoconf\' first)
- don\'t use () subshells in spec (kloczek, please read \'man sh\' first)

Revision 1.221 2001/07/23 22:35:21 kloczek
- remove run autoupdate on rebenerate ac/am/lt files.

Revision 1.220 2001/07/23 22:00:15 kloczek
- release 27,
- removed gdbm-devel and gdbm-static from BuildRequires (current version
uses onlu db backends).

Revision 1.219 2001/07/13 00:30:54 qboosh
- release 26: fixed rpm-find-requires script
(_noautoreq and _noautoreqdep are not the same!
e.g. _noautoreqdep shouldn\'t remove dependency,
but only `rpm -q --whatprovides` dependency)

Revision 1.218 2001/07/11 22:06:04 mkochano
- Release 25.
- Commented out fast-alAddPackage patch. It is simple for me. With this
patch rpm doesn\'t work correctly. Without this patch it works
correctly. Simple. Author can try to fix it, if he want/can. But we
shouldn\'t wait until he will do this and serve broken package in the
mean time.

Revision 1.217 2001/07/10 23:10:28 kloczek
- release 24.

Revision 1.216 2001/07/07 19:13:28 qboosh
- rpm-perlprov requires: perl-modules

Revision 1.215 2001/07/06 09:38:15 wiget
scrict BuildRequires

Revision 1.214 2001/07/06 09:36:38 wiget
release 23

Revision 1.213 2001/06/29 14:47:17 wiget
update macros.pld for autoconf 2.50; fixes for ac 2.50; popt fixes

Revision 1.212 2001/06/28 13:58:47 malekith
fixed segv, rel 22, stbr

Revision 1.211 2001/06/25 16:26:21 pawelk
- rpm have to be rebuild with new rpm-fast-alAddAPckage.patch
As Soon As Possible
- rel: 21

Revision 1.210 2001/06/25 13:25:29 grzegorz
- typo in pl description

Revision 1.209 2001/06/22 14:06:40 zagrodzki
- release 20
- fixed perl.prov

Revision 1.208 2001/06/17 18:22:55 pawelk
add field byKey tp dependencyConflict structure
rel: 19

Revision 1.207 2001/06/16 12:57:56 pawelk
rpm-lfind patch replaced by rpm-alAddPackage.patch
It speed up wuch even more then lfind-ptach, and lave API 100% compatybile
with orginal rpm api.

Revision 1.206 2001/06/14 21:06:20 pawelk
use lfind instaead of bsearch and a lot of qsort for adding available
packages to transactions. It\'s faster especilly in big transactions (like 2500
packages when installinkg PLD).
rel: 18

Revision 1.205 2001/05/22 09:06:51 wiget
switch to new conditional builds macros (bcond_on_ -> _with_/bcond_off_ -> _without_); no release changes only simple s/// perfored

Revision 1.204 2001/05/21 15:51:01 wiget
fix --with/--without popt aliases; release 17

Revision 1.203 2001/05/17 23:02:21 klakier
- rel 16

Revision 1.202 2001/05/17 23:01:44 klakier
- removed broken hack on header.h - fixed by header_h.patch instead

Revision 1.201 2001/05/16 16:25:51 wiget
- release 15
- rpmGlob() now are locale independent
- --with foo generate now _with_foo (not _with_foo)
symilar for --without

Revision 1.200 2001/05/10 16:34:13 qboosh
- require fixed version of db3-devel
(lack of old_library in caused infinite loop of ld trying to
statically link with shared version of db3)
- rpm-build Requires: sed (used in 170 .specs)
- release 14

Revision 1.199 2001/04/23 13:22:20 jajcus
- Revision: 13
- \"don\'t allow to build to packages using %%_noauto
* macros at the same time\" patch

Revision 1.198 2001/04/18 21:11:42 saq
- bugfix: use , not (wouldn\'t build)

Revision 1.197 2001/04/18 20:21:45 saq
- added German %descriptions and Summaries
- a minor English language bugfix

