Changelog for icewm-themes-base-1.2.2-2.i586.rpm :
Sat Sep 28 14:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: icewm.spec,v $
Revision 1.99 2002/09/28 16:22:35 wolf
- rel 2
- menu hack for 1.2.2

Revision 1.98 2002/09/10 05:38:47 gotar
- back to http sources, ftp is overloaded.

Revision 1.97 2002/09/09 14:34:19 gotar
- switched to ftp source,
- fixed imlib bcond (in 1.2.2 default behaviour of ./configure has changed).

Revision 1.96 2002/09/07 16:03:38 kloczek
- (auto)updated to 1.2.2: bug fixes.

Revision 1.95 2002/07/10 11:18:25 qboosh
- BR: gcc-c++ not libstdc++-devel, added some bconds to disable some features

Revision 1.94 2002/07/01 20:03:14 kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.93 2002/07/01 19:50:47 grzegol
- updated to 1.2.0
- Epoch:1 to allow upgrade from 1.2.0pre3

Revision 1.92 2002/06/21 17:02:03 grzegol
- merged with DEVEL

* updated to 1.2.0pre3 (bugfix release)

* added with_antialiasing and with_gradients bconds

* cosmetics

Revision 1.91 2002/06/05 05:31:27 kloczek
- merge translations from KSI and Conectiva.

Revision 1.90 2002/05/31 07:20:01 gotar
- upgraded to 1.2.0pre2

Revision 1.89 2002/05/07 11:38:08 grzegol
- description fix

Revision 1.88 2002/04/25 16:35:32 arturs
fixed a small typo

Revision 1.87 2002/04/13 21:56:13 gotar
- moved back icons, symlink in %{_pixmapsdir} instead,
- release 9.

Revision 1.86 2002/03/05 10:10:31 marcus
- fixed problem with icons (in SOURCES was bad file!)
- addedd more icons
- rel.8.

Revision 1.85 2002/03/04 09:58:39 gotar
- ugly hack to rpm upgrade reverse switch lackness,
- release 7, STBR.

Revision 1.84 2002/03/03 11:16:04 gotar
- changes made by icewm-menu.patch were overwritten when building,
replaced with icewm-menu,
- removed one more sub-BuildRequires (required by gnome-libs-devel),
- added one more %doc file.

Revision 1.83 2002/03/02 22:49:16 gotar
- removed Requires: autoconf, libtool and some of
*-devel (required
by imlib-devel),
- moved icons to %{_pixmapsdir}/icewm.

Revision 1.82 2002/03/02 15:28:56 gotar
- changed %configure options:
--with-{gnome,shape,sm} - no such switches,
--enable-nls - enabled by default,
--enable-gradients - implies antialiasing (slow) and shitting screen by
IceWM: Warning: Failed to copy drawable 0x400b0a to pixel buffer
- release 6, STBR.

Revision 1.81 2002/02/23 02:30:45 kloczek
- adapterized.

Revision 1.80 2002/02/22 23:29:03 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.79 2002/01/18 02:13:19 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.78 2001/12/28 17:15:55 gotar
- changes in descriptions.

Revision 1.77 2001/12/14 03:34:30 kloczek
- typo in %build.

Revision 1.76 2001/12/10 14:17:06 blues
- removed antialiasing (it\'s slows down....)

Revision 1.75 2001/12/10 10:04:51 wolf
- s/--with-i18n/--enable-i18n/
- release 5

Revision 1.74 2001/11/25 16:14:47 gotar
- added /etc/X11/icewm dir to the package contents,
- release 4.

Revision 1.73 2001/11/20 11:04:52 kloczek
- release 3: spec adapterized.

Revision 1.72 2001/11/20 03:44:42 djrzulf
- added wmstyle support,

Revision 1.71 2001/10/30 19:21:20 gotar
- configure cleanups.

Revision 1.70 2001/10/11 16:06:38 blues
- added some features to configure - works fine for me :)

Revision 1.69 2001/10/11 00:49:43 blues
- 1.0.9
- removed outdated patches
- some cleanups
NOTE: there is some features which are turned off now, but could be tested,
where is that pl-translation???

Revision 1.68 2001/09/26 11:14:24 qboosh
- adapterized

Revision 1.67 2001/09/26 11:10:06 qboosh
- BuildRequires: libtool

Revision 1.66 2001/08/30 12:18:48 gotar
- awful %%configure macro expansions removed,
- other specs\' changelogs cosmetical fixes,
- no functional nor release changes.

Revision 1.65 2001/07/16 17:27:12 gotar
- removed redundant rpm macros,
- cosmetics.

Revision 1.64 2001/07/15 00:39:05 blues
- %%configure is back (solution: export LDFLAGS;configure2_13)

Revision 1.63 2001/07/14 23:56:03 kloczek
- release 8.

Revision 1.62 2001/07/14 22:18:42 blues
- removed %%configure macro - it doesn\'t work. Other macros removed.
- ac2.50 ready

Revision 1.60 2001/07/03 15:32:32 kloczek
- release 7.

Revision 1.59 2001/07/03 13:01:34 gotar
- added using %{__
*} macros,
- added %{_libdir}/X11/icewm/themes to the package contents.

Revision 1.58 2001/06/30 22:52:49 blues
- one more build-require

Revision 1.57 2001/06/30 22:40:48 blues
- Release 6
- added nice pack of icons

Revision 1.56 2001/06/26 16:39:19 blues
- typo

Revision 1.55 2001/06/25 15:46:03 kloczek
- release 5,
- fix: added missing %defattr() in themes subpackage,
- fix: added also themes directories to packages %files lists.

