Changelog for
mozilla-devel-1.0-10.i586.rpm :
Thu Aug 29 14:00:00 2002 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: mozilla.spec,v $
Revision 1.175 2002/08/28 15:06:36 qboosh
- enabled, release 10
Revision 1.174 2002/08/19 15:19:49 qboosh
- added missing ldap headers, release 9
Revision 1.173 2002/07/12 22:48:29 wolf
- added antialiasing howto from
Revision 1.172 2002/07/09 22:07:19 kloczek
- added to devel
*.pc files for pkgconfig (close
Revision 1.171 2002/06/25 23:02:52 qboosh
- --disable-xterm-updates - kill that annoying beeps on TERM!=xterm!
Revision 1.170 2002/06/25 20:35:35 qboosh
- sources shouldn\'t be conditional
- BR: libmng >= 1.0.4 (mozilla uses builtin libmng if system libmng is older)
Revision 1.169 2002/06/25 08:43:37 qboosh
- added chromedir to package; release 8
Revision 1.168 2002/06/23 14:58:21 adgor
- installed-chrome.txt is copied to %{name}-installed-chrome.txt at the
%%install time and it is overwrited (but always handled by mozilla pkg)
at %%post. So %%post is now more more simple & there are no more problems
with upgrade/downgrade/reinstall mozilla as mozilla-addon/theme pkgs.
- Release 7, STBR.
Revision 1.167 2002/06/22 20:37:02 adgor
- Fixed BR, Obsoletes: mozilla-Lang_PL changed to Conflicts: mozilla-Lang-PL
while building without \"--widhout PL\"
- Release 6
Revision 1.166 2002/06/22 13:09:47 adgor
- Corrected %%files
- Release 5
Revision 1.165 2002/06/22 07:37:45 adgor
- Source13 is renamed so %%install comes more simple
- Corrected %%post (now it supports already installed addons/themes while mozilla
is updated or reinstalled)
- Release 4
Revision 1.164 2002/06/20 20:27:25 adgor
- \"--with no_PL\" changed to \"--without PL\"
- Release 3
Revision 1.163 2002/06/19 11:05:35 adgor
- Added Lang-PL & Reg-PL sources
- Added mozilla-pld-homepage-PL.patch
- Added conditional \"--with no_PL\" build
- Release 2 >STBR to test?>
Revision 1.162 2002/06/06 00:47:26 kloczek
- Epoch: 2 for allow upgrade from rc{2,3}.
Revision 1.161 2002/06/05 22:44:45 wrobell
- ver. 1.0
Revision 1.160 2002/06/04 19:24:56 blues
- enabled xterm title change
Revision 1.159 2002/05/28 07:38:18 wiget
added -Wno-deprecated to CXXFLAGS for gcc 3.x, fixed %%files for gtk2 build
Revision 1.158 2002/05/25 22:08:36 kloczek
- fix in %install.
Revision 1.157 2002/05/25 21:52:39 mkochano
- Added missing e... cruly bracket...?
Revision 1.156 2002/05/25 19:41:43 mkochano
- Release 2.
- Added desktop files for mozlilla components. I\'m fed up with starting
browser only to start mail reader.
Revision 1.155 2002/05/24 10:40:41 wrobell
- ver. 1.0rc3
Revision 1.154 2002/05/23 16:41:18 misiek
- use {_bindir} in post scripts
Revision 1.153 2002/05/22 06:32:11 kloczek
- fixed nss-devel BuildRequires rule.
Revision 1.152 2002/05/21 21:34:15 kloczek
- release 3: rebuild.
Revision 1.151 2002/05/21 08:49:46 qboosh
- support for gcc 3.1: s/--version/-dumpversion/
Revision 1.150 2002/05/21 00:20:48 kloczek
- merge ru Summary from KSI.
