Changelog for
rpm-4.0.5-1.i586.rpm :
Wed Jan 14 13:00:00 2004 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: rpm.spec,v $
Revision 1.355. 2004/01/14 00:29:41 kloczek
- renumerate Souces,
- added am_fixes patch (static linking rpmsort isn\'t neccessary),
- updated %files,
- removed build-tools subpackage.
Revision 1.355. 2004/01/13 15:29:59 kloczek
- pass --with-python=2.2 in configure parameters.
Revision 1.355. 2004/01/13 14:19:37 kloczek
- updated to 4.0.5.
Revision 1.355. 2003/10/26 07:11:24 kloczek
- reelase 109: added %%{__autoupdate} macro.
Revision 1.355. 2003/10/05 15:12:23 kloczek
- release 108,
- dirty hack in %install for link static rpm with static NSS modules (olny
files and dns are supported by glibc).
NOTE: automake is broken (do not recognizes -Wl,--start-group -Wl,--end-group as
linker options).
Revision 1.355. 2003/09/18 00:42:53 kloczek
- release 107: fixed find-requires script
In case when some symliks in buildroot are abisolute and points
to build system installed binaries this can cause incorrec generate requires list.
Critical example is building sendmail package which have /usr/lib/sendmail symlink to
/usr/sbin/sendmail on build system with installed postfix. Result: generated sendmail
package depends on libpostfix
* libraries.
So now find-requires have disabled checking symlinks (in some cases this can also
slightly speedup this script).
Revision 1.355. 2003/05/15 02:29:46 kloczek
- reelase 106: backport from HEAD %%__autopoint macro.
Revision 1.355. 2003/04/02 17:45:10 kloczek
- release 105: merge %%{__gettextize} macro from HEAD for allow slight move
tu rpm >= 4.1.
Revision 1.355. 2003/03/10 22:34:28 ankry
- new perl.prov, removed obsolete patches
- rel. 104 for RA-updates
Revision 1.355. 2003/02/03 00:50:41 kloczek
- added %%_gtkdocdir macro in from HEAD.