Revision 1.54 2001/06/24 13:14:55 blues
- release 4
- 1.0.8-6

Revision 1.53 2001/05/17 09:38:58 blues
- xine: version 0.4.3
- cosmetics

Revision 1.52 2001/05/16 19:46:11 blues
- Release 3
- themes (except one) separated from main package.
Note: could anyone make PLD-theme? It would be added as default theme :]

Revision 1.51 2001/05/16 19:03:00 blues
- menu patch added

Revision 1.50 2001/05/04 14:17:08 blues
- typo

Revision 1.49 2001/05/04 12:51:49 blues
- TODO list

Revision 1.48 2001/04/27 18:24:37 blues
- Release 2
- corrected cfgdir

Revision 1.47 2001/04/27 18:01:42 blues
- new sources version with some bug-fixes

Revision 1.46 2001/04/24 18:42:51 kloczek
- more macros (use %%{_applnkdir} macro),
- removed COPYING, INSTALL, VERSION from %doc (these files aren\'t realy
neccessary :)),
- a few cosmetics.

Revision 1.45 2001/04/24 16:16:52 blues
- cosmetics
- docs instaled in proper directory (icewm-help needed that)
- prep -q

Revision 1.44 2001/04/24 15:46:41 blues
- more macros used
- added more docs
- licence changed
- some other changes

Revision 1.43 2001/04/24 14:58:44 blues
- correct source-file
- started spec adapting

Revision 1.42 2001/04/20 08:48:57 kloczek
- release 6.

Revision 1.41 2001/04/19 18:20:54 blues
- docs gzip\'ing uncommented....

Revision 1.40 2001/04/18 14:07:21 blues
- icewm settings are now in %{_prefix}/share/applnk/Settings/IceWM/
Other icewm-related progs should use this.
- cosmetics

Revision 1.39 2001/04/18 13:46:28 blues
- release 5
- STB!!! Previous was broken (no themes in package)

Revision 1.38 2001/04/15 18:02:27 qboosh
- moved /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/wm-properties to /usr/X11R6/share/wm-properties

Revision 1.37 2001/04/13 06:07:35 kloczek
- release 4.

Revision 1.36 2001/04/12 02:14:48 blues
- added %dir to %{_libdir}/X11/icewm/

Revision 1.35 2001/04/05 12:31:57 blues
- a few typos corrected

Revision 1.34 2001/03/27 22:39:42 blues
- icewm 1.0.7 rel 3 - it really uses files in /etc/X11/icewm now
- first pack and release of icewm-themes
- little translation in freeamp

Revision 1.33 2001/03/25 02:34:33 kloczek
- release 2.

Revision 1.32 2001/03/25 02:33:04 blues
- config files in /etc/X11/icewm too

Revision 1.31 2001/03/25 01:20:02 blues
- version 1.0.7-7
- new DESTDIR.patch

Revision 1.30 2001/03/03 14:14:30 kloczek
- added time patch with fix which allow build on glibc 2.2.2.

Revision 1.29 2001/03/03 14:03:05 kloczek
- release 2: rebuild on new gnome-libs linked with audiofile 0.2.1.

Revision 1.28 2001/01/17 19:25:12 misiek
update to 1.0.6

Revision 1.27 2000/12/16 04:04:55 kloczek
- updated to 1.0.5,
- added DESTDIR style install (DESTDIR patch added).

Revision 1.26 2000/11/12 20:11:55 kloczek
- modyfications for using new rpm automation.

Revision 1.25 2000/08/29 14:21:06 baggins
- typo

Revision 1.24 2000/07/28 13:57:37 zagrodzki
- release 2, built against libpng >= 1.0.8

Revision 1.23 2000/06/13 20:08:03 kloczek
- changed Source url to

Revision 1.22 2000/06/12 06:17:51 kloczek
- updated to 1.0.4.

Revision 1.21 2000/06/09 07:22:59 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.20 2000/05/21 15:02:32 kloczek
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.19 2000/04/01 11:14:43 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicated empty lines

Revision 1.18 2000/03/28 16:54:32 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.17 2000/03/20 23:58:47 kloczek
- updated to 1.0.3.

Revision 1.16 2000/03/15 21:36:33 wiget
- BuildRequires: zlib-devel

Revision 1.15 2000/02/20 07:03:05 kloczek
- updated to 1.0.2.

Revision 1.14 2000/02/02 11:43:08 zagrodzki

- typo

Revision 1.13 2000/01/14 13:42:08 kloczek
- updated to 1.0.1,
- added desktop file for icewm.

Revision 1.12 2000/01/13 05:50:54 kloczek
- typo.

Revision 1.11 2000/01/13 05:21:34 kloczek
- added BuildRequires rules,
- added using more rpm macros,
- adapter(ized),
- updated Source url and URL.

Revision 1.10 2000/01/04 00:11:24 kura
- updated to 1.0.0

Revision 1.9 1999/07/12 23:05:58 kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).

Fri Mar 19 13:00:00 1999 Tomasz K�oczko
- added gzipping some %doc,
- added Group(pl).

Fri Nov 20 13:00:00 1998 Tomasz K�oczko
- added -q %setup parameter,
- changed Buildroot to /tmp/%%{name}-%%{version}-root,
- added using %%{name} and %%{version} in Source,
- added using $RPM_OPT_FLAGS during compile,
- added pl translation,
- added %attr and %defattr macros in %files (allows building package from
non-root account).