Revision 1.149 2002/05/20 23:31:12 qboosh
- one more missing file
Revision 1.148 2002/05/20 22:02:23 qboosh
- added missing files, now Composer and Download Manager work
- release 2
Revision 1.147 2002/05/17 15:11:48 ankry
- fixes devel pachage descriptions
- adapterized
Revision 1.146 2002/05/15 17:18:34 kloczek
- fixed Source url.
Revision 1.145 2002/05/15 17:00:09 wrobell
- ver. 1.0.rc2 (should be merged from DEVEL but it requires only s/rc1/rc2/ so...)
Revision 1.144 2002/05/11 13:06:29 blues
- some defines added (Source URL is OK now)
- removed bogus mirror entry (empty almoust)
Revision 1.143 2002/05/08 16:22:44 kloczek
- use %%{__cc} as %%{__cxx} if gcc version is 2.x.
Revision 1.142 2002/05/08 16:10:24 kloczek
- fix in %dscription -r ru for mailnews.
Revision 1.141 2002/05/08 16:00:25 kloczek
- updated to 1.0.rc1 (merge DEVEL branch to HEAD),
- merge translations from KSI.
Revision 2002/04/30 14:58:20 blues
- require full releases.
Revision 2002/04/28 16:50:45 qboosh
- libpng 1.2.2 support
Revision 2002/04/22 23:07:28 michuz
- updated %%files for gtk2
Revision 2002/04/22 20:29:42 michuz
- new BR for gtk2
- more gtk2 cond in %%install
Revision 2002/04/22 13:08:03 michuz
- fixed %%files (my fault)
Revision 2002/04/22 09:56:06 michuz
- removed outdated and applied patches
Revision 2002/04/22 09:47:05 michuz
- updated %%file and install - NFY
Revision 2002/04/21 03:02:31 wrobell
- rel. 1
Revision 2002/04/20 04:54:35 wrobell
- conditional for both gtk2 patches
Revision 2002/04/20 03:53:28 wrobell
- conditionally apply gtk2 patch
Revision 2002/04/19 20:06:04 misiek
- more gtk2 support
Revision 2002/04/19 07:24:05 wrobell
- welcome to the real world mozilla (ok, it is just 1.0.rc1, but this year
we will be happy :-)
Revision 2002/04/16 17:21:51 mmazur
- s/--enable-toolkit=gtk/--enable-toolkit-gtk/
Revision 2002/04/15 21:11:05 michuz
- typo
Revision 2002/04/15 18:10:27 kloczek
- fix building mozilla on system with installed freetype{,1}-devel.
Now all freetype1 modyfications can be revertd.
Revision 2002/04/13 22:03:25 mmazur
- added conflict with old freetype1-devel
Revision 2002/04/13 21:59:20 qboosh
- always use system not builtin nss - modified nss patch
- removed lib{smime3,softokn3,nssckbi}.so (they are in nss)
- release 0.2
Revision 2002/04/12 14:36:26 misiek
BR proper version of nss-devel
Revision 2002/04/12 11:59:14 misiek
R: nss >= 3.4
Revision 2002/04/10 13:55:25 wrobell
- it requires nss 3.4 or greater to run so fixed build requirements
Revision 2002/04/08 19:30:10 michuz
- added missing file
Revision 2002/04/08 16:08:49 michuz
- updated %%files
Revision 2002/04/08 15:13:23 michuz
- updated %%files
Revision 2002/04/08 13:06:16 michuz
- added mozilla-nss.patch (fix include path)
- removed mozilla-nspr_correct_in_nss.patch (obsolete)
Revision 2002/04/07 12:38:45 mmazur
- added version numbers to BR
Revision 2002/03/14 18:17:25 wrobell
- postscript printing is back
Revision 2002/03/14 17:59:33 wrobell
- review and sort configure options
Revision 2002/03/14 10:01:24 wrobell
- fixed build requirements
- nfy
Revision 2002/03/12 10:40:53 wrobell
- ver. 0.9.9
Revision 1.140 2002/02/25 12:01:46 qboosh
- now Provides: mozilla-embedded{,-devel} = version; release 4