Revision 1.196 2001/04/14 15:39:05 baggins
- release 12
- added checks to find-perl-requires if we need to add:
requires: perl = %%{version}
requires: %%{perl_sitearch}

Revision 1.195 2001/04/07 17:08:55 qboosh
- gettextize --copy --force - needed to build with new gettext
- fixed typo in rpm.macros

Revision 1.194 2001/04/06 16:05:56 qboosh
- release 11:
- new macros: %%_pkgconfigdir=/usr/lib/pkgconfig, %%_fontsdir=/usr/share/fonts

Revision 1.193 2001/04/05 01:14:15 qboosh
- fixed typo in find-perl-requires (didn\'t find packages providing perl modules)
- release 10

Revision 1.192 2001/04/03 23:45:29 qboosh
- added /etc/rpm dir and example /etc/rpm/macros
- release 9

Revision 1.191 2001/04/02 09:49:10 misiek
release 8; changed %%configure macro

Revision 1.190 2001/03/28 17:05:56 wiget
use sugestion patch

Revision 1.189 2001/03/25 11:24:25 pawelk
- changed from -p1 to -p0 for rpm-suggestion.patch (but it\'s still comented out)

Revision 1.188 2001/03/25 05:38:21 kloczek
- moved libraries to main.

Revision 1.187 2001/03/25 05:16:13 kloczek
- release 6: rebuild for generate proper dependences.

Revision 1.186 2001/03/25 00:13:57 qboosh
- noautodep macros turned off stripping/gzipping - fixed
- new CFLAGS/LDFLAGS macros in macros.pld
- release 5

Revision 1.185 2001/03/24 23:06:29 kloczek
- release 4,
- disable broken suggestions patch,
- merge libs subpackage to main.

Revision 1.184 2001/03/24 12:39:29 qboosh
- fixed swapped find-requires and find-provides
- s/noautoprovdep/noautoprov/ in find-provides

Revision 1.183 2001/03/23 17:12:21 jajcus
- unused patches removed, patches renumbered

Revision 1.182 2001/03/23 11:22:00 jajcus
- Release: 3
- instead of patching two files several times find-{provides,requires} moved to
Sources. Those scripts may require fixing so they will also work on sparc
- autodependency exceptions support added

Revision 1.181 2001/03/20 11:13:48 pawelk
- ugly rh dependencies loops workaround removed (not tested at all))

Revision 1.180 2001/03/20 01:01:54 qboosh
- rpm-devel Requires: gzip, tar

Revision 1.179 2001/03/17 22:45:34 pawelk
- addeed feature to API witch allows programs (wuch ;) to get informations
about all programs providing some feture.

Revision 1.178 2001/03/16 18:04:49 qboosh
- fixed debug CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS/FFLAGS in macros.pld
- rpm-build Requires: libtool - many libraries use it
- release 2

Revision 1.177 2001/03/15 17:17:34 wiget
final 4.0.2; stb

Revision 1.176 2001/03/07 18:44:06 agaran
added diffutils to -build requires.. (not enough reasont for to sent do builders&&rev++ imvho)

Revision 1.175 2001/03/07 16:22:12 kloczek
- release 0.2.

Revision 1.174 2001/03/06 22:05:25 qboosh
- find-perl-requires, find-requires.patch: grep -v \"no package provides\"
not only for sparc (LC_ALL=C must be set, LANG=C is not sufficient)

Revision 1.173 2001/03/05 21:24:45 misiek
external source

Revision 1.172 2001/02/21 14:46:57 pawelk
- fixed include in header.h

Revision 1.171 2001/02/21 11:19:03 wiget
updated to test-4.0.2; test release 0.1

Revision 1.170 2001/02/13 17:39:14 qboosh
- fix for SEGV in macros processing

Revision 1.169 2001/02/11 19:56:13 mis
- devel subpackage requires popt-devel

Revision 1.168 2001/02/05 20:54:11 kloczek
- seems work - release 1.

