Changelog for
kernel-headers-2.2.25-3.i586.rpm :
Sun May 11 14:00:00 2003 PLD Team
All persons listed below can be reached at
$Log: kernel.spec,v $
Revision 1.363.4.7 2003/05/11 09:18:22 dzimi
- add provides for freeswan 2.00
Revision 1.363.4.6 2003/05/10 22:25:01 dzimi
- s/
Revision 1.363.4.5 2003/05/10 21:19:54 dzimi
- rel 3
- update freeswan to 2.00 (close bugs: #446 and #578 both with new
freeswan-2.00-1 package)
- fixed make depend process for %install section (build for smp without
autoconf-smp.h as autoconf.h, back to build for up, but with wright
policies for SMP builds)
Revision 1.363.4.4 2003/03/21 22:04:33 areq
- updates ow_version 2.2.25-ow1 by
Revision 1.363.4.3 2003/03/18 19:52:38 misiek
- updated; builds on i686
Revision 1.363.4.2 2003/03/18 12:57:22 misiek
- started 2.2.25
Revision 1.363.4.1 2003/03/06 13:19:54 baggins
- moved to LINUX_2_2 branch (should been done long time ago)
- cut down changelog
Revision 1.363 2003/03/01 10:09:45 dzimi
[SYNC WITH RA-branch]
- kernel 2.2.23
- rel 1
- security update:
add patch-2.2.24-rc2.bz2 (lot of security fixes)
- update owl to 2.2.23
- non-security updates:
- add htb3 support
- add ipmasq_vpn support
Revision 1.362 2003/02/28 10:07:59 trojan
- massive attack: perl -pi -e \"s/^#+\\%\\{/#\\%\\%\\{/\"
Revision 1.361 2003/01/27 00:37:36 ankry
- added non-x86 -mca.patch
Revision 1.360 2003/01/23 20:29:27 ankry
- some alpha fixes
- fix md= kernel paramater (broken by RAID autodetection)
- minor fixes
Revision 1.359 2002/12/07 14:33:06 ankry
- fix improper usage of %%{_sysconfdir}
Revision 1.358 2002/12/03 21:34:06 ankry
- cleaning
Revision 1.357 2002/11/18 12:23:55 undefine
- don\'t build bootdisk for sparc64 too
Revision 1.356 2002/11/17 20:40:49 undefine
- wrong level in patch1505
Revision 1.355 2002/11/17 20:37:06 undefine
-Patch1504: kernel-sparc64-inw_p.patch - to allow compile new ide on sparc64
-Patch1505: kernel-sparc64-egcs64.patch - to allow compile new ide with egcs64
Revision 1.354 2002/11/17 16:41:39 undefine
- linux-sparc_ide_fix.patch.2.2.19 is back :( it\'s needed on sparc64
Revision 1.353 2002/11/17 10:22:48 dzimi
- rel 6
(undefine fixes was good, that\'s why rel++)
- s/tar -zxvf %SOURCE14/tar -jxvf %SOURCE14/g
Revision 1.352 2002/11/17 01:24:32 undefine
- remove unneeded linux-sparc_ide_fix.patch.2.2.19
- don\'t build BOOT for sparc (yet)
- don\'t compile \"problem thing\'s\" on sparc
- stbr with --target=sparc on sparc (working kernel-headers are better
than nothing ;)
Revision 1.351 2002/11/16 21:54:26 dzimi
- rel 5
- security update:
add 2.2.22-security_NTfix.patch (fix lcall DoS)
- fix vesafb initialization (fonts wasn\'t compiled into the kernel)
- add rtl8139 Cardbus support (realtek_cb.o)
Revision 1.350 2002/11/01 16:43:13 dzimi
- rel 4
- add 2.2.22-skbuff_panicfix.patch witch fix panics when newheadroom is
smaller than existing headrom
Revision 1.349 2002/10/14 15:43:00 ankry
- s/rm/rm -f/g; s/mv/mv -f/g
Revision 1.348 2002/10/09 14:30:31 juandon
- prereq geninitrd >= 2.21
Revision 1.347 2002/10/09 13:14:35 kloczek
- use more macros, some cosmetics, added missing \"rm -f missing\" and use new %doc
Revision 1.346 2002/10/08 15:17:51 dzimi
- rel 3
- disable AutoDMA in configs
Revision 1.345 2002/10/01 17:31:15 kloczek
- back to rel 2.
Revision 1.344 2002/10/01 16:03:37 dzimi
- rel 3
- disable VIA chipsets
Revision 1.343 2002/09/29 15:35:38 dzimi
- rel 2
- add ide.2.2.21_update_to_2.2.22.patch witch:
o Remove support to some SiS IDE chipsets which were causing data corruption
o Remove support to some VIA IDE chipsets which were causing system hangs
o update via82cxxx.c to 3.35
o Fix wrong #ifdef in ide-pci.c: Was causing problems with FastTrak
o Remove bogus casts in ide-cd.c
o Temporary fix hpt3xx chipsets
- update OpenWall to 2.2.22-ow1
Revision 1.342 2002/09/19 20:17:55 dzimi
- remove Patch0 and Patch1 from kernel-source package
Revision 1.341 2002/09/19 13:27:38 dzimi
- kernel 2.2.22
- rel 1
- remove patch0 and Patch1
- alan said:
\"Linux 2.2.22 is primarily an errata release backporting fixes for multiple
small kernel errors found during auditing of the 2.4 code. 2.2 based users who
have untrusted local users should update to this kernel.
In addition the kernel fixes some bugs in the HDLC layer and adds support
for the newest 3ware IDE RAID cards.\"