Changelog for perl-gtk-Gdk-ImlibImage-0.7008-14.i586.rpm :
Wed Apr 9 14:00:00 2003 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at

$Log: perl-gtk.spec,v $
Revision 2003/04/09 15:59:09 ankry
- removed unnecessary Provides, rel. 14

Revision 2003/03/13 00:59:28 ankry
- BR: new rpm (new perl.prov), rel++

Revision 1.57 2003/02/25 00:43:23 radek
- use the __perl macro

Revision 1.56 2003/02/18 15:39:20 ankry
- massive attack: change CPAN URLs

Revision 1.55 2002/08/26 08:33:45 qboosh
- simplified: Provides in conditionally built subpackages can be unconditional

Revision 1.54 2002/08/25 19:33:00 ankry
- added \'Provides: perl(Gnome::Applet::Types)\'- required with current perlprov
- release 13, STBR

Revision 1.53 2002/08/08 09:21:32 wiget
- control-center-devel is needed if build with applets

Revision 1.52 2002/08/07 10:51:08 qboosh
- added gnome-Applet package, release 12

Revision 1.51 2002/08/06 15:13:13 qboosh
- typo in %%files

Revision 1.50 2002/08/03 17:58:45 qboosh
- fixed linking

Revision 1.49 2002/08/03 15:05:13 qboosh
- splitted into more packages (gnome-like, basing on required libraries)
- _noautoreq replaced by Provides (
* modules are provided, but
perl.prov doesn\'t find them because of different names)
- enabled Gtk::XmHTML
- release 11.1 (please test, especially gnome-dependent subpackages)

Revision 1.48 2002/07/30 21:19:02 kloczek
- release 11.

Revision 1.47 2002/07/24 00:25:37 ankry
- fixed _without_gnome / _without_gnomeprint build
- added unrecognized Provides: perl(Gnome::Print::Types),
- new %%doc
- cleaning
- release 10.3

Revision 1.46 2002/07/04 10:08:02 wiget
- added Gtk::Gdk::Pixbug, Gtk::GLArea, Gtk::GladeXML, Gnome::Print to %%files (now bins-edit-gui work)
- release 10.2 (for test and maybe split to more subpackages)

Revision 1.45 2002/05/23 11:45:35 jajcus
- fixed build-requires and more complete build

Revision 1.44 2002/05/11 14:28:14 kloczek
- s/ in Source url.

Revision 1.43 2002/02/25 10:31:50 depesz
cleanup; revision++

Revision 1.42 2002/02/22 23:29:34 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.41 2002/02/18 19:28:54 gotar
- %%desc

Revision 1.40 2002/02/13 14:15:54 depesz
automatic: Source location unified, Relase Up

Revision 1.39 2002/02/10 21:11:53 kloczek
- release 8.

Revision 1.38 2002/02/10 20:21:59 ankry
- added some (adapterized) Summary/descriptions from RH 7.2 (specpo)

Revision 1.37 2002/02/10 15:26:49 depesz

Revision 1.36 2002/02/09 12:59:38 depesz
- unified source path

Revision 1.35 2002/01/18 12:19:10 kloczek
- updated to 0.7008 (bugfix release),
- merge translations from Conectiva.

Revision 1.34 2002/01/18 02:14:34 kloczek
perl -pi -e \"s/pld-list\\\\\"

Revision 1.33 2001/05/22 09:06:50 wiget
switch to new conditional build macros (bcond_on_ -> _with_/bcond_off_ -> _without_); no release changes only simple s/// perfored

Revision 1.32 2001/05/11 00:42:36 qboosh
- _without_gnome, added conditional BuildRequires for gnome-libs-devel
- BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser, perl-XML-Writer

Revision 1.31 2001/04/30 16:05:28 kloczek
- added using %%{rpmcflags} macro.

Revision 1.30 2001/04/30 15:05:11 baggins
- updated to 0.7006
- added perl-gnome package
- added typo fix patch

Revision 1.29 2001/04/17 12:18:52 baggins
- release 3
- rebuild with perl 5.6.1

Revision 1.28 2001/04/14 18:00:11 baggins
- removed explicit requirements for perl = %%{version} and %%{perl_sitearch}
they will be added by rpm if needed

Revision 1.27 2001/01/26 04:02:47 kloczek
- removed .packlist from %%files and few cosmetics.

Revision 1.26 2001/01/25 22:33:45 mkochano
- Release 2.
- Rebuilt with perl-5.6.
- Uses new rpm automation.

Revision 1.25 2000/06/09 07:23:46 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.24 2000/05/23 18:05:26 kloczek
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.23 2000/05/02 21:05:03 baggins
- fixed including macros

Revision 1.22 2000/05/01 21:02:35 mkochano
- Removed \'BuildRequires: (XFree86|glib)-devel\' from packages which have
\'BuildRequires: gtk+-devel\'. They were redundant, beacuse \'gtk+-devel\' says
what it needs using \'Requires\'. BTW, awk rules :)

Revision 1.21 2000/04/01 11:15:34 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.20 2000/03/28 16:55:03 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.19 2000/01/01 23:00:45 kloczek
- new %%description from Mandrake spec.

Revision 1.18 1999/11/29 23:47:52 wiget
- one more BuildRequires: rule

Revision 1.17 1999/11/26 14:50:07 wiget
- %%include macros.perl

Revision 1.16 1999/09/15 00:06:31 wiget
- release 2

Revision 1.15 1999/09/14 16:58:53 wiget
- fixed BuildRequires:

Revision 1.14 1999/08/28 12:10:09 wiget
- modified for perl 5.005_61

Revision 1.13 1999/07/20 12:48:09 wiget
- switch to rpm 3.0.2

Revision 1.12 1999/07/12 23:06:12 kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %%changelog (for automating them).

Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 1999 Wojtek �lusarczyk
- updated to 0.5000,
- compressed man pages && documentation.

Sat Nov 21 13:00:00 1998 Tomasz K�oczko
- simplifications in %%files and %%install.

Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 1998 Wojtek �lusarczyk
- added pl translation,
- added build-root support,
- build against GNU libc-2.1.
- minor modyfications of spec.

Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 1998 The Rasterman
- Made it rebuild on multiple architectures (still linux only tho)
- this NEEDS to be buildrooted. not willign to do that quite yet.

Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 1998 Jeff Carr
- Turned of -O2 on the ppc version
- I\'m not sure about the LGPL part