Revision 1.167 2001/02/05 20:08:06 alchemyx
- typos
- fixed en description

Revision 1.166 2001/01/31 17:54:54 wiget
- Revision 0.1 (this is test release)
- removed bash2 patch (integrated in main source)
- removed getrpmlibprov patch (integraded in main source)
- added am_fix patch (allow rebuild by automake 1.4b)
- removed rpmlibprov and rpmlibprov-order patches (pawelk check this: this patches are needed now ?)

Revision 1.165 2001/01/31 15:14:32 kloczek
- start move to test release 4.0.1 (because we need handling new Requires()
spec preamble fields).

Revision 1.164 2001/01/30 16:56:17 zagrodzki
- release 14
- fixed localstatedir in rpm/macros

Revision 1.163 2001/01/29 13:28:32 malekith
added patch fixing dependecies caching problems (mainly
for wuch).
rel -> 13.

Revision 1.162 2001/01/26 10:49:20 misiek
added temporary (and ugly) workaround for automake. STB.

Revision 1.161 2001/01/25 20:44:35 kloczek
- relase 12: use -O0 instead -O in compilation flags if %%{debug} macro is
enabled (-O is the same as -O1 and for debuging all binaries must be
compiled with -O0).

Revision 1.160 2001/01/22 11:13:08 wiget
patch renumbering

Revision 1.159 2001/01/20 00:08:31 qboosh
- rpm.macros: don\'t add -s to LDFLAGS in %%configure if LDFLAGS!=\"\"
(needed for not stripping during build)
- patch to (buggy) installplatform script
- removed brp-strip patch (it does nothing - is shared object, which
brp-strip doesn\'t strip)
- db1 buildreq is _without_static-dependent
- release 11

Revision 1.158 2001/01/19 18:09:56 wiget
- fix Source0 URL
- fix some stupid adapter.awk substitution
- merge all patches into one rpm-find-lang.patch
- simplify conditional builds

Revision 1.157 2001/01/08 16:47:38 kloczek
- fixed exclude-examples-doc for ommit doc, examples also on sparc.

Revision 1.156 2001/01/08 16:01:14 mkochano
- Release 10.
- %find_lang can now be called with \"--with-kde --all-name\".

Revision 1.155 2001/01/05 18:19:08 misiek
release 9; one more place to avoid stripping

Revision 1.154 2001/01/03 21:42:41 misiek
don\'t strip dynamic linker. This caused serious problems.
release 8

Revision 1.153 2000/12/28 15:19:31 baggins
- added conditional non-static build (define _without_static for it)

Revision 1.152 2000/12/19 18:08:48 kloczek
- rpmio/ugid.h added to devel (header file required during compile apt).

Revision 1.151 2000/12/19 15:15:24 zagrodzki
- release 7
- updated rpm-rpmlibprov-order.patch

Revision 1.150 2000/12/11 14:28:34 kloczek
- release 6: removed %pre/%post scripts for break cyclic dependences
between pm and pdksh (this scripts seems now are not neccessary).

Revision 1.149 2000/12/11 12:32:58 mis
- improved perl files detection patch

Revision 1.148 2000/11/29 15:46:38 wiget
fix %%post script

Revision 1.147 2000/11/28 15:35:50 pascalek
- added new rule for kde help files

Revision 1.146 2000/11/24 07:50:30 kloczek
- release 3: Conflicts with glibc < 2.2 instead glibc <= 2.2.

Revision 1.145 2000/11/22 21:41:46 kloczek
- release 2,
- fix: %%{_libdir}/rpm/rpm{db,k,q,v} moved to main package,
- fix: added Conflicts: glibc <= 2.2 (for prevent correct order
install/upgrade sequence).

