Changelog for xmms-general-xosd-2.0.1-2.i386.rpm :
Thu Nov 14 13:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: xosd.spec,v $
Revision 1.27 2002/11/14 08:22:07 krzak
- missing png files

Revision 1.26 2002/11/14 08:01:29 krzak
- upgrade to 2.0.1

Revision 1.25 2002/10/30 19:54:30 aflinta
- __libtoolize is back, now it is working, I don\'t know why, strange tool.

Revision 1.24 2002/10/29 23:06:53 aflinta
- removed %%{__libtoolize} which breaks xmms plugin

Revision 1.23 2002/10/29 18:51:36 krzak
release 2
patch to fix broken #include paths

Revision 1.22 2002/10/29 10:46:31 qboosh
- BuildConflicts with old headers (or patch must be added)...

Revision 1.21 2002/10/26 13:18:29 krzak
upgrade to version 2.0.0

Revision 1.20 2002/10/09 13:14:52 kloczek
- use more macros, some cosmetics, added missing \"rm -f missing\" and use new %doc

Revision 1.19 2002/09/13 22:10:46 blues
- release 2 - xmms plugin should require xmms.... STBR

Revision 1.18 2002/09/13 12:47:50 blues
- 1.0.4 - finally it won\'t hang sometimes on LOCALE != \"C\" - STBR

Revision 1.17 2002/08/30 23:26:07 blues
- static is back again - there is separate static package...

Revision 1.16 2002/08/30 19:33:41 kloczek
- add --disable-static to autoconf parameters.

Revision 1.15 2002/08/30 11:27:45 blues
- 1.0.3 - license changed, removed missing file now - STBR

Revision 1.14 2002/08/17 12:59:45 blues
- 1.0.2 - STBR

Revision 1.13 2002/08/12 15:30:23 kloczek
- added using %%{_aclocaldir} macro.

Revision 1.12 2002/08/12 14:55:36 blues
- 1.0.1 - some code cleanups and fixes, added missing file, STBR

Revision 1.11 2002/07/19 22:13:42 blues
- 1.0.0
- small fixes

Revision 1.10 2002/07/15 07:58:25 rrw
- (polish, since it is about polish translation)
poprawiony koszmarny koszmarek w t�umaczeniu:
Gdzie ja mam klawiatur�?

Revision 1.9 2002/07/13 13:36:24 blues
- 1.0.0-pre2
- new scheme of instalation (ac/am/lt) - full regeneration added
- new doc
- separated static subpackage
- added missing things.

Revision 1.8 2002/02/22 23:30:07 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.7 2002/01/18 02:15:43 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.6 2001/12/12 22:53:15 blues
- docs simplified

Revision 1.5 2001/12/02 01:44:55 kloczek
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.4 2001/11/30 15:57:38 qboosh
- cosmetics, don\'t strip in %%install

Revision 1.3 2001/11/30 10:57:18 alchemyx
- divided into subpackages
- adapterized once more
- release 1, STB if you wish (probably you don\'t, because of freezing :P)

Revision 1.2 2001/11/30 10:27:16 alchemyx
- added URLs
- added PL descriptions
- adapterized