Revision 1.144 2000/11/22 17:52:36 mis
- added --bcond popt alias (shows b(uild)cond_
* macros from given spec)

Revision 1.143 2000/11/15 23:19:51 misiek
added buildrequires: db1-devel

Revision 1.142 2000/11/15 20:50:57 wiget
/bin/bash is >= bash2

Revision 1.141 2000/11/15 20:24:43 wiget

Revision 1.140 2000/11/15 20:23:31 wiget

Revision 1.139 2000/11/15 20:22:01 wiget
not funny regex

Revision 1.138 2000/11/15 20:20:46 wiget
one %%endif too match

Revision 1.137 2000/11/15 20:19:46 wiget
- Release: 1 (but packet is not rady yet)
- sync %%files (some file may be unneeded/wrong or may have wrong permissions)

Revision 1.136 2000/11/15 19:21:23 kloczek
- start prepare version 4.0 (release 8).

Revision 1.135 2000/11/15 14:32:49 wiget
- added perl_privlib macro

Revision 1.134 2000/11/13 08:08:24 pascalek
- Release 5
- added find-KDE patch for %%find_lang

Revision 1.133 2000/11/12 20:48:28 kloczek
- release 5: added %%_pixmapsdir macro for storing all applnk/kdelnk/desktop
files icons/pixmaps.

Revision 1.132 2000/11/09 11:22:47 kloczek
- release 4.

Revision 1.131 2000/11/09 10:59:04 mis
- ignore rpmlib(...)s during packages ordering patch

Revision 1.130 2000/11/06 20:12:32 kloczek
- fixed release s/333/3/.

Revision 1.129 2000/11/06 19:43:18 kloczek
- assign const value \"/uar/share/info/ to %%_infodir macro.

Revision 1.128 2000/11/06 19:33:13 zagrodzki
- release 3

Revision 1.127 2000/11/06 19:31:34 zagrodzki
- removed explicit \"requires: glibc >= 2.1\" (rpm doesn\'t require glibc at
all - it\'s statically linked executable)

Revision 1.126 2000/10/20 13:14:47 baggins
- release 2
- updated db3 stuff

Revision 1.125 2000/10/14 14:39:40 mis
- added rpmGetRpmlibProvides() patch

Revision 1.124 2000/10/12 14:01:46 kloczek
- updated to 3.0.6.
NOTE: rpm-v1 temporary commented out (need update).

Revision 1.123 2000/10/04 17:04:32 mis
- rpmlib(...) capabilities can be provided by rpm pakage now

Revision 1.122 2000/10/04 14:31:11 zagrodzki
- added %%define binary_payload to allow installation of rpm on older

Revision 1.121 2000/09/29 18:23:24 mis
- rpm-find-rpm-provides is used to add rpm\'s obscure capabilities

Revision 1.120 2000/09/27 12:00:14 kloczek
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.119 2000/09/26 16:26:02 baggins
- release 12

Revision 1.118 2000/09/23 16:53:57 baggins
- release 11.92
- fixed macros.pld

Revision 1.117 2000/09/18 19:39:20 marcus
- added patch for backward compatibility with rpm-1.0 packages
- version 11.91

Revision 1.116 2000/09/14 05:17:24 kloczek
- removed remove-unneeded-elf-sections from %fils list.

Revision 1.115 2000/09/14 05:03:32 kloczek
- release 11.9: this is test release for test new man and info pages
autocompress and binaries autostripping suit and for boot strap fully
capeable above feactures new release 12,
- fixed ughly bug in script (now I hope rpm will generate
languages dependent files list correctly).

NOTE: this release can be avalaible _only_ in /test on ftp and new release 12
will be launched after prepare all current spec files for using man/info
autocompressor and binaries autostripper.

Revision 1.114 2000/08/30 17:53:48 mis
- changed \"<=\" to \"=\" in rpmlib() cap

Revision 1.113 2000/08/30 16:50:08 mis
- added explicit \"rpmlib(VersionedDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1\" cap

Revision 1.112 2000/08/29 10:44:23 wiget
- ignore objcopy errors in remove-unneeded-elf-sections
- don\'t run remove-unneeded-elf-sections if don\'t exist/don\'t have right to run
- don\'t run remove-unneeded-elf-sections if debug is defined

Revision 1.111 2000/08/24 22:56:15 kloczek
- start prepare rel 10,
- removed automake and autoconf from build subpackage Requires list.

Revision 1.110 2000/08/08 19:04:58 baggins
- buildrequires db3-devel

Revision 1.109 2000/08/07 12:08:44 zagrodzki
- release 2
- added %post(un) -p /sbin/ldconfig for libs package

Revision 1.108 2000/08/02 18:31:29 baggins
- changed my mind db3 ins now The Right DB (it\'ll avoid problems
with upgade to rpm 4.0)

Revision 1.107 2000/07/30 03:55:56 baggins
- updated to 3.0.5
- removed bzip2 and v4support patches (obsoleted)
- added db2 patch
The format of database has changed, rpm now uses db2.
do rpm --rebuilddb after upgading

Revision 1.106 2000/07/27 16:08:27 mis
- added remove-unneeded-elf-sections script

Revision 1.105 2000/07/26 12:52:21 klakier
- description updated

Revision 1.104 2000/06/30 21:17:26 zagrodzki
- release 13
- buildrequires: bzip2 >= 1.0.1

Revision 1.103 2000/06/19 00:58:58 kloczek
- release 12,
- added hack for allow read rpm v4 format.

Revision 1.102 2000/06/12 15:10:00 wiget
- Don\'t use SourceX for tryvial patches !

Revision 1.101 2000/06/09 07:55:10 kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.100 2000/06/09 07:23:58 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.99 2000/06/06 22:19:55 wiget
More Requires for rpm-build

Revision 1.98 2000/06/05 21:36:58 mkochano
- Added rpm-find-lang-name-matching.patch.

Revision 1.97 2000/05/31 08:21:56 wiget
fix for cooperate with file 3.31

Revision 1.96 2000/05/30 22:27:00 wiget
commpres ja man pages too

Revision 1.95 2000/05/30 19:33:26 wiget
on AXP find-provides requires file >= 3.31

Revision 1.94 2000/05/24 08:34:40 zagrodzki
- added patch for bzip2 >= 1.0.0

Revision 1.93 2000/05/23 19:32:28 kloczek
- require on build bzip2-static >= 1.0.0.

Revision 1.92 2000/05/23 18:00:02 zagrodzki
- added temporary replacement for rpm-find-requires

Revision 1.91 2000/05/23 15:02:57 zagrodzki
- added rpm-find-requires-pre and -post

Revision 1.90 2000/05/06 17:17:12 kloczek
- release 6,
- new find-lang-all-name patch with fixed detecting empty file list.

Revision 1.89 2000/04/25 13:44:30 baggins
- release 5
- FHS 2.1 (s#/var/state#/var/lib/#)

Revision 1.88 2000/04/05 16:48:15 kloczek
- release 4,
- added find-lang-all-name patch which adds handling --all-name switch for script.

Revision 1.87 2000/04/04 17:59:16 kloczek
- release 3,
- added /bin/id and sh-utils to Requires in build subpackage,
- added %description for build.

Revision 1.86 2000/04/01 11:15:40 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.85 2000/03/30 06:26:25 wiget moved to utils subpackage

Revision 1.84 2000/03/28 17:19:49 wiget
- upgraded to 3.0.4
- added build subpackage
- added ja man pages

Revision 1.83 2000/03/28 16:55:06 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.82 2000/02/18 09:44:23 kloczek
- release 27,
- fix: added \"Requires: %%{name} = %%{version}\" for utils and perlprov

Revision 1.81 2000/02/17 17:23:30 pius
- minor fixes in perl.req
- release++

Revision 1.80 2000/02/17 03:48:12 kloczek
- removed \"Conflicts: /usr/bin/id\" (file name cannot be used in Conflicts).

Revision 1.79 2000/02/17 03:42:17 kloczek
- release 25,
- added \"Conflicts: /usr/bin/id\" and rebuilded in enviroment with id in